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Page 11

by Jamison, Jade C.

  “Oh, God…”

  “You like that?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, unable to say more as her breath caught in her throat again.

  His fingers moved in a clockwise motion in the tiny space between their bodies. It felt like he was hardly moving, but it was enough to bring her close, so close, and she yearned for release. Instead, he kept his motion slow and methodical, making her gasp more until, at last, she felt her whole body give it up and she moaned in ecstasy. She could hear the groans and utterances escape her lips, but she had no power to control them.

  As her body shuddered, her orgasm waning, she relaxed her fingers from their death grip and slid them down Tyler’s back, moving toward the front of his jeans. She sucked in her breath, giving herself space to move her hands between their bodies. Her lips found Tyler’s and she immersed him in a consuming kiss whose momentum moved him back an inch or so. She was shaking from her orgasm, feeling weak but needing more.

  Megan wanted to feel him inside her, pounding and grinding against her flesh, but she also wanted to give him the same special attention he’d showed her. So as she kissed him, she slid one hand down to his jeans, feeling how his erection strained against the denim, and she caressed him. He didn’t say anything, but she could tell it consumed his every rational thought, because he slowed in his kiss. Encouraged and feeling eager, she moved her other hand to the top of his jeans and then unbuttoned and unzipped them in haste, releasing his beast.

  There was no sense in waiting. She’d already come and to make him wait even longer seemed cruel. She slid her hands underneath his shorts and caressed his cock, and the direct pressure seemed to stop any blood flow to his brain. His lips stopped again as he drew in an uneven breath, and she decided what she wanted to do.

  She moved her lips to his neck and traced a line of kisses down his chest, his torso, down lower. She drew a line with her tongue, feeling skin and coarse hairs down the path. She opened her eyes but saw that it didn’t do much good. Her eyes had adjusted to the dark of the room as best as they could, and she still couldn’t see much. So she continued to feel her way over his body. She wrapped a hand around his cock once she felt it and then kissed the crown, a promise of more.

  Her knees were uncomfortable on the concrete floor, but the loud breath that blew out of Tyler’s mouth told her it was worth it. He moved his hands to her hair and his fingertips caressed her neck while the rest of her head conformed to his palms. As she drew him into her mouth, her thoughts returned to the phone conversation she’d had with Lisa earlier that day. When Lisa had described having sex outdoors, Megan had thought to herself she’d never want to have sex in a public place where she could potentially be found, yet here she was in a place easily accessible by dozens of people, most of whom she knew, and if someone walked in, they would be able to see it for what it was. There was no disguising a penis in one’s mouth. Megan almost giggled at the thought but got serious again when Tyler uttered, “God, Meg.”

  That was her signal to keep doing what she was doing. She increased her speed slightly, moving her mouth back and forth in a rhythm that she knew would drive him wild. But his hands moved from her head down lower and he dipped his knees, urging her up. Megan let his cock slide out of her mouth and she said, “Don’t you like this?”

  “God, I love it, but I want to be inside you.”

  Just at his words, her blood rushed back to her nether regions, and she felt her need return, throbbing in anticipation. She started to stand but left her hand wrapped around the base of his penis, massaging the underside with her thumb. He moved forward and she could sense he was taking his wallet out of his pocket. She wanted him to hurry, because now that he’d mentioned it, she didn’t want to wait.

  “Fuck.” He bent over, and she had to let go.


  “I dropped my goddamn wallet and I can’t see shit in here.”

  She couldn’t help the breath that puffed out of her lips, but she didn’t think he could hear it. She gritted her teeth and bent over, feeling around with her hands on the cool concrete floor. As tense as she felt, she knew he must be feeling worse. At least she’d already climaxed once. He was close but hadn’t yet. Her hand touched his near the wall and he was wrapping his hand around his wallet there.

  “Found it,” he said. She moved her hand so he could get in it. “Guess leaving the light on would’ve been better, huh?”

