Born To Fly: Landing In Love

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Born To Fly: Landing In Love Page 2

by Desconhecido(a)

  “You live here?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said answering him in English. “Can I help you?”

  “Yes ma’am, I’m sorry. I’m here to pick up Ms. Esparza. Major Tom Brentwood sent me.”

  Her insides flipped at the way he said her last name. “I’m Ms. Esparza.” This…this is the Major Erich Stark that Tom said was coming to pick me up? Sweet Mother.

  His gaze narrowed. “You?”

  “Yes. Just a moment.” She stepped back into the house. “Please come in. I’ll be just a moment.” Bliss closed the door behind him and shivered when she inhaled his masculine scent. Sandalwood and leather. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Water would be wonderful, thank you.”

  She sensed his presence behind her as she led him across the floor to the kitchen where she grabbed bottled water. Bliss set it down upon the counter before him. Then she checked the oven and lowered the temperature.

  “Thank you,” he said in a low seductive voice.

  Her skin prickled and she sighed, grateful she faced away from him. “No problem,” she assured him.

  “Bliss!” Mateo hollered.

  She stood and smiled as her brother walked in. He came to a halt when he saw the man standing in the kitchen. Bliss made introductions then moved to stand near her brother and they stepped a bit away to talk privately.

  Chapter Two

  Erich couldn’t believe it. His jaw almost hit the floor when the front door had opened and he’d found himself gazing upon the woman from earlier. He’d had to stop himself from reaching out and touching her, just to make sure it wasn’t his imagination. Tom had asked him to pick up a woman who was teaching a class for some of the wives, and husbands if they wished to go.

  He’d not expected the beautiful villa he’d pulled up to and he definitely hadn’t expected the woman who’d opened the door and told him she was whom he had come to get. Bliss Esparza. Erich looked around the house while she conversed with the young man who’d come into the kitchen and looked at him with suspicious eyes. The same young man she’d gotten in the car with. He could understand them for he was fluent in Spanish, but he made no indication he had the slightest clue they occasionally spoke about him. Mostly it was Mateo asking if she was going to be okay with him. Erich felt his lip lift when he heard the familiar way she talked about Tom.

  Who is this woman to have a house like this? And why does the one talking to her warrant such fondness? There was obvious affection between them but he wasn’t sure what to make of it. So he focused on the house. A large entrance hall lead to the split level lounge/dining room. There was a lot of painstaking work put into this home and the craftsmanship was amazing. He glanced around the kitchen and moved to sit at a small round table by a patio door. He stared out over the backyard. Damn. Erich found himself in view of a large pool.

  “Sorry about that,” she said behind him, once again speaking English. “I’m ready to go.”

  “You have a lovely home,” he told her, getting to his feet and pushing his chair back in.

  “Thank you.”

  That was it. She left the kitchen and he followed. Not that he minded, for he had a great view of her ass as it moved with each step she took in her black pants and heels. At the door she kissed Mateo on the cheek and led the way down to his car. Erich looked at the young man who watched him with calculating eyes. He wanted to assert his claim on Bliss but he controlled himself. Have to have a decent conversation with her first.

  “Nice meeting you,” he said to the boy before he hurried down the red walkway to where Bliss stood by his Camaro, her bag in hand. Reaching around her to open the door, he inhaled and found his senses swimming in the scent of lemon drops. His body reacted hard and immediately.

  “Gracias,” she murmured as she climbed in and set her bag at her feet.

  “De nada,” Erich said in her ear as he shut the door.

  The way she stiffened told him she hadn’t been expecting that. He hid his grin and hurried to the driver’s side. Soon they were driving back toward the Morón Air Base. She sat ramrod straight, one hand curved around the handle of her duffle.

  “Are you okay?” he asked with a glance after they had gone the majority of the way in silence.

  “Fine, thank you.”

  Erich frowned. “Besides our rough meeting outside Atlantis have I done something to offend you?”

