Would I seek that fair land where there is no night?
If I never grew weary with the weight of my load,
Would I search for God’s peace at the end of the road?
If I never knew sickness and never felt pain,
Would I reach for a hand to help and sustain?
If I walked not with sorrow and lived not with loss,
Would my soul seek sweet solace at the foot of the cross?
If all I desired was mine day by day,
Would I kneel before God and earnestly pray?
If God sent no winter to freeze me with fear,
Would I yearn for the warmth of spring every year?
I ask myself this and the answer is plain,
If my life were all pleasure and I never knew pain,
I’d seek God less often and need Him much less,
For God’s sought more often in times of distress,
And no one knows God or sees Him as plain
As those who have met Him on the pathway of pain.
Whenever I am troubled
and lost in deep despair,
I bundle all my troubles up
and go to God in prayer…
I tell Him I am heartsick
and lost and lonely, too,
That my mind is deeply burdened
and I don’t know what to do…
But I know He stilled the tempest
and calmed the angry sea,
And I humbly ask if, in His love,
He’ll do the same for me…
And then I just keep quiet and
think only thoughts of peace,
And if I abide in stillness my
restless murmurings cease.
Pleasant little memories tuggin’ at my heart
Keep me thinkin’ of you when we are apart,
And with every heart-tug, wishes sweet and true
But I don’t mind the tuggin’ at my
heartstrings all year through
Because it’s mighty pleasant when
it’s being done by you.
When we feel we have nothing left to give
and we are sure that the song has ended,
When our day seems over and the shadows
fall and the darkness of night has descended,
Where can we go to find the strength
to valiantly keep on trying?
Where can we find the hand that will
dry the tears that the heart is crying?
There’s but one place to go and that is to God,
and dropping all pretense and pride,
We can pour out our problems without restraint
and gain strength with Him at our side …
And together we stand at life’s crossroads
and view what we think is the end,
But God has a much bigger vision,
and He tells us it’s only a bend …
For the road goes on and is smoother,
and the pause in the song is a rest,
And the part that’s unsung and unfinished
is the sweetest and richest and best …
So rest and relax and grow stronger—
let go and let God share your load.
Your work is not finished or ended—
you’ve just come to a bend in the road.
Our Father knows what’s best for us,
So why should we complain—
We always want the sunshine,
But He knows there must be rain—
We love the sound of laughter
And the merriment of cheer,
But our hearts would lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear …
Our Father tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow,
He tests us, not to punish us,
But to help us meet tomorrow …
For growing trees are strengthened
When they withstand the storm,
And the sharp cut of the chisel
Gives the marble grace and form …
God never hurts us needlessly
And He never wastes our pain,
For every loss He sends to us
Is followed by rich gain …
And when we count the blessings
That God has so freely sent,
We will find no cause for murmuring
And no time to lament …
For our Father loves His children,
And to Him all things are plain,
So He never sends us pleasure
When the soul’s deep need is pain …
So whenever we are troubled
And life has lost its song
It’s God testing us with burdens
Just to make our spirit strong!
Let us go quietly to God
when troubles come to us.
Let us never stop to whimper
or complain or fret or fuss.
Let us hide our thorns in roses
and our sighs in golden song
And our crosses in a crown of
smiles whenever things go wrong …
For no one can really help us
as our troubles we bemoan,
For comfort, help, and inner peace
must come from God alone …
So do not tell your neighbor,
your companion, or your friend
In the hope that they can help
you bring your troubles to an end,
For they too have their problems—
they are burdened just like you—
So take your cross to Jesus,
and He will see you through …
And waste no time in crying
on the shoulder of a friend,
But go directly to the Lord,
for on Him you can depend …
For there’s absolutely nothing
that His mighty hand can’t do,
And He never is too busy to
help and comfort you.
No one ever sought the Father
and found He was not there,
And no burden is too heavy
to be lightened by a prayer.
No problem is too intricate,
and no sorrow that we face
Is too deep and devastating
to be softened by His grace.
No trials and tribulations
are beyond what we can bear
If we share them with our Father
as we talk to Him in prayer …
And men of every color,
every race, and every creed
Have but to seek the Father
in their deepest hour of need.
God asks for no credentials—
He accepts us with our flaws.
He is kind and understanding
and He welcomes us because
We are His erring children
and He loves us, every one,
And He freely and completely
forgives all that we have done,
Asking only if we’re ready to
follow where He leads,
Content that in His wisdom
He will answer all our needs.
Sometimes we feel uncertain
and unsure of everything,
Afraid to make decisions,
dreading what the day will bring.
We keep wishing it were possible
to dispel all fear and doubt
And to understand more readily
just what life is all about.
God has given us the answers,
which too often go unheeded,
But if we search His promises
we’ll find everythi
ng that’s needed
To lift our faltering spirits
and renew our courage, too,
For there’s absolutely nothing
too much for God to do …
For the Lord is our salvation
and our strength in every fight,
Our redeemer and protector,
our eternal guiding light.
He has promised to sustain us,
He’s our refuge from all harms,
And underneath this refuge
are the everlasting arms …
So cast your burden on Him,
seek His counsel when distressed,
And go to Him for comfort
when you’re lonely and oppressed …
For in God is our encouragement
in trouble and in trials,
And in suffering and in sorrow
He will turn our tears to smiles.
The priceless gift of life is love,
For with the help of God above
Love can change the human race
And make this world a better place …
For love dissolves all hate and fear
And makes our vision bright and clear
So we can see and rise above
Our pettiness on wings of love.
