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Shifters & Bad Boys Bundle (Shifters & Bad Boys. Man love, bdsm, and rockstar romance. Book 1)

Page 32

by Anita Lawless

  Adam snorts laughter at this before he pumps the pedal to the floor. “Of course not. The gig was meant to nail Pierre after we lost that evidence Malcolm had. Regina had a feeling he would come after Merry to cut out the competition. But she didn’t know you were back, too. Me and a couple other werewolves were set up to grab Pierre when he tried to get Merry, but he brought more reinforcements than we expected. He wanted to get you back. How’d you get out of Glamour anyway?”

  “When Pierre went for a meeting with Glamour leaders, Brigette broke the binding spell. You know she’s not cool with what her dad is doing. She only went along with it cause he manipulated her.”

  “Yeah.” Adam sighed. “I know all about that.”

  “Sorry about your brother, man,” Noah says.

  “Thanks.” Adam’s voice is low and filled with grief. “I’m going to make sure Malcolm gets justice.”


  Adam takes us to a small pub near the outskirts. In Cosmo City, the place is known as a trendy sports bar where a lot of college kids hang out. No Mercy has played the place a couple times when we were first starting out, before we became semi-successful. In the world of Glamour, the place looks like a spooky English pub pulled out of one of those 80s horror movies me and Mom loved so much. A wooden sign that reads “Troll Hammer Tavern” swings above the door.

  The bartender—a giant of a man with bulging biceps and light green skin—is, in fact, a real troll. The air is thick with bluish smoke, which tells me we’re definitely not in the human world anymore. No one has been allowed to smoke indoors since I was a little kid. Strange people fill the chairs, some with pointy ears, others with glowing eyes, and a rainbow of skin colors. They eye us warily as we move toward the troll tending the place.

  Adam points toward a hall at the right end of the bar and shouts to the troll over the booming music I don’t recognize. “We’ll be in my office.”

  The burly monster nods and wipes down the counter.

  Adam locks the door behind us with a dead bolt placed at the top and bottom. He indicates we should sit in the black leather chairs in front of a small wooden desk. The area is cramped and overflowing with booze and shelves lined with what appear to be ancient books.

  “I know where the others are,” Adam says, then he takes a seat behind the desk. “After Regina slipped the werewolves at the club and contacted me for help, I started doing some digging right away. They’ve taken them to the Dark Moon lair.”

  “We saw the pack with Rita in the woods,” Noah tells him. “It’s a good sign. If they haven’t killed her yet, they’re using her as a bargaining chip to get me back, since I stopped them from taking Merry hostage.”

  Adam nods. “I found out who tipped Pierre off about you being at Night Glamour with Merry and the band.”

  Noah sits forward. “Who? I was afraid something like this would happen after I left.”

  “It was Andre.” Adam tents his fingers and leans forward. “I went back to clear my stuff out of the lair and I overheard him cutting a deal with Pierre. He’d bring you back to Dark Moon to be with Brigette so he could be with Merry.”

  “What?” Noah and I say in unison.

  “Wait a sec.” I hold up my hands. “What’s going on here? Enough mystery for one day. Spill.”

  Adam looks between me and Noah. “Have you told her about the deal?”

  “Not the full details, no.”Noah scratches the back of his neck and looks uncomfortable. “You’re sure it was Andre? I should’ve suspected this when he kept showing up at the lair.”

  “Positive,” Adam says.

  This is where I have to interrupt. One, I’m tired of not being in the know, and what they’re saying indicates there is a lot I don’t know. Two, I hate it when people talk as if I’m not in the room. “What about Regina? How does she know Adam?” I look between the two of them.

  Adam informs me that our band manager is a dryad who can controls trees and vegetation. Yeah, color me shocked.

  “How’d she get that way?” I ask, as I feel a headache coming on.

  “Regina was born a halfling. Part fae, part human. Her mother got knocked up by a green man.”

  “Green man?” The headache grows worse.

  Adam looks at me as if his explanation should be clear as reading the “do no immerse in water” warning on a hair dryer. “Yeah, wild man of the woods.” When I still appear confused, he spread his hands. “What, haven’t you ever read a book on folklore?”

