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Their Captivated Bride (Bridgewater Menage Series Book 3)

Page 6

by Vanessa Vale

  "Oh," she whispered, her eyes lowered once again to watch my hand.

  My hips bucked involuntarily at the thought of her on her knees before me, her mouth a perfect O around my cock.

  "We all want you, lass," Simon added. Perhaps she forgot the others were there, for she startled and turned her head to look at the front of his pants. I could see the clear outline of Simon's hard cock and I knew Olivia could as well.

  "We want you too much," Rhys added.

  Moving my hand, I took hers and wrapped it around my cock, placing mine on top and then started to move. I couldn't help the groan that escaped at the feel of her palm, her small fingers touching me, sliding up and down my length.

  As I showed her how I liked it, I gave her a brief lesson. "My cock's going to fill your pussy all the way up, but for now, you're going to make me come with your hand. Remember last night when you came? That's how you're going to make me feel. This ridge, yes," I hissed as she slid a finger along the sensitive edge of the head. "It's going to rub over all the special places deep inside you and you're going to come again all over my cock. When a man comes, his pleasure erupts and his seed will ultimately fill your belly."

  Simon and Rhys stepped close and began touching Olivia. Rhys grabbed a hold of her long dress and slid the fabric up her thigh, higher and higher until he could reach underneath, Simon doing the same on the other side. Soon, her dress was up about her waist in front and Simon tugged at the ribbon of her drawers, letting them drop to the ground. Simon started to play with her pussy from the front, Rhys reaching around from behind.

  She stiffened as they began stroking her, but I continued to move her hand over my cock, my desire building at the base of my spine like a ball of fire, getting ready to explode.

  "Someone may come in," she replied, skittish feelings fighting with her arousal.

  "Nay, lass, we are alone," Simon said. "Ye are so wet, dripping on my fingers."

  "Perfect," Rhys added and then her hand gripped my cock tightly as, I assumed, Rhys' finger found her ass and began playing.

  "You shouldn't touch me there," she said, trying to squirm away, but she was held fast.

  Sweat coated my brow, as I was more than ready to come, seeing Simon's hand glistening with her arousal and knowing Rhys was beginning to play with her ass. I shifted my body to the side so that with the next vigorous stroke of her hand, I came.

  I groaned and pulsed my hips as rope after thick rope of my seed shot onto the hay and dirt at our feet.

  "Oh," Olivia said in surprise. My eyes fell shut as I savored the intense feeling, knowing I'd taught her how to work a cock. I released her hand, my cock too sensitive now for her to touch it. I sighed loudly, and then grinned, for I couldn't help it. The desperate ache had been relieved, if only temporarily. As for the others, they'd have their turn next. I moved to the side and the men walked her forward so I could place her hands on a hitching rail used while grooming a horse. "Put your hand here, love," I directed. Once she did so, Rhys pulled her hips back slightly and I knelt down before her, Simon at her side.

  "What are you doing?" she asked.

  "Playing," I said. "I'm going to play with your pussy and Rhys is going to play with your ass. We're going to make you come while you stroke Simon's cock next."

  I took the hem of her dress from Simon as the man undid his pants and pulled his cock free, ready for her to practice her hand skills on another cock. It was Simon's turn to direct her, as I was more than content to play with her pretty pink pussy and stroke her to pleasure.

  "My...I don't think you're supposed to be playing with my ass." She whispered the last word as if it were a dirty word.

  "No, love, we will almost always play with your arse when we are with you, for soon you will take all three of us at the same time. One of our cocks will be in that sweet mouth, another in your perfect pink pussy, and the last in this tight, hot arse. Don't panic, we have to take your maidenhead first, but your pretty arse needs to be trained to take a cock."

  I was flicking my tongue over her distended clit as my fingers held her open, but when she stiffened against my mouth and groaned, I had to assume Rhys had slipped a slick finger into her arse. I loved the taste of her on my tongue; the scent of her was sweet and so heady my cock was getting hard again.

