Camp Heat (BBW Western Romance)

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Camp Heat (BBW Western Romance) Page 1

by Jackie South


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 1

  As Jessica drove up the stony forest road, she saw Carol hanging several Christmas lights around the porch of her little hut in the middle of the woods. But it wasn’t even Christmas. In fact, it was the beginning of the summer. In a few days Camp Duncan was due to open for the season and children would soon be running all over the place. Jessica had worked at the camp for several years in college and was anticipating her second year working there since graduating from a little community school in her hometown Montana. Mainly, she wanted to prove herself to Carol as a good co-director for the camp. Plus, she could do with the money.

  Carol’s sleepy and sunken eyes offset her bright, though wrinkly and old, smile. She waved a 60-year-old hand at Jessica, who had just parked on the grass out in front of the mess hall. The trees were so thick of leaves and seemed to make tweets that came from the annoying birds.

  “We’re expecting the first kids this afternoon!” Carol hollered. Her drawl was thicker than Jessica’s.

  “Want me to take the girls to their tents right away or are we meeting in the armory first?” Jessica asked.

  A rusty Chevy pulled up before Jessica could get an answer. She recognized the car straight away and had been waiting for this moment for months. Kayla, the chubbiest of the other troubled girls, had a perfect disposition and openness about her. Jessica knew it was bad to have favorites but she couldn’t help it. This was why Jessica felt like she had a mini-me around the camp. They were very similar.

  Kayla yanked a large purple duffle bag over her shoulders and hugged Jessica.

  What a pleasant girl. Why is she even here?

  Jessica thought about it. The camp was intended for the troubled teens from all over Montana. Especially near the Duncan Lake area. And they were all referred to the camp, so who could’ve referred Kayla and what could she have done? She only remembered Kayla first arriving last year and admitting to pushing a smaller girl down, but that was a silly story in Jessica’s mind.

  A few other girls arrived and were directed by Carol to follow the dirt path to the log armory closer to the little lake’s beach. Carol then pulled Jessica aside.

  “There may not be as many girls this year.”

  “Not as many referrals?” Jessica asked.

  “I hear there’s another place opening up closer to the highway but still down the road a bit,” Carol answered. She wiped what looked like spaghetti sauce on her jeans and ratty, plaid button down shirt. “And, by the way, our little ranch hand Sandy went and got herself engaged, so she ain’t returning. I’m afraid you’ll have to do that.”


  Now Jessica had to work double duty after taking the girls to ride horses and then work at the beach.

  “What do we gotta do?” Jessica wondered aloud, partly referring to the camp processions and partly referring to the competition nearby.

  Carol sighed, “It’s just a ranch, I hear. Probably nothin’ to worry about.”

  Later in the afternoon, Carol and Jessica gathered the girls together to take attendance. They went about the normal proceedings of separating the girls into ‘troupes’ as they called it, pointing in the directions within the woods where each troupe’s tent would be. Jessica saw on her clipboard of names and schedules that Kayla was settled in the tent nearest to her own bunking, which was just a small log cabin adorned with a twin bed and shelves.

  Carol and Jessica watched some of the girls grunt and haul their bags through the trees. Once no one was in site, Carol’s small frail frame leaned towards Jessica’s shoulder.

  “Now, Jess,” Carol began. “I’m worried about this outcome. Too few girls. I wonder if that ranch has opened up or not.”

  “If it’s not too far, I can take a horse down the road to see where it is,” Jessica offered.

  “That’s my girl. I was hoping you’d say that. I’m too old for that,” Carol joked. “Best take Reba before it gets too dark, though. And make sure that owner doesn’t come near here. You know how I feel about cowboys coming around, especially with us ladies.”

