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Terran Realm Vol 1-6

Page 85

by Dee, Bonnie

He pulled out from her core, his penis slick with her cream and eased her onto the bed again. He feasted on her flushed skin and puffy mouth, looking as if he’d already kissed her. “Don’t move.”

  In one swift movement, he was off the bed and opening the bottom drawer of his dresser. Pushed in the back was a pair of padded cuffs, a pair of nipple clamps, a soft flogger and some lube. There was no way he’d mar Brigid’s flesh; just punish her until her rounded backside turned rosy red. “Turn over and cross your hands at the wrist. Keep them above your head.” With the ease of experience, he cuffed her to the headboard, reached under her and put on the clamps, and raised her ass for his viewing pleasure, taking a moment to make sure she was slick enough for his entry.

  Exquisite, that was all he could think—and all his. He rested her thighs on his, thrust one lean finger in her rear hole, and lifted the flogger.


  Although she jumped, she didn’t utter a sound. Gabe smiled. He flexed the finger lovingly inserted in her body and brought the flogger down again. A moan escaped her lips that she tried to stifle. Twice more he brought the flogger down in quick succession. A pink blush bloomed on Brigid’s flesh and a soft moan escaped her lips.

  Gabe dropped the flogger and slid his finger from her body. Gripping her by her waist, he lifted her higher, his Protector strength easily supporting her. He planted a kiss on each cheek and slowly lowered her down to the mattress. Gabe smiled approvingly as she tucked her legs beneath her, displaying that she knew what he would do next.

  “You were very well-behaved, darling. You deserve a reward.” He paused. “Say ‘thank you’.”

  “Thank you.” Thwack! “Thank you, Master.”

  Gabe caressed Brigid’s rounded buttocks and smiled. He had never dreamed that Brigid would truly be able to relinquish any control. He loved her so deeply he would have continued stifling his dominant nature if she hadn’t participated willingly.

  He shuddered. Who knows what he would have done if it had come to a point where he could no longer restrain his need? Thank the Powers That Be that that hadn’t happened.

  Instead, his love knelt before him, his willing sub. The bed shook slightly as Brigid wiggled her delightful behind. “Well?” She dared to look over her shoulder at him and smiled. “I’m waiting.”

  Gabe tried to keep a straight face, but failed utterly. “Ah, Bridge, I knew I could depend upon your smart mouth.” A wicked grin crossed his face. “Later, my darling, I’ll let you use it. Now, it’s another part of your body I’m going to claim.” He frowned and thinned his lips. “Keep your face to the mattress and lift your ass. Time for some fucking.”

  * * * *

  Ethan paid the cab driver and hoisted Ceol Mhor into his arms. He had left Aviva’s studio, his heart aching. He had stood, indecisive, in her doorway outside before, luckily, he had seen a cab stuck by the traffic light on the corner. Its lit sign indicating availability, he’d jumped in and given the driver Gabe’s address.

  He smiled faintly. The trip had cost a pretty penny. He’d owe Gabe even more now. He sighed and took a deep breath. He couldn’t put off talking with Brigid. He had to explain … hell, he didn’t know how to explain.

  Was she even home? Only one way to find out. He unlocked the door and entered the foyer, set Ceol Mhor near a small, polished wooden table and climbed the stairs. He checked Gabe’s office and the library, but both were empty. No delicious smells issued from the kitchen and no sounds of pots or pans rattling. That was a bit odd, but he knew that Brigid wasn’t there.

  He gritted his teeth. There was only one more level before his. Brigid and Gabe’s private quarters. If the door were closed, he’d leave speaking with her for another time. If it was open…

  He took the steps slowly. His feet made no sound on the carpeted treads and the foyer on the fourth floor, and when he looked to his left, the door to the master suite was open. The scent of sex wafted on the air mixed with a citrus fragrance of soap.

  The bed thumped rhythmically and he heard Brigid moaning in ecstasy. He stood immobile and then, as if compelled, he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall to the floor. He slipped off his loafers and jerked off his jeans letting them crumple at his feet. Ethan strode through the master suite and paused on the threshold to the bedroom. His eyes were drawn to the arousing vision of Brigid’s firm behind bared to his devouring sight. Her head down by Gabe’s groin, she seemed completely unaware that he stood behind her.

