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Terran Realm Vol 1-6

Page 32

by Dee, Bonnie

  It feels so… She received an answering surge of mental lust telling her how much he craved her touch. His stomach twitched as her hands and the cool, conditioned air of the motel room brushed over naked skin. More was his plea.

  She toyed with the edge of the towel, running a finger around his waist and loosening the terry fabric. Then she moved her hands up to his chest again, pinching his small, flat nipples and making him groan.

  Mira usually conserved her sexual energy, turning it inward and sending it up the spinal path of chakras toward her spiritual eye during meditation rather than expending it on random physical affairs. It had been a while since she’d had a lover. She’d forgotten how exciting it was to feel not only her own pleasure, but her partner’s delight expanding and amplifying it. She realized that, for Ian, the experience of fundamentally sharing another person’s intimate sexual experience was brand new.

  They kissed again. He helped her shed her blouse and bra then stroked her skin (soft so soft) and sucked her dusky nipple into his mouth (wet, hard, warm, wonderful). Their mutual joy in one another grew stronger and deeper; the sensations compounded until it was impossible to tell which pleasure belonged to which body.

  He stroked her back and shoulders, arms, breasts and belly, moving over every bit of naked skin he could reach and then unfastening the front of her jeans to discover more flesh to touch.

  Mira lifted her hips and wiggled out of the filthy jeans. Her underwear stripped off along with them. She lay back, naked, on the slick polyester cover. It felt slippery against her skin. She glanced down. “This is the butt-ugliest bedspread I’ve ever seen.”

  Ian looked at the olive green vines and large gold flowers and laughed. She felt the joy bubbling up in him and reaching out to her. I’ve never been so happy in my life. She received the formless idea and perceived his underlying feelings of isolation, despair, and loneliness, which made this union even more precious to him.

  Discarding the towel, he stood beside the bed for a moment, his gaze devouring her body.

  She felt his arousal kick up another notch and hers did the same as she scanned his lean frame, the long sinewy muscles and jutting cock straining toward her, lingering on the burns and bruises marking his chest and throat. She opened her arms for him.

  He crawled between her warm, waiting thighs and into her embrace, leaning on his elbows, looking down at her face for several moments. Beautiful. I want to draw you just like this. Brushing a lock of hair away from her mouth, he bent to press his lips to hers. (soft, sweet, safe)

  Mira caressed the nape of his neck and opened her mouth to this more delicate kiss. I’ve wanted you inside me since we woke up together.

  You were awake? He pulled away to look at her, eyebrows raised.

  She smiled and winked. She guided his hand down between her legs so he could feel how wet and ready she was for him. Feel how much I want you?

  A primitive growl from deep in his hindbrain was her answer. He descended on her throat, kissing, sucking and biting. Moving his head lower, he drew her nipple into his hot mouth.

  The pulling sensation drove her wild. Heat flashed from Mira’s nipple down to her sex, making it ache. Her body twisted beneath him.

  Ian teased his fingers between the fleshy folds of her pussy, stroking in and out of her channel. Drawing the moisture up to her clit, he rubbed light circles there.

  Mira moaned and arched toward his hand. Her desire was magnified by his arousal, which she could feel as if it was her own. The sensations bounced back and forth between them like mirrors reflecting mirrors in an endless circuit, twining around each other even as their bodies did.

  Need you. Need you. Ian’s primal imperative throbbed in his brain as he thrust his erection against her leg. Its satiny length glided up her thigh and the lips of her pussy ached and opened.

  Come inside now. She tugged on his shoulders.

  Ian slid up her body, skin to skin, until he was suspended above her once more, looking down into her eyes. Want you. Only you.

  She reached between them and wrapped her hand around his hot, throbbing cock. The heft and girth in her grip were satisfying. She guided it to her entrance. In me! Now! Please!

  He pushed inside with a long groan that resounded both inside and outside her head.

  Gripping his buttocks, she urged him deeper, relishing the sensation of being filled. With their minds joined she could experience both the positive and negative aspects, the dual nature of giving and receiving. Together they made a perfect circle of completion.