  "She's verra good with her hand," Simon commented, his voice deep and guttural. "I'm nae gonna last, lass, so finish me." I heard him shift, then grunt, a hand slapping against the wooden wall to hold himself up.

  "I've got one finger in her and she's so tight. I think, Cross, every time you flick her clit she clenches her arse nice and tight. When we get our cocks in here it's going to feel like pure heaven."

  "'s too much," she gasped.

  "My finger? It's just the beginning. Relax, that's it. It's my turn to come, love, but Simon's going to take my place."

  "Oh," she gasped as the men switched places.

  "I need a little honey from the honey pot, lass," Simon told her and I saw his finger dip into her pussy and come out dripping wet before moving over the tiny rosebud.

  "Give me your hand, love, and show me what you've learned. I bet you can do it without me helping. Ah, yes," Rhys hissed. I glanced to my left and saw that Olivia was stroking Rhys' cock all on her own, one of his hands on the wall to keep himself upright, the other clenched in a tight fist at his side.

  "Such a perfect, tight arse, lass. I'm going to start pushing in now, just like Rhys did."

  She whimpered, but knew that for Simon's large size, he would be gentle with her. The pain and pleasure mix of ass play had me sucking on Olivia's clit with more vigor and dipping a finger into her pussy. After last night I had a good idea of how to get her to come and I wanted to do that while Simon's finger was in her ass. I only wanted ass play to be associated with pleasure, right from the very first breaching.

  "Cross is going to make ye come, lass. Take a deep breath now, and let it out. Such a good lass," he soothed as she groaned, a mixture of new feelings, being filled in the ass and pleasure of having her clit and pussy worked. "Be verra quiet so no one hears ye being pleased by your men."

  When the fingers of her free hand tangled in my hair I knew she was about to come. I could feel her inner walls clenching down on the tip of my finger.

  "Now, lass. Come for us now."

  She did, right on command, her body dripping its pleasure onto my fingers as she bit her lip to stifle her cry, her body convulsing with her release.

  "She's gripping my cock so tightly," Rhys said just before he groaned and I knew he'd found his pleasure as well.

  I sat back on my haunches and wiped the back of my hand over my mouth as I looked up at Olivia. Her eyes were closed, her skin flushed, her mouth open and breathing heavily. Simon was still gently moving his finger within her ass until the last bits of her pleasure waned. When she opened her eyes, he stepped away and her dress fell back to the floor.

  "That's why we didn't come to you, but instead of just playing, we would have taken you, taken your virginity, and when we do, we don't plan to let you up," I told her. Her pale eyes looked down at me, foggy with her arousal and quite pleased with herself.

  "For days," Rhys added as he buttoned up his pants.


  On our ride to the Bridgewater ranch, I didn't raise the topic of my angry outburst from the morning, for if I did, they might want to talk about the things we did directly after. While I now understood their reasons for leaving me alone in the guest room, I hadn't at the time. Fortunately, their tempers were such that they took the reasoning for my ire into account and hadn't yelled or even argued.

  Twenty minutes alone in the stable with the trio had me learning there was more to having them take my virginity than I first imagined. It wasn't fumbling beneath the sheets in the dark.

  When, to my complete surprise, Cross had opened up the front of his pants and pulled his...his cock out, I had no idea one could be so large. I assumed they were much smaller, for
the idea of him fitting within me was preposterous. Then I saw Cross' cock and it was even thicker and at that point, besides being pleasantly distracted, I didn't want to consider it, or the size of Rhys' even further. They'd said they'd wait until we were at the ranch to do more—more of exactly what I couldn't be sure—so I had a reprieve until then.