  But Gabe wasn’t. His eyes widened and narrowed, and Ethan waited, once again unable to move, in the face of Gabe’s justified anger. A look of wonderment passed over Gabe’s face and Ethan held his breath. Then Gabe nodded, and Ethan could move once more.

  He took two strides that left him at the foot of the bed, placed his knee on the mattress and lifted Brigid up, sinking his cock deep within her wet, warm body.

  Chapter Nine

  Manhattan, East 92nd St

  Brigid had sensed Ethan’s presence from the moment he’d entered the house. Now he was here in the bedroom with her and Gabe, and with Gabe’s consent. She relaxed. The fireworks she had feared that might occur if her deepest wish came true hadn’t happened. Ethan moved, thrusting hard. And fireworks did explode. Her pussy clenched around him while her mouth suckled Gabe’s cock. Bliss, pure bliss. And perfect. Her two loves completing her, completing them all.

  Ethan pushed deeper and she gasped, releasing Gabe. Brigid opened her eyes, her hands still grasping the base of his cock. She couldn’t let him go. She moved her fingers up and down in time with Ethan’s quickening pace, the intimate connection with Gabe’s sex satisfying her for the moment.

  Their voices crescendoed, her pants merging with Gabe’s harsh groans. Ethan’s voice flowed over and around them, his Gaelic love words weaving a spell. Without warning, he pulled her back so that she was seated atop his strong thighs. His calloused fingers caressed her rib cage, moving upward, only halting when he encountered the nipple clamps Gabe had placed on her. “What?” His voice held not only a question but also astonishment.

  “Tighten them.” Brigid’s words sounded breathy in her ears, but Ethan obediently did as she asked and was rewarded by her shuddering moan and her arm reaching behind her to encircle his neck.

  He moved faster. Her hand drifted down to her curls and she thrust her fingers into her warm, wet pussy. Brigid licked her lips and pushed harder against Ethan’s cock. That’s when Gabe’s mouth replaced her fingers. He gripped her thighs and plied his tongue, sucking and working her clit, making her moan and her folds grow more swollen.

  Gabe took his time, milking her of every drop of her cream. Tingles raced through her and she felt a connection with both men like nothing she’d known before. She melted. And they merged with her, their Terran abilities drawing strength from each other.

  Their orgasms wrenched through their bodies and they collapsed on the bed like rag dolls.

  * * * *

  Brigid came to, finding Gabe on one side and Ethan on the other, each one suckling a taut nipple, their fingers delving deep within her core. She arched her back and whispered brokenly, “My loves.” Her murmured words shattered the spell and they withdrew their contact from her flesh, but not her spirit.

  Gabe spoke first. “Are we your loves, Bridge? Are we equal in your eyes?”

  “Agra geal, could you choose between us now?” Ethan’s melodious voice caressed her and his question, at least, was easy to answer.

  “No. I choose you both.” She grasped their hands and brought them to her lips and turned to Ethan. “You’re the pulse and breath in my body. You lift me up to heights I never thought I’d know.” Turning, she cast her glance on Gabe. “And you, my darling, you’re my anchor. You keep me safe and grounded.”

  Her eyes widened and she took a sharp intake of breath. “I know what the journal’s words mean!” Brigid sat up in bed, the bemused men gaping at her. A glow of happiness suffused her face as the words tumbled from her. “At the moment we
climaxed, did you feel an electric charge run through you? In my family’s journal one phrase kept repeating: ‘when the three become four, all will be revealed.’ And it has. When we joined we were Earth, Air, Water and Fire—our elements were joined even as we were! Don’t you feel stronger, more alert, more positive? I know I do.”

  Ethan cleared his throat. “I did feel something. And now I feel I could charm the birds from the sky to sing for me!”

  Gabe frowned. “I’m not sure what I felt or feel, but I know I never felt this way before, and I have been with more than one lover at the same time. Years ago,” he added hastily. “This was destined to be. It’s more than finding love greater than any we’ve ever known. This miraculous merging may be the key to defeat Nolen. It’s past time that we shared where we’re at with our individual projects. With fresh eyes and thoughts we can succeed at the tasks we’ve been working on.”

  Gabe took action and sprang from the bed. Ethan covered his eyes in mock horror. “Gabe, you might want to shield your male parts from my view. It’s a bit much for a man with an empty stomach to handle.”

