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Conflict Of Interest

Page 7

by Gisell DeJesus

  “We see each other every day and we get along so well. We have fun together and act like kids.” Alyssa’s eyes are glowing every time she mentions Alex. “Oh and the best part, he has not tried to have sex with me. He wants to wait until we are both ready,” she says, beaming. Even though I am ready now. I promise myself to not to give it up too quickly.

  “I am so happy for you. I know how much you’ve been wanting and waiting for a guy like this. A guy who doesn't just want to take you to bed right away.”

  “I’m excited, but I would love for him to oil my motor soon. He turns me on so much it’s getting hard to wait. No pun intended,” Alyssa says with a wry grin on her face.

  “You are hilarious, Alyssa.” We both laugh hysterically.

  “Oh, Natalia, before I forget to mention, remember the other night we got disconnected on our call?” she asks, eyeing me as she continues. “Well, what I wanted to tell you was that Evan and that girl were talking to Frederic.”

  “Frederic as in your uncle, Frederic?” I ask, confused.

  “Yes, my uncle.”

  “I wonder about what?”

  “Well, that makes two of us!”

  Alyssa nods her head yes and then looks at her watch. “Oh shit. I need to get going. I have a meeting at work today.”

  “Then go. I will take care of the bill.” She threw money on the table. I saw her face mad.

  “Take the money,” I say while waving at her and finishing my bottled water. She was about to refuse until I gave her that don’t fuck with me look. “Take the money, Alyssa. Lunch is on me.”

  She smiled.

  “Thanks, Nat.”

  Evan’s POV

  Chapter 13

  It’s Sunday and it’s almost noon as I glance over to the clock on the nightstand with one eye shut. I roll to Natalia’s side and kiss her on the temple then on the side of her face. I want to wake her up gently. “Wake up, Natalia.”

  She starts complaining under her breath about leaving her alone and not wanting to get up.

  “I don’t want to wake up.” She rolls over.

  “I’m leaving to get ready in at my apartment. I’ll come and pick you up in about an hour. You need to be ready because as soon as I’m back, we have to leave for dinner at my mom’s. I should've brought clothes, but I didn't, so do not go back to sleep.” I get out of the bed. “Did you hear me?”

  “Yes. I hear you.” She covers her face with the blanket.

  “I will call you as soon I am done getting ready. I spoke to my mother yesterday to confirm this dinner date. She is ecstatic. She cannot wait to meet you.”

  She groans something inaudible. I kiss her head then leave.

  I make it back to my apartment in record time. I walk up to the door to see some flowers lying on the ground. I pick them up to see a note tied to them.

  Sorry for everything. Please forgive me.


  What the hell? I walk in my apartment and throw them on the table. I don’t have time for this shit right now. I hurry in the shower and then jump into some new clothes. As I’m walking, out I call Natalia.


  “I’m on my way back. Are you ready?”

  “Ummm. Well, I will be by the time you get here.”

  “Okay, baby, I will be there in about twenty minutes.”

  I hang up; jumping in the car and racing back to my kitten. She is outside waiting on me when I pull up. I get out of the car and help her in. Once we are ready to go, I grab her hand, kissing it sweetly.

  “Hey.” She's all smiles. “Looking sharp there Mr. She blows me a kiss and I air- catch it with my hand and I place the invisible air kiss on my lips. She loved it and I can tell when she bit her lip. You are looking like a million dollars with those dressy, black, flannel pants and that white button down shirt.”

  “Well, thank you, and you look beyond exquisite times ten yourself! My eyes melt when I see you.” I hope I do not sound like a pussy, but it’s how she makes me feel.

  “Are you nervous?” I ask her

  “A little yes I am. Tell me what your mom is like?”

  “She is a sweet lady. She is pure at heart and she will love you.”

  “Where is your dad?”

  “My father passed away ten years ago of a heart attack. She’s been alone since then.”

  “I am so sorry.” She puts a sad face.

  “I have been her life from then on.”

  “How many girls did she meet before me?”

  “None. I never cared for anyone enough to bring to my mother’s.” She looks very happy to hear that.

  “Where do you live, Evan?”

  “That’s a random question.”

  “You haven't invited me over to your house.”

  “I will get on that soon, don't you worry.” I give her my signature wink.

  We pull up outside my mother’s house and I park the car on the street. I hop out of the car and open her door and offer my hand. She gets out, still holding my hand, and we start walking to the front door using the front sidewalk. My mom is picky about her flowers.

  “Beautiful home your mom lives in.”

  “Are you ready for this?” I ask as we reach the door.

  She nods and answers, “Yes. Let’s do it, baby.

  I lean in close to her ear. “Next time, don't wear panties.” I smile wickedly.

  Her face goes red.

  I hope my mom didn’t hear that part. She opens the door with a big welcoming smile.

  “Evan.” Her arms are spread open to give me a big, tight hug. She follows for a warm hug to my Natalia.

  “Mrs. Daniels, it’s such a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Please, call me Mary. I’ve heard so much about you.” She chuckles softly. “Oh my, you have the most beautifully piercing, blue eyes I have ever seen.”

