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Prince of Wales Island Gazette
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Lectures. Papers, Dissertations
Gallop, Annabel Teh ‘Illumination: the Art of the Malay Letter’ University of Sidney June 2007
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Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogues
Archer, Mildred, and John Bastin The Raffles Drawings in the India Office Library, London 1978
Noltie, Henry J. Raffles’ Ark Redrawn: Natural History Drawings from the Collection of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles Botanic Garden, Edinburgh 2009
Polunin, Ivan and Kwa Chong Guan with introduction by John Bastin The William Farquhar Collection of Natural History Drawings Goh Geok Khim 2 vols 1999
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Bullough, Nigel ‘The Minto Stone: its History and Significance and a Plan for its Restitution’ Internet post 3 May 2005 Hannigan, Tim ‘Sultans, Sepoys and Englishmen: Stamford Raffles and the Invasion of Java’
List of Illustrations
Frontispiece: Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (1781–1826), by James Lonsdale, (1777–1839): Private Collection/The Bridgeman Art Library
Colour plate section
1. Portrait of Raffles by George Francis Joseph (1817) (© National Portrait Gallery)
2. Raffles’ father Captain Benjamin Raffles (private collection)
3. A drawing of his mother Anne, courtesy of the Trustees of the Estate of Athene Sanders
4. The Rev. Thomas Raffles, first cousin. Engraving by E. Bocquet, 1814
5. Raffles’ first wife Olivia, miniature by Nathaniel Plimmer, 1805
6. India House, headquarters of the East India Company in Leadenhall Street, from Ackermann’s Views of London
7. Raffles’ sister Maryanne (private collection)
8. Maryanne’s second husband, Captain William Flint (private collection)
9. ‘Charley Boy’, aged five (private collection)
10. Raffles’ second wife Sophia, copy of oil by A.R. Chalon (private collection)
11. Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, copy of oil by A,R, Chalon (private collection)
12. Bust of Ella Raffles (private collection)
13. Princess Charlotte (1796–1817), only daughter of the Prince Regent, bust attributed to Peter Rouw
14. William Farquhar, first Resident and Commandant of Singapore by J. Graham, 1832, courtesy of Mrs Wendy Lumsden
15. John Palmer, the Calcutta merchant (private collection)
16. Lord Minto, Governor-General of India by G. Chinnery (private collection)
17. Robert Rollo Gillespie, engraving from untraced original by G. Chinnery
18. Borobudur, Central Java, engraving 1847
19. Dick the Papuan Boy, by William Daniell, from Raffles’ The History of Java
20. A head of Buddha from Borobudur (Raffles’ collection)
21. Javanese shadow puppet (Raffles’ collection)
22. Buitenzorg, his country residence when Lieutenant-Governor of Java, from Sophia Raffles’ Memoir 1830
23. Permatang Balam, the house he built for his growing family when Lieutenant-Governor of Bencoolen, watercolour, 1823
24. Malacca on the Malaysian pensinsula, engraving 1807
25. Bencoolen on the west coast of Sumatra, aquatint 1799
26/27. Singapore: Two views of the new settlement from Government Hill, 1820s
28. An imagined depiction of the fire on the Fame, engraving from Stationer’s Almanack 1825
29. The Asian Tapir (Raffles’ collection)
30. Rafflesia arnoldii (Raffles’ collection)
31. The First Marquess of Hastings, Governor-General of India (private collection/The Bridgman Art Library)
32. The Duchess of Somerset from Ramsden, Correspondence of Two Brothers (see bibliography)
33. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., engraving from portrait by James Lonsdale
34. Captain Thomas Otho Travers, Raffles’ ADC and loyal friend (private collection, reproduced in C.E. Wurtzburg, Raffles of the Eastern Isles)
35. East Street in the village of Walworth, from John Bastin, Letters and Books (see bibliography)
36. Highwood, Mill Hill, Raffles’ final home, watercolour by Terence Millington
37. Sir Everard Home FRS (© The Royal Society)
