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A Valentine's Loves (The Valentine's Trilogy Book 3)

Page 4

by Sam E. Kraemer

  The guy weaved a little product into it, showing me different styles that would work, and I was grateful. I bought the crap he used, and after we settled up, I walked out of the shop feeling like a new man. I was surprised as shit to see Gray standing next to the Camaro with his arms crossed over his chest. There was a small smile on his face that gave me hope.

  "What…" I began.

  "Hello. I'm Gray Carson-Valentine. You are?"

  I laughed because he was so damn adorable. "I'm Derek Little Hawk Valentine. Are we related? I don't recall a Gray Valentine among my relatives," I teased.

  He walked over to me and smiled. "I need you to sign off on some paperwork. I went to the courthouse today during my lunch hour and filed a petition to change my name. I need you to sign off on my updated paperwork regarding the powers of attorney and shit like that. Who knew a hyphen and a new last name would require so much bullshit. Will you?"

  I walked forward and pulled him into my arms. "I love you with everything inside me. I never thought you'd want to change your name. I wanted you to, but I was too afraid to ask. Why'd you decide to do it now?"

  He kissed me on my lips, and I was lost in it. He had the softest lips. I used lip balm as a crutch, but his lips…they were just soft. I held him in my arms and spun my tongue with his, which made my dick as hard as cement.

  He pulled away from our kiss, but he kept his arms around my neck, playing with the short hair at my collar. "I like the cut, sweetheart. You are so fucking handsome. Please, for my sake, don't let them make you fake a relationship with someone. It would break my heart, Derek, to share you with someone else."

  I looked into his eyes and saw the tears which broke my heart, but I knew he was strong. He'd been through a lot of shit and he was the one who gave me the strength to survive the separation. "Baby boy, it's not like that. It's two months, at the most. We don't go under for long periods of time. We leave that shit to the Feds."

  I reached into my pocket and handed him a burner phone I'd purchased for him before I went to the barber. "I've programmed in my new number and the emergency contact number if you need me. I have to leave my cell at home, along with my wallet, but you can get me with this. I'll call you on it when I can. I love you, Gray," I told him.

  He nodded and put it in his pocket. "Let's get home. I thought we'd grill some steaks tonight. I put potatoes in the oven on a timer this morning before I went to work," he explained. It was then I remembered he'd started his job that day.

  "How was the first day? Meet any interesting people?" I enquired, trying to deflect the fact I was leaving the next day so we could enjoy the evening ahead of us. My job with the Senator started on Wednesday morning, so I needed a day to get my shit settled.

  I had to pick up an agency car because I damn well wasn't taking one of my personal vehicles with me. I had to collect my cover documentation, and I had a thorough briefing to sit through with my superiors at headquarters. I was set to meet my contacts in the afternoon, and I had more studying to do that night before I started the next morning.

  I walked around and opened the passenger door for him, moving my cowboy hat to the back seat. He hopped in and smiled as I closed the door.

  I made my way to my side and climbed in, shoving the key into the ignition before I turned to look into those gorgeous eyes. "So, work?"

  He sighed. "I met a couple of people, but I'm reserving judgment at the moment. My supervisor, Mrs. Flores, assigned me to work with a woman, Inez Barnes. She wasn't in today, but I'll shadow her for a few weeks before I get assigned my own caseload. I hope she and I can get along. Some of the people I met seemed pretty jaded," he explained as I drove the two of us toward home.

  It then dawned on me he didn't have the Explorer. "How'd you get here? I know you looked up the place for me, but you didn't drive here?" I asked.

  He giggled, making me smile. "Mrs. Flores, my supervisor, let me leave early since Inez wasn't in. I took the Explorer home and called a cab. We need to stop at the grocery to pick up some steaks and some eggs."

  I nodded and drove toward the house, stopping at the grocery store on the way. I pulled on my cowboy hat so as not to give away the fact I'd cut off my hair. I'd be on the other side of town, but I didn't want to chance someone recognizing me. As I thought about it, I should have stayed in the car, but it was too late.

