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Saving Georgia

Page 19

by Kristin Flynn

  “OK, Harper is asking for another knock out” Jenn starts to walk off, before someone grabs her wrist.

  “She is not worth your time,” a voice rings clear into my head. Jason, and he sounds mad. “I will deal with this in the morning.”

  Suddenly I see tons of red and blue lights swirling by, I looked up and everyone else saw me looking and turned their heads to the lights on the horizon.

  “Must be a car accident,” Jason shrugs it off. Wrapping an arm around my waist he leads me to the gym.

  “Everyone thinks I am a slut.” I pant, frantically.

  “I’m going to set them straight, Shane and I both.” Jason promises me.

  “Damn straight, sweetheart. No one is going to think that of you, I promise. Nick and I will handle it.” Shane tilts my chin up to look him in the eye to understand the magnitude of his statement. I can see Nick behind him, nodding in agreement.

  “I so want to kick her ass.” Jenn is seething, and I think she might even be foaming at the mouth.

  “Let’s go get your crown.” And, all my worries are dissipating.

  “Mind if I get my date back there, bro?” Shane speaks up, sliding his arm around me where Jason’s was. Frowning Jason steps down and lets Shane escort me the rest of the way.

  “Jason, what do you mean by ‘let’s go get my crown’?” I stop and turn to him. Shane frowns and sighs, shoving his hands into his pockets.

  “They called your name, beautiful.” Jason looks at me, running his hands through his gorgeous golden hair.

  “They did?” I blink.

  “Yes. Right as you stepped onto the pavement. Boy scouts honor.” Jason shrugs, walking right past us. “Oh, and by the way, that makes me your King.” He winks at me. From the corner of my eye I see Shane rolling his eyes.

  Our group made our way back into the Prom and I hesitantly got up on the stage and received my crown. Of course there was lewd comments made and I had to beg Shane not to rip a few guys heads off, but in his defense Jason was no better.

  Jason and I took to the dance floor and did our King and Queen dance, swaying back and forth to Norah Jones’s sultry voice singing “Come away with me”.

  “I can’t believe how beautiful you look tonight” Jason lowers his mouth to my ear.

  “I thank you” I blush, dropping my head to his shoulder. I know Shane is watching and I don’t want it to be too intimate, however my body’s natural reaction is to devour Jason completely.

  I see Jenn resting against Nick’s body, looking as happy and content as could be and my heart bursts with love for her. I am so happy she is finally happy herself.

  “Come home with me tonight. Please.” Jason runs his hand down to the small of my back, my skin prickling with goose bumps.

  “I came with Shane, I should leave with him.” I whisper against his jacket.

  “I understand. But please believe I am going to find you tonight and kiss you while you’re dressed like this.”

  My heart races. That’s so… hot.

  “Oh.” I try to keep my composure, but I can feel the sweat beading off my hands.

  The song stops and Jason and I are staring at each other, neither of us wanting to let go of this moment and I finally took the initiative to go back to Shane.

  “Hey sweetheart. Did you have fun?” Shane wraps his arms around me and kisses me right below my ear.

  “Mmm.” I whisper into his hair.

  “What do you say we go ahead and get you home?” Shane whispers along my bare shoulder, gently scratching his teeth against my exposed skin. I slightly let a soft moan out from my parted lips.

  “That sounds wonderful.” I coo.

  In one swift motion Shane raises his arms in the air to signal to Nick and Jenn to follow suit. We make our way to the limo and drive off into the twilight, homeward bound; leaving our pasts and misfortunes behind us. The future is uncertain, though the school thinks I have a tendency for promiscuity, that’s a reputation I can face in the morning. My friends are behind me, and I know I am not alone, with them I can face anything. I wonder if Jason is really going to swing by.

  Chapter 15

  Quiet at last. My heart is still thumping a mile a minute. Jenn stayed out with Nick, I have no idea when they will be home. Mr. and Mrs. Hyde are out gallivanting around I’m sure. Jason texted me a while ago and he should be here any moment, my Prom King. I’m nervously pacing back and forth, anticipating his deep blue eyes, his lips brushing against mine. Gosh is he sexy.

