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TYCOON_His Money. His Harley. His Control.

Page 10

by Maggie Carpenter

  I couldn't. I don't have his last name.

  You had a guy stay over and you don't even know his last name? Holy crap.

  It's not like we met at a bar or anything, and believe me, I got the message that I shouldn't have done that loud and clear. That came from him by the way, but back to the point. So you don't think it's weird that he read one of my books before coming over, and he didn't tell me?

  But he did tell you.

  Not until this morning. Not until I'd decided to give him The Biker Who Spanked Me. That was the book he read. That's when it came out. He apologized and said he'd tried to tell me earlier. He did, twice. I wasn't in the mood to talk about anything heavy, but I think he should have told me the minute he came over last night.

  Wait. Back up. You said you talked about the dom/sub thing. Is he a dom?


  My God. That's awesome, and no, it's not weird. It sounds like you forced the issue. Giving him the book pressured him. He felt he needed to tell you right then. He did the right thing. He'd tried to tell you, and you put him off. What was he supposed to do? Please tell me you didn't get hysterical.

  Yeah. I did. Totally. Shit.


  What should I do?

  Fall on your knees, give him a blow job, beg his forgiveness, and pray he doesn't pull out a cane.

  Good grief, Addie.

  Seriously, he sounds like a decent guy who really likes you, and went out of his way to learn more about you. I'd be stoked.

  Now I'm freaking out all over again. What's wrong with me?

  You're probably neurotic about your books. Let's face it, we totally expose ourselves. It's a strange thing when we find out a friend has read them.

  I've kept my novels totally secret. People know I'm an author, but only a few know my alias. I've been psyching up to tell him. Leaving that book out for him wasn't easy.

  That's why it flipped you out. You were unprepared. Explain that. He'll understand and forgive you, and if he doesn't, you should pass. Forgiveness and understanding in a Dom is a must-have.

  You're right. God, I'm such a mess.

  It sounds like you need to get some air. Can you get out of the house for a while?


  I think it would help. You need to catch your breath before you call him. Take a walk, go some place for a late breakfast. Do something, anything, but get out of there.

  Addie, thank you. I owe you one.

  You don't owe me anything. You fixed the cover of my last book, remember? We help each other. That's what friends do.

  I'm so glad you were there. Wow. I'm such an idiot.

  Only sometimes. We all are. Keep me posted. Gotta run.

  I will. Thanks again.

  Closing her computer, Mary dropped her head in her hands and groaned, then headed into the bathroom. Vigorously splashing her face with water, she stared into the mirror.

  "Addie was right. You need to get out. Calm down, get your head cleared, then call him and beg for mercy. Shit. Is that my phone?"

  The familiar ring-tone sent her running down the hall and into her living room. Hoping it was Mason, but not believing for a second it would be, she snatched it up from the coffee table. It was her sister.

  "Hi, Jeanine, what's going on?"

  "Just working. You sound out of breath."

  "I had to run to grab the phone. Are you at the hospital?"

  "Where else would I be?"

  "When do you take your break?"

  "I can take an early lunch. Do you want me to come over?"

  "I'm feeling cooped up. I was thinking I'd take you up on your offer and join you at that alleged restaurant for an early lunch. I haven't had any breakfast."

  "It's not alleged, but just so I'm clear. Are you saying you want to meet Mr. Mogul? I don't know if he'll be here."

  "No, no, that's absolutely not why I'm coming. I just need a break."

  "Let's see, it's almost ten-thirty. You want to meet me here at eleven?"

  "Sounds perfect."

  "Make sure you dress warm."

  "Of course."

  "Do you remember where the elite wing is? The modern building at the East end of the complex."


  "Go into the emergency entrance and ask reception to page me. I'll come down."

  "Great. I'll be there at eleven."

  "How was your date with the biker God?"

  "Uh, good, great, but I'd rather not talk about it."

  "Okay. See you soon."