  So Jessica did as she was told and saddled up Reba, the calmest platinum white horse she had ever rode. Luckily, the camp’s stable was close to the gate leading up to the camp and cabins, so Jessica didn’t have to walk too far. The entire time she rode Reba down the pebbled stone road alongside the woods, she watched the sun slowly grow orange and pondered about what kind of mindless person would open up a ranch so close to a camp. She didn’t know if it was a competition move in order to draw in money from the poor girls’ parents or what. In the back of her mind, Jessica hoped that the girls she had counseled over the previous summers weren’t at the ranch.

  When she finally dismounted Reba and tied her up to a post near the ranch’s entrance, Jessica hoped she was approaching the right place. It had a beat-up sign out front that said: ‘Bob’s Ranch,’ which looked incomplete with only half of it painted blue.

  “Hey there!” a male voice yelled.

  Jessica couldn’t see from the dull orange-y light of the sky where the voice came from, but she could tell it traveled far.

  “You can’t tie your horse up here,” the voice was closer.

  In the distance near the little farmhouse up the grassy hill was where Jessica thought she saw a bulky male figure approaching.

  “I’m just visiting,” Jessica bellowed back. “I’m from up the road. At the camp.”

  The man was in full view now, and Jessica could see that he looked like more of a city man. The only thing that threw her off was his thick drawl that still wasn’t as intense as Carol’s but rough enough. He had a white tank on, showing off arm muscles, but what drew Jessica’s eyes down was the bulge in his pants. She tried to look away once he stopped in front of her. She thought it was funny that he wasn’t the typical tan cowboy she was used to seeing around those parts. He didn’t necessarily have pale skin, though, either. Perhaps it was his jet-black hair that set off his olive skin and white teeth. His eyes were a mix of light brown and light green, which was strikingly attractive as they set in his square-shaped head. This emphasized his strong-looking jaw with the tiniest bit of stubble. Oh, what she would do to touch his jaw. It had been a while since she had last done anything with a gentleman…

  In that moment, she snapped herself back to reality because the rancher could possibly not be a gentleman. He didn’t seem like it off the bat, anyway.

  “I’m the ranch hand here,” he said. “Who are you?”

  Jessica was used to not being treated like a lady. “Jessica Milburn. Co-director of the camp near the lake.” She lied. She wasn’t the co-director yet but she didn’t care, she felt the need to impress this guy.

  “Trenton,” he responded with an outstretched hand.

  Jessica grabbed his warm palm without expecting such a stiff grip and rough finger ends. His skin wasn’t smooth. His eyes, she thought, pierced through her as if he saw her as meat and didn’t care about her feelings, the camp, or anything.

  “Why you opening this ranch?” Jessica wanted to get down to the issue.

  “I see,” Trenton started, dropping his hand from hers. “You runnin’ that silly troubled girls camp and now you’re worrying about me stealing ‘em.”

  “And you’re not?”

  “Well, it’ll be a ranch for kids soon enough. But not for girls who rather act like cowboys than ladies.”

  “That’s not-“ Jessica started, infuriated that he’d refer to the girls like that.

  He put up a hand in apology. “Sorry, so
rry,” he said. “Just mean my uncle left it to me after he passed and I gotta get back on the horse, if you know what I mean.” Trenton nodded towards the stables behind him but Jessica was thinking of another metaphor for getting back on the horse.

  “Carol just doesn’t want anyone to come by the camp who isn’t… allowed.”

  “Why would I come by the camp?” Trenton asked, but not in a rude way. “I’ll be busy painting, putting screws in-“

  “I know, I-“ Jessica stopped and had the thought cross by her that she had to find another reason to keep him around. He was the only eye candy for miles around. “If it’s only you who’s working on the ranch-“

  “It is-“ Trenton continued for her.

  Jessica quickly finished her thought with, “I could help paint or whatever you need.”

  She was surprised to see him curl up the corners of his mouth. His jovial manner continued when he crossed his arms as if he was impressed at her.

  “And what am I supposed to do?”

  “Keep the ranch closed until then,” Jessica said, almost pleading in her voice.

  “I’ll have no job,” Trenton laughed.

  Jessica was hoping Trenton would say that. “We need a ranch hand for our horses.”