  My mom wraps her arms around her and walks her over to the living room. I look at them, noting to myself how much affection and love I have for both of these women.

  “My son has never brought a girl home before, so I know you must be special.”

  Natalia’s cheeks are turning red again. I roll my eyes at my mom’s bluntness. I just stand there, watching them enjoy each other.

  My mom gets up. “I’ll be back and dinner is almost done.”

  I walk over to Natalia, taking her hand as she stands in front of me.

  “How are you feeling?” I ask her

  “I’m feeling good. Your mother is a nice lady. I’m happy to be here with you.”

  My mother pokes her head around the corner. “The table is set. Please come into the dining room.”

  We walk in and I pull out the chair next to the one I will be sitting in. I nod and she sits down. It’s a small table with four chairs. We sit next to each other on the opposite of my mom.

  “Please start making your plates.” I dish out some food for me and Natalia. “So my son told me you are a student?”

  “Yes, at NYC. I will be graduating soon.”

  “That’s nice. Any jobs lined up for when you graduate?”

  “I am staying with the company I have been working for. I've been there a while and I hope to stay with them.

  “Smart I see. I wish you the best of luck.”

  “Thank you. You are an amazing cook.”

  “Thank you, dear. I love to cook but with just me here, I don’t do it as often as I would like.”

  We have a great conversation and the vibe felt amazing. We finish dinner and my mom spends the next hour sharing pictures and telling stories of my childhood. Natalia shares some of her childhood stories, too. Then I take her for a little tour of the house where I grew up in. Then my mom insists that we eat a piece of apple pie.

  The night, unfortunately, had to end. My mom hugs us as we say our goodbyes. As we open the door, it is down pouring outside. The rain came out of nowhere. I had to borrow an umbrella from my mother. I walked Natalia to the car, ready to go through with the rest of my plans I h
ave for us tonight.

  “Why do you look so amused?” She asks me smiling with me

  I insert the key into the ignition, but I don’t turn the key.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks me as she places her hand on my shoulder.

  I turn and look at her. In the blink of an eye, it becomes clear to me that I am in love with this woman. I have to tell her and I want to tell her how I feel right now. When you finally realize that you have found that person that, that makes everything in your life better then you cannot hide your feelings from that person.

  “I’m falling for you.”

  Her face brightens up, she blushes and that comforts me.

  “I am falling for you, too.”

  I was a relieved to hear her say those words. One thing I fear is getting my heart broken for the second time in my life.

  “I have been chasing you since I saw you in that club, I had to have you. I just knew you have to be the one. This is our beginning and I love everything about you. Tonight you are coming home with me.”

  “What? I...”



  “It’s already decided that you are coming home with me.”

  She sits back. “Don’t I have a say sometimes?”

  “Yes you do, but right now, all I want is to take you captive with me.”

  “Okay, I smile, that sounds pretty hot so I will allow it.”

  “I am glad you see it my way.”

  Natalia’s POV

  Chapter 14

  Evan Daniels is taking me to his place. My mouth flies open in pure shock; I can’t believe it. All this time trying to keep that side of him a secret and now I get to know who he really is. We stop by my place so I can grab some clothes and other things I may need. He waits in the car out in front of my building.

  I hear the rain pouring heavily through my window as I finish getting my things together. With the rain and the fact I get to spend my evening with Evan, I’m feeling very romantic this evening.

  I rush out of my room with my bags and I make our way downstairs to the car. It took about a thirty-minute drive to get to his place with this rain. The ride was sweet like always as he held my hand the entire time. I shouldn't have been so nervous, but I was. I look out the window on the drive, but I didn't get much of a view since it’s already dark. He has told me a little about where he lives and tells me it’s not much of anything, just a place to live.

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” I tell him. He chuckles and we make more small talk. He grabs my hand and places a kiss on it, making my face red like a tomato.

  We arrive and I’m looking at a gate with a tall building sitting behind it. He punches in a code and the gate opens. He pulls in and parks in a parking lot only for those who live in this building. Wow, I say in my head.

  “I am going around to open the door,” he says, opening his umbrella to get out of the car. He walks over, opening my door to help me out. He covers me with the umbrella and I hold his arm as we walk to the entrance of his building.

  Entering the building, Evan puts his umbrella in a holder by the door so it doesn’t leave water drippings along the floor. I look up to see an older man with salt and pepper hair and a navy blue uniform sitting behind a desk.

  “Hello there, Mr. Daniels. Hope you are keeping dry out there.” They both share a laugh together.

  “Yes I am, Ralph, thank you. You have a great evening, Ralph.” Evan put his hands on the small of my back and steers me toward the elevator. I notice it had eleven buttons and he presses the button to the fourth floor.

  He faces me as the elevator starts to rise, and I am getting a bit nervous. There’s was no denying that I yearn for this man. I crave his body, his touch, and the way he makes me feel. I love the way my body responds as he triggers the wild woman in me.

  He moves his head closer to the side of my face. “When you are gone away from my sight, your image is burned into my mind and it awakens every part of me, Natalia.” The tone he uses is so firm and sexy, making my pulse quicken.