  It’s eleven thirty and he isn’t here yet. He said he wants to kiss me as dressed up as I am. Suddenly the familiar headlights come into my vision, and my smile creeps across my face. He showed up! He made good on his word. He said he would be here and he is here; he didn’t let me down! I started running to his truck, and he jumps out running right to me. In a big swooping motion he picks me up and spins me around, and holds me by the top of my thighs where it meets my bottom.

  “I’ve waited forever for this.” Jason looks deep into my eyes, my hands caressing his cheeks.

  “Are you just going to look at me or are you going to kiss me?” I pant breathlessly. As soon as I said that, his lips met mine with so much passion and fervor that my heart felt like it was going to burst within my chest. The longing in my lower regions is on fire, and I know that there is no way it will be sated, unless I have another long, hot shower.

  “You came back for me Jason.” I run my fingers through his hair.

  “I’ll always come find you, always.” Jason kissed the corner of my mouth, and then the top of my forehead and that has to be the single sweetest gesture I’ve had yet to date. Gosh I love him. “Baby, I have something for you.” He lowered me down to my feet, and grabs my wrist and suddenly he is clasping something dainty and sparkly on it. “Now you’ll always have my heart”.

  A tiny, silver or white gold, I’m not sure, bracelet is hanging from my wrist. On it is a chain of three hearts, and a Coach pendent. “Coach?” I ask him.

  “Nothing but the best for my girl.” He smiled.

  “Three hearts?” I ask, looking up at him confused. Surely he doesn’t mean the love triangle conundrum.

  “You have my heart now, you have my heart for forever, and you have my heart for always.”

  “Jason…” I look up at him, tears stinging my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck. “Thank you, it’s beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you’re happy with it, because I plan on spoiling you.” Jason grabs my hand and kisses first my palm, then my knuckles.

  “You don’t need to spoil me, just kiss me and make me feel like a princess.” I smile up at him, convinced that the heat from my cheeks gave way to the idea for infrared cameras. I laugh to myself, finding my inner monologue amusing.

  “Georgia that is one request that I will gladly fill over and over again.” Jason traces my cheek down behind my ear and along the length of my neck. His lips sweep across mine then glide back over again like silk cascading down ice. His lips manipulate mine, encouraging them to part to grant his velvety tongue access into my warm and wanting mouth. Permission granted. I let out a bereft moan, and that’s all he needed to hear. In one fell swoop I’m back in his strong arms; gosh he is built like an Ox! I run my hands up and down his toned arms, feeling every inch of his muscles as I possibly can.

  “Georgia you’re killing me here,” Jason pants. His breath is labored like my own, and his chest is rising and falling much like a peacock puffing his chest out, showing his pride. “If you don’t stop… I swear I’m going to rip this dress off you and take you here in this driveway.”

  “Jason…” His name came out more as a resistance than a plea. “As magical as this moment is, and as much as every fiber in my body is begging me to tell you yes, you and I both know the next time I wake up, I will regret that decision.”

  Hanging his head like he had been defeated, he nods and walks us to the front porch swing. “I cannot wait until we get to share a moment like that. I have
a feeling with you; it’ll be nothing short of magical. You steal my breath with every kiss, you stop my heart with every touch, and I can only imagine what making love to you would do to my body.” Jason runs his hands up his face, and into his hair. God, I love running my fingers in his hair. Why didn’t I just say yes, and let him take me?

  “You have the same effect on me. I have this need for you to touch me, and when you’re not I need to be as close to you as possible.”

  “What have I told you before, Georgia?” Jason turns his head to look at me.

  “You’ve told me tons of things, in which are you referring to?” I smile up at him, knowing that my wise remark wouldn’t go unnoticed.

  “With you, the only place I want to be is closer.” I stand corrected, wise remark ignored. His chiseled features are stone-cold serious and I could see the look of defeat in his eyes. This boy is hopelessly, irrevocably and unfailingly in love with me. Holy crap.

