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The Rub Down

Page 21

by Gina Sheldon

  When I crossed the finish line, every last drop of energy left my body. My legs refused to hold me anymore, and my main concern was eating the pavement. I had the smarts to move off to the side, so the rest of those finishing didn’t trample all over me.

  Once my body hit the ground, volunteers rushed over and asked if I needed medical personnel. I waved off medical services, but took the water, snack, and a silver blanket to wrap around my body. Before the volunteer left my side, she hung a medal around my neck. I couldn’t believe I finished. That medal meant so much to me. I just wished I could have relished in my success.

  Having studied common marathon injuries, I knew that if I sat too long, my knee would be an even hotter mess. I wished Luke could scoop me up in his arms, but this area was only open to runners and volunteers.

  “He would be waiting for her at the other side for her to fall into his arms.”

  Reaching deep inside, I found what I needed to walk a few extra blocks to the area where Addison and Luke would be meeting me.

  “He fell hopelessly in love with the princess.”

  Thoughts of Luke carried my body to where I could fall into his arms.



  I checked the runner app all day. Alexa was having a run of a lifetime. She was on track to beat her training time, and she even rocked Heartbreak Hill. Her pace seemed to slow a bit after that, but it was to be expected. Most runners focused so heavily on making it past the horrendous hill that their energy supply was depleted after the climb.

  I finished up at the spa around three, leaving Danny to man the fort the rest of the day. When I texted Addison, I found out she had an amazing spot right at the finish line only a few blocks from The Rub Down. Not wanting to leave her prime spot, she asked me to grab her a sandwich. To get such a great location, Addison must have been standing there since early in the morning.

  Thousands upon thousands of people lined the streets to cheer on the runners. Some were there just to cheer on our miraculous city. I squeezed through, getting horrible looks, but I didn’t care. The girl I was hopelessly in love with would be running down the road any minute, and I needed to see her do it.

  About half an hour after I got in my spot next to Addison, I finally spotted Alexa. Addison and I went crazy screaming her name. She wasn’t running. Her limp favored her left side. From a distance, I didn’t think too much about it. Blisters and sore muscles were to be expected. But as she got closer, her face told me everything I needed to know. She was truly injured. Tears streaked down her face, and her mouth set in a grimace.

  “She’s hurt, Addison. We need to get over to family pickup now. I have to get to her.” I grabbed Addison and weaved through the crowd, but kept my eyes on Alexa best I could. Full panic mode hit me. My first instinct was to hop the barrier, scoop her up in my arms, and take care of her. But as much as I knew about the human body, I wasn’t a doctor. And if I jumped the fence, police would throw me to the ground and cuff me.

  “Luke, slow down. You’re pulling my arm straight off my body.” I could hear the worry in Addison’s voice. “She’ll be okay. If she can finish a marathon with an injury, she has to be okay, right?”

  “Alexa will be okay, but I promised I’d be there to catch her.”

  As we approached a way to cross the street, Alexa collapsed on the ground and then picked herself up.

  Why wasn’t anyone helping her? Why wasn’t one of the medics checking her out?

  I hated how the marathon course was roped off, especially since I needed to get to my girl. Certain sidewalks were closed, a necessary evil, making it necessary to go up three blocks to cross, and then back down two to get where we wanted to go.

  Finally, the family pickup entrance was in sight. My heart ached knowing Alexa was hurt. The need to take care of her was stronger than I thought possible. By the time we got through the alphabet to the W sign, Alexa had just sat down on the curb, with her head down and legs straight out ahead of her.

  My strong girl looked fragile and broken.

  Chapter Twenty-nine


  I called out to Alexa as we got closer. Her head lifted slightly so she could see who called her name. Her blonde hair was matted from sweat. The blue eyes I wanted to swim in every day were glossy from tears. Mascara streaked her cheeks. Her medal hung around her neck like a badge of honor. When our eyes met, her pain was evident.

