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Terran Realm Vol 1-6

Page 83

by Dee, Bonnie

  Brigid giggled and curled her arm around his neck. “You’re just getting too old to make it up the stairs with me in your arms.”

  “Quit squirming or I’ll drop you. It’s your fault I’m so hard I can hardly walk!”

  “Old fuddy—ouch! You pinched me!”

  Gabe laughed. “Wait until we get into the library. It won’t be just your backside I’ll be pinching.”


  “Bet your sweet little ass.” He reached out and opened the library door. He set Brigid down on her feet and locked the door behind him. Brigid sauntered to the center of the room and sank onto the plush Oriental rug. Gabe put his fists on his hips and assessed her compliant position. “Do you really want me to be dominant with you, darling?”

  Brigid bowed her head.

  Gabe inhaled sharply. “As you wish. Look up at me.” Brigid raised her head. “Good. We’ll begin slowly.” He bit his lip. “Bridge, if you want to stop at any time, just say the word, stop. I’ll stop at once.” He lowered his voice. “I only want you subservient when we make love. I’ll be your Master only in the bedroom . Nod if you understand.”

  “I under—”

  “Silence! Did I tell you to speak? I said to nod. Do. You. Understand?” Gabe bit off each word, waiting for her response. Brigid nodded. “Good. Now, unbind your hair and strip. Don’t get up, just take off your clothes.”


  Brigid’s fingers flew as she slipped out of her panties and shorts and tossed them toward Gabe. He caught them one-handed, taking a moment to press them to his face and inhale their scent, and she almost came right then.

  Gabe never seemed that attuned to the scents of her arousal so she loved the freedom she’d given him to indulge in his feelings. He shoved the garments into his pocket, unzipped his pants, kicked off his loafers and Brigid licked her lips.

  His feet were bare. There was something utterly masculine and powerful about them. Her girlfriends thought she was nuts when she had told them that just watching him walk barefoot to her, the muscles and tendons moving beneath his skin with each step, made her almost as hot as watching his cock sink into her pussy.

  Standing naked before her, he looked down on her and spoke in an even voice. “Behind closed doors, you’ll do whatever I say when I say it. I’ll never hurt you more than you can stand, but if I reach a point beyond your ability, tell me.” He knelt on one knee by her and cupped her chin. “Pain can bring pleasure. I’ll show you.” He stroked her cheek gently, then gripped her chin with increasing pressure. “Do you agree? You’ll do what I tell you? You can speak now.”

  Brigid gazed into Gabe’s eyes. She could tell that there was still a trace of apprehension, but she knew him too well not to see the passion that was threatening to blaze out of control. After all, she’d known him more than half her lifetime. He had never failed her, always loved her. “I’m yours to command.”

  * * * *

  “Aren’t you glad you listened to me?” Brigid leaned against Gabe between his legs, his chest hair tickling her. His penis nudged the small of her back and his hands played with the nipple clamps he’d placed on her. He tightened them slowly until she moaned. “Oh, God, I love when you do that.”

  Gabe kissed the top of her head. “You’d never be a sub outside of the bedroom. You like to be in control too much.” He carefully released the tension on the clamps and took them off. He shifted her around to face him and licked first one then the other rosy nipple.

  Brigid exhaled and sighed. “Oh, that feels so good.”

  Gabe lifted his head and smiled. “Playtime’s over. Back to work.”

  “Spoilsport. Ouch! You bit me!”

  Gabe leaned back on his elbows. “Just in case you forgot who’s in charge here. Once we open the door, you may lead me around by the—”


  He frowned, but his lips twitched. “I was going to say the nose, slave.”

  Brigid’s eyes widened in mock confusion. “The nose slave? What’s a nose slave?”

  “Brat. I should turn you over on my knee.”

  “Oh, yes, please,” she said, looking upward. “I’ve been so naughty, I should be punished.”

  Gabe groaned. “That’s not one of my scenarios, missy.” He tweaked her nose. “Now, get dressed and let me get back to work.”

  Brigid sprang to her feet and looked around the room. “Don’t see any clothes. Where’d you hide them?”

