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Her Chocolate Fantasy

Page 15

by Bergman, Jamallah

  When we got there, we chose a nice little spot away from the other customers. We ordered Net Teaser, which had corn nuggets, fried pickles, cheese sticks, and stuffed peppers, for an appetizer. I ended up not knowing what I wanted to try to have for lunch, because everything on the menu sounded so good, and when I saw people getting their food, it really was hard for me to figure out what I wanted.

  “You know, there is an item on the menu called ‘Can’t Decide, No Problem,’ that allows you to try like half of two items from a list,” our waitress, Val, suggested to me.

  Max had already ordered the crab claws.

  “Well, if that’s the case, I think I’ll try the shrimp and the, uh, the catfish, then.” I handed her my menu, as I continued to munch on a corn nugget.

  “So, how are you enjoying yourself so far today?” Max asked, taking my hand.

  “I really am enjoying this time with you. I just hate that it’s going to end in another day or so.” I really didn’t want to dwell on that, the fact that this would be our last time together until we met back up when I moved to New York with him. It had been something that had been bugging me for days, but I really didn’t want to tell him about it. But when I looked deep into those golden brown eyes of his, I knew he was thinking about it, as well. “I didn’t want to say anything about it, honestly, but it has been something that’s been on my mind for days now.”

  “I’ve thought about it too, but think of how wonderful it’s going to be when you come to New York. Then our life together can begin, and your studies as a chocolatier can begin.”

  “I know, and I can’t wait for that, either. It’s just thinking about you leaving me for that amount of time is the hardest part.”

  He held my hand, softly kissing it, as if to assure me that things would be alright.

  “Try not to dwell on it, sweetheart. Let’s just enjoy what we are doing right now this weekend, and when the day comes when we part, then we can feel this way, alright? I want to have fun with you, and that’s why I brought you here for the weekend. Somewhere, away from work and away from other people, some place where we could act up like kids and enjoy the fun. We are doing that, aren’t we, love?”

  I giggled a bit. “That we are, and then some.”

  “Tonight, I’ll build us a little bon fire along the beach, and we’ll make S’mores. It’s going to be a bit chilly near the water, but I’ll wrap us both up in a blanket, and we can just enjoy the beautiful sunset. Sound good?”

  “Now that sounds like the perfect ending to a lovely day.” I gave him a kiss on the lips, and he smiled.

  The food was fantastic, so fresh and hot that I ended up getting another small order of the shrimp, which I shared with Max, of course. We decided to go to shopping at one of the local gift places, since I had wanted to add somethings for the babies’ picture box and grab something for Darla and Andre and Charlotte. I got Darla this cute tank top and short set in pink, with ‘Panama City Beach’ on the front and ‘PCB’ on the butt of the shorts. For Andre, I got a t-shirt, and for Charlotte, I bought a beautiful necklace made of shells. But it was what Max surprised me with next that really made the day more complete for me.

  “Where are we going now?”

  “You’ll see.”

  This was all he would tell me, and of course, it only intrigued me more to figure out where we were headed. But soon, I could see a riverboat off in the distance, and that’s where we ended up stopping. We pulled into the parking lot, and I honestly couldn’t believe he had set us up a riverboat ride, of all things.

  “A riverboat, this is where we are going for today.”

  I smiled as we both got out of the car. He grabbed my hand and we ran to the gangplank that led up onto the boat itself. Thankfully, it seems we had gotten there just in time, from what the lady Max had paid told us.

  “We were just about to head on out in the next three minutes.”

  Both of us walked around, as we saw a group of young children playing around and talking with one another. When the boat started to leave the dock, the children seemed to get more excited, as the large, red paddle of the boat started to move.

  “Let’s sit down for a bit,” Max said as we walked to a bench where some of the older people were sitting and where we could watch over the water. It was rather peaceful looking out there, watching the world go by while I leaned back against Max. The smell of the air went through my hair, my clothes, my skin, and collected in my senses as I closed my eyes to breath it all in. We continued on our way that afternoon, the sound of the paddles lapping at the water mixed with the children’s laughter. They played games that the people who owned the boat had set up for the group. It was fun watching them play and reminded me of that daydream I had, the one with the little girl whose eyes shown bright like Max’s.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked me, playing with my fingers.

  “Just how nice it is out here. Thanks for bringing me here.”

  “Oh, you’re welcome, baby, but I think there is something else on your mind. I’ve seen that look in your eyes before, like you were thinking about something that really hit a nerve with you.”

  I had to laugh at his comment, for if I really told him what I had been thinking, he would have either laughed at me or tried to change the subject, which is exactly what I planned on doing at that moment. “Was thinking about making you into that sundae tomorrow night?”

  I could feel him laughing against my back, and he held me, saying, “I honestly can’t wait for that either. I can’t wait to see what you have planned for me.”

  Soon, one of the little kids came over and said, “Come and play with us!”

  The little boy was cute as a button with his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shirt and khaki shorts. His eyes were a brilliant blue and lit up when he looked over at Max and me.

  “We only need one more to play.” He grabbed onto Max’s hand, pulling him to his feet, and I sat forward so Max could get up.