  After we picked up a few things, we hurried to the car and drove home. Gray was holding my cowboy hat on his lap and playing with the small ribbon around the crown. I could tell he was deep in thought, and it didn't take a psychic predict his thoughts. He was trying to be stoic, but he wasn't pulling it off very well.


  "Mmmm, that was great," I complimented as I pushed my plate away and rubbed my stomach. I was stuffed. He'd grilled the perfect T-bone and basted the damn thing in butter. If I didn't know he loved me, I'd swear he was trying to jack up my cholesterol so I had a heart attack and wouldn't be fit for duty.

  He jumped up to clear the patio table where we had dinner, but I grabbed his hand and led him around the table to my lap. Once I had him settled there, I pulled him closer with his head on my shoulder. "Okay, talk to me, baby boy…husband." I picked up his left hand and kissed his wedding band, holding his hand as I looked into his beautiful blue eyes.

  He wedged his head under my chin and started crying. I knew he'd been holding onto the tears, and if we had any chance of surviving our separation, he needed to tell me his fears and give me the opportunity to try to diminish them.

  "I guess I'm a pussy. I just don't want anything to happen to you when I'm not there to take care of you. I mean, you don't know how to do laundry, so you'll look like a bum," he complained.

  I held the laugh. "I'll take my stuff to the dry cleaners for laundry service at the department's expense. What else?"

  "You won't eat right. You'll eat frozen shit without a vegetable in sight," he offered.

  He was probably right, but I wouldn't tease him. "I'll try to eat a vegetarian meal at least three times a week, I promise."

  He dried his eyes and looked up at me. "You won't, but I appreciate you saying you'll try. If the urges become too much, please wear a condom."

  At that comment, I stood up with him in my arms and carried him back to the bedroom, leaving the dinner mess on the table. I kissed him as I stripped the two of us before placing him on our bed with me between his legs. I looked into his eyes and shook my head. "You don't trust that I'll be able to keep it in my pants? I've never cheated on you, Gray. All those months here while you were in Houston, I never cheated on you."

  If I was being honest, my feelings were hurt because it seemed as if he didn't trust me. After five years of being together, I'd have thought we were beyond such foolishness, but apparently, I was wrong.

  He pulled my head down to his shoulder and held me. "Derek, I'm sorry. I know it, I swear, it's just with this undercover stuff I'm not sure what they'll expect from you. I've seen stuff on television where the undercover person has to sleep with people to keep their real identity a secret or prove themselves to the bad guys. All I’m asking is if you find yourself in that position, please use a condom. You and I both know you're dedicated to your job and I respect it, Derek. I shouldn’t have said if the urges get too much because you wouldn’t cheat on me on purpose."

  I knew he loved me, and it made me sick to my stomach that he was so worried about something I'd never allow to happen. As much as I loved being a Texas Ranger, if I was going to be forced to undertake too many undercover assignments, I would have to rethink my position. Being married to Gray Carson-Valentine was more important than any job.

  "Let's forget about that for right now. I want to make love, not fight. I promise you I won't sleep with anyone else, baby boy. You're my heart and soul. I'd never do anything to destroy that, regardless of what a job might entail. I love you too much to break my own heart," I told him.

  We began kissing. We then moved to sucking…sixty-nine was my favorite n
umber for a very good reason. We cuddled after we'd both exploded in each other's mouths. We dozed for a bit, and then we woke up and made love.

  "God, Derek, that feels so fucking great. Harder," Gray ordered.

  I obliged, moving faster and harder into him, trying my damnedest to angle my cock so as to hit his love bump every time. I knew he was about to blow, and I wasn't long behind him. I filled his ass with my juice as he filled the space between us while I kissed him gently, thanking him for his love.

  "I love you. I'm so fucking grateful you love me. Please, please, take care of yourself while I'm gone. Remember, there's an emergency contact number in that burner phone. You call it, and they'll get to me, I swear," I told him as I kissed his forehead, closed eyelids, tear-filled cheeks, and finally his soft, soft lips. It was going to kill me to be away from him, but it was something I had to do.