  Addison and I hurried our steps, weaving in and out of the other friends and family waiting for their runner. Dropping to my knees as soon as I was in front of Alexa, I cupped my hands on the sides of her face and wiped away some of the black lines. I placed a small chaste kiss on her dry, cracked lips.

  “You need more water, Lex. You’re dehydrated.” I passed her the big bottle I grabbed when I picked up Addison’s lunch, knowing it would come in handy.

  Alexa guzzled half of it before pulling the bottle away from her mouth. She touched her lips and turned to her best friend. “Do you have ChapStick in your bag, Addie?”

  “Of course, babe. Never leave home without it,” Addison said, searching around in her small purse before producing lip balm. “I’m so proud of you, girl. You kicked ass today.” Addison sat down next to her and gave her a hug, while rubbing her back.

  “How are you, Lex? What hurts? I saw you limping.” I needed to figure out if it was a muscle cramp gone horribly wrong, or something more serious.

  “My left knee. I took a corner wrong at mile twenty-four, and it buckled underneath me. It fucking hurts so bad.” Her tears welled up again.

  “Okay, let’s get you home to my place and assess where we go from there. It’s wicked swollen. It needed ice like four miles ago.” I looked over at Addison. “Can you run home and grab her enough clothes for a few days and meet us at my place?”

  “Of course.” Addison gave Alexa another squeeze before she got up and left.

  “Okay, champ. Let’s get you out of here. You feeling okay to move?”

  “I can’t walk, Luke.”

  Silly girl thought I would make her walk home. I unlaced her sneakers and yanked them and her sweat soaked socks off her feet. An audible sigh of relief left Alexa’s mouth once she was free from the constraints of her shoes. Huge, angry blisters covered her feet.

  “I know, babe. You’ll ride in style all the way home.” I stood up, pulling her with me, and helped her balance on one leg. I turned around, giving her my back. “Hop up a little, and I’ll catch you. Just hold your stinky shoes for me.”

  “Luke, it’s a long way home. You can’t be serious. I’m sweaty and gross.” Alexa spoke softly.

  “First off, you look gorgeous. B. It’s not that far. And three, I ate my Wheaties this morning. Come on, Lex. Let’s get you home on my couch with a bag of peas on that knee.”

  “You know you numbered wrong, right?” Alexa laughed as she gave a quick hop, and I grabbed under her ass and pulled her higher up my back.

  I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t stop myself and gave her tight ass a squeeze. My hands palmed her cheeks perfectly. Alexa gave me a giggle and a slap to the side of my head. We found a way out of the tent and walked home.

  “No, I did it just fine. Now hush up and enjoy your ride.”


  “Why did Addison need to pack a few days’ worth of clothes? I have work tomorrow,” Alexa said as we neared The Ritz. It seemed to have just dawned on her that twenty minutes ago, I asked Addison to pack so much. My girl was wiped out.

  “You most certainly are not working tomorrow. You can barely walk. You’ll be at the doctor getting your knee looked at. And how do you think you’ll get up all those stairs to your place, huh? I don’t think your landlord wants to put in a chair lift thing for you.”

  Alexa inhaled deeply and let it out slowly. “But, but…”

  “You don’t have a single rebuttal, so shush your delicious mouth.” I turned my head to look at her, and puckered up, demanding a kiss. She bent down and laid a b
ig smacker with exaggerated noise and everything.

  After an eight-block hike, we finally reached my building. I put Alexa down on her good leg once we stepped into the elevator. It was a good thing she was light because that was a long walk. Granted, it wasn’t twenty-six point two miles.

  As soon as we entered the house, I carried her to my lounger and laid her down. I captured her lips with mine, something I had been waiting to do since I saw her running down the street. “I’m so proud of you, Lex. Let me go grab some frozen veggies for your knee, and a banana for your empty stomach.”

  “I prefer corn. Peas freak me the fuck out,” she hollered from the other room as I entered the kitchen.

  “Peas freak you out? Please explain,” I said, sticking my head out the door, looking at her with a puzzled face.