  She finally turned her head toward him and he found himself wanting her to remove those damn mirrored glasses which hid her eyes from him. “No. And I apologize for that as well.”

  “Apologize for what? I’m the one who made an assumption about you.”

  “As I did of you. I assumed were I employed there you’d not know me by looking at my face.”

  “Can we start over?” Erich stuck out his hand and said, “Erich Stark.”

  It felt like she was staring between his face and his hand but he couldn’t be sure. His cock pulsed when she placed her hand in his. Her skin was smooth and soft. Yet he could feel strength in there.

  “Bliss Esparza.”

  “Bliss,” he said allowing her name to slip from his mouth in a drawl.

  “Yes, Erich, that’s my name.”

  His lips kicked up into a smile at the bite to her tone. “I think it is a great name.” He reluctantly let go of her hand.

  “That’s it?” she queried. “Nothing else to say? No jokes?”

  “Not a single one.” Her harrumph told him she didn’t believe it. “Have you known Tom long?” he asked, trying to think of a subject she’d been comfortable talking to him with.

  She smiled gently and he was once again flooded with the desire to maim one of his friends. “About a year or so now. He’s a wonderful man.”

  “Where’d you meet him?”

  “At work.”

  Erich frowned but remained silent as he withdrew his ID and held it out for the gate guard. He received a salute and soon they were on the base. “You do know he’s married right?” His tone was hard. What the hell is Tom doing with her if he’s married? I mean, I know married men go to places like Atlantis but she seems so familiar with him.

  “Yes, Lisa is a very nice woman.”

  He pulled into the lot of the building Tom had asked to bring her to. His friend stood outside. “So if you like her, why would you continue to dance for Tom?” Erich stopped the car.

  Her head snapped toward him and although she wore mirrored sunglasses it was easy to tell she wasn’t happy. Bliss had her mouth set in a terse line. “I don’t know what the hell kind of person you think I am, or what I do, but I assure you, Major Erich Stark, your opinion of me is wrong. All wrong.”

  “What do you call dancing for a married man?” he ground out, ignoring Tom’s approach.

  “I call my life none of your damn business.” She jumped out of the car and closed the door with a bit more force than necessary. Bliss spun around and pressed a kiss on Tom’s cheek before entering the building.

  Tom leaned over the door to the car and gave him a grateful smile. “Thanks a lot for bringing her here, Daredevil. I just got off about ten minutes ago.”

  “What the hell are you doing with her, Tom? And to have her know Lisa as well? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”

  Black eyebrows rose. “What are you talking about? There is nothing between Bliss and myself.”

  “You met her at work. She’s a dancer. Why are you hanging out in strip clubs?”

  Tom burst out laughing. “Oh my God, is that what you think? You said something to her didn’t you? That’s why she looked pissed enough to spit nails.” He shook his head. “Man, she is a dancer, but Bliss doesn’t dance in clubs. She’s a dance teacher. Lisa and I started taking lessons and we take them from Bliss.”

  Aww shit! “She teaches dance? I saw her coming out of Atlantis.”

  “Yes.” Tom continued to laugh. “Oh man, Bliss teaches some of the women who work there as well, if they want to learn a different type of danci
ng. Knowing her she was probably dropping something off for one of them. She’s one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. Lisa absolutely adores her. She’s teaching this class here tonight for free, we just had to provide transportation.”

  “And I basically called her a stripper,” Erich groaned.

  “When did you start being so stupid?”

  “Apparently the first time I laid eyes upon her.” Running his tongue over his teeth, Erich said, “I can’t believe it.”

  “I have to get inside. I need to be there for the whole lesson or I’ll be in deeper water than you are with Bliss. A stripper,” Tom chortled and shook his head as he hurried to the door and slipped inside.

