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Terran Realm Vol 1-6

Page 40

by Dee, Bonnie

  “Would I tell you if I did?”

  The wine was dry and rich. Without any food in his stomach, its kick was quite powerful. Warmth glowed in his belly as he finished off his glass.

  Picking up the bottle, she cupped her hand around his, holding his glass steady as she poured again. She looked at him from way too close, smiling that damn, provocative smile.

  Justin’s pulse sped up. His breathing quickened, nostrils flaring as he caught another whiff of her heady perfume and felt the electric tingle where her hand touched his. His dick stiffened, aching to be enveloped in her hot body—it remembered on a cellular level how good she felt wrapped around it. Justin focused on her mouth.

  Conscious of his gaze, Elyse slipped her tongue out and licked her lips, leaving the lush scarlet glistening.

  His mouth fell open slightly and he inclined his head toward hers. What the hell? He was supposed to be getting close to her. What better way than through sex? They seemed to communicate best that way. And maybe she’d let her guard down when he had her pinned under him.

  Justin leaned and covered her mouth with his. All the memories came rushing back. She tasted and felt just as he’d remembered night after night in his dreams. Her lips were soft, pliant and yielding under his and tasted fruity and dry like the wine they’d drunk. As her lips molded to his, her tongue probed gently into his mouth, meeting his and stroking it softly. He’d almost forgotten how soft and sweet Elyse could kiss, considering how aggressive she was sexually.

  He slid his hands around her body, palms gliding up the slippery fabric encasing her. He gripped a fistful of material at the small of her back with one hand and massaged her round ass with the other. Her body molded to his as tightly as her lips. His erection pressed hard into her pubic bone and he rubbed against her with a thrust of his hips.

  “Mm,” she purred in the back of her throat, the vibration conveyed through her tongue and into his. Elyse pulled her head away with a little gasp. “I’d forgotten how big you are.”

  “I haven’t forgotten how tight you are,” he whispered, low and husky. Two could play at the suggestive sex talk. “I want to be inside you right now.”

  She smiled. “No foreplay? No candle play? No handcuffs?”

  “No time,” he growled, grabbing more fistfuls of the satiny material and lifting it up above her waist. He slid his hand beneath the gown in front and found, as he’d expected, Elyse’s crotch was bare. His seeking fingers stroked her waxed-smooth mons, then slipped between the soft petals of her pussy and probed her soaking wet entrance. Her muscles contracted hard around his fingers as they entered her heat. “Always so ready,” he muttered when she thrust onto his hand.

  He stroked his fingers in and out, while teasing the erect bud of her clit with his thumb. He kissed her harder, aggressively sucking her tongue, biting her lips, eliciting moans from Elyse. Justin’s cock strained even harder against his shorts at the sound of her pleasure.

  After a moment, Elyse reached between them and released his dick from its cotton prison, quickly pulling the boxers down his legs. Justin shed his T-shirt at the same time.

  She wrapped her hand around his thick, rigid shaft, pumping up and down with the hard, almost punishing grip she knew he liked. She rubbed her thumb over the head, already leaking with pre-cum. She spread a slick of it on his shaft to lubricate her strokes. Breaking off the clash of their mouths, the bruising kisses, Elyse licked the side of his neck, then settled her mouth over the soft juncture of his neck and shoulder and bit down.

  Justin grunted at the pain of her teeth incising his flesh. The pain in his neck sent a fresh wave of arousal pulsing through him, swelling his cock to bursting. His hips pushed forward as he thrust into Elyse’s encircling hand. But her fist wasn’t enough. He needed to fill her pussy, fuck her fast and hard … hard enough to hurt them both. With a growl, he pushed her mouth away from his neck, grasped her wrist and broke her grip on his cock.

  The slinky fabric of the lingerie was a hindrance now. It slithered down when he wanted it up so Justin tore the garment away completely, snapping the thin shoulder straps and ripping it from Elyse’s body. She stood naked before him.

