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Conflict Of Interest

Page 12

by Gisell DeJesus

  “Another glass of whiskey,” he calls out to the bartender. “Look at you Evan; what's up with you?”

  I pick up a pool stick and hit a ball into the hole. I still got it. “Not too much. Work, work, and more work. What about you?”

  “Same here. Working hard but playing harder.”

  I laugh, “I bet you are.”

  “Well, you know I love the ladies. How about you? You always have someone on the side. What about Marissa?” he asks.

  Sighing, I say, “Marissa and I are no more. It never started. I have one woman in my life now.”

  “Evan Daniels has one woman? Has hell frozen over.”

  I stand there smiling.

  “Oh shit it has.”

  “I guess so. I am in…”

  “You are what, Evan? In love?” He smacks me across my arm. I just smile bigger. “No way. You? I never thought you would ever be here again after your relationship with who know who.” I know exactly whom he is talking about. I had a bad relationship a long time ago and I promised myself not to fall for anyone else, although I never told the other girl that I loved her. This information Natalia doesn't know. Her name is Sophia and she is Bryan’s sister. It was a long time ago, but she really broke my heart. It was my first love and it took me a long time to get over it, but I did. Years later, I see Natalia and I am in love again.

  “Love caught me off guard, but when you meet her, you will agree that she is amazing.”

  “I’m happy for you, my brother, and wish you the best,” said he says.

  “How is your sister by the way?” I ask curiously.

  “She’s good. She is engaged to some douche she claims to love.”

  We continue playing pool. Several whiskeys and few hours later, we are not walking in a straight line anymore. We leave the bar, walking outside. “Where are you staying at, your mom’s?” I ask him.

  “Yeah, man. Call me. I want to get together again before I have to leave.” He waves to me and then leaves. Clearly, he is drunk as me. Trying to focus and getting my keys out of my pockets to start my ignition, I head to Natalia’s.

  Ringing the doorbell twice, the door opens with a big beautiful smile. Alyssa was right next to her. “Two women greeting me, how lucky am I?” I say.

  I must have given away that I was drunk. “Are you okay?” Natalia asks.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I just had a few drinks.” I kiss her on her lips.

  “You smell like a liquor bottle.” She waves her hand across of her nose. “No wine for you tonight.”

  I lift my hands. “I'll pass for tonight.”

  Alyssa chugs the last of her wine already in the glass and picks up her things. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Nat. Bye, Evan.” She laughs. “Behave you two.”

  “I will see you later Aly,” I say as she leaves.

  I was staring at Natalia and was in a daze with her movements. Natalia moves so gracefully and so sensually. Her hair swinging from side to side when she walks along with her sexy, curvy hips. She has shorts and tank top on.

  She catches me staring. “What are you staring at?” She smiles. She was staring back at me, but her stare was not like usual. It was dark and intense.

  “Come here.” I sit back, giving her an invitation to sit on my lap.

  She slowly walks over while playing with her hair on the side. She stretches one leg over and puts her knee on one side of my leg, stretching the other knee to the other side. We are face to face now. She places her palms over my chest and cups my neck. She kisses me and we both kiss like we were starving for each other.

  My hands grabbed her hips and then her ass cheeks. I start squeezing them. I feel her pussy grinding on my hard dick. With heavy breathing and moans, we suddenly start taking our clothes off. It was going to happen now.

  Still with our mouths intact, I say, “I want you to ride me now.”

  She stands up to pull my pants down so my dick is free. She climbs back over on top of me and grabs my dick so she can put her entrance on it as it slid down slowly. She was wet for me. She was ready. She wanted this as much or more than I did.

  My big cock is inside her and she is riding me up and down while I give her beautiful breast attention. Her breasts were a good handful and were aroused with swollen nipples that I bit gently and sucked on. She was moaning and riding me faster. Her orgasm is building; I can tell by her moans. I flip her body over and I fuck her. She couldn't wait and came with a force. I was in it and I kept a hard-on for a very long time. I kept fucking her until she literally begged me to stop.