  “Handle?” Gabe roared. “I assumed you’d seen one of these fairly often. And you certainly didn’t keep your eyes closed earlier.” With a lightheartedness Brigid hadn’t seen in ages, Gabe held his cock and waggled it. “Of course, one as prodigious in size as mine, I’m sure you’ve never laid eyes upon before!”

  Ethan grabbed a pillow from the bed and in one smooth move, tossed it at him. “At least I’m not self delusional!”

  “No more cock wars!” Brigid threw her hands up in mock disgust. “I’m starving! Let’s get dressed and see what Marty left for us in the fridge downstairs. I think Anthony said Parker House rolls!”

  Gabe grabbed jeans and a shirt from the closet, while Brigid did the same. Ethan grinned and darted from the room to pick up his clothes from the hall. Hopping on one leg, he shoved on his slacks. No one bothered with shoes or underwear.

  Brigid led the way to the kitchen and she and Gabe set up the table with dishes and silverware. They moved in tandem, able to know the other’s requests before either spoke.


  Ethan watched with a growing envy he fought to quell. There was no getting around reality, and reality was that Gabe had grown up here, as had Brigid, and this was their home. They’d known each over for fifteen years, no wonder they worked together so well.

  He’d known the modern day Brigid for less than a month. If taking her with Gabe meant growing even closer to her, he’d do it. He stood up from the table. “At least tell me where there’s a pot and tea and I’ll fix some for us.”

  Brigid turned around and smiled. “You’ll find a canister of tea in that cupboard and the teapot’s hidden in that one.”

  The room soon filled with the homey aromas of hot rolls and fragrant tea. Gabe looked over toward Brigid and cleared his throat. “Ethan and I came to agreement while you were…”

  “Passed out cold from ecstasy?” Brigid chuckled. “I’m glad. I really didn’t want to find you at each other’s throats.” She sobered. “I’ve tried, you know I’ve tried, but I love you both too much.” She shrugged. “I guess I’m greedy.”

  “No.” Ethan’s disagreement came swiftly. “‘Tis not that at all. Your ability to love is deep.” He glanced at Gabe. “Big enough for both of us—and we’re happy to have our private times with you now and again. If you’re willing.”

  Gabe continued, returning Ethan’s gaze even as he directed his words to Brigid. “I thought seeing another man make love to you would destroy me. Instead, watching your face, feeling your body’s response to him and to me at the same time…” He paused, a look of wonder passed over his features. “It was incredible. Powerful.” He laughed briefly. “Fucking amazing.”

  “So, no pistols at dawn?” Brigid asked, only half jokingly. Each man shook his head. “Great. Let’s get back to work. I know we’ll find what we need to vanquish Nolen and Ba’al now.”

  * * * *

  “So, it has to be a cipher, I just can’t figure out what the hell is the source for the code!” Ethan lounged on the loveseat, while Brigid sat cross-legged on the rug in Gabe’s office. He whirled back and forth on the desk chair, twisting a pencil between his fingers. It broke with a sharp snap.

  Ethan responded on cue. “Nolen liked things to be in reach. When you examined his study, you found he’d concealed his tools of trade within a clever hiding place. More than likely he used one of the books in his library.” Ethan paused for thought. “Were there any books you looked at when you were there?”

  Gabe frowned. “I can’t remember, damn it!”

  Brigid jumped up and went over to Gabe, and knelt at his feet. “Relax, darling. Maybe Ethan can use his Singer talent and help you remember some additional information.”

  Gabe bent and kissed the top of Brigid’s head. “If he can think of some way to help me remember, more power to him.”

  Ethan straightened up and ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it into crazy peaks. “Give me a moment.” He sighed and closed his eyes. “I remember more of my skill each day since I began working with Aviva.”

  Brigid and Gabe watched as the frown lines in Ethan’s face smoothed and he opened his eyes. He cleared his throat and spoke in the ancient tongue that Gabe had only learned through the power of Ethan’s Singer ability. “You’ve seen it, touched it, remember it now. Share your vision with us.”

  Gabe shook his head, chasing the cobwebs from his thoughts. “I see the books, but there’s only one that looks well-worn. I pick it up and glance at the title. It’s in English. A book of poetry. Nolen seems a bit nervous when I hold it, but perhaps it’s because it’s a first edition.”

