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Shifters & Bad Boys Bundle (Shifters & Bad Boys. Man love, bdsm, and rockstar romance. Book 1)

Page 12

by Anita Lawless

  “Ahhhh,” the troll relaxed back on the bed and planted one hand at the back of the werewolf’s head, guiding him in a steady rhythm. “I did. I just didn’t say who got to cum first, did I? Now be a good boy and suck well. Then you get your reward.”

  The werewolf sucked him fiercely, taking his anger out on the troll’s thick, steely cock. He sucked in his cheeks as much as he could, and the troll grinned down at him as he watched. He deep throated his lover and swallowed once, twice, three times around the plump head. The troll groaned as bliss flowed out from his glans, encasing his cock in ecstasy. He told the werewolf to “Play with his balls and ass” as he blew him.

  Fingers probed and squeezed his heavy, haired scrotum. His lover took his cock from his mouth long enough to lick the length of his crack, poked his tongue in and out his hole. The troll growled out his satisfaction then commanded the werewolf suck his cock once more. Soon he face fucked the werewolf ferociously, jamming his cock in to the hilt. His lover gagged and drooled around the forceful thrusts. He finally had to wrap a hand around the base of the shaft to control the force of the pounding he took. The troll curled both hands around the back of his head and drew him tight against his groin, driving his dick deep down his throat as he spurted hot semen down his lover’s gullet.

  “Well done, werewolf,” he said, after he caught his breath and came down from the orgasm. “Now, as promised, you’ll get your reward.”

  He grabbed his lover’s ass and yanked him close, gobbling his cock in a frenzy of tongue and ardent sucking. The werewolf cried out loudly and jammed his penis deeper still. He used a touch of teeth as he drew his mouth up the slippery shaft, making his lover whimper then hiss air between his teeth. Next the troll nipped at the sensitive head, following this up with gentle, long licks, giving his lover a pain / pleasure combination that made his pre-cum spurt copiously.

  “Ready to cum, werewolf?” He took his mouth from the penis and worked it with a fast and furious grip.

  “Fuck’s sake, yes,” he cried out, arching his hips high and thrusting in time with the troll’s pumping fist.

  “Then cum you will.”

  He swallowed his lover’s cock and shook his head back and forth when he reached the root. This made his mouth swish delightfully over the entire penis, he knew, and he kept it up until the werewolf shouted, “Ahhhhh,” and jetted hot, salty spunk down his throat.

  When he was finished, the troll pulled him from his mouth and slapped his ass. “Thanks for helping me kill some time.” He threw the werewolf’s jeans at him. “You can leave now.”

  Ethan snarled and swiped up the remains of his torn shirt. “Wasn’t planning on staying anyway.” He pulled on his pants and headed for the door, turning before he left. “Just be sure to bring that new werewolf my way tomorrow. He’ll need training before you and your merry band head off to hunt the killer.”

  Avery emitted a sardonic laugh. “How convenient. That guarantees you’ll know when we’re leaving. Guess you’re bound and determined to come with us.”

  “You got that right.” The werewolf slammed the door behind him.


  Chapter 3

  It looked like a giant sandcastle, Warren thought, as they neared Council Headquarters. Great towers ended in spires that brushed the ceiling of their subterranean home. Violet light glowed inside the rounded windows, and the staircase leading up to a massive door was as twisted as the body of a snake.

  “So you mentioned something about training other vampires back there. Is that your job or something?”

  Sid shrugged. “A monster has to make a living somehow.”

  “What, you actually have industry and commerce down here?” Warren smirked.

  Sid gave him a disapproving look. “I told you we did. You just experienced a taste of our leading industry back there.”


  Sid nodded. “Sex sells. Since it’s a source of feeding for us, and so much more, you can see why it leads the economy. Our other major industries are food production and acquisition, training newborn monsters, and providing protection from human discovery.”

  Warren remained silent as he took this all in. Perhaps he should’ve still been angry about the changes thrust on him, but he thought that would just be whiny. Perhaps he should’ve still been reeling. But survival mode kicked in strong, and he knew if he planned on living underground he’d have to adapt quickly. He sure as hell wasn’t going to curl up and die.