  Mira whimpered as she rose and fell beneath him. She moved quickly to orgasm. It had been so long and her need was too great to hold back. This encounter was going to be fast and intense, their mutual desire enhanced by a day pumped full of adrenaline. Nothing like near-death to get you fired up.

  Mm. Ian’s thoughts were little more than primitive grunts now as he pumped into her with deep, hard strokes. Hot. Wet. Tight. Need.

  She moaned louder and lifted her hips to meet him, wrapping her legs around his. Her nails dug into his ass as she gripped him. Fill me. Love you inside me.

  Their flesh slapped together with resounding smacks.

  His eyes were closed, mouth open and panting in time with his thrusts. Woman. Mine. Need. Now.

  His base craving for her was an aphrodisiac. Her nipples ached as they rubbed against his sweat-slicked chest. Her pussy clenched and held him fast then let his cock go with reluctant suction on each withdrawal. More. Deeper. Harder. Mine.

  Sparks coalesced in a dark space deep inside her, swirling like a nebula in the cosmos, growing in shape and density until the first glimmering sparkle erupted in a rain of fire. She came with a wild explosion of firing neurons. The intense orgasm roared like a flash fire through her entire body and she cried out.

  “Oh, fuck!” Ian was rocked by her ecstasy, feeling every moment of it with her. Her orgasm triggered his and he froze, shuddering in her embrace. His cock pulsed and released inside her, filling her with his seed. A long, drawn-out cry of relief rang out inside her head. This, this was what he’d been waiting for all his life. She was the one he needed to fill the aching hole inside him.

  He lay on top of her, face buried in the crook of her neck, his body rising and falling with his ragged breaths. “Jesus!” Jesus, he prayed in a profane litany.

  Mira, still rocked by her own powerful release, held him as he shivered and brought his breathing slowly under control. She thought he might be crying. “Jesus,” he said aloud once more. “This has been the longest, strangest fucking day of my life.”

  She laughed. “It’s over now. You’re safe. You can rest, and I promise I won’t make any more sexual demands on you.”

  “That’s good, ‘cause I think it’d kill me.” His voice was muffled against her shoulder.

  Mira felt a brief pang of loss as his mind withdrew into its own space. He was closed to her now and they had to speak with words again.

  Ian rolled onto his back, throwing an arm above his head and resting the other hand on his chest. He drew a deep breath. “Whew!” He glanced sideways at her. “So, is it always that intense with you?”

  “You’ll have to stick around to find out.”

  “Was that tantric shit? I’ve heard about that.”

  “Nuh-uh. That was you-and-me shit. I can teach you tantric techniques if you want. It’s all about conserving sexual energy and prolonging the experience.” She grinned. “But a wham-bam is good sometimes too, don’t you think?”

  “Definitely.” He smiled and stared up at the ceiling.

  Silence fell between them for several moments.

  When Mira glanced over again, Ian’s smile had faded and a frown creased his forehead.

  “What’s the matter?” She rolled to her side and put her hand on his shoulder. His muscles were tense under his sweating skin. “Talk to me.”

  “Nothing.” He put his arm across his eyes.

  She squeezed his shoulder. “Tell me what’s
bothering you.”

  “Jesus, it’s so lame.”

  “You can tell me anything.”

  He hesitated another moment then made a back-and-forth gesture between the two of them with his hand. “This. What if I can’t do it? What if I can’t be the kind of man you need me to be?”

  She rubbed a light, soothing circle on his chest with the palm of her hand, being careful around his burns. “It’s all right. You don’t have to change who you are for me.”

  Ian uncovered his eyes and raised an eyebrow.

  “Okay. It’s true, it might be better if you didn’t steal or sell drugs anymore, but other than that, you’re fine just the way you are.”

  “You don’t know me. There are a hundred things I do every day that aren’t good enough for you. You think I have more of a conscience than I actually do. I’m not a good guy. I’m not the hero. That’s Foster.”

