Book Read Free

What Emma Craves

Page 8

by Amanda Abbott

  The villa did not disappoint.

  “Oh, my,” Emma commented as she walked in. “It’s all so sleek and modern!” They walked through a short hallway and emerged into a small living area. All the furniture was dark leather with cream accents. The floor was green slate. All the art and knickknacks were modern, most of them silver. Everything had its place.

  The living room opened up to a bedroom on the left.

  The king-size bed was covered in a crisp white duvet cover, with big white pillows and tons of throw pillows accented in dark geometric designs. The lamps on either side of the bed had big, white shades and dark bases. A rectangle of glass was set into the wall above the bed as an obvious architectural feature, palm fronds waving back and forth outside, bringing the perfect amount of green into the room.

  It was all perfect and well done.

  They walked into the bedroom. “Holy shit!” Pete said. “Check out the bathroom. It’s open to the bedroom.”

  Enough space separated the two, but a huge modern white soaking tub was set in the middle of the floor about twenty feet from the bed. The bather would have a perfect view out the sliding glass doors in the bedroom to the deck and the ocean beyond.

  Emma walked toward the bathroom while Pete went to the doors.

  “Look at this!” Emma exclaimed. “The shower is right out in the open.”

  Pete turned. The shower was inset along the left wall with glass running from floor to ceiling. On the very back wall was a double granite countertop running the entire length of the room with matching sinks and mirrors.

  Pete watched as Emma walked between the shower and the sinks. “There’s a door set in the wall over here for the toilet,” she called. “I’m happy there’s a teeny bit of privacy, but I love how open it is. It’s so luxurious!”

  Pete turned back to the ocean view and tugged the door open and stuck his head out. The strong scent of salt filtered into the room. “You’ve got to see this.” Pete motioned Emma over. “Look at those lounge chairs.” He stepped outside.

  Emma joined him on the deck.

  The same dark teak that covered the walkways made up the decking. Small slats ran the entire length of the villa. Then it dropped down two steps, to the level of the infinity pool. The pool was about fifteen feet long—bigger than Pete had expected. Plenty of room to relax. Two huge chaise lounge chairs covered in thick, white cushions sat beside it.

  To the right of where they stood, in front of the glass doors on the living room side, was a table with four chairs, covered by a large umbrella. In front of them, the backdrop of everything was the white-sand beach and turquoise water as far as the eye could see.

  “It’s already worth every penny we spent on it,” Pete commented, “and we haven’t even seen anything else.”

  “Look, there are steps around the corner,” Emma said, moving that way. “Oh, my. Pete, you have to see this shower!”

  Mona had mentioned there was an outdoor shower. Pete followed Emma around the corner.

  It was big enough for at least four people and had two rectangular rain heads pointing directly down. It was tiled in all natural stone and totally open to the elements on either side, but it was still private, because it was tucked into the dense vegetation on all sides. Pete had no idea where the neighboring villas were, because the bushes, flowers, and trees were so thick on either side, their villa was masked in total privacy.

  “There’s a stone path leading down to the beach right there. Should we go check it out?” Pete asked.

  “No, let’s unpack first,” Emma suggested. “I’d like to put on something breezier and maybe a swimsuit. Plus, I need to get these tennis shoes off and find my sandals.”

  “Okay, let’s do that. Our luggage is already in the closet,” Pete said. “I opened up the doors already to check.”

  “They didn’t put anything away, did they?” Emma asked as they headed back through the sliding glass doors.

  “No, everything is still in the suitcases.”

  “Good.” She chuckled. “There are quite a few toys in there. That would’ve been embarrassing. But I’m sure they know that, this being an open resort and all.”

  Once they were inside, Pete slid the screen shut and walked over and wrapped his arms around his wife from behind. This was going to be a fantastic vacation. He could feel it. She turned, weaving her hands around his neck, beaming up at him.

  “So this was a good idea, huh?” he asked as he ran his lips over her collarbone. “I can see you’re happy.”

