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Paranormal Dating Agency: Royally Screwed (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Prism Fae Romance Book 1)

Page 5

by Godiva Glenn

  Artur cleared his throat and leveled a stare at Kerren. “That’s not what we asked. We are aware of Ms. Donovan’s position in her world.”

  “Please answer,” Catriona pressed.

  Brook shook her head. “I didn’t think my world would be a danger, in honesty. Many of us live our entire lives without being grievously harmed. I certainly didn’t place him in danger, though. I could share my itinerary for the week.” She shifted on her feet and glanced to Kerren. “No war zones or base jumping,” she joked.

  The King and Queen didn’t appear entertained but were silent for a moment. Brook’s words stirred an idea in Kerren’s mind, like a memory he couldn’t grasp. There was something he should understand, but it escaped him.

  The Queen looked to her right and made a slight gesture with her hand. Vevina came forward and judging by the flame-like flicker of her hair, she was in a flustered mood.

  “Vevina of the house Freagh, please tell the court what you witnessed on Earth.”

  Vevina’s eyes were glued to the floor, as if avoiding Kerren altogether. “I, Vevina of the house Freagh, loyal servant to the family and lands of Kerren of Weylan Barrows, witnessed this human, Brook Donovan, save the life of His Grace.”

  Everything clicked, and Kerren swore under his breath. Vevina had invoked a human right, even though Brook had no idea she had access to it.

  “It’s not proven that I was in mortal danger,” he announced. “I very well may have just been injured.”

  Artur peered at Brook. “How many humans die from being hit by cars?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Do they often survive?”

  “I… I really can’t say. I’ve never met a person who was hit by a car.”

  “There would be a repository of information,” Kerren pointed out. “I’m sure I wouldn’t have died.”

  “I don’t know, Kerren. They were moving so fast…” Brook said honestly.

  He groaned.

  “Vevina?” Catriona asked.

  Vevina gnawed her lip and raised her head to face the Queen. “Ms. Donovan is correct. From what I can tell, the odds of a person surviving impact of a car on that road, given the speed of travel, it would be around five percent.”

  Kerren’s heart flipped, both from hearing that he’d been closer to death than he was willing to accept and because Vevina had solidly sealed her case. He couldn’t imagine her goal, but she had single-handedly redirected Brook’s life.

  Brook took his hand, staring into his eyes. “But you didn’t get hurt. That’s the point, right?”

  He nodded. She was clueless.

  The King and Queen stood.

  “I can’t even remember the last time we had such wondrous news,” the Queen announced gleefully. “By the right of the court, and in the act of saving the life of noble blood, Brook Donovan is hereby indoctrinated into the court. The newest Lady of Weylan Barrows.” She clapped her hands together. “And of course, the official ceremony will be in… hmm. Let’s say three days.”

  “Excuse me?” Brook whispered. “I’m what?”

  Kerren couldn’t speak, his jaw clenched so tight it hurt. He watched Vevina slide from the room like a snake. After everything he’d been through, her treachery was the worst. He’d finally had what he wanted—a new beginning, a perfect woman in his arms—and now he’d have nothing.

  The room filled with overlapping conversations, no longer whispers but now a steady roar. Confusion spread across Brook’s brows and she tugged Kerren’s coat.

  “I’ll explain,” he promised. “We should leave.”

  “Is something wrong? It didn’t sound like bad news,” she pressed. “I’m a member of the court? How? As a human?”

  “I’ll explain,” he repeated, taking her hand.

  He led her away, through scattered applause and excited congratulations. Of course it was wonderful news to them. The Pure fae court loved humans who somehow rose above the rest.

  Brook would be the topic of discussion for the next decade.

  Chapter Seven

  Kerren had been quiet on the way back to his home, but it spoke volumes. He was angry, furious even, and Brook had no idea why.

  She asked questions, tried to speak to him, but nothing got through. He was a wall, and she wasn’t breaking through.