  I can see the pleading look in her eyes. Her pussy had to be swollen and hurting. I did reach my end with her, but there will be more soon, I told her. She was in pain but a good pain. I know because of the smile she just gave me.

  “I’m not done with you yet.”

  “Okay, Evan, but just so you know, your dick is by no means on the small size. I feel ripped down there.” I laugh. “It is not funny.” She throws her sofa pillow at me. “And you stink like hard liquor. Where were you?”

  “My best friend came in from California for a few days and I met him for a drink and some pool.”

  “That’s nice.”

  “You will meet him soon. I already told him about you.”

  “Did you? What did you say?”

  “That you are an amazing girl.” I hold her closer. “And I am in love with you.”

  I saw her face turn red. I lifted her chin with my two fingers. I almost begged her to say with my eyes, but I don't want to pressure her. I want it to come out naturally, so I just kiss her instead.

  Natalia's POV

  Chapter 23

  “I cannot believe it is almost time for graduation,” I tell Evan as I am putting on my earrings in front of the bathroom mirror this morning.

  “Hmm,” is all he says. I’m standing there looking at him through the mirror wondering if he actually heard what I said. He’s too busy brushing his sexy body against my ass as he is kissing my neck right down my right shoulder. I can feel his breath against my back and he's making me break out with goose bumps all over my skin. It feels amazing.

  I smile at him when I see him looking at me through the mirror. I turn myself around to kiss him,

  “I have to go. School is almost over and I promise I'll have more morning time for you.”

  He gives me a sideways smile and steps aside. I begin to walk but immediately began to feel lightheaded. I stop my steps and reach my arm for the wall to balance me out.

  “Are you okay?” he asks with a panicked voice.

  Smiling and shaking my head, I say, “Yeah I'm good. I just need some food. I'm starving.”

  “Come with me.” He takes me with him as he walks over to the kitchen and hands me a glass of orange juice. “Drink,” he demands.

  He's looking down at me with those dark eyes that mean business. I take a big sip and hand him the cup. He looks at the cup with juice still in it. “All of it. You are not leaving this apartment without drinking every drop.”

  “Fine.” I chug the rest of it and make a sour face. “I prefer coffee this early.”

  He takes the cup not commenting on my remark and puts it in the sink. I go back to my room to get the rest of my things. “Control freak,” I whisper to myself.

  “You need to make an appointment with the doctor today and I'll take you,” I hear him say from across the room.

  “I'm okay, Evan.”

  “Well, just to make sure you are okay, you are going. Damn, baby, you were sick two nights ago and I didn’t like it. So we are going.”

  I stand in front of him, saluting him. “Yes sir!”

  He also keeps on insisting on dropping me off instead of letting me walk to school since it's literally around the corner from my apartment. He drives me insane, but that's Evan. He is my overprotective boyfriend. “Don't forget to make the appointment,” he shouts as I am walking toward the school building. Heads start turning due to the yelling he just did; I lower my head. How

  I'm sitting in class and watch Mr. Suarez, my math teacher, scribbling another equation on the board. They are starting to look like another language to me. Aren't we almost done and graduating? Of course, I am, but there's so many grade mixes in this class. I have to put up with this for another two weeks. The end is almost near.

  My four years of college has really gone by so quickly. It hasn't been easy, but I made it and am the happiest girl on earth.

  “Are you with us?” Mr. Suarez points at me.

  I jump a little in my seat. “Yes, I am,” I say as I pick up my pen from on top of my notebook in front of me and continue writing notes. Well, I pretend to write notes when I go back to daydreaming.

  What the hell was wrong with me lately? I got sick the other night. It came out of the blue, but Evan took so good care of me then and this morning when I got dizzy. I bet it is from the stress and excitement of graduating. My daily diet has not been that good to begin with. I’ll just make an appointment to my doctors to make sure it’s just that.