  Ethan cast a triumphant grin to Brigid. “Do you remember the name?”

  Gabe’s brow furrowed. “I think so. It’s by Yeats, William Butler Yeats. The Wind among the Reeds.” He opened his eyes. “It’s the only book I can recall. I guess it’s a start, but I’d better try to get a first edition. There’s a likelihood there’ll be page differences otherwise.” He whirled the desk chair around until he faced the computer screen. His fingers flew, and within seconds he was oblivious to Ethan and Brigid.

  Ethan gave Brigid a look. “Is he always like this?”

  “You mean able to immerse himself so fast you could set a bomb off under him and he wouldn’t notice? Yeah.”

  “I hear you. You’re distracting me. Either keep it down or leave.”

  Brigid leaned over, grabbed Gabe’s jaw and kissed him, then twirled the desk chair around. “We’re going. Don’t stay down here all night. By the way, why didn’t Marty prepare supper or wait for me to come back?”

  Gabe grinned. “Earth Keeper. Marty read the house vibes, your footsteps on the floor, and your perspiration on the wooden banisters. How we interact with the house’s natural environment. That’s how she always knew when you were late coming home … and other things.”

  Ethan spoke a note of wonderment in his voice. “The woman sensed how the actual building reacted to us?”

  “I don’t think she could do it in a building constructed from man-made materials, but everything in the house is natural—wood, stone, marble.” Gabe chuckled. “I thought she was stark staring mad when I’d find her running her hands along the furniture without a dust cloth. She’d kneel and press her fingers in the wool carpet reading the dust.” He colored. “There was one time before Brigid moved in when I’d had a, shall we say, energetic evening, and she didn’t speak to me for a week. Seems we’d left our mark on the carpet, the desk, the stairs…” His voice trailed off and he realized Brigid was tapping her foot, her arms crossed and her mouth tugged down. He coughed and finished his thought. “Marty must have realized how tense everyone was and decided to let us sort it out on our own. The woman’s very wise.”

  Brigid narrowed her gaze. “Indeed she is, and closemouthed too. We’re going to leave you to your treasure hunt.” Brigid arched an eyebrow. “Maybe w
e’ll go on one of our own.”

  She flounced from the office, Ethan trailing behind, but not before he shot Gabe a commiserating look. He figured Brigid would calm down. After all, that incident happened before Gabe knew her.

  Gabe turned back to the desk. And that’s when a sudden burst of rain doused him where he sat.

  * * * *

  “Let me get Ceol Mhor. There’s a melody begging to be played.”

  “We can go into the library. Gabe has state of the art audio/visual equipment there if you want to record it.”

  “Should have figured he’d have the best.”

  “Once you close the door, the room is soundproofed. You won’t disturb Gabe. But of course, I doubt you’d disturb him if you left the door open and played in the foyer!”

  As soon as they entered the room, Ethan unveiled his harp. “What were the words in the Old Tongue, a cuishle? Was there anything else that struck you as out of the ordinary?”

  “Yes. Give me a moment.” Brigid furrowed her brow as she strained to recall any other pertinent lines in the journal.

  Ethan strummed the harp’s strings with the pads of his fingers, playing the memory melody and Brigid’s features cleared. “At the beginning of each entry there was a sentence. I thought it was a dedication, but … if you put them together … they’re like a guide…” A look of wonder dawned on her face and she took a deep cleansing breath before she continued. “On the inside cover it’s written, ‘For the seekers of truth, a Guide. Understand with your mind. Believe with your spirit. Trust with your heart’.” She gazed at Ethan. “Gabe is the mind. You are the spirit—”

  “And you’re the heart!” Ethan’s fingers danced with joy on the strings. “What else?”

  Brigid bowed her head and fixed her eyes on her fingers twined in her lap. “The sentences at the beginning of each entry, when put together, create a paragraph that reads, ‘We arrive at the end of our Journey at our new home. We traversed the globe. Some of us sailed past the horizon. We sojourned in many countries. We mingled with the people along the shores of the great inland ocean. From the depths of the sea to the heights of the mountains. Always protecting the purity of the waters of life. Quenching the fiery pits. Sacrificing everything’.” She took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and raised her head. “I haven’t the slightest idea what it means!”


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