  Dropping her phone on the table, Mary rose to her feet and headed into the kitchen to clear things away. As she idly picked up a strip of crispy bacon and dropped it in her mouth, she let out a sad sigh.

  "I should be having breakfast with Mason right now, not driving off to meet Jeanine," she muttered. "Maybe I should call him."

  But even as she spoke the words, Addie's sage advice rang in her ears. You need to catch your breath before you call him. Her friend was right. Mary decided to have a nice meal with Jeanine, then get in touch with Mason when she returned home.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  While Mary was making plans with Jeanine, Mason was pulling into his driveway wearing a dark frown. The scene with Mary had been playing itself inside his head on an endless loop. Had he really been out of line? He didn't think so, but maybe Mary had a point. He'd been protecting his identity. If Mary had done some sleuthing and found out he was Mason Abbot, CEO of Abbott Enterprises, he'd be pissed too, but was it the same thing?

  "I don't know, Pete," he said solemnly as he walked into his house, "but I do know I want to fix it. I guess I'd better get changed. I need to get to the hospital and visit Edward. He should be feeling a bit better today. I wish I could take you with me. You'll have to stay here by yourself for a while, but I'll leave the television on for you."

  Entering his bedroom, he picked up the remote from his nightstand, and tuned the set to an animal channel. Knowing it meant he'd be staying home, Pete walked across to his soft foam bed and laid down.

  "How did you get so smart?" Mason smiled. "I wish you could speak human. You'd be able to tell me how to square things with the woman we're both crazy about."

  Moving into his closet to put on fresh clothes, he decided to ride his Harley to the hospital. If the rain held off he might even take it through one of the canyons to blow off some steam. Pulling on his leathers, he moved into the bathroom and studied his reflection. He considered shaving, but changed his mind, and returning to the bedroom, he bent down and said goodbye to his dog.

  "Guard the house you ferocious beast," he said softly, rubbing Pete's head. "I won't be long."

  A few minutes later he was on his bike riding past the lake. It felt good to be on the powerful machine. There was little traffic on the city streets, and he was soon entering the hospital grounds, pulling into a spot near the entrance. Removing his helmet, he strode inside and rode the elevator up to see his dear friend. At least the news he had was positive. He had outsmarted Meeks. The Melville property would soon be theirs.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  A short time later, Mary drove into the hospital parking lot. When she spotted the gleaming black Harley Davidson, her heart leapt in her chest. It looked exactly like the one Mason had been riding when they'd first met.

  "I wonder if it's his. I wonder if he's here visiting his friend. What am I saying? There are thousands of black motorbikes."

  Pushing the notion from her head, she rolled her car forward, finally finding a parking space. Walking through the lines of cars she tried not to look across at the sexy motorcycle, and entering the reception area, she had Jeanine paged. She was about to sit down and wait, but surrendering to temptation she walked across to the window and stared at the powerful bike. As she flashed back to the morning Mason had arrived at her house to collect Pete, she remembered how her heart had pumped watching him walk up to her front door. He'd looked bigger than life, and sexy as hell. A minute later, seeing him with his litt
le terrier, her heart had melted.

  "Why did I get so crazy when he told me he'd read my book?" she mumbled. "He probably thinks I'm a lunatic now. Some nutcase to be avoided at all costs."


  It was her sister, and swallowing back the threatening tears, Mary turned around and forced a smile.

  "Hi, Jeanine.

  "Hi, Mary. How are you feeling?"

  "Fine, not sick at all, but I'm really hungry."

  "Then you're in the right place. The food is fabulous, and this is a good time," Jeanine said, walking with Mary across to the elevator. "It's late for breakfast and early for lunch. It shouldn't be crowded."

  She pressed the button for the top floor, and as they exited, Mary was unable to hide her surprise.

  "This is crazy," she whispered. "I feel like I'm at the Ritz Carlton."

  "The guy who donated this wing said hospitals were scary and uncomfortable. He wanted a place where patients would feel less intimidated."

