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Terran Realm Vol 1-6

Page 59

by Dee, Bonnie

Dagda squeezed her shoulders, words failing him. She threw her arms around him and they embraced. Leaving him, she went to collect her bow and arrows as Gabe and Ethan gripped Dagda’s hands.

  Gabe spoke quietly for them both. “Don’t worry, we’ll give our lives for her.”

  “I know. Go now.”

  They left Dagda’s Cave through the hidden entrance. The moonlight guided them to the campsite where the three warriors awaited them.

  * * * *

  “I say we leave now. Why wait for the goddess and her escort to return?” Torc tossed his hammer back and forth as though it were a piece of kindling as he argued with Cull.

  “And I say that the very idea that Nimhnach called us to come to him should make us pause!” Cull’s urging did nothing to dissuade the burly warrior.

  “And I say that the two of you are making my head ache with your noise! He called but we refused his beckoning. It proves that he no longer controls us. For once I agree with Cull. We stay here and await the others.”

  “And I say, damn good idea to follow orders!” Gabe’s voice cut across Ma’an’s words.

  “And what’s this about Nimhnach calling to you?” Brigid sank to the ground and rubbed her shoulder as she slipped off her bow and quiver. “When did this happen?”

  “Only a little while ago, lady. We thought to investigate.”

  “When you hear what we learned, you’ll be glad you didn’t set off without waiting for us. Ethan, why don’t you begin and we’ll add anything you might have skipped.”

  Ethan spoke eloquently, the three warriors hanging onto his every word.

  Gabe watched as Brigid’s head sank lower and lower onto her chest as her eyes drooped and her body slumped. She had to get some sleep. “Enough! You’ve heard Ethan. Now, Brigid must sleep. We’ve had little rest these past two days. I’ll make sure to awaken us before the first star appears in the heavens.” He paused and looked over to the three men. “If we don’t renew our strength, we’ll be useless in the battle ahead.”

  They all nodded in agreement except Brigid. “I’m fine!”

  Ethan shook his head. “I agree with Gabe. You look like hell, my bright…” He bit off his words, cursing his own fatigue that caused his tongue to slip.

  Gabe’s mouth thinned, but he said nothing. After all, he knew whose arms would hold her. “Brigid and I will be behind the ash tree. When it’s time, I’ll come and get you.”

  Cull looked at the two men. Though they said not a word, their bodies bespoke volumes. They treated the goddess as though she were booty to be won by one of them. But they were correct. The sleep they’d had since the cave had been found had hardly been restful. “My lady, milords, we shall sleep in the wattle hut as we have done these many years. Let us know when you need us. We shall be ready.”

  Gabe bent and lifted Brigid in his arms, despite her loud protests. “Yell at me later. Sleep now.” And he carried her into the brush behind the ash tree.

  Ethan gazed at the retreating backs of the three ancient warriors ands sighed. “If only it were as easy for me.” He thought a moment. “Perhaps it is.”

  He took Ceol Mhor into his arms and played a soft, easy tune, his fingers slowing as the gently rocking melody lulled him to sleep and to dream.

  * * * *

  Brigid danced sky clad in the moonlight.

  The fine mist that clung to her skin twinkled like diamonds. Ethan smiled. She was in her element. She flung out her hand and a shower of water flew across the sky in an arc. A droplet of pure crystalline liquid clung to each nipple and he yearned to suck them from those rosy peaks.

  The first time they had made love had been in the warmth of the sun. She had burned for him. Had it just been yesterday morning that the golden halo of her hair had shone in the green shadows of the forest as he thrust into her willing body?

  How he wanted to feel her cool, slick flesh against his. Wanted to feel her melting in his arms. Wanted to feel her tears of intense satisfaction fall upon his face.

  Wanted her.

  He stepped from the shadows. “Brigid.”

  She twirled and faced him, her hand flying to her throat. “You startled me. I didn’t hear you. You moved like the whisper of the wind.”

