Born To Fly: Landing In Love

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Born To Fly: Landing In Love Page 3

by Desconhecido(a)

  Bliss opened. He began to explore the recess of her mouth. He was thorough but gentle. Erich tasted better than he smelled, and she didn’t know that was possible. She trembled from the force of the sensations streaming through her. Reaching up with her hands she laid them against the solid muscle of his chest. His heart pounded beneath her palm and she pressed closer.

  He ended the kiss slowly, drawing out her lower lip before it was over. Erich stared at her, his eyes smoky with passion and the fingers at the back of her skull were driving her crazy with the light circles he made. Not that the hand on her hip helped her brain make sense of anything. Okay, I’ll officially call his touch intoxicating and mind numbing.

  “I’ve wanted to do since you ran into me at Atlantis,” he whispered.

  Her belly began doing that strange flipping thing again. “Is that so?”

  He nuzzled the hair by her ear. “So. Come on, I owe you a dinner.”

  She did her best to calm the rampaging storm within her. They entered and were seated at a small table in the back. Drinks before them, she stared at him while they waited for their meal. “Tell me about you, Major Stark.”

  He arched a brow. “Erich, Bliss, call me Erich.”

  “Very well. Tell me about you, Erich.”

  “About me. Okay. I’m a pilot here at Morón. Thirty-four, middle of three boys. Born and raised in Texas. And that pretty much sums up my life.”

  Bliss laughed. “I seriously doubt that. If you’re thirty-four and have two brothers, I can’t believe you can sum your life up in three sentences.”

  “I was giving you the condensed version.”

  “You think?” she teased as their food was placed down.

  He explained in more detail as they ate their meal. When they finished he found her gaze and asked, “Dessert?”

  “No, I can’t. But thank you. I have to get home.”

  Erich nodded, paid, and took her straight home. He walked her to her door and stared down at her in the glow from the outside light. “Good night, Bliss.” His mouth covered hers in a gentle kiss. She sank into him and had her hands along his sides when it ended. “Go inside before I forget to be a gentleman,” he rasped. “I’ll be seeing you again.” Erich spun and left her there with a pounding heart, willing body, and a whimper of frustration on her lips.

  Entering the house, she dropped her bag and slid down the door to sit upon the cool floor. “Damn,” she muttered to the darkness. “Damn, damn, damn!” Like I wanted you to be a gentleman.

  Bliss got up and headed up to her room. All through her shower and even as she climbed into bed, the memory of being in Erich’s arms and his kiss, stayed with her. Tormenting her. Making her crave things she obviously wasn’t getting this night.

  She rolled over with a groan and shoved her head under a pillow. Not like I’ve gotten any recently. Bliss sighed and fell into a restless slumber, punctuated by flashes of the tall cowboy who’d swaggered into her life with his brown hair, cobalt blue eyes, and a body which would make a nun contemplate committing more than a few sins.

  Chapter Three

  Erich sat in his car and stared at the sign painted along the building’s wall. ¡Vaya a bailar! It was a beautiful mural with people—both young and old—dancing in bright colors and it exuded the promise of nothing but fun.

  “Let’s dance,” he murmured. “Great name for a business.” He got out of the car and locked the door.

  Erich took a deep breath and headed for the door. He’d not been able to get her out of his mind since he left her at her front door two nights ago. With his schedule he hadn’t been able to get back to Seville to see her, so since he had the day off, he’d gone to Livewire and asked him for her place of business. After only a minor amount of ribbing, Donovan had given it to him. So now here he stood late Friday morning.

  And here I still stand with my hand on the door not moving like an idiot. Shaking his head, Erich entered and smiled. Bright, loud, and energetic were only a few words he’d use to describe it. He headed to where a few others sat around talking amongst themselves. Beyond them he spotted Bliss where she moved through those dancing, talking easily over the music. He understood her and it took him a while to realize she spoke Spanish, not English.