  “She got busy with a fairy,” Noah says. “Put it that way.”

  “Regina grew up in Glamour,” Adam continues. “Being part human, she’s always interacted with your world, too. But Glamour has one rule for all monsters who hang out with humans: never expose us to the mortals. So she couldn’t tell you who she really was. If she had, you’d have been sworn to secrecy, and the penalty for breaking that secrecy is usually death.”

  Noah picks up the thread, “Pierre was blackmailing Regina. He threatened to expose her to you and Rita if she didn’t mate with him. It’s one of the reasons Brigette helped me break out so I could return. To help Regina keep the secret and see what we could do to put a stop to Pierre.”

  I give him a look. “I thought you said you came back for me?”

  Noah lets out an exasperated sigh. “That too.”

  “What Pierre is doing goes against the rules of Glamour,” Adam says. “He’s blackmailing and coercing halflings and humans to build up the Dark Moon pack’s dwindling population. Glamour law says humans can only be made or mated with their consent. Same with taking a halfling mate. But Pierre doesn’t like to play by the rules. I think he’s desperate to get the pack’s numbers up so he can rule Glamour and make some changes.”

  “Wait a minute.” I rub my throbbing temples. “I thought you became a monster through a bite or scratch or something like that?”

  Adam nods. “For some monsters, that’s how it works. But others can also mate with turned humans or halflings to produce offspring. When a human is turned, or a halfling takes a werewolf’s bite, it changes their DNA. It’s like an infection, only it doesn’t kill you, it transforms you. Too much interbreeding has watered down the DNA in the Dark Moon pack.”

  “So can a werewolf die?”

  “A werewolf with unhealthy DNA can die, yes, but more often they go insane from the bad genes swimming in their system. They become erratic. Can’t control their changes, their emotions. An erratic werewolf can be dangerous. Silver can kill a werewolf also.”

  My head is woozy from this flood of information. “What about Andre? You think he betrayed us? How does he even know about Glamour?”

  Adam’s mouth pulls down in a concerned expression. “I don’t think it. I know it. I’ll let the big guy fill you in on how Andre knows about us monsters.” He points to Noah, who gives a frustrated groan. “Let me show you where to crash and you two can talk more in there.”

  He gets up to leave, but Noah stops him. “It’s convenient that you just happened to pick us up after the ambush, and that you know so much after leaving the pack.”

  The two men glare at one another, then Adam speaks, “Come on, Noah. You know I left the Dark Moon pack because of what they did to my brother. You really think I feel any loyalty to Pierre anymore? You tried to save Malcolm. I owe you.”

  Noah still doesn’t appear convinced, but he steps back and we leave the room. “It’s because of you, I’m a werewolf. I haven’t forgotten that. I want more details on Andre tomorrow.”

  “We had to ensure your secrecy, and turning you was the only way. I didn’t want to agree to it. You know that. But we have to protect Glamour no matter what.”

  Adam takes us back through the pub, which has almost emptied now. Less than six monsters remain at two different tables. The troll, who is introduced to me as Sean, ushers these stragglers out as we head upstairs.

  The wooden staircase creaks as we ascend. Globe lamps stick out of the pale green ceiling, and some have burnt out alo
ng the corridor. Three doors down, Adam pulls out a ring of old fashioned keys and slips one in a lock. He shows us into the room and hands me a key on a leather fob.

  “Me and Sean will take turns keeping watch tonight. Get some sleep. We’ll head for the lair in the morning.”


  Chapter 7

  I go to the cross hatched window and stare through a diamond of glass at the moon. It’s now slowly waning as the new moon approaches. I wonder if this too will affect Noah and make him turn, since the full moon was only yesterday. When I turn to look at him, he still appears human.

  Anger and hurt surge through me and spike my heart, making it hard to breathe for a moment. Everyone I care about has betrayed me, kept secrets from me, except for Rita. Even Regina is some sort of half fairy! And now Andre has apparently betrayed us, and has links to this monster world? This is like a bad nightmare after I’ve eaten a taco salad way too late, only this is 100 percent real.