  Erich glared at his friend before whipping his car into a vacant spot. For about two minutes he sat in the car, his eyes glued to the sight of the door in his rearview mirror. Climbing out, Erich ran a hand over his short cropped hair, strode to the door, and stepped through. The heavy clang snapped him out of his trance. With an assessing ear, he picked up on the music and followed it down the hall.

  At the end, he saw two sets of double doors propped open. Hands in his pockets he moseyed up there and peered inside. Along the back stood a table covered with snacks and drinks. In the front stood Bliss who had apparently just finished demonstrating something, for the music stopped then started again and the couples there began dancing. Erich counted about twenty-five couples. He saw both officers and enlisted men, including Tom and Donovan, with their women. Bliss moved in and out of them, correcting when she needed to and praising all the time.

  His gaze never wavered from her. He listened to her talk, her sultry voice stroking his cock into hard steel. Each move she made he felt it as if they were attached by a string. Shifting, Erich did his best to find a more comfortable position for his rigid erection. It didn’t happen. There was no way he would find one with her being so damn desirable. Bliss. He stared at her when she looked in his direction. If not for the way she dismissed him, he would have smirked, for he recognized the flare of heat in her eyes. She may very well not be happy with him but she couldn’t hide her attraction to him.

  * * * *

  Bliss almost tripped over her feet when she saw Erich Stark leaning against the wall toward the back of the room, thumbs hooked in his belt loops fingers pointing toward his groin. His unwavering gaze was transfixed on her. Asshole or not, that man is just too damn fine. He never moved, just stood there and watched. She half expected him to approach her during the break when people got drinks and a bite to eat if they so desired. He didn’t. Instead he talked to the others there. His husky laughter skated up and down her spine, never letting her relax.

  When she was about three quarters through, Bliss shut off the music and glanced around the group she had here and a smile crossed her face. She loved her job. “Okay. You all have done wonderfully. Is there a dance you would like to work on for the rest of the time? One you’d like a bit more practice on or something entirely new?”

  “Could we learn the waltz?” a woman asked.

  “Waltz? Of course.” Bliss searched for some waltzing music. “The American Waltz okay?”

  Agreements reached her. She put in the CD and pressed play.

  Facing the group again, she glanced at them all. “Okay, I need a partner for the…” Bliss trailed off as she watched Erich stride through the group, a natural sexy swagger with each step. He stopped before her, his lips turned up in a slight smile. “What are you doing?” she asked trying to refrain from touching his chest.

  “Figured you’d need a partner, what with everyone else already paired up.”

  Her mouth went dry and she could feel her belly clenching as his scent wove around her. I can do this. There was a vibe, a thread of something in his tone. Okay, if I didn’t know any better I’d bet he is commenting about something other than dancing.

  “Okay, fine.” Stepping to the side of the large man, Bliss looked out at the people watching. “Major Stark has agreed to be my partner for this.” A few of the guys had knowing grins on their faces. Turning them so the other couples could see the both of them, she gulped when he settled his hand upon her below her left shoulder. The heat from his touch seared her bare skin. “We’ll do it once then I’ll break it down and we can all do it.”

  “Don’t worry,” Erich murmured in a silvery timbre as he pulled her in closer, and captured her right hand, “I know how to waltz.”

  “We’ll see,” she said and placed her left hand in position.

  With opening chords of a new waltz, they began. Bliss couldn’t describe the feeling of being in his arms as they danced around the room. Floated would be a better word. The other couples had backed out of the way to watch. Erich hadn’t lied. The man could waltz. He was damn good. She closed her eyes and allowed the music and his touch to flow over her. He was extremely light on his feet for a large man. Each turn, every spin, each step and Bliss easily allowed him to lead. There was no need to coach Erich. His ability astounded her. I should really stop making assumptions about people.

  The room erupted into cheers when the song ended. Clearing her throat, Bliss glanced at Erich and stepped back. “Very nice job.” Then she focused her attention on the others in the room and began to break down the steps with Erich helping.