  On the surface, she understood the Queen’s words. She, Brook, was now a member of the fae court. But what that meant was a mystery. Even more questionable was Kerren’s reaction. Why did it seem like he hated the world right now?

  She followed him through his home, a winding maze that eventually led to the kitchen. He pulled down two glasses and produced a bottle of what she assumed was wine from one of the cupboards.

  Though the kitchen appeared modern at first glance, there was no fridge or stove or oven. Instead, a raised marble inlaid fireplace sat against the wall. There were shelves of strange jars and pots, and baskets of fruits and vegetables. Some she recognized, but mostly things that were clearly fae in origin.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, pouring a dark amber liquid into each glass. “If I had suspected, perhaps I could have circumvented things.”

  She watched him slide the glass across the counter towards her and sigh heavily. He spoke as if he grieved, and she still didn’t understand.

  “Are you going to explain now?” she asked.

  He pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut. After a moment he took a sip of his wine, and after swallowing he leaned forward.

  “You are now a memb—”

  “I heard that. What does it mean?” she interrupted.

  “It means that you, as a human and non-royal blood, are now required to uphold the tenets of the station. Primarily, it means that when I welcomed you to Prism, I may as well have said ‘Welcome home,’ because that’s what this is.”

  She fingered the stem of her glass, certain that she misunderstood. “I have a home. On Earth. I have a tiny apartment that I can barely afford, but I love it.”

  “I’m sure you’ll be gifted a modest estate now,” he said dryly.

  A heavy weight sunk into her stomach. “What about my life? My job?”

  “Of the particulars—I don’t know. I just know you’ll be taken care of.”

  She fell into the stool beside her and took a deep sip of the strange wine. It was bittersweet and thicker than it appeared, but she pushed aside her curiosity. There were larger matters at hand.

  “You aren’t forced to stay here,” she reasoned.

  “That’s different. Humans indoctrinated into the court don’t have a choice—or rather, the fae can’t imagine a human not choosing life as fae nobility over a normal human existence.”

  She took a deep breath, trying to tamp down the rising panic by tackling her anxiety with reason. One thing she hated about her life was predictability. She wanted to travel and had always dreamed of moving to a new city and meeting new people. In a way, she could look at this as an opportunity.

  Except it wasn’t her choice.

  Even if the prospect was exhilarating, there was a dark undertone. She’d never know if she was meant for something else. Her future was partially out of her hands. She wouldn’t miss her job, or her boss, or her tiny apartment—which she’d lied about loving. But she would miss that everything she had, she’d gotten on her own.

  She took another drink and regarded Kerren’s continuing scowl. For a moment she felt a hint of solace, but it fell away. Kerren didn’t want to live on Prism, and it was unlikely that he’d stay around just to spend more time with her.

  Their time together had been fleeting, but she’d hoped it was leading somewhere.

  “Will you stick around long enough for the ceremony?” she asked sadly.

  “Of course,” he said simply.

  That was that. No note of anything more. Theirs was one magical night and nothing else.

  She swirled her glass, holding it up and staring at it through the light. “I know why I’m torn between
running and jumping for joy, but what about you? You seem ready to fight someone.”

  “I feel betrayed,” he admitted.

  “Betrayed? How? I’m the one who just got dragged into a new society.”

  He shrugged. “Vevina…” his voice trailed off and he sighed. “I can’t believe she’d do this to me—I mean, to you.”

  Brook narrowed her eyes at him. “She was only doing what she had to, wasn’t she?”

  “No. She didn’t have to tell anyone about what happened. It’s a technicality. Had I signed over my land and title before leaving, this wouldn’t be an issue. But because I was undecided, and wanted my province to be handled organically, it meant I was—or rather still am—fae nobility.” He growled into his glass and tilted his head back, polishing off his drink. “To drag you into this was unfair.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  He didn’t say anything, and Brook hated feeling like there was something missing from his explanation. Nothing he said explained Vevina’s actions. He was acting as if it had everything to do with him when she was the only one affected.