  Gabe swore and stood up. “I threw them behind the chaise over by the window. They must be behind it.”

  Brigid successfully tamped down the smile threatening to break forth. She ached all over, but she hadn’t been this happy in weeks. Getting Gabe to make love to her without restraint had given her more pleasure than she’d ever had before. But she knew there was more. She strolled over to him and retrieved her clothes from his hands. “Why do you think I’ve been so … horny the last few days? I’ve never felt a hunger like this before.”

  Gabe pulled up his slacks, a thoughtful frown crossing his features. “I think it may have to do with the moon.”

  “The moon?”

  He shrugged into his shirt. “Your strongest Element is Water. The moon affects the Earth’s waters and, if I recall correctly, there’ll be a full moon very shortly.”

  “But I’ve never responded like this before.” Brigid gathered up her hair in a single tail and wrapped a covered elastic band around it. “Why now?”

  “Elementary, darling. When we traveled to Ireland, your Terran identity was awakened. It only makes sense that you’d become more attuned to your Elements.”

  “You mean I’ll be like this again at the next full moon?”

  Gabe’s bawdy laughter filled the elegant library. “We can only hope.”


  “That’s Master Letch, slave!”

  * * * *

  Gabe stared at the computer screen and cursed. He had returned to working on Nolen’s files energized by his lovemaking with Brigid. He had mastered her in almost every way he wanted. Knowing he had her absolute trust and full compliance heightened every sensation like never before and it was just the beginning. There was so much more to share with her.

  He’d gone back to work hopeful that he’d find some key that would decipher the code. But he was still stumped. Taking a deep breath, he returned his attention to the files. Over the past few days, he had found over a dozen different folders and opened each of them without any difficulty. Each folder contained several documents that he could also open. And that was as far as he could go. He didn’t have a clue what any of them said. None of the words made any sense, and even though he’d tried every known language, it all came out like gibberish.

  He needed the damn key! But he didn’t have the slightest idea where to look and time was running out.

  * * * *

  Boynton, New York

  Nolen lounged in his bed, James’ sleeping form next to him. The blanket had slipped and revealed James’ succulent ass. The sight set his mouth to watering. Earlier, he had sunk his teeth into that perfect behind, leaving bruises that still hadn’t faded. James’s cries and screams had goaded him on. James had come so many times he had lost count.

  His power over the young human was total. And he gloried in it.

  Although far from having Terran strength, James was admirably fit. He could ride him far longer than the Foley bitch, although she satisfied his need to inflict excruciating pain.

  James shifted and the cover slipped further down his legs exposing muscular thighs. Nolen’s mouth watered. With an unintelligible murmur, James rolled over onto his back, his arms flung over his head, his quiescent penis nestling in his pubic hair.

  With a violent curse, Nolen fell upon him. He bent over, taking James’ cock deep within his mouth, wakening him. From a distance, he heard James cry out in pleasure. He felt James’ fingers thread through his hair, keeping him in place as he sucked the thick rod that pulsated with life.

James’ hands gripped his waist and Nolen heard his beseeching, broken voice. “Please, let me. Let me. Help me. I want your prick in my mouth. Please.”

  Nolen’s penis swelled. His thoughts of making James plead even more warring with his desire to have him suck his cock. Desire won out. He moved, positioning his body so that his cock hovered over James’ avid mouth. Resting his weight on his arms, he sank lower and felt the silky, moist lips of his eager lover surround him.

  He gasped. It felt too good. James wanted nothing from him and lived only to serve him. Unlike the Foley bitch, he took whatever Nolen gave him—pleasure or pain. Foley lived for pain. He had kept her at bay by giving her permission to travel to New York and indulge her obsession with blood at her private club. If she knew how submissive James was, she’d eat him alive. Literally.

  Damn the bitch. He’d have to bring her back to his bed and flay the skin off her backside, and perhaps she’d be satisfied.

  Satisfied that his problem was solved, Nolen sank into the glorious feeling of James’ teeth nipping his balls. Soon, he knew, James’ seed would fill his mouth but he’d still be hard. Hard enough to keep on fucking that sweet ass like he wanted to do since the first moment he’d seen James.