  “This is perfect.” She heard him rip open the condom package as he stood up again. She joined him. “Want some help?”

  He chuckled. “Here in a sec. I got this part, but the rest? Well, I could do it myself, but there’s no fun in that.”

  Megan laughed and reached in front of her. She was disoriented in the extreme dark of the locker room. “I think I can help with that.” Her fingers touched his chest again and she once more allowed herself to enjoy and appreciate the smooth, firm skin. Suddenly, his hands grabbed her hips, and he pulled her close so that there was nothing between them. His lips crushed hers with his own as she felt his hands move down the sides of her thighs. Then he pulled her skirt up, holding the sides with his hands, then sliding her panties down.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  God, was she. His touch was more aggressive than it had been, and it was exciting. He couldn’t move fast enough for her. “Yeah,” she said, breathless. She was pushed back against a locker again, and in one smooth motion, he entered her.

  His rhythm wasn’t fast at first, but he picked up speed. She was close to orgasm again. She knew he was close too. He was holding her up against the wall, leaving her feet dangling. One of her shoes fell off, and she wrapped that leg around him. She wound her fingers through his hair and kissed his neck. She gasped but managed to breathe, “Oh, God, Tyler.”

  He took her words as an invitation to reach maximum speed. Every thrust heightened her pleasure. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d enjoyed such intense, sweet sex, but she knew why in the back of her mind. She had loved Tyler as a teenager, and that emotion was filling her again right now. She was powerless to stop it. As the realization washed over her, she wished she could open her eyes and see his face; instead, she only saw darkness. But she imagined his eyebrows would be bent down in concentration, perspiration clinging to his brow in the relentless heat of the locker room. She could imagine the bulge of the muscles all over his body as he pushed them to their limit, building them both toward crescendo. She could see in her mind his full lips pressed together in the agony of the tension building toward release. Picturing him in her mind, feeling his hot breath on her neck just got her closer. He said, “You’re amazing,” as she slipped into the ether of ultimate pleasure. And then she knew…she knew she couldn’t bear to let Tyler go again, and yet she would have no other choice.

  Chapter Twenty

  TYLER AND MEGAN lay on the cool locker room floor, their upper bodies resting against the lockers on the back wall. He had one arm draped around her shoulders, and in spite of the heat, she rested her head on his chest. She didn’t dare tell him what she was feeling, not yet anyway. She felt vulnerable. Once she came off the high brought on by incredible sex, she’d venture there. Just not yet.

  “Shit,” he muttered. Megan wasn’t sure what he was cursing about, so she said nothing. But he continued, “I’ve gotta help the guys load up the equipment, but I’m starting to think I used up all my energy on you.”

  Megan let out a small giggle. “Don’t blame me, Tyler. You told me you just wanted to talk.”

  He chuckled and ran his hand over the length of her hair. He made no move to get up, though, so she rested her head back on his chest. “So, Meg, how are your parents?”

  “They’re doing all right. Dad still works at Fort Carson and mom’s still teaching.”

  “She still at Riverside Middle School?”

  “Yep. She said she plans to stay there until she retires.” Megan caressed the skin on Tyler’s chest. “What about your family?”
  “Well, you probably already know they moved to Denver to be closer to my sister.”

  “Now that you mention it, I hadn’t seen them in a long time.”

  “Yeah. Dad got a job up there doing some kind of consulting work, but when Amy moved there after she got married and had two babies, mom couldn’t stand not being closer so she could help out. So they moved there, and mom just watches Amy’s kids so Amy doesn’t have to pay a babysitter while she works.”

  “I knew Amy got married, but I didn’t know about the kids.”

  “It’s cool being an uncle, Meg. Sure, they’re little, but I can still spoil ‘em. Jacob’s five and ornery as hell. He’s the epitome of a little boy. Then little Sierra is a princess. She’s three and the exact opposite of her brother. She had this little ballerina costume with a tutu she was wearing last week when I was visiting them, and she was doing all kinds of spins and twirls. Very cute. The smile on that kid’s face….”