  “I want to hear you say it.” I whisper under my breath.

  “Say what?” Jason cups my face in his hands.

  “Tell me you’re in love with me.” I beg him, my eyes searching his for some type of confirmation, what I am unsure. But there’s something that I am looking for, and once I see it I will know it. The pain in his eyes are unmistakable his hands are shaking and I feel the hesitation radiating from his body.

  “I’ve told you before…” Jason mutters under his breath, his eyes searching mine.

  “You’ve told me you love me before, but you can love anything. It’s being in love that’s the difference. So tell me, I need to hear it, I need to feel it… tell me you’re in love with me, because that is the world of the difference. I’ve felt used, undeserving and disposable in my life, but with you I feel challenged, confident and beautiful. Jason I’m begging you, please tell me you’re in love with me.”

  “Georgia, there’s nothing short of remarkable when it comes to you. I want to give you the world. And for the record, I am in love with you and you fully know that. You just want to hear it, and you deserve to hear it of every second of every minute, of every hour of every day. For the rest of your life you deserve to feel loved. But I know that no matter how much I love you and how much you love me, there’s always going to be him in the background, waiting for me to mess up to take my place. We need to figure this out, just you and me. We deserve to give this a shot; I want us to have a shot without him, without any games because you are what guides me and makes me feel worthy to be on this earth here with you, when I fully know that I am not.”

  I was right. He is in love with me and my heart is beating a mile a minute and at this very moment I want nothing more than to throw my cares into the wind and say to hell with it. This boy throws me off kilter and I love him for it. Without thinking, or any hesitation I lift his chin to mine and let our lips provoke each other’s, coaxing access to each other’s mouths so our tongues can intertwine. He tastes of mint and of Jason. If the Good Lord saw fit to strike me down now, I’d die a happy girl. This is one night that I will forever bear a beautiful and emotional scar from. Thank you Jesus.

  “Why can’t you say it?” Jason whispers into my breath, his forehead resting on mine, his hands fisted deep in my hair.

  “Because you’re right; even if I admit it, he’s still there lurking deep in my heart. I need to be fair to both of you, and right now I don’t know how to be. Give me more time, and come graduation I will make a decision.” A single tear rains down my face, and Jason wipes it away with his thumb.

  “That’s an answer I can work with.” Jason kisses the corner of my mouth and stands. “I’m going to head home. Goodnight beautiful.”

  “Goodnight Jason.” I stand and put my hand on the knob. I turn and enter the house and make my way upstairs. I undo my dress and let it fall to the floor and step out of it. I un-pinned my hair and let the crazy curls fall where they may. I walked into the bathroom and took off my makeup and stepped into the shower. Today is the start and end of it all. I got out and took some of my sleeping medicine and went to bed, snuggled up in Shane’s old t-shirt and some cotton shorts, cuddled up to my cat with a big smile on my face. God, I hope that Jenn is okay. I know there are tons of cops out there and I hope they don’t get a speeding ticket. Wonder what those sirens were earlier?


  I woke up to a quiet house. Jenn is still asleep in her bed, wonder what time she came home. Mr. Hyde is out in the barn working on who knows what. Mrs. Hyde left breakfast on the island. I love that woman! Fresh muffins and fruit, major score! After I devoured my tummy yumminess and I padded back up to my room to finish working on a new song before I have to meet up with Shane and Misty. Graduation only a week away we needed as much work as possible, especially by Misty’s standards.

  I’ve gotten about two verses done by the time my cell starts buzzing.

  Stop the racket. I’m trying to sleep.


  I laughed and I knew exactly what I was going to do next. I stood up and got a pillow off my bed and quietly tip toed down to Jenn’s room and threw open the door, chucked the pillow at her and made a mad dash back to my room.

  “Georgy!” Jenn hollers after me and she huffs and stomps after me. I can’t stop laughing and then when I see her in my doorway, her hair a beautiful mess I see she is in Nick’s dress shirt from Prom.