  He nodded at those around him and leaned against the wall. She wore a tight white top, a red skirt with a slit up the left side, and she had heels on her feet. Mine! Erich watched while the dancers worked on their Foxtrot. His gut clenched when she finally saw him and flashed a smile in his direction, but she never missed a beat in the teaching.

  Once class was over he sauntered to her side where she stood talking with an older gentleman. The man looked at him and nodded before walking away. Bliss met his gaze, her hands clasped loosely before her.

  “Erich. What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you.” Erich fought the urge to kiss her. It wasn’t an easy battle.

  “Needing dance lessons?” she teased.

  “If that’s what it takes to be able to spend time with you, then tell me where I sign up.”

  Bliss shook her head and dropped her gaze. “Crazy man.”

  He lifted her chin so he could see into her dark brown eyes. “Not crazy. Serious.”

  “Well, I have an hour for lunch and then I’ve got lessons the rest of the day.”

  “I’ll take what I can get. What about tonight?”

  She waved to the last person and walked toward the back. Erich followed. He watched her pull a container from the fridge and pop the top a bit before sliding it into the microwave.

  “I’m sorry, I have to go watch Mateo at school. They have a football game tonight.”


  “Yes, my brother’s in high school.”

  “Your brother? Mateo is your brother?”

  “What’d you think he was?” she asked as she divided up the food from the microwave.

  “I didn’t know. You never said anything beyond his name.”

  “Hmm. Maybe I didn’t. Well, now you know.”

  He accepted a plate and fork from her. “Thank you.” Erich pushed the rice around before facing her again. “Where are y’all’s parents?”

  Bliss froze for a second before she sighed and licked her lips. “My mother died when Mateo was born and my father passed ten years ago.”

  “Darlin’, I’m so sorry.”

  Her grin was more a grimace. “It happens. I was twenty-three and took over raising him. I’m sure at times it seems I’m more of a mother than sister.”

  So she’s thirty-three. I want to take care of you, Bliss. “So you’re going to his football game. European football or American football? And would you like some company?”

  His cock hardened as he watched her clean the fork off and swallow her food. He wanted to drop his food and haul her into his arms. Erich remained sitting on the counter across from her and waited for her to respond.

  “Please, its fútbol and American football. But I’m talking about what you refer to as soccer. You’re into it?”

  “I’ve watched a bit. But I want to spend more time with you. And I need your brother to like me, too.”

  “Why do you need him to like you?”

  “I know how important family is, darlin’. His opinion of me will have a big impact on you.”

  “Shouldn’t you be more worried about my opinion of you rather than my brother’s?”

  Erich slid off the counter and moved toward her, leaving his plate where he’d been sitting. Standing before her, he took hers from her and wedged his way in between her legs. The action lifted the high cut in her skirt and the sliding material showed off more mocha thigh. By the star of Texas this woman is going to be my downfall. He was so hard for her, it was painful.

  “I think I’ve got your opinion of me, Bliss,” he drawled, loving how her eyes dilated when he laid on his accent.


  Dragging a hand up her leg and side, Erich used the other one to wrap in her
hair. “Oh yeah.” He drew her lower lip into his mouth and sucked on it until she whimpered. Then he kissed her. He slanted his mouth over hers and thrust his tongue deep within her. This wasn’t a gentle kiss. The hairs on his body stood on end at the electricity pouring through him. It was as if he stood at home holding onto the electric fence. But where that electricity repulsed him, these pulses made him want to dig his heels in and stay forever.

  Erich dominated her mouth, taking what he wanted. Her submission. And when he achieved that, he took even more. Bliss purred a spine-tingling, sexy sound that made his erection even harder. The desire to be buried so deep within her so she didn’t know where he ended and she began roared over him, faster than he could ever go in his jet. She shifted against him as her arms wound around his torso, under his shoulders and her hands dug into the muscles, holding him tight.

  He growled low in his throat and the hand on her side moved back to the slit in her skirt. Mine! The feel of her smooth thigh beneath his palm nearly snapped the last of his control. She whimpered again and his cock pressed tighter against his jeans.

  “Bliss,” he barely managed to moan.