  The sinuous staircase was an adventure, but they made it to the top unscathed. After they did, Sid turned to the huge ebony door and spoke, “I come with news of Mark’s true killer. I request permission to present my case to Council.”

  There was a great creaking, like an ancient behemoth moving for the first time in 1000 years. The door peeled away from the shining stone and slowly descended on groaning chains. It banged to the sandy ground, sending up a great puff of gritty dust when it did so.

  Warren felt his eyes widen.

  Sid grinned when he looked at him. “After you.”

  The hallway they entered was dark, but balls of violet light hovered close to the walls. Warren thought they were attached at first, until one momentarily zipped close, as if to check him out. He gave a little surprised squeal when it did and Sid laughed at him.

  “This way,” the vampire said, pointing to a wide corridor that passed through the center of this great room.

  He took Warren’s hand and they walked on. The farther they moved down the hallway, the brighter the violet luminescence grew.

  The long passage ended with a T-junction. Sid turned left, and that’s when Warren saw it. The most brilliant, beautiful sight he’d ever saw. But the odd creatures that walked from within it made him shiver.

  Violet crystals, some the size of a refrigerator, were clustered about the large room. Its floor looked like polished onyx. At the center of the room stood a circle of stone thrones. This circle parted and unfurled, becoming a straight line as they entered. Twelve creatures occupied these seats, but most of their features were cloaked in an odd mist that seemed to cling to them. From two of the thrones, monsters stepped forward and approached.

  “You come seeking the mountain troll’s freedom. The one we call Avery,” the creature nearest Warren said. He was a towering being wearing indigo skin. Violet eyes glowed from within his rugged, heavy face. His hair, a bevy of serpents, writhed high above his head.

  “You exist.” Warren breathed, mouth gaping. “Dear god, you exist. But I thought your kind were only female?”

  The creature flashed a toothy smile. “Not god. A gorgon. And myths tend to smudge the facts.” Then it gripped Warren’s chin with a cold-as-stone hand. “I should let one of them strike you for such impertinence, newborn wolf, but I appreciate innocent enthusiasm.”

  “Nadu, I apologize,” Sid said, shooting Warren a glare full of daggers.

  Nadu held up a hand. “No need. He is but a child in our world.” Then he stroked that chilly hand down Warren’s face. “Now, werewolf, let me see what you have seen.”

  The gorgon gripped his head and Warren gasped.

  At first it felt as if someone licked his brain, or ran wet fingers over its surface. His body went rigid as the creature entered his thoughts, but the gorgon soothed him psychically and audibly.

  “Hush now,” Nadu said. “I won’t harm you. Just open up to me.”

  The sensation grew less invasive and Warren relaxed. He was back outside his apartment. Pain spiked his heart when he spotted Tamara running from him. She was frightened of him. That had never happened before. It tore Warren apart.

  Then he backed away from the cab, after Tamara told him she needed time. His heart sagged to his shoes, just as he glanced in the alley and witnessed the slaughter of the werewolf.

  Metal flashed. A blade slid over the werewolf’s throat. A jester laughed, then he turned in Warren’s direction. He seemed to wink out of sight he moved so fast. In a heartbeat he was across the stree
t, stalking closer to Warren.

  He breathed hard. The gorgon’s fingers dug into his temples, but he still murmured a soothing “Shhhh, almost there.”

  Warren felt wetness on his cheeks. He’d been unaware of his tears.

  “I see him,” the gorgon said. “Oh yes, I see him. A rainforest troll.” He gasped. “Why it’s Drake, the hunter’s boy.” His grip loosened some. “Now, newborn werewolf, a gift for your service.”

  The energy flowing into his mind changed. It became…sensual. He thought of how Sid had said sex was such an important part of their culture, their number one commodity. So, of course, the gorgon rewarded him with energy akin to erotic enjoyment. It was like their minds were having sex.

  Warren groaned as his body came alive with sensation. Hands roamed all over his skin, squeezed his pecs, his ass, though no one touched him. He sighed as someone stroked his cock with skill and it hardened, though really it remained flaccid in his pants. He walked through a psychic virtual reality offering supreme pleasure. He relaxed and let his senses bath in this bliss.