  I watched while Max looked helpless as the children gathered around him. I had to admit, the entire thing was hilarious, especially when he kept looking back at me with those puppy dog eyes of his. I couldn’t help but laugh even more when they decided to see how many times they could make the hula hoop go around his waist.

  Max only made it to ten, but at least he won third place, and he ended up getting a teddy bear. When he came over to me, he had the bear in front of his face. I knew he was smiling, even though I couldn’t see his face.

  “Why, hello there,” he said in a high-pitched voice. “You look very pretty today. Can I come home with you?”

  I had to laugh as I put my hand over my face to keep from snorting, for his voice was hilarious as far as how silly it sounded coming from him of all people. “You want to come home with me, teddy bear?”

  “Yes, I’d love that. Can you take me home?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t mind taking you home with me, but you’ve got to have a name, you know.”

  “How about calling me Max?”

  I laughed. “Well, I already have a Max,”

  “Does he treat you nice?”

  “That he does; he treats me very nice.”

  “Does he give you warm hugs and kisses all the time?”

  “He gives probably the best hugs and kisses I’ve ever gotten before in my life.”

  “Does he love you very much? He does tell you he loves you, don’t he?”

  “He tells me every day that he loves me, and I love him very much.” I pushed down the teddy bear, moving in to give Max a kiss on the lips.

  The children all said, “Eww!” and I buried my face in Max’s shoulder as we both started laughing.

  “They’ll know when they get older how it is to fall in love.” He handed me the small, brown teddy bear with a red bowtie, and we settled back in on the bench to enjoy the rest of our time on the water.

  * * * *

  We decided to head on back to the house, because even though we were away, I had
to check up on Charlotte and the babies.

  “Hello,” Charlotte said, answering on the first ring.

  “Hello, Momma, how are you feeling?”

  “We are headed home now. Andre is getting everything into the car, and I am waiting for them to bring the babies so we can leave. How is it in Florida?”

  “Absolutely beautiful here. We just came back from a paddle boat ride. Came back to the house so we could kind of regroup and rest, so I said I would give you a call to see how you were.”

  “Well, I’m glad you both are having a wonderful time together. You both deserve it. I have to go, sweetheart. The nurse is here with the boys, so we are heading home. Wish me luck, because I know I’ll need it.”

  “Oh, you’ll do just fine. I’ll talk with you later then. Love you all, goodbye.” I hung up and then went into the kitchen to grab myself something to drink from the fridge. I looked out the window and saw that Max was gathering up some rocks we had seen alongside the back porch. When I went out to see what he was doing, I saw that he was making a fire pit.

  “Do you need some help?” I shouted.

  He looked over at me with a smile. “No, I got this. You go on back inside and relax. I should be done in a couple of minutes with setting everything up.”

  “Alright.” I walked back in and decided to see what was on television, and came across one of my favorite movies, Now Voyager, with Betty Davis. Thankfully, I had caught it at the beginning, since I am a stickler for watching a movie, even if it was one I had watched a hundred times before, from the very beginning.

  I sat there watching it for a while, completely content with the comfortableness of the couch and the coolness of my ginger ale, and I began to relax me after all the walking and fun we had that day. I looked over at the teddy bear that was sitting in the corner of the couch. His little plastic brown eyes shone brightly along with a little button nose that was just adorable. Soon the thought about our child came to mind, she was sitting there with that teddy bear in her little arms, smiling sweetly while hugging it tightly, and asking me, “Are we going to the beach today, Mommy?”

  All I could do was smile as she started to giggle for she was the most precious child I had ever seen.


  I quickly startled myself back into reality when I heard Max shout out my name. I looked over where he stood in the doorway of the porch and then over at the couch where the lone teddy bear sat still in its place.

  “Baby, are you still talking with Charlotte?”

  I rubbed my eyes and sighed. “No, I was just talking to myself.”

  “Well, I have the pit ready for later on tonight. Why don’t we go and take a nap? I’ll make us something light for dinner tonight, so that way we can eat up most of the S’mores for dessert.”

  “Alright then, will you be joining me later?”

  Leaning over, he gave me a kiss on the forehead. “You know I will. Now go on and take your nap, young lady.”

  “Yes, sir.” Giving him a salute, I took the bear with me,so at least I would have something to snuggle up with me until he came.

  You know, sometimes your body is so tired, and as soon as you hit the mattress, it seems like your body goes completely limp and it just says fuck it! This was how my body was when I laid down in the bed. I really don’t know how long I had been sleeping, but when I did wake up, the room had started to get dark, so I knew it was getting dark outside, and I was the only one in the room. I laid there stretching myself out completely, which only made me more exhausted than before. I got out of bed, made my way to the kitchen, and saw that the table had been set for two, a bottle of wine and two glasses in between the setting.

  Max came out of the kitchen, with a medium size bowl in one hand and a wooden salad bowl in the other. “Why, hello, sleeping beauty. I was coming in there to wake you up.”

  He set the bowls on the table, and I walked over and sat down. Max had made some pesto pasta with bowtie noodles and a salad to go with it.