  I woke a few hours after we'd shared a shower. I needed to pack up some clothes and shit to take to my studio apartment near the Capitol building. I really didn't give a shit about it, but my Captain had told me it would have a bathroom, a coffee maker, a refrigerator, microwave, and bed. I had my department issued laptop and air card because I couldn't really have any bills in my name. The rent and utilities were paid by a dummy corporation, and I wouldn't have cable. It was gonna be a lot of bullshit, but the sooner I did the job, got the goods on the man, and got out, the sooner I could be home with Gray. That was the prize.



  I carried my suitcase and a few boxes into the studio apartment where I was to spend the next month…hopefully less. I went back out to the Intrepid, which had been assigned to me, and I grabbed a garment bag with my suits, sports coats, and slacks. I didn't really have the wardrobe to work at the Capitol, so I'd have to make due, but Gray had made certain everything was dry cleaned, pressed, and perfect for me.

  The goodbye earlier that morning had been gut-wrenching. I was worried about him because we didn't know anyone in town well enough I could ask to keep an eye on him, so I had to pray he'd be okay.

  I put everything away and ran to the nearest grocery to pick up a few things so I could have coffee, juice, toast, and a few meals of the frozen variety. As I looked around the kitchen, I was grateful my husband didn't know where I would be living because he'd have a fit for sure. It wasn’t great, and the lack of a stove would make it impossible for me to cook which would really piss him off. What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt me.

  I sat down at the table and opened a Tecate to go with the bag of microwave popcorn I'd made to snack on while I reviewed my notes on my laptop. After I had it all down, I had to delete the file in case anyone broke into my apartment and stole my shit. I had to look the part of the government wonk the department had designed, and the more I studied the profile, the better I'd be at pulling it off…I hoped.

  My new identity was:

  Name: John Whitehawk

  Age: 35

  Status: Single

  That part pissed me off the most because it meant I couldn't wear my wedding ring which had become a part of my left hand for nearly five years. I looked at it on my finger and twisted it. I wanted to have it with me, but I didn't have a chain to put it on so I could wear it around my neck. I took a deep breath and pulled it off. It didn't give way willingly. I knew how it felt.

  I kissed it and held it next to my heart as I silently made a vow I'd get home to my Gray. He was the only thing that mattered in my life, and I'd get back to him and make it known I would never accept another duty like this one. They could fire me. I'd be a garbage man.


  "Mr. Whitehawk? Senator Graham will see you now," a busty blonde told me as she ushered me down the hallway to the good Texas State Senator Percy Graham's office.

  She opened the door without knocking and we walked inside. "Senator, this is your new body man, John Whitehawk. Lance Marshall gave his personal reference if you recall," she told him.

  Lance Marshall was his chief-of-staff, and he was the one who went to his best friend, Fred York, with concerns regarding his boss's recent behavior. Fred York happened to be my Captain, and since I was new to the office and hadn't really spent a lot of time in the building, I was the most logical choice for the detail because nobody knew me on that side of town and I could slip in under cover without any notice whatsoever.

  Capt. York said people would have my back if I got into trouble, but I had my doubts based on the fact Marshall hadn't interacted with me whatsoever, and he hadn't been involved in the investigation since his initial report to York. In other words, he gave a tip and refused to provide any further cooperation.

  "Senator, it's an honor," I offered as I extended my hand. He stood and pulled up his pants, living up to the term "fat cat" that was assigned to people like him. Five-ten or so, and at least two-thirty. He had thinning hair he combed over to try to hide the bald spot, but he wasn't good at it.

  His shirt was a cotton-poly blend, and his tie was polyester. His pants were a mix of wool and something else, and his suit coat was hung on a hall tree behind his desk. It wasn't exactly custom-made. None of the things I observed about him gave indication he spent a lot of money on himself, which begged the question…what did he do with his money?

  "Mr. Whitehawk…hell, let's dispense with the formalities. Can I call ya Johnny? I'm sure Lance has checked you out every way come Sunday. I mean, if you're my body man, then I'm sure you understand what that assignment entails, right?" he asked with a cocked eyebrow.