  Trenton leaned in closer, and she noticed that he was actually much taller than her. Buff, too. She liked the idea that he wasn’t taken aback by her weight. “Deal. Where should I meet you?”

  Jessica was so excited that she regretted being so rash. “I just have to talk to the camp director.” She almost forgot that Carol would not like the idea.


  Back at the camp, Carol almost made a huge scene when Jessica asked if Trenton could help the camp out. Carol shook her head and stood up.

  “He’ll be trouble,” Carol repeated loudly. Some girls stared at their table. “But,” Carol said quieter, “if you show him what to do and keep him out of my way, we could use someone. For a little while.”

  Jessica beamed. “You won’t have to deal with him. I promise.”

  In the infirmary, Jessica and Carol gave out a few ibuprofens, Benadryl and birth control pills to a few girls. It reminded Jessica that she sadly didn’t need those pills anymore after the boring life as a pharmacy tech surrounded by catty girls and old men. No prospects of a relationship there. But at camp, she felt young again.

  When breakfast was over the next morning, Jessica was so excited to see Trenton again that she sent all of the girls on a hike with Carol while she set off to the ranch.

  Chapter 2

  “Bob’s your uncle, isn’t he? You named the ranch after him?” Jessica asked Trenton in his stable. He only had two horses. And they reacted every once in a while to the conversation with snorts.

  ”You’re nosy,” Trenton said, opening a can of beer he had been holding.

  Jessica, for a moment, thought he liked her. “Fine. When will you come see the horses we have, then?”

  She didn’t expect Trenton to want to visit the camp later that night, but she wasn’t going to say ‘no.’

  Jessica had to wait for the girls to go to sleep in their tents. Once it was dark enough, she lied to Carol and said she forgot to feed one of the horses. This was a stupid lie that surprisingly worked.

  Trenton appeared to have walked the entire few miles to the camp without a horse.

  “I wanted to be inconspicuous,” Trenton said of his lonely walk.

  Jessica didn’t say anything more; she was too happy that he was going along her plan. He even seemed to go out of his way to make their night meeting feel forbidden, which it was in some manner.

  She proceeded to lead him into the stable where they had five horses. Reba was the only one who shuffled her hooves in place. Trenton placed a firm hand on Jessica’s lower back –which took her by surprise- and pointed to Reba.

  “Is she feisty?” he asked.

  Jessica felt her face get hot. “Not usually.” She opened Reba’s gate in order to introduce her to Trenton.

  But Reba was in a strange mood, apparently, and bucked. Her front legs almost kicked Jessica back. Instead, Jessica put her hands up and hushed to get the horse to calm down. It was bad –or good- luck that Jessica fell back into the arms of Trenton.

  “Be careful,” Trenton said. He pulled her away from the stable and shut Reba’s door. Jessica sat on a bar stool and noticed that Trenton’s hand was still holding hers. “You had me scared for a minute.”

  Jessica couldn’t speak before Trenton moved his hand out from hers and tucked a scraggly piece of dark blonde hair behind her ear. She looked to the side and when she looked back up, he was leaning over her. He didn’t move away right away. He wrapped his entire palm around her upper arm, which was bravely bare from Jessica’s decision to wear a tank like him. And he bent closer to her lips. He kissed her after giving her a final glance into her eyes. His eyes had such a light color that Jessica didn’t want him to close them, but she enjoyed the feel of the pressure of his lips.

  Jessica fought the instinct to back away and ask ‘why’ because she hadn’t had a guy who wanted to kiss her come around in years. But why now? After his tongue finished searching her mouth, he took a few steps away from her. Jessica realized she was uncomfortably leaning against wood posts as she sat on the stool. She rubbed her curvy thighs that had jeans sticking to them, and she also noticed that she was wet.