  Her full breasts heaved up and down, the magenta nipples hard and erect. Her breath came in harsh gasps between her parted lips, swollen and wet from his aggressive kisses. She gazed into his eyes, her own lust-glazed and dark with desire. For one long, silent minute they stared at one another, memories of past encounters enhancing the inexorable pull that had led to this clash.

  Justin paused, considering the fact he was about to fuck his betrayer, the woman who’d conspired to take Trina from him, the woman who’d turned him from a Protector into a pseudo-Destroyer in service to Raymond Brody. Then he stopped thinking at all and reached out to grab Elyse and pull her to him. God, despite how wrong it was, she felt so right in his arms. Over the past months, he’d missed her body pressed against his like the phantom pain of a severed limb. With her in his embrace, he felt whole again.

  Elyse was as strong as he was. Justin knew that from fighting and testing her strength, but right now she seemed as vulnerable and delicate as any other woman. Her skin was soft and smelled sweet. Her body curved voluptuously in all the right places. Her heavy breasts mashed against his chest. The globes of her bottom filled his hands as he hauled her tightly to him.

  Justin wanted to possess her that instant. Even though the bed was only a few feet away, he wanted to take her up against the wall, fast and hard with no finesse or pretense at romance. Elyse liked rough sex, both the giving and taking, and that was exactly what he was going to give her tonight.

  His fingers dug into her malleable flesh as he cupped her ass and lifted her. Her legs went around his waist, grappling him to her, making it easy to carry her.

  Justin slammed her up against the wall. He pinned her arms on either side of her head and held them there as he lowered his head to her breasts. The position of her arms lifted her tits so they strained forward invitingly. He sucked one elongated nipple into his mouth, laving his tongue across it, then bit it hard.

  Elyse cried out. “Ow. Fuck, that hurts!” She writhed beneath him, thrusting her chest at his mouth.

  Justin released her nipple with a wet smack of his lips. He looked up at her face through half-lidded eyes as he moved to the other breast, drawing the nipple slowly, carefully and gently into his mouth.

  Her eyes glittered as she watched, her mouth slightly open, breathlessly waiting. “Do it,” she whispered.

  He obliged, nipping her sharply. The coppery taste of blood burst on his tongue.

  Elyse’s back arched away from the wall as she yelled. Her arms strained under his hands holding her down.

  It was all the foreplay Justin could take. He’d dreamed of this too many nights, gratified himself with his own hand too often. He had to get inside her right now. He released her tit from his mouth and straightened. His cock was already nudging at her opening. It sought out her heat like a guided missile seeking a target and Justin rammed into her with all his strength.

  Elyse pushed her back against the wall and her hips toward him, helping to impale herself on his rigid shaft. With her considerable strength, she rose and fell on him.

  He released her arms to dig his fingers into her hips. He grasped her hard enough to break skin, then pistoned his hips back and forth, fucking her into the wall with steady thumps. He grunted at each push, and her ass banged the cheap wood paneling until it finally cracked.

  She grasped his hair and pulled on it, bringing his face up to meet hers. She enveloped his mouth, their teeth clicked together with the force of the kiss and her moans reverberated against his tongue.

  Justin pounded into her faster and faster. His cock had swelled to enormous proportions and her channel fit it like a glove. Her inner muscles clamped around his shaft, massaging it as deftly as her hand. The woman had some amazing skills.

  Elyse met his thrusts stroke for stroke. She abandoned her mauling
kisses to pant and curse, gripping his shoulders until her nails tore into his skin and bearing down with hard thrusts as she roughly rode his cock.

  Justin’s eyes closed and his mouth went slack. His balls drew tight and his unfocused desire coalesced into a specific point in his groin. Like a spring being compressed, the need grew tighter and tighter and increasingly urgent. Then suddenly it burst free. Ecstasy coursed through him. He cried out as he slammed into Elyse’s body, then froze as his cock pulsed deep inside her in blissful release.

  His pleasure so great, Justin was only dimly aware of her coming too. He’d learned early on that she was a master of her body and could come at will, timing her orgasm to match his—or withholding it as she teased and teased him all night long. And he knew she’d never faked it to stroke his ego. Elyse wouldn’t bother.