  And as he relaxed a new vision emerged. First, he saw glimpses inside the gorgon’s mind. The energy of this council leader was so powerful it couldn’t help but leak traces of the monster’s life. He saw a child with vipers for hair playing in a cave, but then something of his own mind joined this infant.

  Warren looked into the eyes of his totem animal—the spirit bear. It’s white fur shone as the cave morphed into a misty rainforest. They were on Vancouver Island.

  The albino black bear spoke to him. “I have something to show you.”

  It led him down a fragrant, fecund path through the woods. He smelled the sweet scent of wildflowers, and the earthy smell of wet undergrowth. Then the vegetation parted and a blocky, white building cut an ugly scar into the landscape. A feeling of utter doom crawled up the back of Warren’s neck when he looked at it.

  “Purity’s secret base,” the bear said. “The heart of their operation drains our home. Kill it and you cripple their organization.”

  Then the vision began to fade and the pleasure returned.

  Before the bear completely disappeared, it turned to him one final time. “Now go enjoy your gift, child of wolves. You have earned it.”

  He sighed and shivered as bliss flooded his body once more. It wiped away his bewilderment over the bear’s parting words. His skin jumped and tingled with erotic fire.

  People of every color danced in his thoughts. They embraced and caressed skin of onyx, canary yellow, ocean blue. And, as before, it felt like these hands stroked his skin. Fingers kissed his cock and massaged it hard, yet it remained flaccid in the real world.

  Wet, tender lips skimmed over his flesh. He moaned and writhed, both in this sex vision and in the gorgon’s grip. Warm wetness coiled around his cock and there was suction, vibration, the feeling of many tiny fingers manipulating the rigid muscle covered in moss-soft skin.

  Something crawled up his ass and explored with gentle, skilled caresses. His prostrate throbbed from the attention. Tendril-like touches swept over his scrotum and fondled this delicate skin. He shuddered and gasped as he drifted in a fog of overwhelming sensation. Soon his orgasm broke and sent a shower of intense release through him. He trembled and groaned, falling to his knees as the climax emptied out of him.

  The gorgon helped him back to his feet. “You enjoyed your gift.” He smiled.

  Warren lowered his eyes in a gesture he hoped communicated respect. “I certainly did. Thank you.” He wondered if he should bow or something.

  The creature put a hand on his shoulder. “Now, you know where you must go.”

  He nodded. “Yes, to the island.”

  “The mountain troll is granted reprieve,” the gorgon said to all in the room. “I saw who the killer is. Drake’s face betrayed him easily.” He let out a weary sigh. “We must question Bastian as well. The Purity plot thickens.”

  Sid and the council leader he’d communicated with drew nearer. This beast was a stocky satyr with rich brown flesh and shaggy hindquarters that ended in cloven hooves. Its horns reached up high in twisted spires.

  “I could question Bastian.” Sid wrapped an arm around Warren’s shoulders. “And train the werewolf.”

  The gorgon raised an eyebrow. “You say this because your purse is low.”

  “That’s not the only reason!” Sid sputtered. “Avery’s innocence is still on the line until we catch Drake.” He patted Warren on the chest. “Plus, I’ve grown fond of our latest shaggy resident.”

  The gorgon shook his head. “Very well. I’m not sure a vampire should ever train a werewolf, but I’ll allow it, and see you’re paid for your services. Question Bastian and get to the island. Do not delay. Leave tomorrow.”

  Then the gorgon and the satyr headed back toward their thrones. Warren and Sid took the signal they’d been dismissed, leaving Council Headquarters on swift feet.


  As they traveled home, Sid wondered how Avery would react to the news Drake was the killer. Drake was the son of Bastian, the leader of the Council Hunters. When a monster went rogue—killing humans recklessly and making the monsters vulnerable to mass human exposure—they were executed. Execution was also the punishment for slaughtering another monster. This was the fate Avery still faced if they couldn’t bring the true killer in. Council Headquarters and the hunters didn’t take these matters lightly. Justice underground was swift and brutal. If they didn’t produce the murderer, Avery, Sid, and Warren could likely be accused of planting the images in Warren’s mind to frame Drake. The vampire had seen these things happen before, and they didn’t always end well.