  Megan couldn’t remember the last time she’d been around children on purpose. Kids were in and out of the library all the time, but they had their own special section, and Megan didn’t work in that area of the library. Part of her was glad, because kids seemed to require a lot of work and patience, more than she cared to give. But what about if she had her own kids or kids of someone who mattered to her? She didn’t know. She had no siblings, so she couldn’t experience vicarious parenthood like Tyler had. He seemed to appreciate it, though, and that made her…. Her thoughts stopped as though weighted down by an anvil. She felt panicked and nervous again, because her deeper thoughts were thinking of Tyler as the potential future father of her children, and then she knew for certain she’d invested too many emotions into their personal reunion that was likely to end tomorrow along with the formal high school one.

  Now or never. She had to talk about it. It was probably the perfect time. They were alone and still basking in the glow of glorious sex. The timing wouldn’t get any better. Her finger was tracing one of his nipples, the one not covered by her cheek. She said, “So what happens now?

  He was quiet for a moment and continued stroking her hair. “What do you mean?” There was no edge to his voice, so Megan pressed on.

  “Well…we’ve, uh...I’ve enjoyed spending time with you, but I just need to know. Was this just a hop in the sack for old times’ sake, or is it something more?”

  He was quiet when he said, “God, no, it wasn’t just a hop in the sack.” He sat up a little and she felt herself adjusting. She wanted to see his face, because she felt blind just hearing his words. “I can find women to have sex with any time I want, and I’m not trying to be a crude asshole saying that. You and me, though…it felt like something more to me. Didn’t it to you?”

  Yes, it had, but what did that all mean? When he returned to his life tomorrow, then what? Could she bear saying goodbye again, knowing it had meant as much to him? Or would she be expected to follow him around everywhere he went, forsaking her own life? She had to be honest, though. She didn’t know any other way to be. “Yeah, it did.” But she wasn’t ready to discuss the future with him, no matter how hard she was falling. Tamara Dickens had been lurking in the back of her mind and she had to resolve that issue before moving on to any possible future with Tyler. She’d gotten what she wanted from Tyler, though, and that was the assurance that she wasn’t just another easy lay in a string of them. Tyler seemed satisfied with her answer and didn’t want to press forward. Megan imagined he was sleepy from the endorphins flooding his body, but she needed to talk. After several minutes, she said, “Tamara told me something that’s been bothering me.”

  She felt Tyler stiffen under her body. “What the hell did she say now?”

  Megan inhaled a deep breath. She wasn’t sure how to tell him or what to even say, but honesty was best, especially now that she had broached the subject. “She…uh…she said she had your baby.”

  Tyler was quiet but sat all the way up. After several moments, he said, “I can’t believe she’s still saying that.”

  Megan had to know. “So is it true?”

  He sighed and Megan could tell he was feeling around with his hands in the dark, trying to find something in the dark room. His tone was abrupt and impatient. “What do you think, Meg?”

  She didn’t like that answer. “I’d like to believe it’s not.”

  She heard him sigh. “Well, you’re right. It’s not. She wants to believe it, but it’s not true.” She heard him moving around and could tell he was done snuggling. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Just a sec.” She slid her shoes back on, deflated. She shouldn’t have said anything. “Why are you in such a hurry now?”

  He stood. “I gotta help the guys load up the equipment.” Yep. She’d touched a sore spot. She placed her hands on the concrete but didn’t say anything. “Do you need some help up?”

  “Sure,” she said, feeling for his outstretched hands. He helped her stand up and started leading her back out of what had been their temporary love nest. He continued to hold her hand as they wound their way back around to the door. He was quiet now. What should have been a fulfilling, tender time and more moments of bonding had turned into an awkward shuffle out the door.