  He smiled. “And isn’t the air my element? Why I could become a breeze and…” He melted from sight. A moment later a gust of wind touched her body. He felt her shiver and he warmed the gentle currents of air that surrounded her. He teased her, blowing a tendril of hair cross her face. He moved in circles around her puckered nipples and then darted away, solidifying once more into flesh.

  She chuckled. “So, you’d rather play than make love?”

  He threw back his head and roared with laughter. “I’d rather play first and then make love. Come, my bright love and lie with me in the cool of the evening. I’ll keep you warm.”

  He spread out the blanket he’d left by the foot of the tree and stripped off his clothes. He sat and then leaned back against the rough bark and waited for her to join him.

  She moved up his body until his cock was nestled at the entrance to her sex. She braced her hands against the tree and rose so that she hovered above the tip of his penis. He watched, his throat dry, as she sank upon him, taking him inside, adjusting to his size.

  She bit her lip and winced. He knew he was large for her, but she just gripped the birch tree harder, the tendons in her arms flexing. Then he was there, in her to the hilt.

  She began to rock as he moved within her slick warmth. She leaned lower so that her breasts were in reach of his lips and he suckled greedily, pulling and biting the taut peaks. The cool touch of her skin was like a balm against the heat of his need for her.

  They moved together faster and faster, her little cries of pleasure building until she was screaming his name and tears seeped from beneath her eyelids and he knew she, too, felt the exquisite beauty of the moment they shared.

  He thrust in short, sharp jabs, raising her up as though she rode the waves of the ocean. He poured his seed into her with a rush as they climaxed together and a soft rain fell upon their heated bodies.

  And he exulted because he knew that Brigid had called forth the mist to seal their desire.

  Brigid tossed and turned. Her dream assailed her far more vividly than any she’d had before, and of a time and place she barely recalled. She fought, but she could no longer put up any more resistance.

  The chattering girls called out to her. “Well, Brigid, do you join us this morning to bathe in the dew?”

  Brigid laughed. “When I bathe I prefer to immerse my body from head to toe, not by inches! I’m going to the pond by the birches. The sunbeams enjoy playing hide and seek with me.”

  She waited until the others were out of sight, and grinned. She concentrated and joined her being with the dawning sunlight, becoming as one with the dancing rays. Although she was blessed with both fire and water elements, fire was by far her weaker one and she took every opportunity to practice calling on it to increase her control.

  Within moments she was at the secluded pond. Transforming once more into her own body, she slipped off the knee-length tunic and stepped into the shimmering water. She sighed, blissful within her element. The call to merge with the crystal-clear liquid was powerful. Her father had shown her how to maintain a barrier against its allure before she could string two words together.

  She turned over, letting the water support her as she floated, staring up at the curtain of branches overhead. She closed her eyes, secure in the safety of the liquid embrace. The water caressed every inch of her skin, seeping between her legs and licking at her core. Like a lover’s kiss. She sighed. If only there was a lover there to kiss her and hold her. She’d take his cock and sink it deep within her sex and plunge over and over until she erupted into a burst of flame. Her nipples tightened into aching peaks. Knowing the water would never let her drown, she cupped her breasts, fondling them, and pretended that they were the calloused hands of her imaginary lover.
br />   “Brigid.”

  As though she had conjured him from the very air, she heard Uaithne’s melodious voice. She opened her eyes and treaded water, taking in her fill of him.

  He stood on the shore, his hands on his lean hips, his nut-brown hair pulled back from his brow by thin, twin braids. Her pussy ached. She licked her lips. She had wanted him from the day he had entered her father’s tent and sang his first song. He had paid her no attention in the beginning, treating her as the unruly child that she was in those days.

  But lately…

  She would catch him looking at her. When he played and sang love songs he seemed to direct them toward her.

  And now, here he was.

  And they were alone with no watchful eyes.

  “Uaithne, why are you here?”

  He laughed, the sound ringing freely in the forest. He smiled and shook his head. “You are no little child playing games, Brigid, my bright love. You know why I’m here. Haven’t we spoken enough to each other by now?” He paused. “I didn’t think you needed an invitation to become my mate, but I extend it to you anyway. Lie with me. Give me your body and your heart.”