  She drew back and slowly he watched as the raging desire in her gaze was locked up. Her lips were shiny from his kisses and slightly swollen from the force of his mouth on hers. She skimmed her tongue over her parted lips and he almost lost it. “I have a…a…um…”

  “Class,” he murmured, allowing himself one more kiss. Erich forced himself to end it and step back from her. “And you need to finish your food.”

  This time she reached up to her lips with a hand that trembled. “Madre de Dios,” she said softly.

  “You said it,” he agreed and moved until he reached the side where his plate was. His own limbs trembled when he lifted himself up on the counter. I can’t believe I’m this hard from a kiss. Just a kiss.

  The rest of the quick lunch was silent as they both ate and snuck glances at one another. Bliss was done first. She toyed with her fork. The door opened before he’d finished, the chime easily heard with no music playing.

  “Bliss? ¿Donde está?” a masculine voice hollered.

  “En la cocina, Jorge,” she responded.

  That said, Erich watched her slide off the counter and pat her clothes as if making sure she looked okay. Who the hell is Jorge and why does she care how she looks for him? He remained sitting as if he had every right to be there. Which I do. A low possessive growl rose up within him when he saw a good-looking man walk in as if he owned the place. He stopped when he spied Erich.

  “¿Quién es?” Jorge asked Bliss with a jerk of his chin.

  Bliss looked to him and Erich stayed quiet, waiting to see what she’d say. Her eyes moved between the two men and Erich wondered what, if anything, there had been between the two of them. Jorge had a gleam in his eyes which made him wonder.

  “This is my friend, Erich,” she answered in English.

  Dark eyes snapped to his and Erich arched a brow while the man sized him up.

  “Jorge,” the man stated without offering his hand.

  “Erich.” He leaned back and took another bite of food, making it perfectly clear he had no intention of shaking hands either.

  “What are you doing here, Jorge?” Bliss rinsed her plate and set it in the sink.

  “Came to see about tonight.” An arrogant smirk filled Jorge’s face when he looked at Erich.

  “Tonight?” she asked finally turning back around. “What’s happening tonight?”

  “Our date.”

  “I don’t think so, Jorge. I have Mateo’s game. Not to mention you and I aren’t dating, so stop trying to push the issue.” Her eyes were narrowed and she’d stepped toward him. “This is getting to be a very old, redundant conversation and I’m tired of it.”

  Erich put down his plate and watched in silence. He’d only interfere if the man thought to put a hand on her. Well, maybe not if only then. A flush rose up Jorge’s cheeks and Erich knew his ego had been bruised. Bliss didn’t seem aware of it or she didn’t care.

  “Then you should stop fighting it,” the man snapped back in Spanish.

  Erich slid off the counter and stood behind Bliss, his eyes narrowed in silent warning. Whatever was going to be said next was put on hold by the first few people to stream through the door, as indicated by a succession of jingles. Jorge glared between the two of them before stomping out.

  “You okay?” Erich asked in her ear, cupping her upper arms.

  “I will be. Thanks.” She stepped away from him. “I’m done here in three more hours.” Bliss shrugged. “You know, if you still want to go to his match.” With a smile she left the kitchen area and headed out toward the people waiting for their lesson.

  Erich washed the dishes and dried them before stacking them on the countertop. Then he walked out to where the music was once again blasting and saw her teaching basic steps. The class formed lines and followed her direction. Sitting in a chair, Erich stretched out his legs and laced his fingers behind his head.

  I’ve got no intention of going anywhere, Bliss. Not at all.

  * * * *

  Bliss sat cheering for her brother, Erich beside her. I have to admit it is very nice being here with him. She slanted her eyes to him; his gaze sparkled as he watched the boys charge up and down the field. But as if he knew she watched him, he turned toward her and gave her a slow, seductive grin followed by a wink that skyrocketed her blood pressure. Still, she kept her feelings under control; she had to protect her heart.

  He’d surprised her by staying with her at the studio. And she knew she’d turned the tables on him when she put him on the spot for another dance. Erich had agreed and again she was twirled around the room, held by a man who made it seem like her feet never touched the dance floor.