  “My dad used to squish them with his fork and then eat them with his mashed potatoes. It grossed me out. They always made this sound when he jammed his fork down. Then I made the mistake of telling Addison, so now she does it on purpose to see me freak.” Alexa made a face of complete disgust as she told the tale.

  “You’re in luck! I have organic frozen corn. Only the best for you,” I joked as I placed the bag on her injured knee.

  “You spoil me. Organic. Wow,” Alexa teased as I swooped in for another kiss. While the corn rested on her knee, she gave me a rundown of the race, and how she hurt herself.

  “How’s the corn feeling?”

  “Still hurts like a motherfucker. But the corn feels nice.” She settled into the couch after she spoke, sinking her head in the cushions, and relaxed.

  “I’m going to go draw a bath for you, and bring you some ibuprofen. Be right back. Addison should be here soon.” I gave her a quick peck before heading down the hallway.

  The master bathroom had a huge soaking tub that had never been used by me or my company. If I had to guess, one of my sisters might have used it when I’d been out of town, since bath salts magically appeared under my sink. After I sprinkled the girly stuff into the tub, I grabbed a bottle of anti-inflammatories and headed into the living room to Alexa.

  “The tub will take a few minutes to fill. Take a few of these.” I shook three pills into her palm. “You’ve got to be starving. Want to order some pizza? I can call in a few pies, and Addison can join us.”

  “That would be great. Will you help me get to the bathroom?”

  “I’ll even help you out of your clothes, babe. That’s just the kind of guy I am. Full service boyfriend.” I winked at her while I hoisted her into my arms and headed down the hall.

  “Settle down, tiger. Thank you for everything you’re doing for me. I probably should have thought about all of this before.”

  “No need to thank me. I’m happy to be able to help.” I looked up at her bright smile, and couldn’t keep the words in any longer. “I love you, Lex. I’d do anything for you.”

  Alexa’s mouth created an adorable O as she gazed up at me. “Oh, Luke, I love you, too.”

  Gently standing her on her feet, I kissed her with everything I had. My tongue explored every corner of her mouth. When I couldn’t get enough of her, I grabbed onto the back of her head, and pulled her even closer to me. I needed more.

  When I broke away, her hair was disheveled, her lips plumped and bruised, and her eyes shone brighter than the Hancock Building. I yanked her tank top and sports bra over her head, and placed a kiss on each of her nipples. As I pushed down her shorts and thong, I softly teased along her stomach and a little lower.

  “Luke,” Alexa whispered.

  “I want to make love to you so bad, Lex. I want to worship you until you know, with every inch of your body, that I love you. But I know that can’t happen today, and probably not tomorrow. I’ll wait as long as possible for you to heal. Till then, I’ll cherish every touch we share.”

  I lifted Alexa into the bath, helping her steady her weight before she slunk down under the cold water.

  “Oh, shit! This is freezing.”

  “I know. I’m sorry, but it’s what’s best for your muscles right now.” Just as I went to sit on the edge of the tub, my house phone rang. “I’ll be right back.” I jogged to the kitchen to answer.


  “Yes, Luke, I have Ms. Addison Bradford here for you. Can I send her up?” Stacey, the concierge, asked.

  “Yes, please. She doesn’t know my unit number, so please, tell her. Thank you.” I hung up and walked back to the bathroom.

  “Addison’s on her way up. Do you want me to send her in?”

  “Yes, please. She can keep me company.”

  “What do you want on your pizza? I’ll call as soon as Addison gives me her order,” I said.

  “Ummm, I want pepperoni, sausage, and extra cheese. Can we order wings, too? I’m starving. I ran a lot today, tiger.” Alexa gave me a pouty face, which on most women, I found horribly annoying, but on Alexa, it was adorable.

  “Yes, you did, my love.” I bent down and gave her another kiss. “I can’t seem to keep my lips off you today.”

  “You won’t hear me complain,” Alexa added as the doorbell rang.

  “Enjoy your time with Addison. I’ll let you know when the pizza arrives. Love you.” With one last parting kiss, I went to let Addison in.