  Right before class was over; I sent a text to Aly to meet her between classes. Once class was over, I hauled ass out of the classroom to find her waiting on me. She is jolly today and looking like a fashionista. She has a cute little dress on with dainty sandals and her hair with soft curls. In her hair, she has one those designed headbands that go across the forehead.

  I walk over to where she is and have a seat beside her. “Hey, bitch.”

  Smiling, she says, “Hey, sweetness.”

  “You are not going to believe where Alex is taking me after graduation?” Her eyes were beaming with happiness.

  “I have no idea. Where?”

  “He is taking me to his family's house for a week.”

  “That is a huge step, Aly. I am so excited for you. I really am.” She deserves all the happiness in the world.

  “I know and in two weeks, too; so soon. We will be finishing school and I will be meeting my boyfriend’s parents.”

  I hug her. “Don’t look so freaked. It’s going to be all right. They will love you.”

  “You’re right. You ready to start walking to class?”

  I nod my head. “You coming over tonight?”

  “Yes. It will be a little after seven.”

  “Okay. I will see you then.” She turns off to walk the rest of her way to class.

  The rest of the day was uneventful at school besides my thoughts being everywhere but where they should have been. Now it’s time for work. I hope I can do my job today since apparently I can’t focus on anything else.

  As soon as I walk in to the office, the manager’s assistant, Laura, greets me, “Hey, Natalia. I need you to meet me in my office in five minutes.”

  “Okay. I will be there.”

  She smiles and walks back where she came from. I put my bag in my desk drawer and lock it up. I fix my clothes with my hands removing any wrinkles or any dust it I might have on them and meet with her.

  I hear Laura’s voice, but then hear more people talking. I knock twice on the door. “Come in,” she says.

  I see James Knox sitting next to her as I glance over to see who the other voice was. He is the owner of the company and damn he is a good-looking man. I never met him but see him wandering around once in a while. For him to be here, this has to be good news. I hope at least.

  “Come in; close the door.” I walk in, closing the door behind me. “Have a seat.” She motions with her hand for me to sit. Laura is the nicest boss you can ever work for. She is somewhere in her forties and tall, slender, and always wearing a well-kept old-fashioned hair twist.

  “Hi, Natalia.” Laura joins her hands and crosses her fingers together as she speaks. “Mr. Knox and I would like to congratulate you first as we know you have your graduation coming up.”

  “Thank you,” I say, smiling.

  “Mr. Knox and I have come together to offer you a position that has come open and we think you are the best candidate for the job. This position will open doors for you. The position that has opened up is a paralegal assistant for me. We would love for you to accept the position.”

  I almost fell out of the chair. “I cannot believe this, and yes, I accept the offer.” I stand up, wanting to jump up in excitement but I don’t. I am so happy. The happiest I have ever been, well, almost as happy as when I met Evan.

  They both stand up and walk over to shake my hand and Laura says, “We will get together in the next few weeks to proceed with this offer and settle you in.”

  “Congratulations, Natalia.”

  He almost reminds me of Evan. He is tall with dark hair and dark eyes and good-looking but not as good-looking as Evan.

  “Thank you again for this great opportunity,” I say, leaving the room and start to struggle a little getting my hand back. He still has a nice tight grip on my hand. I didn’t make any eye contact him. I was hoping he wasn't flirting so I didn't want to give him the reason to believe I was interested.

  My knees feel like they are shaking as I walk to my front desk. I couldn't hold the greatest news so I called my mom and dad. Luckily, my dad had a few minutes to spare in between patients.

  “We are proud of you, honey.”

  “Thank you, Daddy. I will be seeing you guys in two weeks.”

  “All right, sweetie. I love you.”

  “Love you, too, Daddy.”

  The line goes dead. I miss them dearly and they couldn't be any happier for me. I need to get work done but not before sharing this to Evan, so I send him a text.