  "I want to stay here for a weekend. My gosh. It's gorgeous."

  "Here's the dining room," Jeanine declared, pushing through double doors.

  Mary stared at the elegant room and shook her head.

  "This is ridiculous."

  "I know, right? And I knew our timing was good. There's hardly anyone here. Where do you want to sit? Take your pick."

  "I'd say the window because it has such a great view, but I'm feeling like I want somewhere cozy."

  They settled into a comfortable booth, but just as Jeanine signaled to the waitress, her pager beeped.

  "Darn it," she muttered, staring at the tiny screen. "I have to go. I promise this will only take five minutes. If you're hungry get something to nibble on."

  As she hurried away, the waitress arrived with menus. Handing one to Mary, she laid the other on the table where Jeanine had been sitting.

  "That happens all the time," she remarked. "I don't know how they ever eat anything. Oh, my God."

  "What is it?"

  "Look for yourself," the waitress murmured, jerking her head towards the door.

  Sliding to the edge of her seat, Mary turned her head. It was Mason.

  Dressed in his motorcycle leathers looking like he'd just stepped from the cover of one of her romance novels, he was standing stock still, staring around the room.


  Not knowing whether to duck out of sight or wave to get his attention, Mary did nothing, but it didn't matter. Mason had started striding towards her.

  "Would you please give us a minute?" he said to the waitress, shooting her a look that added, and don't come back until I call.

  "Of course," the waitress said nervously, staring at him as though he was a rock star she couldn't believe she was meeting. "Just let me know when you need me."

  "What a surprise," Mary managed, thrilled he was there, but worried about what he might say.

  "Can you scoot over?"

  She wanted to launch into an apology, but she was still dealing with the shock of seeing him. It didn't help that he looked like a motorcycle Adonis. His five o'clock shadow, the black leather jacket and pants, and the intense look on his face, was making her pulse race.

  "I'm so glad I ran into you," he began as he settled in. "I need to—"

  "Wait, please, before you say anything, I am so, so, sorry. I totally freaked out. You were right, I completely overreacted."

  "It's okay, I get it. I do. I should have told you I'd read your book when we were talking about…you know…what you write about," he said, lowering his voice.

  "Does that mean I'm forgiven?"

  "Of course it does. I blindsided you and I'm sorry."

  "Maybe we both messed up."

  "Maybe we did, and you know what I think?" he said softly, moving his arm around her shoulder and pulling her against him in a tight hug. "I think you should come back to my place so we can kiss and make up properly."

  "That's a wonderful idea, but Mason, why are you here? I assume you came to the hospital to visit your friend, but what brought you into the dining room? You seemed to be looking for someone when you walked in."

  "I think this is the time to get absolutely everything out in the open," he said firmly. "Jeanine is one of the physicians who's caring for my friend. I figured out pretty quick she was your sister. You look so much alike, and obviously, her name is Dr. Austen."

  "That's wild. Talk about six degrees of separation."

  "Unfortunately I couldn't tell her I knew you, and I couldn't tell you I knew her, because I didn't want you to find out who I am. In my friend's room a little while ago she mentioned she was meeting you for lunch. I decided to pop in and see if you were here. I spotted you the minute I walked in."

  "So what's the big secret? Who are you?"

  "I'm not famous, but…"

  "OH! You're the guy she's being trying to fix me up with."

  "I am?"

  "You must be. Sorry, I interrupted. Go ahead. Tell me why you didn't want me to know who you are."

  "My full name is Mason Abbott. Does it ring any bells?"

  "None. Should it?"

  "Not necessarily, but google me and you'd find me in a heartbeat. Let's just say, I'm not a pauper."

  "Well, duh!" she uttered, rolling her eyes. "A Porsche and Harley don't come free in a crackerjack box."

  "This is true," he replied, unable to suppress a chuckle.

  "Is this why you know the owner of Giovanni's? Do you dine there often?"

  "Mary, I am the owner of Giovanni's. I have my fingers in many pies."