  Maybe when he’d done that he could get his mind onto the upcoming new moon and the sacrifice he knew Ba’al would require. He’d need the Foley bitch at that time for sure.

  Now, all he needed was James.

  * * * *

  Greenwich Village, New York City

  Aviva snuggled against Ethan’s body, her breasts pressed against the curve of his back. Her fingers wrapped around his cock, gliding up and down. She felt his heartbeat pounding, racing, skipping erratically, and heard his groaning pleas for her to move faster. She loved hearing his voice when they made love. He’d lose his restraint and his Singer talent would soar, intensifying every movement, every sensation.

  Somehow, she thought her own Singer powers were magnified when they were together and she knew that her musical talents had increased. She had composed a chamber piece for flute and guitar based on one of Ethan’s melodies, a lively piece created to enhance strength. There had been some interesting side effects—she almost broke the D string when she plucked it too hard, but she’d been more careful after that.

  Aviva hadn’t shared her composition with him yet, and she couldn’t today. It was only a few hours to sundown and Ethan always left before that on a Friday, as if remaining as a guest for Sheekhrur would compel him to liberate his feelings.

  But now, she put her full concentration into the intense pleasure making love with Ethan gave her. The feel of his thick cock throbbing in her hands, his callused fingers locked with hers as he urged her on, and that final shout as his seed spurted on their twined hands, exceeded anything she’d ever experienced before.

  Her mind closed to all but that, and she climbed up the heights to ecstasy. With Ethan.

  * * * *

  Brigid stared at the street entrance to Avivia’s home and the small, narrow ceramic keeshoot or ornament on the doorpost. Brigid knew that if she touched it, it would recognize Terran DNA and open to her. It was a custom with Aviva’s Desert Terran people to offer hospitality to all Terrans on the eve of Sheekhrur, their weekly time of study and liberation of spirit. If a human sought entrance, they’d have to do it the old-fashioned way and buzz.

  Eyeing the door, her indecision was heightened by her need to know if her suppositions were correct; that Ethan was sharing more than just his Singer talent with the enticing female. It shouldn’t make any difference to her. After the exquisite experience with Gabe earlier, she shouldn’t feel this intense craving for Ethan. But she did.

  It was as if giving Gabe free rein in the bedroom had unleashed her own greedy desires. And what she desired was Ethan and Gabe in her bed; her sweat-slicked body pressed between them. All she wanted was to feel their cocks as they took her front and back. Feel their hands caressing her, molding her breasts and buttocks. Feel their lips and mouths and teeth and tongues devouring her. At the same time.

  But she needed to bring Ethan home if she wanted to make all of that happen. Gabe didn’t have an inkling of what she intended to do. If he did, he’d forget about his vow to give her full freedom outside of the bedroom and lock her up and throw away the key.

  She didn’t care anymore. When he’d decided to go back to the office and continue working on decoding the files, she’d used the excuse of taking a walk to leave the house and grabbed a cab down to the Village.

  Now she took a deep breath, touched the keeshoot and let herself in. Although she couldn’t hear anything from the studio, she checked anyway. The unlocked door swung open at her touch and she stepped inside.

  Nothing. Moving quietly, she shut the door behind her and slowly mounted the stairs. Once more a mahogany door opened to her. Another stairway rose before her and a long hall to her right. No sounds ushered forth from the floor she was on. More than likely, she’d find the private quarters of Aviva Shiron on the top floor. There’d be a bedroom. A bed.

  And Ethan and Aviva tangled in silky sheets. Together. Naked.

  She shook her head, trying to clear her mind of the erotic visions wreaking havoc with her nerves. If she mounted those last steps and stood in front of that closed door what would she hear? If she knocked, who would answer? Would Ethan be there with Aviva?

  She had to know. One step followed another step and another, until she stood on the landing. She moved closer to the door, her footsteps muffled by the thick carpet while she inched forward, and her feet dragging as if walking through a bog. Her fist refused to strike the door and she stood there immobile, waiting for some sign to tell her what to do.