  Nat: I have great news. I have been offered a job after graduation in my company. Want to celebrate with me tonight?

  Evan: Congratulations that is great news. Let’s celebrate at our apartment. Pick you up at 7.

  Nat: Where is OUR apartment at? I’m confused.

  Evan: My apartment will be OUR apartment soon, and the anticipation is killing me.

  I am about to fall out of my seat. Is he saying what I think he is saying?

  Nat: Is that so? I am not sure about that.

  Evan: You will see. Don't work too hard and see you soon.

  Is he insinuating that he wants me to move in? Is he asking me? Does he want me to? So soon? Oh, Evan, what am I going to do with his controlling self. I throw my cell in my bag and continue my workday. I start my everyday paperwork.

  Hours go by quick when I get busy. Five minutes before clocking out, I get my bag and take my makeup mirror out. I comb my straight hair and apply lip-gloss. I hope he is outside the building waiting for me.

  I hear food steps, and then I see someone’s shadow over the desk above my mirror. “You ready?”

  Instantly, the voice is familiar. It’s Evan. My butterflies have woken up. “Hey, I thought you were going to be waiting outside,” I say while putting everything away and signing off the computer.

  “I wanted to come and pick you personally to see where you work. I see it’s very nice; professional environment.”

  I walk around the desk, noticing his smile and his lust- filled eyes. His hands push back the hair on my neck and he grabs it and kisses me on the lips. I have to stand on the tips of my toes. He releases me and I bit my lip as his lips were still on it.

  I feel my pussy talking to me. It is saying, grab this man and shove him on the top of the desk and fuck the hell of out him. This man consumes everything when he’s with me.

  “You want me, don't you?” He asks. I don't answer. He knows I do. Maybe. He laughs a cocky laugh like he knows what I am thinking. “You are begging me with your eyes and you want me to take you here over the desk right now?”

  That’s it; my panties are wet. He comes closer to me. I panic when he’s going for another kiss. I stop him, placing my hand on his chest.

  “This is not a good idea.”

  He smiles. “I know.”

  I start walking to leave and he reaches for me.

  “Relax, baby. Maybe not today, but it will be another day.”

, do not be crazy.”

  He cracks up and we walk out. I’m still shaken at the thought that he was about to fuck the hell out of me on the desk. Thank God he didn’t.

  We drive to the Ice Cream Parlor. I was in the mood for ice cream before we get home.

  “Of course, ice cream is my best friend.”

  He picks a plain vanilla cone and I pick plain vanilla with sprinkles. We sit on the bench outside to eat our ice cream. His hand is on my knee at all times and I love those sweet touches he gives me. He glances at me and I start to wonder what's on his mind. I’m so edgy tonight. I just start the talking.

  “How was your day?”

  “My day was busy.”

  I see him smiling, but he is admiring the view around us. I also see the way his tongue is licking that cone and it’s doing things to me. I smile, too, but I’ll keep that to myself.

  “What are you smiling about?” I ask him.

  He looks at me, finishing his cone with his hand behind me on the bench. He then turns his body to me. Oh boy, is this about to get serious.

  “I have seen many faces in this world and none of them caught my attention like yours. You are in my mind every second of the day. I feel like I’m in a dream. I think of the future and all I see is you. You own my heart, Natalia. I want to own yours.”

  Silence all I hear then. I feel my mouth open but nothing. Then my eyes are on him. I hear the cars driving and the people talking around me. I hear the kids laugh and I hear my heart beating out of my chest. The vanilla ice cream was melting on my fingers and hands and that’s when I snapped out of it. I started licking and he went to get some napkins.

  He helps me clean up. He even licked one of my fingers seductively as he looks at me. He savored that finger to the tip. “Come on, let’s go.”

  We are walking toward the car when he says, “I cooked and have a bottle of wine ready for us.” He winks. “We are celebrating your new promotion. I hope you like shrimp pasta with Alfredo sauce and garlic bread on the side.”


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