  Erich leaned over and bushed a light kiss on her cheek. “Thanks for bringing me.”

  She blushed and smiled. About to say something to him, Bliss got sidetracked by the game. Bolting to her feet, she screamed, “Go, Mateo, go!” The closer they got to the goal the more nervous she became and it was instinctive for her to grab Erich’s hand. His warmth immediately flowed all through her.

  At the end of the game, Mateo’s team won, but it was a close match. She hung around waiting for Mateo, Erich still at her side. Her brother approached with a few of his friends and she did her best not to run to him and hug him. He’s a big boy. A man now. Don’t embarrass him.

  “Wonderful game, guys,” she said, automatically speaking Spanish.

  “Thanks, sis,” Mateo replied. He looked over at Erich who was beside her. “I remember you. You came to the house the other day. Erich, right?” he asked in English.

  “Yes sir. Great game y’all played out there today.”

  “Thank you. Bliss? Can they come for dinner?”

  She looked at the four faces of Mateo’s closest friends. Oh my goodness, can we say puppy dog eyes. She chuckled. “Of course, so long as your parents are okay with it.” All four thanked her and ran off to find their parents, Mateo with them.

  “This a common thing to happen?” Erich questioned in her ear.

  “More than you know.” She turned her head and stared at him. “Would you like to join us?” Beyond him, she could see Mateo and his friends running back toward her.

  “Try and keep me away.” His eyes burned hot and her mouth went dry.

  “Ready!” the boys said.

  “Well, all this won’t fit into my car,” she told them.

  “I can take two in mine,” Erich offered as they neared the parking lot.

  Bliss could hear the murmurs of awe when they saw his car. Not that she blamed them, for Erich had a very nice ride. Mateo and Jamie ended up riding with Erich and she took the other three boys with her. She rolled her eyes at the house when the three riding with her jumped out to stare at and look over Erich’s car where it sat parked next to hers in the covered parking.

  “I’ll be in starting dinner. Make sure you’re c
areful around his vehicle,” she told them before heading inside. At the base of the stairs she paused and sighed.

  “You okay, darlin’?” Erich’s timbre wove out of the silence and surrounded her.

  Bliss lifted her head when his hands settled along her waist. “I am. Thought you were outside with your baby.”

  “My baby?”

  “Your car.”

  “Stay outside with four boys who are swimming in the pool or be in here with you. No contest, darlin’, no contest.” He nuzzled the back of her neck and she shivered with longing. “I’ll pick being with you anytime. Now, what can I do to help?”

  She spun around. “You can cook?”

  He gave her a disarming grin. “Yes ma’am. And even if I don’t know what you’re makin’, I’m very capable of followin’ directions in a kitchen.”

  Bliss quirked a brow. “Yet another thing I’m guessing I should thank your mama for?”

  Erich winked. “Well, I wouldn’t complain if you wanted to thank me instead.”

  “I bet not.” She smiled. “I’ll be right back, make yourself at home, I need to put on something looser.”

  Flames flickered in his gaze and he cleared his throat. “I’ll be in the kitchen.” He clenched his fist. “Yes. Kitchen.” He spun on his heel and strode away.

  She didn’t move until he vanished from view, only then Bliss hurried up the stairs and quickly changed into some comfortable worn gray shorts and a loose shirt of the same metallic green which covered her toenails. Pulling her hair back into a loose ponytail, she put her shoes in the closet and headed back down to the kitchen. She paused at the doorway and peered inside. Erich stood by the patio door and it appeared he was watching the boys.

  “Somethin’ on your mind, darlin’?” he questioned, slowly turning his head to spear her heart with his intense gaze. Erich scanned her and gave a low wolf whistle.

  Her insides flipped at the endearment and approval in his eyes. “Nope. They still swimming?”

  “Yes. Amazing how much energy they have, especially considerin’ they just finished a game.”

  He pushed away and strode toward her. His movement reminded her of a predator stalking its prey. Which seems to be me. Do I mind? Nope, not really.


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