  At last. Brigid shuttered her eyes, then opened them and walked onto the shore to stand naked before him. She unbound her hair and it fell in silken waves to her waist. She heard his breath hiss in his throat and she rejoiced. “I’ll give you my body and my heart, but only if you give me yours. Now and forever.”

  He nodded. “Now and forever.”

  He stripped off his garments, letting them lie unheeded. His penis jutted thick as a tree branch, but she was unafraid. Still… “I’m a maiden.”

  “I’ll do my best to ease the pain.” He grinned, his smile filled with mischief. “I know a tune that will make it less hurtful, but you’ll have to learn to play the instrument first. Do you wish to learn?”

  She nodded.

  “Then, come, lay with me and I’ll teach you.”

  She took his extended hand and sank to her knees on the lush, green carpet. He stretched out on his back and grasped his cock. “Lie next to me, my love, and touch me.”

  She followed his direction and tentatively stroked his flesh.

  He chuckled. “I won’t break. Hold me. Squeeze.” His smile burst forth in full strength. “Consider me your personal plaything.”

  She took him at his word and explored him. She ran her fingertips up and down from the base of his balls to the tip of his cock. He throbbed in her hands and his sacs tightened. She felt a liquid warmth seep deep within her sex. Yet she burned. It was if both her elements united to create the most amazing sensation she had ever felt. She moaned.

  “What is it, pulse of my heart? Are you in pain?”

  “Yes. Oh, Uaithne, I’m on fire. I melt. What should I do?”

  “Let me quench the fire and I’ll sing away the pain. Lie on your back and listen to me.”

  Trusting that he would never hurt her, she did as he bade and shifted her position. She lay between his strong thighs, her arms at her sides.

  “Put your hands on my waist and don’t let go.”

  He placed two fingers into her slick heat and smiled. With infinite care, he took his penis and slowly sank into her hot, wet pussy.

  And began to sing.

  He sang of lovers joining their bodies as one. He sang of the fusion of hearts and souls. And as he sang he moved within Brigid until he reached the thin shield that proclaimed her a maiden. His song picked up urgency. His fingers plucked her nipples like the strings of his harp. She arched into his hands, her harsh pants urging him on. He bent and took one turgid bud into his mouth and nipped it. She cried out and he laved the hurt with his tongue and returned to his song.

  They were lovers never to be apart. Meant to be together forever. His key for her lock, turning and opening a door onto pleasure.

  And he thrust, piercing the barrier. The pain was swift and short.

  He shouted as she screamed once. Her hold on his waist tightened. He brushed a tendril of sweat-slicked hair from her forehead and smiled at her. “There, now only pleasure, my bright love.”

  “No more singing?”

  “No, not now.”

  “Good. I know an even better use for that mouth of yours. Kiss me. Hard.”

  “As you command, but first…”

  He lifted her and Brigid held his shoulders for better leverage. His rough hands dug into her butt and her head fell back. As he moved within her, she clenched around his length. She could feel a whimper begin in her throat and she knew she was going to scream again. “Kiss me! Now, please, now!”

  He plunged his tongue in her mouth and swirled it around hers. He moved in sharper and sharper bursts until it felt as though she were riding a wild bull. The tension climbed higher and higher. She dragged her mouth from his, gasping for breath. “I can feel it! Don’t stop! Make me burn!”


  And for one millisecond, they burst into flames before her water element quenched the fire.

  Gabe held Brigid as she twisted within his arms. Her restlessness diminished and her movements took on a different rhythm as if she were being fucked. He rolled away from her. Let her dream of her unknown lover without him. He’d seek solace in his own visions.

  He willed himself to sleep.

  A week after the wedding, Gabe leaned against the carved wooden headboard and watched Bridge undress, not the least shy of him. But she had always been like that with him. Even their first night together. The soft glow from the fire in the hearth cast a golden light around her.