  “How is it unfair to you?” she pressed.

  Pouring himself another half-glass, he eyed her. “My actions have snowballed and taken you under.”

  It seemed a flimsy argument, but perhaps he had guilt issues, even if she didn’t blame him at all for what had unfolded.

  “As I said, I’m sorry,” he repeated, appearing hellbent on allowing the unnecessary self-blame to bring him under.

  Reaching out, she took his wrist and stopped him from downing his wine.

  “On the bright side, you get to show me around. I want the full tour. What do you think my average day would entail here?” She laughed softly, trying to hide the tears that brimmed upon thinking of her new life. “I mean, are there jobs? Does anyone need a mediocre purchasing agent with three years in industrial supply?”

  He put down his glass and took hers away as well. “There are opportunities you’ve probably never dreamt of, and I highly doubt you’re capable of being mediocre at anything.” He pulled her from the stool and led her to the nearest window, standing behind her. “Point out anything in the distance and I’ll take you there. Or just tell me what you want to see. Anything that sparks your curiosity.”

  Leaning back, she pressed her back against the sturdy wall of his chest. She closed her eyes, hoping her request wasn’t too forward.

  “Your bedroom,” she whispered.

  His arms circled her, and he bent to her ear. “Are you sure?”

  “Take my mind off it all, Kerren. Right now, you’re the only thing I understand.”

  Sweeping her hair to the side, he kissed her neck, then growled softly. “We need to get you some dresses that don’t require pliers and perfect vision to remove.”

  * * * *

  Brook lay in the center of Kerren’s wondrous canopy bed, waiting for him to return. He’d stripped her dress off and stared at her body while mumbling to himself, then promised he’d be right back. She’d removed her bra and settled into the plush mattress, eager to see what he had in mind.

  The bedroom was decorated in the same manner of the rest of his home. Each piece of furniture looked antique and expensive. The posts of the bed were a golden wood, polished to a smooth sheen and engraved with intricate vines. The sheets were mellow tan and buttery soft against her skin. Diaphanous curtains fell on each side of the bed, tied back with golden ropes.

  Before the bed was a fluffy hunter green rug, and she’d had naughty thoughts of rolling around on it with Kerren, but the bed had called to her.

  It was nearly twice the size of her bed at home, and even more comfortable than it looked, which hardly seemed fair.

  “Here,” Kerren said, entering the room.

  He’d removed his coat and shirt, and wore only his russet formal pants, which seemed to be the softest brushed leather in all of existence. Climbing beside her on the bed, he set down a bowl.

  “What did you bring me?” she asked rising on her elbows.

  “You mentioned you had a sweet tooth. I thought these would be nice… and fun.” He produced a fruit, which seemed like a large, petal pink strawberry. “Open.”

  She opened her mouth and nibbled the faux strawberry. The seeds were larger and more noticeable and burst in her mouth with a tangy surprise. The fruit itself was like biting into heaven, sweet and light. The flesh seemed to melt in her mouth like cotton candy.

  She moaned and took another bite, finishing it off to the stem. “This is incredible,” she purred. “What is it?”

  “I’m sure you could guess, but it’s related to the strawberries of Earth. We can’t grow those exactly—they require acidic soil, whatever that is—”


  He laughed and grabbed another pink berry. “We call them Fenberries. I thought you would like them.”

  She took a bite of the offered berry and sighed as the flavors exploded over her tongue. “Mmmm. I love them. Definitely enough for my sweet cravings.”

  He scooted close and licked her bottom lip. “You’ve given me a sweet tooth,” he commented. “Your pussy has me addicted.”

  Heat flooded her cheeks and her panties grew damp at his words. “You’re ridiculous.”

  He sucked her lip into his mouth and she gradually relented. His tongue swept across hers as they kissed, sending sparks of fire through her bloodstream. He pulled away and licked down her neck while he fed her the remainder of the berry.