  They finally entered the gym again, assaulted by pop rock and a strobe light. Megan appreciated that, even though it was dark in the gym due to the mood lighting, she could see her way around. Tyler stopped and turned to her. “Hey, sorry. That just really…pissed me off. I’m gonna have to talk to her tonight.” Megan nodded but said nothing. His eyes scanned hers, seeming to look for something. He leaned over and kissed her again. It was full of promise and passion, but he cut it short. “See you later, okay?”

  She nodded, still standing in the gap between the bleachers, watching him walk away. She suddenly felt empty and alone. Empty and alone was okay when that was what you were used to, but crashing down from a fulfilling, soul-joining high made empty and alone feel worse…much worse. That feeling just confirmed that coming tonight had probably been a bad idea, because her hurt was fresh all over again.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  MEGAN STOOD BY the refreshments table, scanning the crowd, hoping to spot Lisa in the midst of all the moving bodies. She was tired of this goddamn reunion and ready to return to her life, the one without Tyler, the one without his promises. She was tired of feeling emotional and upset, but more than that, she hated the ups and downs. She felt so alive with him and so lost when he left, and that yo-yo effect couldn’t be healthy for her emotional well-being.

  She didn’t see Lisa, but she did spy Tamara. Tyler had denied that Tamara had given birth to his baby, but he hadn’t been convincing. She planned to grill the woman and find out exactly what she was saying. Maybe Megan could corroborate the details or confirm they were untrue by talking to others, but she had to know what Tamara considered to be the facts first.

  She glanced behind herself, feeling a little guilty, and saw Tyler holding a guitar case in hand, talking with one of the guys from his band. It turned out that Megan didn’t need to approach Tamara, because the woman approached Megan while her back was turned. “You just can’t keep your hands off the guy, can you?”

  Megan turned around. Tamara was having to raise her voice over the music to be heard. The refreshments table was next to the alternate exit which led to a lobby of sorts but branched out into the school proper. When she’d been in high school, she knew the hallways to the classrooms were blocked off during events but the lobby itself should be open and available, and the fact that lights were on inside confirmed her thoughts. Of course, she thought. There were restrooms in the lobby as well, and they’d want those available to the alumni. “Can I talk to you?”

  Tamara’s blue eyes lit up. “Thought you’d never ask.”

  Megan bobbed her head toward the lobby. “Let’s go in there where it’s quieter.”

  So the two women made their way into the lobby next to the gymnasium. They stood next to a wall that had a lon
g display case full of trophies and souvenirs like special footballs and baseballs. There were a couple of uniform pieces as well and other sports memorabilia having to do with the Winchester Bulldogs. “So what do you wanna know?”

  Megan steeled her jaw. She knew it was a bad idea going down this path, but Tyler hadn’t wanted to talk and she had to know. “Tell me everything.”

  A sly smile curled Tamara’s lower face. Megan’s soul withered as she realized how much this woman relished what she was about to do. Tamara was bitter and wanted to infect Megan with her acrid words. Too late to back out now. She was already committed, so she kept her feet planted, her lips shut, and her eyes locked on perhaps the only person she could call her adversary.

  “Well, you know Tyler and I dated before you two did.” Megan nodded her head. Tamara’s eyes then grew sorrowful, but for some reason Megan thought it was an act. “You know, he told me he loved me and wanted to be with me forever. So I did what any girl would do—I gave him my precious flower. I let him take away my innocence.” Her words slapped Megan across the face. Megan was pretty certain that wasn’t true, but she couldn’t quite remember. She thought, though, that Tamara had been known for being easy back then, and she was sure Tyler wasn’t her first. But Megan couldn’t ponder her thoughts while Tamara pressed forward. “But I was smart about it then. I was on the pill, so I couldn’t get pregnant.

  “And then we broke up. I guess he got bored with me, or maybe we fought too much. I shouldn’t say we broke up. He broke up with me. I wasn’t fun anymore. And that’s when I realized I’d been mistreated and abused, and I reported to authorities that he’d raped me, not once, but several times when we’d dated. I thought I loved him, so I didn’t say anything until he was gone. But it was too late. I had no proof, so no one believed me.


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