  The rest of the evening was great, if I didn’t take into account my throbbing knee. Soaking in the tub was freezing, but helpful. I got to have girl talk with Addison while I relaxed. She let out a loud screech when I told her Luke and I professed our love right before she arrived. Luke came running to see if we were okay. He sounded like a herd of elephants. The tone of his voice was straight panic. To ease his worry, I screamed we were fine.

  After my bath, Addison, Luke, and I sat around his living room, eating wings and pizza. I had four pieces, and more wings than I cared to count. Two of my favorite people taking care of me was exactly what I needed after such a long, hard day.

  I was proud of myself for running a full marathon, and in doing so, beating my fears and memories. Once my knee gave out, I worried I wasn’t going to make it to the finish line, but I pushed through. Mind over matter. I had a goal and I reached it.

  By nine o’clock, while snuggled under Luke’s shoulder and talking with Addison, I started to doze off.

  “Okay, sleepy head, you’ve had enough excitement for one day. I’m going to take off.” Addison stood and came over to me to give me a hug. “Please take care of our girl, and call me if you need anything.” Addison turned and gave Luke a kiss on his cheek, as well.

  “Thank you for being here, Addie. And for the clothes. I’ll call you in the morning. I think a doctor visit is in my future tomorrow,” I said.

  “Do you need me to take you?” she asked, looking between Luke and me.

  “I’ll take her. I’ve already texted Danny to find coverage for my clients tomorrow. We’re all set, but thank you.” I had no idea when he spoke with Danny, but I was grateful he did. “Addison, ask the doorman to hail you a cab. There are usually a few lined up at the hotel this time of night.” Luke stood and walked Addison to the door.

  When Luke came back, he swooped me up in his arms.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his shoulder. “A girl could get used to this treatment. I may never walk again.”

  “I love you in my arms, so we’re both happy. Let’s get you some more pain meds, wrap your knee, and tuck you in.” Luke sat me down on the toilet while he grabbed more pills. After I swallowed them, he passed me my toothbrush loaded with toothpaste.

  After the bathroom routine, Luke turned down the covers on his bed and laid me down like I was a precious heirloom.

  “You are stunning, even after running a marathon.”

  I didn’t think I would ever grow tired of hearing his sweet words.

  Luke crawled into bed, snuggled right up to my body, and brought me closer to him. I drifted off to sleep, happier than I had ever been.
br />   Epilogue


  It was dark, yet lights shone all around us. Luke was sweating and breathing heavy in my ear.

  “Give me all you got, tiger. Don’t stop. Please, whatever you do, don’t stop,” I cried out through my own gasps.

  “Baby, you’re wearing me out. Can we please slow down?” Luke panted.

  “Focus, Luke. You can do this. Once we finish, you’ll be thanking me. Promise.”

  “My legs are starting to cramp.” Luke looked at me, pleading with me to slow down our pace. But we were so close to finishing. There would be fireworks at the end. I could almost see them behind my eyes.

  My nipples were tight, my stomach clenched, my hair a hot mess, and I was sweatier than a whore in church. But I was with the love of my life, and nothing was going to top this moment between the two of us. We had practiced for months, and talked ad nauseam about it. Luke was on board, but now that it was time, he was reneging on our deal.

  As we chased our finish, I reached for his hand and laced our fingers together. We were going together if it was the last thing we did.

  I looked over at him and said, “I love you. Now let’s do this.”

  Luke nodded his head, and we sprinted toward the finish line where thousands before us had already crossed in the Rock and Roll Marathon in Las Vegas.


  After the Boston Marathon, I saw a doctor about my knee. Thankfully, it was just inflammation of my iliotibial band. I spent a few weeks on crutches, worked out with a physical therapist for about a month, and then I was good as new. While I was on crutches, I stayed with Luke at his place. A few days after the diagnosis, while Luke was at work, I went home to my apartment and attempted to climb the stairs. I made it past the first floor, but the spiral staircase to get to my bedroom was impossible for me. I ended up calling Luke and having him carry me to get more clothes, once he finished at work.


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