  “I’m so happy. This place has a magical feel about it. It’s like we’ve entered some kind of fifth dimension. I hadn’t realized how badly I needed a break from real life. This is already wonderful and calming.”

  “Agreed. And it will be even more wonderful when you slip into your swimming suit and feel the water on your toes. Then you and I are going to make use of that plunge pool.” He gave her a lingering kiss.

  “You’re on.” She smiled.

  * * *

  Emma felt her body relax by huge degrees as she changed into her beach clothes. Along with Piper’s wonderful swimsuit bottoms, Emma had packed a few swimsuits of her own. Just in case. She had a very sexy white one-piece that came high on the sides and plunged low in front. As she tugged it on, followed by a white gauzy sundress and her large white wide-brimmed hat with a cream band, she couldn’t help feeling like the stress had melted away.

  Maybe this was all she needed to feel content. A simple week of relaxation with zero stress. Maybe the problem wasn’t Pete. Maybe she’d just been feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders for too long.

  “Are you ready?” Pete called from the living room. “They have a full bar in the corner and a TV that opens and closes into the wall. This place rocks.”

  Emma walked into the living room. “I’m ready. Let’s hit the beach. By the time we get back, we’ll be starving. It’s just about dusk now. How about we order room service tonight?” she said, giving him a saucy wink. “And then have a little fun time on our own.”

  “Sounds great to me. After our walk, I’d like to duck into the beach bar and have one drink, just to check the place out. Then we can come back here and order room service,” he said. “That will give us a chance to see the grounds a little first. I’m curious to see the main pool.”

  “Okay, that works,” Emma replied.

  Pete took her hand. “We don’t have to stay long.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Just one drink.”

  They headed out to the deck and walked by the outdoor shower to reach the path that led to the beach. Once they cleared their villa, they stepped onto fine white sand, and the beach opened up before them like a dream.

  “Oh, my goodness,” Emma exclaimed as they walked. “Is that what I think it is?”

  Situated under a perfect palm tree right in front of their deck was a canopied lounger built for two. It looked exactly like a bed with four wooden posts, but the mattress was thinner and covered in a blue and white striped fabric. “Look,” Emma said as they got closer. “It has a white cloth canopy on top and mosquito netting tied to the sides! We can come down and cuddle under the stars after our swim. I love it!”

  Pete grinned as he sat on the edge and bounced up and down. “I don’t think cuddling is what this thing is meant for. But it’s way more comfortable than you think.” He patted the space next to him. “Come give it a try.”

  She went over and sat next to him.

  It was comfortable. They both enjoyed the view over the beautiful gently rolling waves. “We must be in an alcove of some kind,” Pete commented. “These waves are fairly small. I’m curious to see where we are. As much as I want to try this thing out”—he patted the mattress—“let’s go investigate.” He got up and offered his hand to Emma. She took it, and they headed down to the beach.

  In order to get to the wave break, they had to descend a small incline. Once the ocean hit her toes, Emma let out a long sigh. The water felt wonderful.
Just warm enough. Emma turned back around to see the resort laid out in front of them. The villas were all stand-alone. “Look,” she said. “They’re all in a row.” They stood directly in front of number seven. Three sat to the right, and six to the left. “The decks are built on stilts, so all you can really see are the edges of the pools.”

  “They do a superb job of providing privacy,” Pete commented next to her. “They all have the double loungers in front, too, but there’s enough trees in between to hide them. It’s brilliant. The perfect escape.” Pete tugged Emma farther down the beach to the right. “There’s a curve up ahead. I bet the rest of the resort faces that direction.”

  As they passed the remaining villas, which must be numbered eight, nine, and ten, they reached the curve. There was a break in the vegetation after the last villa, and the top of a thatched roof became visible.

  “I bet that’s the beach bar,” Emma said. “The main pool is somewhere by it. We should’ve checked out a resort map. That was dumb.”