  She didn’t have time to look down at her jeans or Trenton’s to see who got whom wet. Trenton ran fingers through his short, black fluffy hair and charged towards Jessica. He reached behind her and lifted her up by her backside. She was surprised he had the strength to lift her off her feet. But he did more turning of her body than lifting. Jessica found herself softly moaning as she faced the wooden post. It was one of those rare moments where she was glad she cleaned the stable to impress the guy. It worked, too.

  The trembling between her legs was something she hadn’t been used to in a while, but it felt like great relief. She arched her back, pressing her cheeks against his bulging stick. Once again he squeezed her curves and stroked her backside before moving his hand close to her underarm. Jessica felt a bit self-conscious about the curves sticking out from her bar strap. Soon that didn’t matter. Trenton unhinged her bra and she felt her breast fall free. His grunt reassured her that the air was as hot as she thought and it wasn’t all in her head.

  The breaths between them quickened. It only made Jessica anxious to know that she couldn’t turn around to see him out of fear that she would break the moment. She only dreamed about what it would be to have him touch her. But now it was real and his hands and legs were so warm. It wasn’t the warmest summer night yet either.

  Trenton’s head rested alongside Jessica’s and his deep sigh that was like a growl sent shivers from her ears down to her neck. He pushed her hair away from her neck and kissed it. His other hand ventured around her belly and jumped to her crotch.

  Those rash decisions that Jessica was recently proud of came relevant when she whipped the belt of her jeans open. Trenton finished unzipping and unbuttoning her jeans, then he slipped a few fingers inside.

  Jessica was overcome with passion. She couldn’t decide what to focus on. His browsing finger, flicking one nipple or his cupped palm manipulating her clitoris. She could hear the wet smack of his penis against the bottom of her sex. Instinctively, she spread her legs to give him better access. He took advantage.

  The words she thought she heard form Trenton were “I love this,” but she secretly hoped it was something else. It was easy for her to revel in the animalistic strength he had. She only wanted him to go inside her and to get off. In hopes to encourage him more, Jessica reached under her and grabbed his penis with the strongest grip she cold muster. He mumbled a ‘yes.’ She became wetter once she felt the length of his shaft. It pulsed and felt hotter than any body part between them. She loved the feeling of getting him off by stroking and teasing him down there. Its smoothness got wet very quickly.

hen, Trenton pulled her jeans down, frustrating Jessica because she couldn’t spread her legs further. A cool breeze against her clitoris set her brain and nerves on fire. When he entered her, she groaned louder than he did. He rubbed her lips downstairs roughly. She demanded he go faster. And his rocking in and out moved in sync with his teasing fingers. She figured he was getting off since he stopped flicking her clitoris and just pounded her backside. But the fullness in her took over the rhythm of her body. She continually pressed her curvy cheeks against his front. And she could tell he loved it. Oh, how she wanted to see his face. She tried to imagine his jaw dropped and eyes looking up.

  Startlingly, he finished before Jessica had the chance to realize it. She still wanted to feel him inside her. Trenton zipped up his jeans as Jessica turned around. She suddenly became very aware that her pants were down. In the barn.

  Trenton placed a few soft kisses on her lips and forehead. “I know what you’re thinking,” was all he said.

  Jessica tried to pull herself together. This camp thing wouldn’t work out if he was going to be the being he was. She knew she was in trouble with the guy. And it wasn’t easy letting him walk back to his ranch.

  Chapter 3

  The next morning, Carol and Jessica were sitting down in the mess hall for breakfast. Carol casually mentioned to Jessica the concerns she had about Jessica’s recent quietness. She proceeded to push more food towards Jessica’s tray. A biscuit and toast.

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “Oh,” Carol said in a mocking manner. “Does it have to do with that rancher?”

  Jessica sat straight and wide-eyed. Did Carol suspect something happened between Trenton and her?

  She finished her second question more quietly. “Did he not agree to watch the girls on riding visits?”

  She let out a silent gasp. The way Jessica’s mind was running, she took Carol’s comment in a sexual context.

  “He’ll do it,” Jessica replied. She continued to eat some eggs and ignore the girls’ loud chatting in the mess hall.


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