  At the end of the class, she finished packing all of her things in her duffle when a shadow fell over her. Turning her head, her breath hitched again at the sight of Erich standing there. And they were the only ones in the room.

  “Where’d everyone go?”

  “They left. I promised Tom I’d see you safely back home,” he said, stepping closer.

  “Sure being seen with a stripper won’t ruin your reputation? Or are you hoping it will boost it?” she snapped.

  “I’m sorry about that. Yet another bad assumption of mine.”

  She shook her head. “I’m too tired to argue so let’s go.”

  “Wait.” He reached out and plucked the bag from her hand. “Let me buy you dinner as an apology for my stupid behavior.”

  A thousand reasons why she should refuse streamed through her brain and when she opened her mouth all that came out was, “Yes.” Crap. What the hell did I agree to that for?

  He smiled at her. Not a flashy one, but one steeped in sexual temptation. Her body shivered in response.

  “Great,” he said in his sensual, unhurried way.

  Silent, she fell into step beside him and did her best not to whimper when he placed his hand at the small of her back. Her nipples tightened and her pussy throbbed with longing. They walked out into the warm night and to his car. Like a gentleman he held the door for her. Bliss slid across the leather seat and ducked her head when he shut the door.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he responded in the same low tone.

  Turning her head, Bliss watched him put her bag in the trunk and then slide behind the wheel. Even though the top was off the interior still became smaller once he joined her. She licked her lips, suddenly uncertain and unsure of the emotions moving through her.

  “Where to?” he asked as the motor came to life with a powerful purr.

  “Somewhere casual.” She waved at her attire. “I’m not exactly dressed to the nines here.”

  “Look fine to me,” Erich said. “But, if you want casual, you’ll have casual.”

  I can think of a lot of things I could want from you, Erich Stark. She was silent until he got them on the road heading back to Seville. “Where are we going?”

  “You know you’re safe with me, Bliss,” he stated in a calm tone.

  “I know very little about you, Major Stark, other than you are a surprisingly good dancer.”

  “Surprisingly? Did you not think I could dance? And how’d you know I was a Major?”

  “Aside from the tags on your car? Tom called to let me know he wasn’t coming but you were. And let’s just say I was pleasantly amazed by how well you danced.”

  They entered Seville and Eri
ch drove to a restaurant and parked the car. She remained there until he walked around and opened the door for her.

  “Well, I’ll be sure to pass that along to my mama, who I am sure will think I’m full of manure.” He assisted her out, then closed the door behind her.

  She couldn’t stop the chuckle from escaping. “Wouldn’t want that now would we? I’ll tell her for you.”

  “You’d do that for me?” He leaned in close. “Well hell, Bliss, I think you may just like me a little bit.”

  “You’re not as bad as you first came across as.” She licked her bottom lip and held his gaze in the light from the parking lot. Heat flared in his eyes as he moved them to gaze from her eyes to her lips and back up again. “But, I wouldn’t say I like you.”

  Closer he moved, his head blocking out the light. “No? What about attracted to?” His heat and scent wove around her.

  Her heart pounded so hard she wondered could he hear it. “And if I say yes? What happens?”

  “You have to say yes first,” he whispered.

  Yes! Yes! Yes! Bliss bit her lower lip and shuddered when he stepped closer and she could feel the hardness of his torso touching her thin shirt. This time the whimper couldn’t be contained. Her lids felt heavy and she was mesmerized by his eyes and the myriad of emotions which swirled in them. Bliss couldn’t think straight. All her synapses were misfiring.

  “Bliss,” he murmured, his mouth a hairsbreadth from hers.

  “Yes,” she said on a sigh.

  Erich kissed her. Her world shifted and the ground moved under her feet. Fire didn’t just spread; it exploded up from within her, reaching throughout her body. His lips were warm and moved over hers with masterful precision. He slid a hand around her back and cupped her neck and head as the other one settled on one hip. Light touches with his tongue slipped along her lips before he sought entrance.


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