  I finally let go of the air I was holding with the opening of the door to the elevator. He catches my hand and we pass by three apartments until we get to his with the number 404 embossed on the door. There are several apartments on every floor. It is a nice and clean hallway, with brown tones with wall-to-wall carpets. It’s very classy. He definitely has great style, from his way of dressing to his choice in cars.

  He gets his keys from his pocket and opens his door. He guides me in first and I look around. I’m impressed. It’s a small loft looking apartment.

  He goes straight into the kitchen as he watches my reaction. I was left there just to enjoy the view of a super clean, elegant, and sleek yet simple apartment. The kitchen has light beige marble counters and the living room is furnished with basic furniture. The apartment smelled like scented candles.

  It’s making me excited to be here at this very moment. This is part of Evan’s private side that I was curious to know. Little by little, he is letting me in. I feel very special and I tell him just that.

  “So what are these looks for?” he asks while walking toward me with a drink and hands it to me.

  “I like the simplicity of it all. I also like that you are sharing more and more of your life with me.”

  “You like it? What is not to like? It is a beautiful place. Maybe one day it can be yours, too.”

  I feel the heat on my face.

  “Follow me,” he says, so I did and he opens the door to his room. He flicks the lights on and my eyes automatically went to his queen size bed. His room smelled clean and was a masculine space with no decor on walls—just bed, night table, and a dresser.

  There was a rose on the one side of the bed. He walks over to pick it up and walks back over to give it to me. “This is for you.” He stands right in front of me, gazing at my eyes.

  “I knew you were spending the night, so I grabbed a rose when I left your apartment earlier today.”

  “How were you so sure I wouldn’t have said no?”

  “I wanted you here with me tonight and I was going to do whatever it took.”

  His hands move under my hair as he closes his eyes and presses his forehead against mine. He cups the side of my face and breathes me in. Our lips are so close but not quite touching, just close to each other’s. Our eyes locked on each other, not blinking. Our chemistry is indescribable. A feeling I can't describe, but I know it’s mutual. He holds me there for a long time before he releases me slowly. He walks toward the bedroom door.

  “I am glad you are here with me,” he says, smiling

  I smile back. “I wouldn't have it any other way.”

  “Evan?” I turned to where he was.

  “Yes, love?”

  “How many women have been here?”

  “Does it matter?” He walks over to me and I feel him getting closer and closer.

  “I’m just wondering,” I say as I cross my arms over my chest, feeling a little uncomfortable.

  I ask inappropriate questions sometimes. I can't help but feel a little bit of jealousy. I mean, I know he isn’t a virgin by any means when I met him and it was before me. But that damn one-eyed green monster likes to rear its head.

  I look at him, getting lost in his eyes. He is truly sexy and his eyes are filled with lust. My mind has gone to mush. He uncrosses my arms with his powerful hands and brings my hands to his lips. He kisses each and every one of my fingers one by one while staring at me. What is this man doing to me? For every kiss he gives me, I whimper as everything tightens, as the sexual tension builds faster and faster.

  “There isn't a single part on my woman’s body that shouldn’t go un-kissed or untouched,” he says as he begins kissing up my arms. His eyes turn dark and intense. I have to break the moment so I pull away and back up a little. I’m beginning to feel different. Confused.

  “Are you okay, baby?”

  “Yes, just tired.” I try to look as normal as possibl

  “Come here and give me a kiss then.”

  No matter how controlling and demanding he is, I decide to only give in if he works for it.

  “No,” I shriek and I run in the opposite direction. He quickly grabs and a scream escapes me while he starts tackling me.

  “Give me a kiss, woman.” His voice changes to a deep, monster-ish voice. We fall to the floor laughing until he holds my head still and gets a serious look on his face. The silliness ends with a passionate kiss on the floor. He stands up and pulls me up with him.

  “Let’s go to bed, woman.”

  We make our way to the bedroom to call it a night. He takes all his clothes off but his boxers, getting comfortable and climbing into the bed. All I have on are my panties and the shirt I stole from him.

  I climb into bed and cuddle up to him, tossing my leg over his. My hand goes around his waist and I rest my head over his chest. We fell asleep just like that.


  I wake up with Evan on top of me and inside me. My eyes barely opening and still half-asleep I see his eyes full of hunger. He looks sexier than ever in the morning with his hair tousled from all night sleeping on it.

  “Wow, is this my wake-up call?” I say, speaking barely above a whisper.

  “You don't mind, do you?” He bites his lip while sliding in and out. “You feel so good and I can’t help but want you so bad in every way.”

  He feels so good inside me. We both got lost in ecstasy. Morning sex can be my wake-up call any day.

  A few orgasms later, I feel wide-awake and ready to go about my day.

  “You were beautiful this morning,” He says while nibbling on my neck. “Your moans drive me psychotic.”

  “Well, thank you. I love being frisked in the morning by you.”

  “That’s how it’s going to be from now on. Always by me and then next time, I am going to handcuff you to my headboard and strip you down.”

  “Yes, sir!” We both chuckle.

  “I am serious, Natalia.”

  “I know, Evan.”

  He smirks.

  He is unraveling my every being. I keep trying to fight back the deep emotions that I am starting to feel for him.


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