  She dug her long claws into his shoulders, marking him, as she came with a wild, banshee scream. Her head fell back against the wall, exposing her throat. She arched her back, thrusting her body against him.

  Justin’s legs shook from the strength of his orgasm. He could barely keep upright, even with Elyse braced against the wall. Staggering, he carried her to the bed and toppled backward across it, still clutching her to his chest.

  Elyse didn’t release her grip, with her pussy, arms or legs. She clung to him, long hair draping his face and her sweaty body heaving against his. She breathed raggedly near his ear for several long moments.

  “God, I’ve wanted that for so long.” She turned her head and kissed the side of his neck. “Not just wanted, needed.”

  Justin’s chest rose and fell rapidly. Trina’s accusing face was etched on the back of his eyelids so he opened his eyes. With his desperate desire for Elyse assuaged, there was room for guilt to flood back into his mind. But, if he was honest, he had to admit to the same need Elyse spoke of. The woman was a drug. He’d lived without her for several months and craved her the whole time. Having her again was like shooting up pure heroin.

  Justin pushed her body off him and onto the bed. “It’s just sex, Elyse.”

  She lay on her side, gazing at him. “Really amazing sex. It always is with you. The best I’ve ever had and, believe me, I’ve had a lot.”

  He glanced sideways at her, meeting her assessing eyes. “But it doesn’t mean anything.”

  Elyse propped her head on her hand. “Are you kidding? It means everything. What else is there but pleasure when you come down to it?” She reached out and touched the bloody fingernail marks on his shoulder. “Justin, we could have this all the time, don’t you see? We could be together, for as long as we want, and you could have Trina back safe. All you have to do is pledge yourself to Brody.” She frowned, her eyebrows shadowing her pale eyes, making them seem darker. “Give up your delusion that you’re still a Protector and commit yourself fully to Brody. You could prove your loyalty by offering something—information from KOTE or anything that would convince him you’re with him.”

  Justin almost smiled at her intense sincerity. He rolled on his side to face her. “Why would I do that? The man’s insane. You know that, right? I can’t believe an intelligent woman like you works for Brody. Putting aside the question of ethics and endangering the world, he’s simply a bad manager, volatile, impulsive and as likely to have an employee killed as fired. I’d never align myself with that maniac if he wasn’t forcing me, and I can’t believe you do.”

  Elyse blew out an annoyed breath. “Why do you make things so hard? You want Trina back? You can have her if you simply convince Brody you’re trustworthy.”

  “I brought him the damn box and he still wouldn’t let her go.”

  “It’s your attitude.” She stroked a hand up his chest and pinched his nipple. “You don’t bother to hide your contempt for him. He knows you’ll turn on him the moment he gives you the girl. Try acting a little! It’s no big deal.”

  “Not everyone’s a master at that.” He gave her a pointed look and pushed her hand away from his chest. “I suck at lying. Besides, are you actually suggesting I dupe your boss? Isn’t that disloyal of you?” He snorted. “Oh, right. Look who I’m talking to.”

  Her lips tightened in annoyance. “I told you I was sorry about the way things went down. I was doing my job, but I really did enjoy being with you. Everything we did together—that was real.” She stopped pinching his nipples and smoothed her hand over his chest again.

  “No, it wasn’t. At the time I believed we had a connection, that you were someone I could … be myself with. But now I know it was just sex.” He grabbed her wrist to pull her hand away from him.

  She winced as he gripped it too hard, grinding flesh against bone. “So? What’s wrong with just sex?” She looked sincerely puzzled.

  “If you don’t know…” Justin didn’t bother finishing.

  Elyse shook her head and laughed sharply. “Oh please! Don’t tell me you believe in that fated mate bullshit. Love is a fairy story for naïve humans. Terrans should be more sophisticated than that.”

  “I thought you told me your parents shared a bond. That…”

  “Look how well that turned out,” Elyse snapped as she sat up, pulling her hand away from him. “Damn, Justin. That emotional crap is for children. What we have is this.” She gestured back and forth between their bodies. “Just this, the pleasure our bodies can give one another. That’s it.” She stood abruptly and walked toward the bathroom. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to freshen up before round two.” The door closed behind her with a decisive click.