  Reprieve or not, that hadn't kept them from putting their fingers in my bottom, at least only two of them did, and that had been enough. I'd had no idea that was something done between married people; no whispering I'd heard by the younger married ladies had ever mentioned such attentions. It had felt...odd, and when Rhys had first pushed into me, it had burned a bit. But when he began moving very slowly in and out, like Cross' finger had been in my woman's core, it had been completely different. The intensity of the feelings—the pleasure there—was absolutely overwhelming. When Cross had licked me on that special spot between my legs, I'd come and come hard. It was as if each time they took me over that brink it was better and better.

  I knew men felt pleasure as well, for why else would there be brothels in every town, sometimes more than one? The look on their each of their faces as they came was...powerful, for I knew my hand sliding up and down each of their thick shafts had been what did it. I'd caught on quickly after Cross had showed me how, and the smooth, hot, hard feel of each of them was impressive. Unfortunately, none of the men gave me much time to focus on them, for they'd very thoroughly taken care of me. When it was three against one, I was always going to be overwhelmed.

  For the duration of the ride to Bridgewater I sat on one man's lap, then another, as it seemed they wished to take turns holding me. I was too sated from their attentions to truly argue, and perhaps this had been their strategy – to pleasure me so I wouldn't argue. I didn't comment on being shared, as I was quickly learning they were very possessive men and while they worked together as a team, they were individuals and needed their own time with me.

  "Is that the stud horse you spoke about at the dance?" I asked, looking at the animal that was being led behind us. After our last break, Cross had climbed onto his animal and took my hand and lifted me up onto his lap. "Why can't I ride him?"

  "It is, but while broken, he's new to us and we don't want to risk anyone getting hurt. Don't you like riding with your men?" he asked, running his chin over the top of my head.

  I did, actually, enjoy being held. "It is new to me to sit with a man. Well, to do anything really with a man. Not only is it unseemly to do so before now, I was quite independent." The past tense disturbed me, for now that I was married, would I have the same liberties as I had when I lived with my uncle? I hadn't gallivanted all over Helena as my days were structured with social and charitable functions as well as playing hostess for my uncle—

  "Oh," I said.

  "What is it?" he asked.

  "I just realized that my uncle did so much...presentation to keep me from knowing about his relationship with the Tannenbaums."

  "How so?"

  The horse's plodding gait had me shifting into Cross' body. While I wore a bonnet on my head, his large body shielded me quite well from the sun.

  "He had dinner parties and could have done it with Belinda as hostess in my stead. He kept his house just for me. We didn't sit with the Tannenbaums at church and I know Uncle Allen didn't see them all the time, probably not as frequently as he'd liked. He sacrificed so much for me."

  I felt Cross shake his head. "He didn't do it only for you. Do you think your friends and the other church members would approve of him sharing a wife with Roger?"

  "No. Am I going to live solely with Simon then to keep up appearances?"

  "Nay, lass," Simon said, bringing his horse up so he rode along side us on one side, Rhys moved into position on the other. "At Bridgewater having several men care for one wife is the norm."

  I glanced at him, so dark and handsome, his whiskers coming in quickly and black hair now covered his jaw. His hat was low on his head and he rode a horse easily. While he was at ease, I could see his eyes scan the horizon for any hidden threats. Rhys seemed to be the one who was studious and bookish. Cross was more lighthearted, while Simon was the serious one, although the attraction was not any less for it, the intensity of his gaze upon me just as hot.

  He seemed to be the one who was the most protective, perhaps even possessive. We'd left Helena without incident but they had wanted to keep watch for Peters or any man he might have sent. So far, nothing.

  "I've never heard of several men marrying one woman and I have to admit, am not used to the idea."

  "You wouldn't be used to the idea of wedding just one man as quickly as you did either," Rhys added. "It was done with extreme haste."

  True, it would have been a surprise even then.

  "Simon and I were in the same army regiment. We left England and were stationed in the tiny country of Mohamir."

  "Isn't that near the Ottoman Empire?"

  Rhys smiled. "You know your geography. It is that country's custom for a woman to be married to more than one man, in some cases brothers, in others, men who have come together and vowed to treasure and protect one woman."