  “How long did I sleep?”

  “You were out for about three hours. I was going to come and sleep right with you, but you looked so cute with that teddy bear, I didn’t want to wake you up.”

  “I must have really needed the sleep then.” I began plating my food, while he poured me a glass of Chardonnay. Once I tasted the pasta, I knew I was in love with it. “This is delicious.”

  “Thanks, I’m glad you like it. I wanted to try to make something light this evening.”

  He smiled, and I took of sip of wine. Everything was so fresh, and I enjoyed every single bite, until my plate was completely empty except for one lone piece of lettuce from my salad.I drank the last bit of wine.

  “Let’s head on out to the back,” he said.

  We both went got up and put our plates in the sink and then walked out on the porch out back, and that’s where I saw the small fire in the pit a bit down the way from the house. When we walked a bit forward, I noticed that Max had set up a small tray with a bag of marshmallows, some Hershey’s bars, and graham crackers, along with some sticks. I also noticed a small blanket was laid out on the sand, but another blanket was folded up next to the tray. “Come on and sit down.”

  Once he helped me down onto the blanket, we both got everything together, and we began making S’mores. I, of course, ended up burning my first two attempts, but Max worked with me, as far as showing me how to not keep it in the fire too long. Once I assembled and bit into it, the gooeyness of the warm marshmallow melting with the chocolate sent me in tailspin.

  Can we say childhood nostalgia, folks…? I know I can!

  “How you like your S’mores?” he asked me.

  I found myself licking my fingers from the chocolate that was now dripping from between the crackers.

  “It’s messy, but I love it.” I continued licking my fingers, as all of chocolate was finally gone, as well as the marshmallow, too.

  We both looked out at the horizon, as I had to admit that the sight I was seeing before me was the most beautiful I had seen in a long time. The sky was a beautiful array of red, pink, purple, orange, yellow, and brown, all mixed together. The sun was slowly melting into the sky, bringing a wonderful feeling of tranquility. Max stood up, grabbing the blanket that was folded, and opening it up as he came up behind me and sat down. It had started to get a bit nippy along the beach, so when his arms wrapped around me within that blanket, the warmth was a welcome feeling. I leaned up against him, my head resting along his chest, while I continued watching the sky and eating my S’more.

  “Are you comfortable, baby?” He asked, as I finished off my S’more to nuzzle within the warmth of the blanket as well as the warmth of Max’s body behind me.

  “I’m really enjoying this. God, you feel so good.”

  He squeezed me tighter, as a light wind blew over the water. I honestly, didn’t want the moment to end, and I could slowly feel his cock getting harder against the lower part of my back. I didn’t say a word, but I did rub up against him, making it like I was trying to get comfortable or something. But my ploy was to get him harder. He coughed a bit, which let me know he was trying to stay composed, but I wasn’t going to let that happen…at least, not that evening. I turned over to my left side while he adjusted himself once more, so I could have more mobility with my right arm. He rested his head against mine, while I slowly started to unzip his jeans.

  “Baby, what are you doing?” He hissed when my hand grasped his cock and I slowly fondled his hardness.

  “Just relax. We are near the house, and no one else is out here. Plus, if someone did see us, they would think we are just watching the sunset. Just remember, though, you can’t make a sound while I’m stroking you off. You’ve got to remain perfectly still and perfectly quiet, unless you have to whisper. Better yet, don’t even make a whisper. I don’t even want you to make any sound at all while I’m stroking your cock.” I opened up the blanket just a bit, to where I could actually watch myself rubbing down his cock. �
��You look good enough to eat, you know.”

  Following my command, Max didn’t say a word. This excited me even further, while I continued massaging him more. His hips started to move a bit, and I could hear deep within his throat a groan slowly wanting to erupt. He licked his lips for a moment, before eventually moaning, and I went deeper into his pants, cupping his balls.

  He stretched out his legs, leveling himself up to where he slid off his pants halfway. He kissed my forehead, watching me while my fingers laced softly against his cock. I loved touching him like this, just feeling him in my hand like this, every vein, his smooth tip, which was glistening with a bit of pre-cum. It was just a shame that we were in a public place, because I would have jumped him right there on the beach.

  He leaned more into my body, while I continued the pace, and then he caught his breath to let out a groan. His chest rose and shook, and I knew he would come soon. And that’s when I did the unthinkable. I suddenly stopped. The look in his eyes was that of shock, which made me laugh.

  Toying with him, I said, “Go on and say something now,”

  “You were so wrong for that, you know, and I was so fucking close.” His hips continued to move in the rhythm I had set before I stopped. “It’s a shame to let it all go to waste, you know.”

  Leaning over to give him a kiss, I looked to see if anyone was coming, and I couldn’t have been more thankful that no one was around at that time. I moved my way down underneath the blanket, and my lips and tongue quickly finished where my hand had left off on his cock. The warm saltiness of his cum was a taste I had gotten so use to, that I greedily took plenty of his cock within my mouth and throat. His moans were beautiful, while I lapped at him, my tongue rolling along his tip and down along his shaft.


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