  Justin stretched until his back cracked and crawled farther up onto the bed. He settled against the pillows with his arms crossed behind his head and stared up at the ceiling. Sex with Elyse was every bit as athletic and exhausting as he’d remembered. His muscles ached pleasantly and the places she’d marked him with tooth and nail burned. His cock flopped weakly on his belly, but at the images round two evoked it began to harden again.

  His cell phone rang.

  Justin retrieved it from the pocket of his jeans that lay on the floor. He’d been expecting a call from KOTE and was surprised to see Raymond Brody’s number on the screen. What the hell did it mean that Brody ignored Elyse’s call and then contacted him?


  “Justin. It’s Trina.” She spoke in a hurried whisper so quietly Justin could barely make out her words above the pounding of his heart.

  “Trina! Where are you? Are you all right?”

  “Shh. I don’t have much time. Ray accidentally left his phone in my cell. I was afraid to use it in case he’s testing me—see, he trusts me now and tells me stuff—but I had to take a chance. Anyway, I don’t think there’s surveillance in the bathroom, still, they could burst in any second, so listen! I think I’m in the basement of a building. I can hear machines, like a furnace or central air, maybe a laundry. It’s kind of institutional, like a hospital or something—really white and clean. And I don’t think I’m in California anymore. From things Ray let slip I think I’m at that retreat center in Indiana he advertises. They gave me a drug, shot a needle in my arm and knocked me out—then I woke up here.” She drew an audible breath. “This guy’s so screwed up, you have no idea! Now that I know all this information, I don’t think he can let me go. I’m scared, Justin. Come get me out of here!”

  “I will. I promise. I’ll…”

  “Love you. Gotta go.” Trina hissed then there was silence.

  Justin sat, gripping the phone, his hand shaking and his stomach somersaulting. His little girl was terrified. He had to go to her, now.

  Elyse came out of the bathroom. He struggled to compose his face.

  “KOTE?” She crawled onto the bed, breasts swaying, and lowered herself to her stomach beside him, her chin resting on her crossed arms.

  He nodded, setting the phone down. “I’m supposed to be researching something for them, but I told them it’s taking longer than I thought.” He cast around in his mind for a way to convince her to leave for the Wellbeing Ce
nter immediately. He lay back on the bed, arms behind his head again, trying to appear casual instead of as wired as he felt.

  She raised an eyebrow. “What? You’ve got a something-on-my-mind face.”

  “I was thinking about Brody and those guys today. It seems strange he didn’t tell you about them. And for him not to return your calls.” Justin glanced at her.

  Her cool eyes gazed back at him, offering nothing. If she was worried, she hid it well. “What are you suggesting?”

  “Maybe we should go to the Center and talk to him in person. Maybe we should leave tonight.”

  After staring a moment longer, she smiled faintly. “You want to rush in and save Trina. What makes you think that’s where he has her?”

  He didn’t try to pretend she’d guessed wrong. “Where else? It makes sense.”

  “You must’ve figured out she was there a while ago. Why the sudden hurry?”

  He shrugged. “We have a connection. I can feel her danger. Something’s wrong.”

  She made a scoffing sound. “Sorry. I don’t buy it. You’re not that much of an empath. I think you’re simply feeling guilty about having sex and it’s amped up your worry.”

  “Whatever.” Justin pulled his arms from behind his head and sat up. “I still want to go—and soon.”

  Elyse rolled to her side and looked up at him. “Listen. I understand your concern. I actually do. And I’ll admit I’m confused and a little worried about that other team showing up today. It was weird. But rushing to see Brody tonight isn’t the way to go. With him it’s all about appearances and we don’t want to come across anxious or doubting.” She reached out and kneaded Justin’s thigh. “We need to present a calm front tomorrow morning, tell Brody we accomplished the task he set and show complete confidence we followed his orders. Then casually bring up the other guys.”

  “How does that help me protect Trina?”


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