  “Jenn did you…?” my jaw drops open. I am unable to finish my sentence. How can I condemn her for something I was willing to do myself a few times over with different guys at that? However I still held true to my virtue. I don’t know what to make of this and honestly I don’t want to know. I’m not ready to know and it’s quite frankly it’s not any of my business. This is between her, Nick and God. Blinking I look away.

  “Georgy… No. I didn’t. Came close… but Nick is the one who wants to wait.” Jenn smiles. “But that doesn’t mean we didn’t do other things.” She looks like the Cheshire cat who ate the canary.

  “I don’t need to know.” I pout.

  “Good because I’m probably going to tell you anyways.” Jenn laughs, turns on her heels and walks back into her room. “Take your stupid pillow back!” and with a thud my pillow is in my doorway.


  After lunch the three of us got together and hashed out for our last rehearsal.

  “Georgia you’ve mastered that tempo and I’m impressed with your voice range. You’ve been practicing.” Misty compliments me. That hardly ever happens.

  “Thank you. I have been.” I say, proudly. I’m glad she took notice.

  Shane smiles and nods. He knows how hard I’ve been working to master this song. I’m glad he seems pleased with the outcome I have. I think we’re really going to rock the joint with the songs we’ve chosen. I just can’t wait until all this mess is over with.

  “How’s the car holding up?” Shane asks me, strumming a few chords on his guitar.

  “Elsie is great!” I smile big, and she has been. She made it out here to Misty’s place no problem.

  “Good I am glad.” He puts his guitar down and walks over to me. “Can we talk for a bit?” Shane asks.

  “Umm, yeah sure. Misty are we done here?” I ask, looking over Shane’s shoulder.

  “Yeah I think we’re great. Just keep practicing and we’ll be good come graduation. Let’s meet at the school a little early to make sure we’re all on point, k?”

  “Sounds good, we’ll be there.” Shane answers for us, never breaking eye contact.

  “Everything okay, Shane?” I ask while walking to my car to deposit my guitar.

  “You tell me. After the prom you didn’t kiss me, you didn’t ask me to stay. There wasn’t the same chemistry as there could have been. As it was and as I am feeling it now.” Shane pins me back against my car.

  My pulse is elevated and I am certain that the heat I feel prominent on my cheeks is visible to him. He is right, it wasn’t there at Prom. I wanted Jason more than him that night; will it always be like that? But here wit
h Shane now I feel that drop on my belly and the ache between my thighs.

  “Shane I don’t know what to tell you… last night was a little stressful for me in many ways. I was thrown off kilter and…”

  Shane cuts me off and lifts me to sit on the trunk of my car. My legs are wrapped around his waist and my fingers are holding on for dear life on his shirt. His strong callous hands skim every inch of my skin like he was reading braille. This feeling is so natural and real, but my heart although is open to him, admitting my love for him will just hurt what Jason and I have, and in the long run I know Shane will cradle my heart like a newborn baby – but the risk of him shattering it is what holds me back. It’s what makes me afraid to let him have that power over me and I see him flourish with power day in and day out. The brute-ness of his body, his know-how mechanically, his athletic talent and new-found sexual prowess scares me to no end to let him hold my heart. I’ve invested so much into him emotionally – giving him that part of me is going to be the hardest and easiest thing I ever do.

  His hand lifted and squeezed my bottom, my hands still hold onto his shirt and I’m bereft. His teeth skate across the skin on my chin and his mouth finds mine. He tastes of Shane and smells like sex on legs.

  “Why won’t you just be with me? I’m your natural path.” Shane exhales deeply.

  “Shane, please don’t push me.” I beg him, leaning my forehead against his. I sigh and clench my eyes shut, fighting back tears. Why is this so hard? Why can’t I admit I’m in love with him?

  “I’m sorry sweetheart, I didn’t mean to.” Shane whispers, his country accent thick with worry. I finger my mother’s necklace around my neck. This is impossible.

  “I need to go. I need to go home. I have to think.” I hop off my trunk and rush to the driver’s door. I shove the key in the ignition and floor it. I see Shane in my rearview window, ringing his hands through his hair. He kicks the dirt and stomps off to his truck.


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