  He could easily see how early humans believed that Terran females were goddesses if they looked like Brigid. The soft glow from the fire in the hearth cast a golden light around her. Her blonde hair floated to her waist. Her blue eyes were like the sky and her figure… A waist small enough to span with his hands. Long, long legs muscled just enough from the dance and martial arts she enjoyed so much. Her arms were powerful from all the swimming competitions in which she participated. He wondered if her element might be water; she certainly appeared at home in it. They made love in the shower almost as often as in their bed.

  This glorious woman moving toward him with a sexy roll of her hips was his. He loved her so much he knew he’d die if anything should happen to her.

  He poured a glass of champagne and sipped it while she strutted over to him.

  She stopped and cupped her breasts. “Like what you see … big boy?”

  He sputtered, the bubbly fluid spattering his body. And that was another reason he loved her. She made him laugh. He set aside his glass on the night table and patted the mattress. “C’mere, you little tease and I’ll show you how much I like what I see.”

  She grinned and took a flying leap into his arms and they tumbled backward onto the bed. She sat astride him. “I have you at my mercy.”

  For the first time, he exerted just a little of his Protector strength and flipped her over on her back. He twined his fingers with hers and brought them above her head. “Sorry, seems I have you at my mercy, babe.”

  She wet her lips. “And are you going to punish me?”

  He nodded. “I’m going to make you scream—every time you come.”


  “Oh, yeah.”

  “Then do it.”

  He lifted her hips and plunged into her creamy pussy. He knew she was ready for him. She always was. He thrust deep and her inner muscles clamped around his dick. She wrapped her legs around his hips and moved against him. His hands pulled and twisted her tender nipples. She whimpered and he pinched just a bit harder. She gasped and her eyes flew open.

  “That hurt!”

  He smiled. “Did you like it?”

  “I … yeah, I did.”


  He moved faster now. Her nails bit into his shoulders as she matched his rhythm. They slid lower and gripped his ass, squeezing his lean muscles. “Naughty girl. Be good and behave or I won’t let you have your stick of can
dy afterward.”

  She grinned as she answered him. “I’m always good and I never behave.”

  “Thank God for that!”

  And he plunged hard, holding still for a moment as he felt that little shudder within her body that told him she was close to climaxing.


  And he broke, his cum shooting into her welcoming core. After that, he was a madman. The dream Gabe took over where the real Gabe left off.

  And he knew he was dreaming. He had to be. He had never…

  He took her in so many ways he lost count. And his cock never tired. He continued his need for mastery and tied her hands to the headboard. He blindfolded her and flipped her over on her belly and took her from the rear. He slapped her creamy white behind until it was flaming.

  And she loved it.

  And begged for more.

  And he knew if he gave her what she wanted, he’d hurt her. Badly.

  And he wanted to. It was why he hadn’t many lovers before her. If he ever lost control of his need for dominance… He was a Protector with a Protector’s strength. It was why he had been so ashamed of what he had done at the campsite.

  But in the dream Brigid wanted it. Was begging for it. He could hear her pleading for him to fuck her hard. To smack her bottom.

  He raised his hand…

  And woke up in a sweat.

  The buzz of his alarm startled Gabe awake. Brigid had rolled toward him and lay on her side, her knees bent, her hair half-covering her face. She looked so peaceful. He sighed and took a deep breath.

  God, what a dream!

  “Wake up, everyone. A battle awaits us.”

  * * * *

  “Gather round and let’s go over our plans.” Brigid gestured to the warriors to come closer to the fire. “Listen first and then we can discuss any concerns you may have.”

  Gabe stood, commanding attention. He had trained for this, reading treatises on military tactics even while he studied the minutia of the New York legal system.

  KOTE encouraged him to learn all he could from the early works on warfare. He perused The Art of War by the ancient Terran Protector known to the world as Sun Tsu. The need to examine The Anabasis, a work of Xenophon, one of the early Greek Terrans, compelled him to learn the language and he had read Caesar’s The Gallic Wars in the original Latin. He knew how ancient minds viewed fighting and now he could use this information to formulate a battle strategy.


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