  "That's fantastic. Why are you saying it like it's a bad thing?"

  "It's not, but when I go out with a woman I can never be sure if she genuinely likes me, or just my status and stuff. Being with you was real, is real. When I told you last night was the best night I've had in a long time, I meant it."

  "It was for me too."

  "You said your sister has been trying to get us together?"

  "She's been driving me crazy. She kept going on about this mogul she wanted me to meet, but I wasn't interested. I'd met you. Ask her. She'll tell you."

  "Mary, you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that. Our attraction was genuine, and so are you. I sensed that from the start, but I'm worried my lifestyle will be intimidating. I still am."

  "I won't know the answer to that until I'm around it, but you'll be there to help me if I find it a bit much, right?"

  "Absolutely, and I have a feeling your sister manipulated this meeting. I also think she figured out I was the guy you had over yesterday."

  "What makes you say that?"

  "When she said she was having lunch with her sister, she gave me a funny look, and when I passed her in the hall a minute ago, she winked at me."

  "She did? That's Jeanine all over. Of course she figured it out. Look at you! I told her the guy I'd met was a biker. You're in your leathers. I also described you when we first met."

  "She's like you. She's a smart cookie."

  "I don't know how smart I am, but you're dead-on about her. She also said she'd be back in five minutes, and—hello! Where is she? Yep, she knew! She must be so happy right now. She's been harassing me to meet you for days. When I told her I'd already met a cute guy who rides a Harley, and I had no interest in a stuffy businessman regardless of how much money he had, she was beside herself."

  "You, Mary Austen, are a treasure."

  "I'm also starving. Can you stay and have lunch with me?"

  "You bet, then it's back to my place, no arguments."

  "Don't worry, you won't get any."

  He smiled down at her, and tracing his fingertip around her lips, he lightly kissed her, then slid from the booth and moved to sit across from her.

  "Excuse me while I text Jeanine a thank you," Mary grinned. "She'll be over the moon."

  "Tell her thank you from me as well."

  Pulling her cell phone from her bag, she typed out the message, and a second later received a respon

  "Ha…look, Mason, an emoji winking. So, tell me, where do you live?"

  "Lakeview Estates," he said, waving at the waitress.

  "Really? It's beautiful there. Oh, my gosh, do you live in one of those amazing homes?"

  "I do, and it has a very large backyard that needs your imagination. It's so boring. It's lovely, but it's boring."

  "I don't know very much about plants."

  "That part doesn't matter. Just stand on my terrace and tell me what you envision. I think your Japanese garden would be spectacular."

  "What can I get you?" the waitress asked, arriving at their table.

  As they placed their orders, Mary had a decadent thought, and when the waitress was out of earshot she leaned across the table

  "Will you make love to me wearing what you're wearing now?"

  "No," he said huskily, "if I'm dressed like this and you're naked, I won't make love to you, I'll fuck your brains out."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Following Mason on his bike along the lakeside road, Mary glanced up at the majestic residences as they flowed by. Each seemed grander than the one before, and when he turned into a driveway with tall gates that swung open as he approached, she stared at the house beyond. It wasn't an architectural wonder, or a palace with pillars in the front, but a beautiful dark grey home with round turrets, a huge portico, and an expansive lawn.

  As they drove up the gentle slope, the driveway split in two. One lane veered to the right, sweeping in front of the house and continuing down to a second gate on the opposite side, but Mason led her straight ahead to a four-car garage. As the door rolled up, he rode his Harley inside and gestured with his arm for her to follow him.

  Driving slowly forward, she found herself inside an impeccably clean space. Glancing around she spied a Bentley Convertible, the Porsche, and a large Mercedes sedan. She understood why he'd been concerned. She didn't want to feel overwhelmed, but she was. Climbing off his bike, he removed his helmet, placed it on the saddle, and walked over to her. Opening her door, he held out his hand, and she stared up at his bright blue eyes.


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