  Two voices singing. A melody so filled with lust and desire and passion, her pussy ached. Her nipples tightened, her skin flushed, sweat beaded her brow.

  She moaned, and fled down the steps and out into the New York street. Staggering to the corner she leaned against a parked car. She shoved her hand into her jacket pocket and fumbled with her cell phone. Thank the Powers That Be she had Anthony Doherty on speed dial. “Anthony? Please pick me up. I’m on the corner of—”

  “I know where you are, Bridge. Wait there. I’ll be over in five minutes. I’m not far from you now.”

  She broke the connection and sagged against the hood of the car, bowing her head and trying to catch her breath, feeling as if she’d been punched in the gut. Or fucked. Now she knew why Terrans treated Singers with such respect and why humans who heard their music were so affected. Well, now she’d found out for sure what she’d only surmised before. Ethan was fucking Aviva. And not her.

  “Brigid, are you all right?”

  Brigid lifted her head, stumbled toward the open car door and tumbled into the back seat.

  “Bridge, should I call Gabe?”

  “No! I mean, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shout. I’m fine. Just get me home, please, Tony.” She slid deeper into the plush leather seat, shut her eyes and sighed. “I don’t want to talk. I just want to sleep.”


  Tony checked Brigid’s still form in his rear-view mirror. He could see the tracks of dried tears on her cheeks. He bit his tongue. He’d spoken to Marty about Ethan’s relationship with Aviva. Something was going on between them. Once he caught a glimpse of the young woman, her face flushed as she leaned out the window of her apartment to wave to the Irish Terran. Her robe had slipped and he’d realized that she was naked—and glowing with sexual satisfaction. The charming Irish Terran had made a conquest.

  Now he realized that Ethan had also captivated Brigid. Did Gabe know? It wasn’t his place to say anything. Not yet. Not until he spoke with his wife. Marty was far wiser than he in the ways of women and Terrans and he knew he could trust her intuition.

  It wasn’t that he couldn’t understand Brigid’s attraction to both men and he had no problem with her having them both. Damn, if they all got together, he’d be happy for them.

  What b
othered him was that her indecision was making her far too vulnerable. He could have harmed her easily just now. The hopes of too many depended on these young Terrans getting their act together. A grim smile crossed his features. He’d have a lot to discuss with Marty tonight in bed.

  * * * *

  Ethan lifted his head from Aviva’s breast. “Did you hear that?”

  “What? Did I sing off-key? I am sorry, maestro. You know we Desert Terran women do not take lightly to—”

  “No. I heard someone outside the door. Stay here while I check.”

  “Not on your life. Am I not the one who served several times in the Israeli army? We’ll both check.”

  Ethan was too tense to disagree and not willing to believe that he recognized the moan of pain that had come through the door and struck his heart. It had sounded like Brigid.

  He threw on his slacks and Aviva pulled on her robe and he slowly opened the door. No one. Khat scooted out into the landing and mewled sharply.

  Aviva gasped. “It cannot be. You must be wrong.”

  “To whom are you talking?”

  “Him.” Aviva bent and scooped up the bristling cat. “A Terran was just here; Khat uses a specific sound to identify us. But how could—The keeshoot! It’s timed to go into effect a few hours before sundown on Fridays. It must have recognized a Terran’s DNA and allowed him entry into the house. But who could it have been? None of my people are here in town. Who else would have known…” Her voice faded and she glanced at Ethan’s face. “Brigid?”

  “I knew. I … I sensed her presence from the moment she stepped over the threshold, but I couldn’t believe it.”

  Aviva clutched Khat closer to her and he squirmed in her grasp, jumping from her arms. “Is that why you sang? To drown out her intrusion on our lovemaking? To make you feel something more for me than an easy—”

  “Stop!” He grabbed her shoulders. “I care for you, a chara, you know that. You mean so much more to me than that.”

  She wrenched away from him. “But not enough. Go to her.” She moved to the stairs and descended them slowly. “I’ll see you on Monday. In the studio. Don’t worry. Kol b’—”


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