  I walk toward where Noah stands by the bed. “So tell me about this deal. Apparently there’s more to it than you’ve said.”

  He sighs and rakes a hand through his long, black hair before he sits on the bed. “You aren’t going to like it.”

  I scoff at this. “You think I like what I’ve learned already? Trust me, it can’t be any worse.”

  “Oh, it can.” I don’t like the gravelly tone of his voice. It hints at way too much guilt.

  I plonk down beside him on the bed and my shoulders sag. “Just get it out.”

  “Did you ever wonder how No Mercy became so successful so fast?”

  I shrug. “We worked hard. And it’s not like we’re mega rich. We just signed a record deal and started really making a name before you disappeared. What, you signed a deal with monsters?” I smirk.

  “Yeah, we did.”

  This shouldn’t surprise me after the last two days. Remaining quiet rather than blowing another gasket, I wait for him to continue.

  “Andre and I kind of stumbled across Glamour through Regina. We weren’t supposed to get in, but we did. We saw what few humans see. A werewolf from the Dark Moon pack attacking a human so they could add to their population.”


  Noah nodded. “We threatened to expose him. Turn him over to the Glamour leaders. He made a deal with us. He knew monsters who could guarantee the band’s success, but only if we kept our mouths shut.”

  “So you made a deal with a werewolf to get No Mercy a record deal?”

  “No, a genie.”

  “Huh?” I frown as my headache booms behind my eyes.

  “A genie. Pierre introduced us to a genie. Only the genie had loose lips. He told the leaders of Glamour about us. They came calling. Andre and I had a choice—become monsters, which would guarantee we kept our mouths shut—or die. Adam was one of the monsters who voted for us to become members of Glamour to guarantee we’d keep their secret.”

  A shiver runs through me at this knowledge. I rub Noah’s broad shoulders and move closer so our sides touch.

  “So we took the deal and became monsters. I chose werewolf and Andre chose vampire. Only it sounds like Andre wasn’t through making deals with our new friends. I knew Pierre would try to get me back so I could be Brigette’s mate, but I never thought Andre would sell me out.”

  I’m not through being angry with him, but now I’m also enraged at Andre, if Adam and Noah’s stories are true. “Why wasn’t Pierre punished when the leaders learned about the attack?”

  “He was,” Noah tells me. “He was suspended from his leadership of the pack and as a member of the Glamour bigwigs. But that suspension ended a while ago, and we haven’t been able to pin any of his other crimes on him yet. Then he kidnapped me because he wanted me to mate with his daughter. A binding spell kept me trapped in Glamour and stopped me from telling the Glamour leaders I was being held without my consent.”

  “Why didn’t the monsters just kill you and Andre for threatening to expose them?”

  Noah shrugs. “They don’t like to kill anyone, human or monster, if they can avoid it. Movies have made us think monsters should always be these scary, savage creatures, but they have ethics, too.”

  “I don’t know what to believe anymore,” I say, still not ready to believe Andre would sell him out so easily, or be so manipulative. It doesn’t sound like the Andre I know. “And I’m still pissed at you for all this.” I punch him in the arm.

  “Ouch, geez. Thanks.”

  I jump up from the bed and whirl on him. “How do you expect me to feel? You left me! I missed you so much. I cried myself to sleep, when I did sleep those first few months. I’d smell your pillow because your scent was all I had left.” Tears blur my vision and I hate myself for letting the emotions surface right now. “I loved and hated you and wished you’d walk through our apartment door every fucking second of the day.”

  “I’m sorry!” He strides toward me and wraps his big arms around me. “You have no idea how sorry I am!” He pauses as his eyes glow an eerie yellow. The crackcrackcrack of his spine makes me gasp, and he doubles over as he begins to shift. “It’s okay.” His voice is a guttural whisper. “I’m okay. I’ve got it under control now.”

  Though the timing might be crappy, I go to him and clasp his face in my hands. I bring our lips together and plunge my tongue in his mouth, hungry to be joined to him, needy for this kiss and so much more. My hands mold to his ass through his jeans and I yank him tight against me, feeling his hard cock press into the front of my pants. It makes my pussy tingle stronger.