  Tangling her fingers in his thick multi-hued hair, she begged under her breath. She couldn’t remember ever wanting a man the way she wanted Kerren. And maybe, more importantly, she’d never met a man who seemed to want her with such equal passion.

  His ravenous mouth devoured her skin, nipping at her breasts with teasing teeth. He took another berry by the stem and dragged the chilled fruit across her already erect nipples. The bumps of pronounced seeds were an odd sensation, one he followed with his tongue, replacing cool and hard with warm and wet.

  Under normal circumstances, Brook didn’t enjoy sex without commitment, but normal had left the building. Right now, she needed Kerren. He touched her with a familiarity that made no sense given their short acquaintance but gave her exactly the comfort she needed.

  Scooting down her body, he guided the berry in a winding path down her stomach, circled it around her navel, and traveled lower still. He paused at her underwear.

  “Do you really need these?” he asked fingering the delicate fabric.

  “Not now.”

  He gripped the black lace and ripped it from her body, the sudden sting flashing across her skin.

  “I didn’t mean I’d never need them again,” she gasped. It was, after all, the only pair she had with her.

  “My mistake,” he said with a grin. “Accept my apologies?”

  His head dove down, kissing where her thighs met and making her breath catch. He nudged her legs open and hissed in approval.

  “Perfect,” he whispered in appreciation.

  She bit her cheek and watched him. The cool textured skin of the berry trailed on her inner thigh in sweeping up and down motions, teasing her. Her pussy was wet and aching for his attention, and each second that he ignored it made her wild.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” she whined.

  “Just lay back and close your eyes.”

  She did as told. Before she could wonder what he was up to, he’d slid something cool and bumpy along her folds, using it to part her open. She gripped the sheets and kept her eyes squeezed shut as the strange sensation became clear.

  He dipped the berry into her wet slit and teased her entrance. Her legs shook with anticipation as he twisted and eased it in and out, barely entering her but going far enough to make her salivate. The teasing whipped her nerves into a frenzy.

  The firm flesh of fruit was replaced by warmth, his tongue licking her wet slit. He moaned against her skin as he glided the berry across her clit, rubbing the seeded
surface across her sensitive bud as his tongue dived in and out of her dripping wet pussy.

  “Kerren,” she begged. “Please, I need you inside me.”

  His tongue flattened and lapped over her from entrance to clit, as if he would lick up every drop of her. She raised up on her elbow to see him. Digging her hand through his thick waves, she shuddered. The way he looked up at her, hunger blatant in his eyes, floored her. He gave her pussy another long, deliberate lick then popped the berry into his mouth.

  While she stared, he stepped off the bed to remove his pants. They laced in the front, and though he wasn’t trying to put on a show, she was nearly excited enough to clap. His erection sprang free, causing her mouth to water.

  He climbed up her body and kissed her. The sweet and tangy juice of the berry, mingled with her own fresh flavor laced his tongue, and she swallowed it all. The head of his cock nestled against her folds, poised to enter, and he rocked his hips so that he glided in her arousal.

  “I love the way you taste,” he whispered against her mouth.

  One quick thrust and he slid inside her, taking her breath away. He was thick and smooth, and she felt full nearly to the point of him being too much. He groaned and pressed against her, working his way deeper. She hadn’t guessed he wasn’t all the way in yet, and that realization made her head spin.

  “You’re so tight,” he said through clenched teeth.

  She nodded and dug her fingertips into his back, speechless. His every shift and movement stretched her open for him until finally, he’d buried himself completely.

  He kissed her mouth and chin, then growled into her ear, “Perfect fit.”

  “Oh, fuck,” she murmured.

  “That’s the plan.”

  He pulled himself out half-way then rammed back in, shaking her entire body with the force of his action and making her eyes roll back in pleasure.

  “Like this? Or is slower more your style?” he asked. “You said you liked it hard…”

  It took her a moment to find words, as if she’d devolved into mute puddle of lust. “Yes,” she panted. “Please, more like that.”


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