  "Of course, Senator. I'm well aware the amount of discretion involved in this position. I believe if you reviewed my resume, you'd see I was a Ranger…Army Ranger. I'm well aware of the requirements of being your personal security and assistant. I know trust will come slowly, but I believe we'll get to know each other and you'll see you can count on me," I offered, feeling my hands sweat. I wasn't used to selling myself as was required, but it was part of my job to make sure the man trusted me enough to let down his guard. I prayed it would happen sooner than later.


  "Johnny, you can wait outside while I speak with Mr. Alvarez," the Senator instructed.

  We were in a very shady part of Austin, and I was worried. Graham was a fucking moron who believed he was above the law, based on everything I'd witnessed in my time with him. His wife was a blonde, big-titted gal who grabbed my cock every time I was in reach.

  I never wanted to hit a lady, but she damn well wasn't a lady. I wondered how she got through the ordeal of letting the fat-ass senator fuck her until the first time we received a package at their private residence…a kilo of nice, pure cocaine. Mrs. Percy Graham…or Loraine, as she was named, had a habit. Who'd have thought?

  "Sir, I don't think that's a good idea. This isn't exactly the best scenario I'd have suggested for a meeting. I'm paid to watch out for you and your best interests. I think you better let me come with you," I told him as I checked my Ruger .38 Special. It was lightweight and easily concealable. I wore a shoulder holster under my sports coat. If they used the metal wand or patted me down, I'd give it up because I had a Taurus PT111 in my boot. It was small and easy to hide. It also had a 13-round magazine which didn't hurt anything.

  "Aw, now Johnny, I think you worry too much. I'll be fine in the room with Mr. Alvarez. He and I go way back. You just wait out here and keep these guys company," he ordered. I simply nodded because I couldn't push too much. He might be a dirty bastard, but he wasn't a stupid bastard.

  I looked at the two beefy guys who were standing guard at the door. "Howdy, boys," I greeted as I stood off to the side after Graham went inside.

  "Basura de mierda indio estúpido. ¿Por eso tenemos que lidiar con esta mierda? " the tall one said to the shorter one. ("Stupid fucking Indian trash. Why do we have to deal with this shit?")

  I held my tight smile, pretending I didn't understand them. My Spanish had improved over the years because of Mari and Quinn, along with Gray. I understood just enough to be dangero
us, but I decided to let those two hulking assholes believe I didn't recognize anything they said.

  "Nice day, isn't it? It's not hot out yet which is lucky. Did y'all see the Rangers game yesterday? I think they're gonna be Series bound," I offered, sounding like a clueless douche…or a lot of the guys I’d met in the past.

  The shorter one laughed. "I'm surprised you don't root for Cleveland. Ain't they sorta your team?" I knew he was making a joke about my heritage, but fuck him.

  I played dumb. "I'm a Texas boy. We ain't allowed to root for anybody other than the hometown teams. Where y'all boys from?" I asked, drawling out my speech pattern as best I could.

  "I'm Rodrigo, and I'm from El Paso. That's Juan. He's from Juarez. We're cousins. How about you, Indian? Where you from?" the larger man asked.

  "I grew up in Eagle Pass on the Kickapoo Rez. My Daddy and me worked on a pecan farm there. I was damn glad to get a scholarship and go to school in New Mexico. Got my degree in Government…well, white man's government, anyway. How 'bout y'all. You go to college?"

  “Piensa que es mejor que nosotros. ¿Quieres manejar?" ("He thinks he's better than us. How you want to handle it?")

  It was the smaller man. He walked over to me and flipped out a knife. "You think you're better than us because you're a college boy, indio? How about I cut out your tongue because you talk too much?" he threatened.

  The larger man, Rodrigo, laughed. "Back off, Juan. He's just trying to make money like us. Don't make him piss himself," he stated.

  Just then the door opened and I was shocked as fuck to see Senator Graham escorted out by none other than Raul Morales, the leader of one of the biggest drug cartels in Mexico, Hijos del Diablo. The Senator smiled at me and turned to Morales. "Raul, this is my body man, Johnny. I'm gonna be outta pocket for a little bit of time, but if something comes up, I'll send him down to meet with you. He'll make sure you have the coordinates you need, and you'll make sure I have what I need. We understand each other?"


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