  We stumbled backward toward the bed, mouths exploring mouths, hands exploring each other’s bodies. Noah pulls away. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t,” I say as I pull off his t-shirt. “I know I’m safe.” Although my courage is largely a hormone-driven bluff.

  “Tell me if you want me to stop.”

  “I will.”

  Our clothes tumble into a pile on the floor and we climb up onto the mattress. Claws dig into my back as his fingers trace up my spine.

  Gasping, I make space between us. “I can’t turn from a scratch, can I?”

  “No,” he tells me, before he nips a trail down my neck that makes me shiver. “Only from a deep bite.”

  Relief floods me, along with lust, as we continue our heavy make out session. My hand trails down his flat stomach, over the nest of pubic hair between his legs, and my fingers coil around his cock. I explore beneath the fat ridge with my thumb, then slide my grip up and down, up and down until he groan low in my ear. Then my other hands cups his balls and I squeeze, stroke, until he gives a soft growl of pleasure in my ear. His hips buck back and forth as my hand continues to work his shaft.

  With sudden speed, he pushes me to the bed and straddles me. His teeth tug on my nipple and his tongue flits over the sensitive bud until I moan. One large, clawed hand traps my wrists above my head and holds them there. I writhe beneath him as his mouth moves over the curves in my ribcage, licking and biting gently. His tongue pokes into my belly button, sending a spike of sensation straight to my pussy.

  Claws dig into the side of my hip, lancing me with pain as he holds me still while his lips trace a path around my sex. I cry out, and he stops, looking up at me to ensure I’m all right.

  “Keep going,” I rasp out.

  He kisses and nibbles my inner thighs until my cunt is drenched and aching for his mouth. A low growl emits from his throat before he laps at my labia. I groan and arch my hips up, begging him with the movement to give me the satisfaction I crave.

  He continues to hold me still, one hand around my wrists, the other digging into my hip. He blows on my wet sex, sending stimuli exploding through me. I whimper from my need for release.

  Finally his tongue sweeps over my engorged clit, making me sigh loudly in bliss. The tingling amps up with each lap. He sucks it deep into his mouth, applying just enough pressure so I cry out and begin fucking his face. I close my eyes as ecstasy enfolds me.

>   The hand clutching my hip slides between my legs and his finger slips into my pussy. He curls it and strokes my g-spot with perfect timing. Good thing his claws have retracted for now. It isn’t long before I tremble as my climax bursts through me, sending a shower of pleasure throughout me. My breathing grows even more ragged as I thrash and let the orgasm empty me. I didn’t realize just how much I’d missed his touch until now. Being with him feels so right. Only in his arms do I feel really complete.

  I barely get to catch my breath before he rears up on his knees and wedges himself between my legs. His eyes glow yellow as he spreads my thighs and watches me. Hair sprouts from his shoulders as he rubs his thick, erect cock up and down my sensitive pussy, making it throb. He grinds the plump glans into my clit and I gasp from the sensation assault. The tiny bead of flesh is hyper-sensitive after my first climax.

  His cock glides into me and I curl my pelvis, trying to pull him deeper inside. My pussy molds around his thick shaft like a glove. He holds my hands above my head still while he pumps in and out of me. First, he goes slow and sensuous, but soon his fucking becomes fast and rough. I sense he’s struggling to hold back the beast in him. I lose myself in this carnal delight.

  “Are you okay?” His words hold an animalistic lilt. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I’m fine,” I manage to say. “Don’t stop.”

  His penis pistons fast and hard, rubbing my g-spot with each feral thrust, making that delicious pressure build inside of it once again. With his free hand, he reaches down between us and sweeps his thumb back and forth over my clit. I close my eyes and become hyper-aware of sweat dampened skin gliding together, of his thumb on that pulsing bead of flesh between my legs, of his cock pushing me closer to another, more intense climax.

  Soon the smack of our flesh slapping together fills my ears. He grunts as his thrusts grow even more primal. I wrap my ankles around his neck and clamp my cunt walls tight around his shaft. My euphoria climbs higher, higher, until I cry out again as release rockets through me a second time. I cling to him as the orgasm leaves me trembling and panting.


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