  Mira continued to stroke circles over his heart, feeling the fear and doubt radiating off him and wanting to offer comfort. “I do know you, Ian. I already told you that. What you did today was heroic. You could have told them where you’d hidden the box, traded it for your freedom or even for money, but you didn’t. Instead you let yourself be tortured and set Justin and me free. Your conscience may be a little weak in some areas, but it still works just fine.”

  She dipped her head and pressed kisses on his shoulder. “I’ll help you exercise it. We’ll put it on a Pilates regimen.”

  A smile flashed across his mouth then quickly disappeared. “But what about the whole inter-species thing? You’re supposed to be with your own kind, right? Hell, your life span makes mine look like a Mayfly. How’s that going to work?”

  Mira crawled on top of him, her body covering his from chest to toe. She put a hand on each side of his face and looked down into his eyes, refusing to let his gaze slide away from hers. “When you’re eighty years old and I’m one hundred twenty-five, people are going to look at us and think you’re a dirty old man and I’m a nasty little gold-digger taking advantage of you. That’s all.”

  There. The grin was back. Ian’s warm chuckle sent waves of delight shimmering through her.

  “Trust me. It will be all right.” She pressed her fingertips to his temples. “See? I’m using my Jedi mind powers on you. ‘You want to be with me. You will relax and trust me. You will get rid of self-doubt and let yourself be happy, starting now.’”

  Ian put his hand on the back of her head and pulled her down for a kiss. Then he looked up into her eyes. “I will relax and trust you,” he repeated in a monotone as though under her spell. “I want to be with you, and I will be happy starting … now.”

  Holding her close, he kissed her deeply.

  Mira pulled back after a moment, crossed her arms on his chest and continued to look down at him.

  He sighed. “All right. I have just one more question.”

  “What’s that?”

  He jerked his head toward the door. “You think they heard us out there?”

  She laughed. “Probably.”

  “Good.” Ian’s smile was smug.

  * * * *

  Ian didn’t remember falling asleep, but woke with a jerk from a dream about running and falling. The room was still brightly lit. He looked at the bedside clock. It was 3:00 a.m. They still had some time before they had to get up and go to the airport to catch their flight.

  He wondered if Brody and his men would be waiting there for them.

  Turning his head on the pillow, he watched Mira’s sleeping face then reached out to trace the angles of her face, lightly so as not to wake her. She had beautiful bone structure, strong and angular, but softened by the curve of her cheeks and those delectable, bee-stung lips. He brushed his hand over her silky hair, pushing back a few strands that had fallen across her eyes.

  She was perfect and it was almost frightening that she wanted him. Nothing this good ever happened to him. It made him anxious, waiting for the inevitable punch he knew had to be coming.

  Her long lashes flickered and her eyes opened. She smiled when she saw him. “Hey. What time is it?”

  “Only a little after 3:00. We have time. Go back to sleep.”

  She rubbed her eyes, yawning, and shook her head. “Nuh-uh. I’ve got better things to do.”

  “Oh really? Like what.”

  “I’ll show you in a minute, but I have to pee first.” Mira hopped out of bed, her nude body swaying as she crossed the room and closed the bathroom door behind her.

  Crossing his arms behind his head, Ian closed his eyes and smiled. He would enjoy this night, whatever crap might rain down in the future.

  “Here.” She stood beside the bed offering a glass of water.

  “Thanks.” As he swallowed it, she sat beside him on the bed and brushed her hand lightly over his wounds.

  “Hurt much? We should have bought some aspirin.”

  “It’s okay.”

  She took the empty glass from him and placed it on the nightstand then climbed onto the bed and straddled him, a mischievous look in her dark eyes.

  “You like being on top, do you?” He ran his hands down the length of her smooth back, feeling the bumps of spine under the fingertips of one hand, like piano keys.

  “Not always. But right now I want you to relax and let me do everything.” She leaned to kiss the side of his jaw then trailed her lips down his neck.

  He lifted his chin, enjoying the fluttering kisses along his jugular, and groaned. “I thought you weren’t going to molest me anymore tonight.”