  He worried. He wouldn’t show it, but he worried a lot about the fate of his ex-lover. Then a voice deeper in him whispered, Maybe that’s the problem, Sid. Maybe you should show it. You know that’s how you lost him in the first place…

  He shook the voice away and opened the apartment door for him and Warren.

  When they entered, they found Avery sprawled on the bed with his shirt off. His massive barrel chest was on full display. Tulle had rolled into a small ball atop his stomach. He sat up after they entered, and the little dog blinked sleepily. Avery gently placed her on the bed beside him. Sid took in a nice eyeful of broad mountain troll shoulders.

  “So what’s up?” His voice was extra-gravelly, as if he’d just woken from slumber. “The word from Council Headquarters is…”

  Sid stood in front of him, spread his hands and opened his eyes wide. “Baby, you are never going to believe it. Drake Ellison killed your fling. The son of the hunters’ leader. Astounded? I am.”

  Warren gave them a curious look, and Sid chided himself for his slippery lips. “His fling?” Warren asked.

  Avery sighed, ran a hand through his long curls. “I was having an affair with Mark just before he was murdered.”

  The energy in the room changed abruptly. Sid sucked in his gut and wished for a blood martini to calm his nerves, even though he hadn’t had one in over 50 years.

  Warren shook his head. “You monsters just can’t keep it in your pants, can you?”

  Avery glared at the newborn werewolf, fist clenching as he placed it atop one thickly muscled thigh.

  Sid went into ramble mode to distract them both. The last thing they needed was a werewolf / troll tussle. “Something is obviously up with the hunters. I’m beginning to wonder if those stories of Mark slaughtering innocent humans was a set up. What if the evidence Bastian presented to Council Headquarters was just a mind plant?”

  Avery nodded. “A concoction of false memories, false events, strong enough to fool the leaders. It doesn’t happen often, but if anyone could access the magic needed to concoct such a strong illusion, it would be the leader of the hunters. But why would Bastian and Drake want to needlessly kill monsters?”

  “Well, we know Drake is a Purity agent.” Sid shrugged. “Maybe he wanted to be human, like you did, and got in deep with them. Maybe he’s come to believ
e their agenda: that all monsters must die or convert to human.”

  Avery’s face tensed. Once again, Sid felt a fool for his loose lips. He cringed as the troll rose up from the bed.

  “Maybe,” was all Avery said, before he strolled past him and Warren then walked through a wall to their left.

  Warren ran to the wall and patted it down. “He just disappeared!”

  Sid grinned. “Like you haven’t seen stranger things in the last twenty-four hours?” Then he walked over to Warren. “Another industry in monsterland that’s booming: redecorating and renovation. This here.” He knocked on the wall in a specific spot and his hand went straight through. “Is the latest in illusion carpentry. Looks like there’s a wall where a hallway actually lies. Come with me, and pay attention to where I enter or you’ll just break your nose.” The vampire waggled a finger and slipped through the plaster.

  He looked behind him a second later to find the werewolf followed, gaping like an amazed kid at the plain hallway they walked down. Sid opened the door at the end without knocking.

  “We have to go to the island,” he said to the troll, who now lounged in his underwear on his massive bed. Avery kept his room sparsely furnished and his bed sparsely made. Only two sheets and two pillows rested atop a seemingly endless mattress.

  The troll sat up, his huge shoulders sagged. “Great. More good news.”

  “He and I can go alone,” Sid offered, pointing behind him to Warren, who just crossed the threshold. “But we have to leave tomorrow.”

  “No.” Avery shook his shaggy head. “Gotta face these demons sometime.” Then he laid back down and growled. “Now leave. I want sleep.”

  Sid snorted at his tactlessness. “Well, that was an abrupt dismissal.” He rested a hand on Warren’s shoulder. “Come on. The troll wants to pout. And he’ll ruin the furniture if I don’t’ let him. Nasty temper on that one.”

  As they walked out of the room, Warren asked, “He still lives here with you? I thought you were split up?”

  Sid shrugged and felt weariness settle around his heart. “He stays here from time to time. I keep a room for him. Avery doesn’t like to keep permanent residence. He’s a wanderer of sorts, although he’d accuse me of the same thing.” He smirked sadly. “Seems we both have commitment issues.”


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