38. Artist’s impression of arterio-venous malformation in Raffles’ skull by L.Y. Khoo
39. Raffles’ monument by Chantrey in Westminster Abbey (© Westminster Abbey)
40. Raffles’ statue on Boat Quay, Singapore
Abdul Rahman, Sultan of Johore 1, 210
Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir 47–8, 52, 69–71, 75, 76, 80, 81, 84, 267–8
Acheen (Aceh) 36–7, 49, 73–4, 197, 210, 213, 214–15, 223–5
Adam, John 210
Addenbrooke, Colonel 203, 218, 226
African Institution 282–3
Ainslie, Dr Donald 136–8
Alceste (ship) 185
Amboyna (Ambon) 59
America 83, 95–6
Amherst, Lord 185
Anacreon (Moore) 21
Anderson, John 213, 214, 224
Ann (ship) 3, 6
Antiaris toxicaria 121–3
Apreece, Jane 161
Arabs 83
Arnold, Dr Joseph 135–6, 145, 201–2, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207
Asiatic Journal, The 167, 303–4
Asiatic Society 282, 305
Assey, Charles 97, 132, 145
Association of British Malaya 297
Astell, William 282
Auber, Captain Harry 191, 238
Auber, Mary Jane 172, 310
Auber, Peter 172–3, 235, 236–7, 241, 270–1
Auchtermuty, General Sir Samuel 76, 88, 89, 94
Badaruddin, Sultan of Palembang 99, 100, 208
Baker, Captain George 134, 135, 143, 166
Bali, Rajah of 82
Banca 72, 99, 205
Banjarmasin 98–9
Bank of England 287–8
Banks, Sir Joseph 156, 157–8, 161, 162, 176, 203
Bannerman, Colonel J.A. 210, 212–13, 214, 216, 222, 223, 224, 228
Bantam 114, 115
Barbauld, Anna Letitia 190
Barlow, Sir George 61
Barrow, John 234
Bastin, John 114, 199
Bataks 230, 231
Batavia (Jakarta) 61, 62, 68, 87–8, 96, 123, 130, 138–9
Batavian Society of Arts and Science 121, 136
Bell, Dr B. 272, 274
Bencoolen (Bengkulu) 209
Fame fire 273–7
missionaries 244
passage to 191–5, 196–7
Permatang Balan 205, 235
Raffles xi, 235–7, 257
Raffles’ appointment 125–6, 148, 171, 183–4
Raffles’ arrival 197–8
Raffles’ departure 271–3
Raffles’ expedition 201–4
Raffles’ resignation 240
Raffles’ return to 226–8, 231, 269
Rafflesia arnoldii 201–3
and Singapore 215, 220, 221
slaves 198–9
sugar plantation 288
Treaty of London 279
Bengal 8, 10, 15
and Bencoolen 198
and Java 93
and Malacca 42
and Penang 30
Bentham, Jeremy 190
Bernard, Esther 260, 303
Bernard, Francis 221, 244, 245, 260, 261, 262, 263, 303
Bertrand, Count 150, 151
Bertrand, Countess 150
Billiton 99
Bingley, Thomas 3, 7
Bird, Isabella 46, 47, 52
Black, Parbury and Allen 188
Blagrave, Charles 97, 116, 117, 127, 134
Blakiston, John 90
Blenheim (ship) 37
Borneo 77, 85, 98, 310
Borneo (ship) 240, 241, 271
Borobudur 134–5, 143, 153, 188
Botanic Garden, The (Darwin) 122
Botanical Magazine 6
Boulger, Demetrius Charles 300
British Museum 187–8, 308–9
Bromo, Mount 143
Bronte, Charlotte 123
Brooke, James 309–10
Broughton, Commodore W.R. 79, 85
Brown, Harriet 3, 207
Cheltenham 164
Hampstead 155
Java 94, 96
marriage 165
Penang 57, 65, 81, 82
Brown, John 246
Brown, Robert 203
Brown, Thomas 165
Bruce, C.A. 58, 65, 67, 79
Brussels 180, 181
Buckinghamshire, Earl of 144, 146
Buitenzorg 96, 136, 139, 140, 199–200
Bukit Kabut 205
Bunsen, Baron de 306, 309
Bunsen, Frances, Baroness de 306, 309, 310
Burke, Edmund 59
Burslem, Colonel Nathaniel 147
Burslem, Rollo Gillespie 147
Byron, Lord 18, 160, 182, 184
Calcutta 58–9, 74, 208, 212, 221, 242, 304
cannibalism 230
Canning, George 165, 183, 235, 279, 283
Canova 307
capital punishment 230–1, 256
Carimata (Karimata) Straits 77, 85
Caroline, Princess 174–5
Castle Stewart, Earl 301
Castlereagh, Lord 61
Chalons, E.A. 307
Chantrey, Francis 299–300, 307
Charlotte, Princess 174–6, 177, 193
Charlotte, Queen 175, 176, 185
Cheltenham 156, 163–4, 173, 280–1, 284
Cheribon 115
Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (Byron) 160
China 8, 185
Chinese 38, 83
Java 110, 112, 114, 115, 119, 132
Malacca 43, 46, 53
Singapore 1, 226, 247, 250
Chinnery, George 126
chop 69
Christianity 242–4, 251
Ciceroa 145
Circassian 18
Circassian Bride, The 18
Clairmont, Clair 182
Clubley, William 32, 40, 51, 52
coffee 50, 88, 96, 116
Colburn, Henry 28
Coleman, George 248, 249
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 4, 154, 182, 190
Colman, George 139
Conrad, Joseph 86
Cook, Captain James 157, 172
Coombs, Captain John Monckton 210, 211, 213, 223, 224–5