Happy little memories go
flitting through my mind,
And in all my thoughts and
memories I always seem to find
The picture of your face, dear,
the memory of your touch,
And all the other little things
I’ve come to love so much.
You cannot go beyond my thoughts
or leave my love behind
Because I keep you in my heart
and forever on my mind …
And though I may not tell you,
I think you know it’s true
That I find daily happiness
in the very thought of you.
If people like me didn’t know people like you,
Life would lose its meaning and its richness, too …
For the friends that we make are life’s gift of love,
And I think friends are sent right from heaven above …
And thinking of you somehow makes me feel
That God is love and He’s very real.
Take heart and meet each minute
with faith in God’s great love,
Aware that every day of life
is controlled by God above …
And never dread tomorrow
or what the future brings—
Just pray for strength and courage
and trust God in all things.
I have a garden within my soul
of marvelous beauty rare,
Wherein the blossoms of all my
life bloom ever in splendor fair.
Amid all this beauty and splendor,
one flower stands forth as queen
Alone in its great dazzling beauty,
alone but ever supreme.
The flower of love and devotion
has guided me all through my life;
Softening my grief and my trouble,
sharing my toil and strife.
This flower has helped me conquer
temptation so black and grim,
And led me to victory and
honor over my enemy, sin.
I have vainly sought in my garden
thru blossoms of love and light—
For a flower of equal wonder,
to compare with this one so bright.
But ever I met with failure,
my search has been in vain—
For never a flower existed,
like the blossom I can claim.
For after years I now can see,
amid life’s roses and rue—
God’s greatest gift to a little child,
my darling Mother, was you.
“Love one another as I have loved you”
May seem impossible to do,
But if you will try to trust and believe,
Great are the joys that you will receive
For love makes us patient, understanding, and kind,
And we judge with our hearts and not with our minds,
For as soon as love entered the heart’s open door,
The faults we once saw are not there anymore
And the things that seem wrong begin to look right
When viewed in the softness of love’s gentle light
For love works in ways that are wondrous and strange,
And there is nothing in life that love cannot change,
And all that God promised will someday come true
When you love one another the way He loved you.
I am perplexed and often vexed
And sometimes I cry and sadly sigh,
But do not think, dear Father above,
That I question You or Your unfailing love.
It’s just that sometimes when I reach out,
You seem to be nowhere about,
And while I’m sure You love me still
I know in my heart that You always will,
Somehow I feel I cannot reach You,
And though I get on my knees and beseech You,
I cannot bring You close to me,
And I feel adrift on life’s raging sea …
But though I cannot find Your hand
To lead me on to the promised land,
I still believe with all my being
Your hand is still there beyond my seeing.
Do not be anxious, said our Lord,
Have peace from day to day—
The lilies neither toil nor spin,
Yet none are clothed as they.
The meadowlark with sweetest song
Fears not for bread or nest
Because he trusts our Father’s love
And God knows what is best.
Have you ever been caught in a web you didn’t weave,
Involved in conditions that are hard to believe?
Have you ever felt you must speak and explain and deny
A story that’s groundless or a small, whispered lie?
Have you ever heard rumors you would like to refute
Or some telltale gossip you would like to dispute?
Well, don’t be upset, for God knows the score,
And with God as your judge you need worry no more …
For men may misjudge you, but God’s verdict is fair,
For He looks deep inside and is deeply aware
Of every small detail in your pattern of living,
And always He’s fair and lenient and forgiving,
And knowing that God is your judge and your jury
Frees you completely from man’s falseness and fury …
And secure in this knowledge, let your thoughts rise above
Man’s small, shallow judgments that are so empty of
God’s goodness and greatness in judging men,
And forget ugly rumors and be happy again.
Be glad that your life has been full and complete,
Be glad that you’ve tasted the bitter and sweet.
Be glad that you’ve walked in sunshine and rain,
Be glad that you’ve felt both pleasure and pain.
Be glad that you’ve had such a full, happy life,
Be glad for your joy as well as your strife.
Be glad that you’ve walked with courage each day,
Be glad you’ve had strength for each step of the way.
Be glad for the comfort that you’ve found in prayer.
/> Be glad for God’s blessings, His love, and His care.
Memory builds a little pathway
that goes winding through my heart.
It’s a lovely, quiet, gentle trail
from other things apart.
I only meet when traveling
there the folks I like the best,
For this road I call remembrance
is hidden from the rest,
But I hope I’ll always find you
in my memory rendezvous,
For I keep this little secret place
to meet with folks like you.
Thank You, God, for little things that come unexpectedly
To brighten up a dreary day that dawned so dismally.
Thank You, God, for sending a happy thought my way
To blot out my depression on a disappointing day.
Oh God, the list is endless
of the things to thank You for,
But I take them all for granted
and unconsciously ignore
That everything I think or do,
each movement that I make,
Each measured, rhythmic heartbeat,
each breath of life I take
Is something You have given me
for which there is no way
For me in all my smallness
to in any way repay.
On the wings of prayer our burdens take flight
And our load of care becomes bearably light
And our heavy hearts are lifted above
To be healed by the balm of God’s wonderful love …
And the tears in our eyes are dried by the hands
Of a loving Father who understands
All of our problems, our fears and despair
When we take them to Him on the wings of prayer.
May God bless your wedding
day and every day thereafter
And fill your home with happiness and
Love Gifts Page 4