  "In England, lass," Simon swore, "those bloody Brits often marry for social standing or money and the men have strict rules for their wives, but none for themselves."

  "There have to be some who marry for love," I countered.

  "Aye, lass, that is true, but in the circles I traveled, it wasna the norm. We had friends whose wives were neglected and unhappy while they were off slumming in brothels. It disgusted us as to the lack of honor. In Mohamir, however, that honor existed and it was the way we want to be."

  "Don't you and Rhys someday want women for your yourselves?" I asked Cross.

  I didn't like the possibility of being left for someone else, for they were handsome men and surely women had flocked to them in the past. How could they not be sought after in the future as well?

  "No, love. We only want you."

  "We will always want just you," Rhys added. He angled his head and looked at me with dark intensity. "You may not think it now, but the Mohamiran way protects the wife, for if something were to happen to one of us, you would still have the others to cherish you - you and children that will surely come. You will never need of anything ever again."

  "If you liked their ways so much, why didn't you stay there?"

  "Our commander did something...terrible and one of our friends, Ian, was framed for the crime. We knew he was innocent and justice would not be served, so we left," Rhys explained. "As a group, we chose to band together and make a new life. We traveled to America to find a place where we could practice what we learned in Mohamir, while escaping Evans and any repercussions that might follow us."

  I turned my head so I could look up at Cross. His eyes were so green in comparison to Rhys and Simon's dark ones. "What about you? You sound as American as me. Surely you didn't spend time in Mohamir."

  He kissed the tip of my nose. "I was raised in Boston and that was where their ship came in. I wasn't as big back then as I am now, but I was involved in a fight to protect a woman and these two helped me."

  "There's more to the story than that, isn't there?"

  Cross put his chin on top of my head once again, forcing me to not look at him anymore. "My past isn't a good story, love." His voice sounded flat at the mention of his childhood. "Bridgewater is my home now. Your home. It is where our future is. You are our future."



  "You went to Helena for a stud horse and came back with a bride as well?" Kane asked, holding the halter as Simon brushed the animal down. He'd been working in the stable when we arrived and had come to help with our horses.

  "Turns out the man who sold us the horse is a bloody bastard and hurt Olivia and most likely set fire to her house." Cross shared the events of our trip with our friend.

  "So you married her for protection alone?"

  "We wanted her the first time we saw h
er," I stated plainly. "I knew when I danced with her, had my hands on her. There wasn't any decision to make."

  Kane nodded. He was as dark as I, although a few inches taller. He'd married Emma the previous summer, saving her from a ridiculous brothel marriage auction. At the time I hadn't exactly understood the depth of his awareness that Emma was the woman for him and for Ian. They'd had only a minute or two to look at her before the auction had begun, but they'd known. Just like Cross and I had known at the dance.

  He and Ian had protected Emma from the other men at the auction, but they'd married her because they wanted her. There was no doubt of the love match. They were very attentive to her, and she’d given birth to their first child not long ago.

  Kane smiled and nodded. "Once the women hear of her existence, they will want to meet her straight away."

  "Tomorrow," I said.

  Cross shook his head. "Two days. We have yet to fuck her."

  "And yet you are here talking with me?" Kane asked, head cocked in surprise.

  "Simon remains at the house with her." After her enlightening outburst this morning, we agreed one of us would stay near until she became comfortable with us. "She's taking a bath. We gave her one hour of peace before we descend." Anticipation laced my every word.

  "Go," Kane said. "See to your wife. I'll have the others help get the animals settled. I give you three days, consider the extra day a wedding present, and then we meet her."

  Ten minutes later we entered through the kitchen door. Simon was sitting at the table reading a book.

  He put it down on the table. "I have nae read one word as I ken she's up there," he pointed up at the ceiling, "naked and in a bathtub. After helping her with one last night, tis bloody impossible to sit here and give her some time."

  "We're done giving her time," I said, turning toward the hallway.

  Simon stood, the chair legs sliding loudly across the floor. "About damn time," he grumbled.


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