  “This place is so small, I’m sure we’ll get the lay of the land very soon. I’m psyched to see what everything looks like. If our villa is any indication, it’s going to be nice. Let’s walk along the water a little longer, then we’ll come back. The sun is almost down. If we make it around this curve, we can catch it setting.”

  They walked hand in hand, the warm water crashing lightly, the tide rushing up and over their feet.

  Emma had to pull up the hem of her sundress a few times, but it was glorious. “I know I’ve said it already, but I’ve never seen water this blue,” she said. “It’s almost like the water and sky have become one. It’s magical.”

  The vegetation began to thicken once they passed the pool and bar, and more villa roofs popped into view.

  Emma glanced behind her. The two beaches that were separated by the curve were identical. Pete was right. They must be in a larger sheltered cove of some kind.

  They continued to walk as the sun set. They stopped to watch it as it dipped below the horizon, Pete’s arm around her waist.

  They hadn’t encountered another soul the entire walk.

  Once the sun had made its exit, Pete whispered, “At some point, I’m going to fuck you on this beach.” He pressed his lips against the top of her head. “We’re going to explore every inch of this place.”

  Emma murmured, “I can’t wait. I have a feeling this island is going to be full of surprises.”




  Pete guided Emma up the incline toward the beach bar. Now that the sun had set, lights twinkled in the form of several strands of bulbs strung over small bushes and railings surrounding the bar.

  The bar was built on the same teak decking material. It was open and airy with a large thatched roof covering not only the main bar, but several sitting areas. It had an exotic feel to it, but with modern furnishings, just like the villa.

  “Looks like there are some people here,” Pete said. “Maybe this is the place to gather this time of night.”

  “I don’t thinks so. People want to watch the sun go down. This faces east, same as our villa,” Emma said. “Maybe the formal dining room or the other restaurant faces west? I bet that’s where the majority of the people are. Nobody likes to miss a sunset if they can help it. Tomorrow we’re going to get the sunrise right out our front door. I can’t wait! I think I’ll go on a sunrise jog. I’m always up early the first day on vacation anyway.”

  “I might be tempted to join you if you can get me up,” Pete joked, wrapping his arm around her tighter as they walked up a short flight of steps from the beach.

  “Yeah, right.” Emma thumped his chest. “You’re like a rock in the morning. There’s no way I’m getting you up at the crack of dawn.”

  Pete immediately recognized that he and Emma had on more clothing than most of the attendees. “I think they take the clothing-optional thing seriously here,” he whispered. “We’re a little overdressed, but I think they’ll excuse us since we just arrived.”

  “I’m sure they will. Wow,” Emma said, her voice low so no one could overhear, “everyone looks fairly young from here.”

  “It’s a young, hip crowd,” Pete said. “I much prefer that to old retirees.”

  “I agree.”

  The bar was long and curved around to the back, its wood shined to a high gloss. A few barstools were occupied by guests. There were a few lounge areas with small tables and comfortable-looking chairs, as well as a few love seats scattered around with brightly colored cushions in reds, oranges, and yellows. Three of the areas were occupied by couples, and one by a group of four. All the others were empty.

  “Welcome!” a guy on a barstool announced in a booming voice as they walked up. He looked to be mid-thirties. He had blond hair, balding on top. “Is this your first time in Paradise?” The guy picked up his drink and swung around on his stool. “I’m Harry, but I’m not really that hairy, as you can plainly see.” He winked, pointing to his head. “This is my wife, Jennifer. It’s our third time on the island, and it only gets better each time we visit.”

  The guy was naked except for an extremely small bright blue Speedo.

  He stretched out his hand, and Pete shook it. “I’m Pete, and this is my wife, Emma. Yes, this is our first time.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” Emma added, nodding to Jennifer, who was naked from the waist up. Her breasts hung like two long pendulums. She gave Emma a small smile.

  “Come on and join us,” Harry said, sliding a barstool closer to him and patting the seat. “Get to know the natives. We can let you know what’s what around here. Lots to do and explore.”