  “Changed my mind.” She nipped his skin. “Don’t worry. All you have to do is lie there.”

  “Sounds good.” Closing his eyes, he concentrated on the sensation of her soft hair brushing over his chest and her nibbling lips and teeth on his nipples. He didn’t feel her mind reaching out to his. While it was almost a relief not to have that level of intensity, he also missed the awareness of her. It would be easy to get addicted to Mira’s way of making love.

  She touched her fingers lightly to the various burns on his body, soothing them like aloe. She licked a trail down the flat plane of his stomach.

  His belly twitched under her tickling tongue and his cock swelled even harder in anticipation of her mouth engulfing it. When she took the shaft in her firm grasp and slid her hand up and down, he moaned and opened his eyes to watch her.

  Mira pushed her hair back and glanced up at him, half lowering her eyelids and making a show of licking all around the ridge and over the head of his cock. Her low, “Mmmm,” made his dick throb. He felt lightheaded as all the blood in his body seemed to be rushing to his groin. Her lush lips wrapped around the swollen head and sucked it into the fiery heat of her mouth.

  “Jesus, you’re good,” he groaned. His cock vibrated from her throaty chuckle. Lifting his hips up, he thrust gently into her mouth and hand.

  She sucked and stroked him vigorously for a while then let him slip out of her mouth. A moment later her wet tongue bathed his balls while her hand fondled them. One finger rubbed the strip of skin between his balls and anus then teased the edge of the puckered opening.

  Ian groaned again and thrust into her pumping hand faster.

  Abandoning his cock, she moved back up on top of him. Her legs straddled his hips and her breasts swayed against his chest. Reaching down, she positioned his cock at the lips of her pussy. Sitting up, palms braced on his chest, she pushed down slowly, engulfing him inch by inch.

  Her face was beautiful, eyes closed and lips parted in arousal. Her dark hair floated around her shoulders. The sharp, pointed nipples of her breasts jutted proudly from her chest. Her small breasts bobbed, as she began to move up and down on him in a steady rhythm. She arched her back and her head tilted backward, exposing an expanse of throat. He slid his hands up her thighs, relishing the smooth flesh, and gripped her hips, then reached a hand to one of her jiggling breasts and caressed it, pulling on the nipple.

  Mira let out a low moan and pressed into his han

  He stroked up her chest and the long column of her neck to touch her face, his back lifting from the bed.

  Dropping her chin, she opened her eyes to focus on his. A smile played over her lips and she leaned down to kiss him, never breaking the rhythm of her body.

  A rush of emotion surged through him. He pulled her close, one hand tangling in her hair, the other fiercely clutching her back. He’d had plenty of sex with numerous women in his life, but had never felt anything like the inexplicable emotions filling him now. He wanted to hold onto Mira forever and touch her more than just physically, the way they had done earlier. Ian opened his mind and sent out the message that thundered through him. Love?

  Her tongue coiled around his as she kissed him deeply. Her hands gripped his shoulders. Yes. Love. She blanketed him with the warm, happy, safe feeling behind the word, showering it down on him as her inner muscles clenched around his cock.

  Their union was less dramatic this time. There was no rapid pace and explosive finish, just a sudden, weightless release as Ian lifted up and let go inside her. He gave a long, audible exhale of relief.

  Mira’s breath caught and she moaned softly as she released too, her pussy pulsing around his cock.

  She lay quietly afterward, her head on his chest, her hot breath blowing against his skin, her hair tickling his chin.

  He kissed the top of her head, breathing in the scent of shampoo and her own natural oils. Already he felt he could identify her scent even if he was blindfolded in a room full of women. “This is so weird.”


  “It never mattered before. Sex, I mean. I didn’t know it could be this … deep.”

  Not just sex. Love, she reminded him silently.

  “How? We barely know each other.”

  “Love is always there, all around us, all the time. We’re swimming in a sea of it. All you have to do is dip your cup in, lift it up and drink. And sometimes, if you’re lucky, you find another being you have an especially strong bond with.”

  “Is this the ‘we’re all connected’ philosophy of life?”


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