  Pete hesitated. His arm was still wrapped firmly around his wife’s waist. He knew Emma’s first choice would not be to sit with these people, but being rude wouldn’t start them off on the right foot here either. It was a small resort, and Pete was curious about the rules and the culture. Besides, if he snubbed them now, they would end up running into them daily, guaranteed.

  He glanced down at Emma before he answered.

  She gave him a slight nod.

  “We can stay for one drink,” Pete said as he ushered Emma to the stool farther away from Harry. “We just got here and we’re tired from a long day of travel, so we’re going to get room service once we get back.”

  “What are you guys drinking? The first round is on me,” Harry announced. The bartender was washing glasses nearby. “Paul, get these guys whatever they want,” he said, “and put it on my tab.”

  Paul glanced at Pete. “I’ll take a Heineken if you have one,” Pete said. “If not, anything’s fine.”

  “That’s very kind of you,” Emma told Harry. “I’ll have a piña colada.”

  Paul nodded and left to get the drinks.

  “Getting into the island groove, huh?” Harry grinned at Emma. “I like it. Jen, come over this way, so we can talk in a group.”

  They watched as Jennifer maneuvered off her barstool slowly, and Harry manhandled the chair so it was now in front of him. Jennifer was very curvy and wore a blue thong bikini bottom, similar in hue to her husband’s.

  “Were you guys at the pool before this?” Pete asked, trying to be cordial.

  “Yep, did some laps, spent some time under the waterfall,” Harry replied. “Good times. The pool is my favorite spot here. Nothing beats it.”

  “Waterfall?” Emma asked. “They have a waterfall at the pool?”

  “Oh, you haven’t been yet?” Jennifer said softly. “It’s right down that path over there.” She gestured in the direction behind the bar. “It’s really amazing. A big waterfall separates three parts of the pool. There’s even seating underneath. Everything here is world-class, but the pool is the best. It’s surrounded by flowers and greenery. It feels like you’re in an oasis. That’s where we spend most of every day.”

  Harry nodded along. “They have those double loungers set up all over, some with curtains an
d some without, get my meaning?” He leaned over and elbowed Pete.

  Unfortunately, Pete got his meaning.

  The guy meant well, but he was annoying as hell. Pete knew his type: the loud, overcompensating entertainer. There was no way he and Emma would be hooking up with him and Jennifer. Next time they ran into them, however, Pete would give their excuses and move on. But while they were here, Pete was going to pump him for as much information as he could.

  “So are you guys regulars? Do you vacation here often?” Pete asked. “We’ve covered the pool, but what about the rest? How are the restaurants? What about the island in general?”

  “The restaurants are all killer,” Harry said. “The main one, The Chalet, serves five-course dinners. The Mayfair is a cross between a seafood restaurant and sports bar. I know, it’s weird, but it works. They have TVs with sports on and HGTV for the ladies.” He winked. “At The Mayfair, you can get a lobster roll or a burger. Both restaurants are on the other side of the resort, facing west. One is down by area A, and the other is by area B.”

  “The resort is divided into areas, then?” Pete asked.

  “Didn’t look at your maps, huh? The resort is basically divided in two by where we’re sitting now. Area A is that way”—he gestured toward where Pete and Emma’s villa was located—“then you’ve got your area B over this way.” Pete prayed that Harry and Jen were in area B. “The Mayfair is in area A. The Chalet is in area B.”

  “Can you see the sunset from both restaurants?” Emma asked.

  Before Harry could respond, Jennifer replied, “Yes. The Chalet has a huge glass wall and chairs on the balcony where you can have drinks and watch the sun set. The Mayfair has a deck as well. Most of the guests try to hit at least one of those places for sunset.”

  “Thanks for letting us know,” Emma said. “We’re going to have to find our map. We were just too excited to get out and explore once we got here.”

  “Understandable,” Harry agreed jovially. “Once you get settled, you’re going to have to take a golf cart out.”


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