Book Read Free

Just For You

Page 16

by Mia Ford

  “Right, Logey, I think it’s time for bed now, don’t you?” she asks while ruffling his hair.

  “No!” he cries out in utter despair, just like I always used to do. There must be something that stops boys from ever wanting to go to bed. It’s like an unnecessary punishment for them. “I don’t want to.”

  “I’ll come again, buddy,” I insist. “And we can play whenever you want. I had fun tonight.”

  I really do mean that, and not just because I want to spend time with Lucie. I would like to play football with him again. It’s been good exercise, actually! I’m absolutely worn out.

  In the end, he agrees to go inside and we all hop back over the fence. We pile back into the warmth of Lucie’s home to find her mother there smiling at us all. I can tell she likes us all together. “Oh, hey. I wondered where you all were. I could hear you laughing, but you weren’t in the back garden here…”

  “We actually went into my back garden because there’s lots of room and it’s more lit up.”

  “Oh, that’s lovely.” She wraps her arms around Logan. “Well, little man, let’s get you washed and to bed.”

  Logan gives his mom a kiss and heads up the stairs with his grandmother. It’s a shame to see them go, but I also liked the idea of hanging out with Lucie again. I want to see how she feels about me now.

  “Right, I’m going to get those dishes done,” I say while rubbing my hands together. I’m not ready to leave just yet. “Let me make you a coffee at the same time. Does that sound alright?”

  “That sounds great, I’ll go and tidy up the living room at the same time. Thank you.”

  I do the dishes as quickly as I can while the kettle boils, and excitement builds in my chest the entire time. I have a feeling that I might get more of an in tonight and I’m looking forward to it. I even find myself humming along to whatever happy tune is playing in my head. I’m a bit of a romantic sap.

  Once I have the coffee’s made, I head back into the living room just to see Lucie tidying up the last of Logan’s things. She looks much calmer and less stressed than the version of her I found when I first arrived. She had a million things to do all at once then, but with just a little help she’s turned out okay.

  “Oh, thank you so much.” She takes the drink from me and sips it. Her eyes fall closed in ecstasy for just a moment. The blissful expression on her face is beautiful. “That is delicious, thank you so much.”

  “You are more than welcome. I’m just glad I made it as you like it!”

  She falls onto the couch so I take my seat beside her. It isn’t a big chair so her skin continually brushes up against mine which sends a fizzle of electricity racing all over my body. There’s only Lucie who can ever have me feeling this way, I absolutely love it. And it’s a feeling that I’m sure will last forever because we’ve known each other for years and it’s only gotten stronger with time. I can’t see it dulling ever now.

  “Thank you so much for cooking and playing with Logan. I just know that he had the best time.”

  “Don’t worry about it, he’s awesome!” I chuckle. “I was just like that as a kid, A bit of a mental case.”

  She sucks in a breath and holds in, almost as if she’s nervous, but then she soon lets it out again. “Yeah., he’s hyper alright, but he’s a great kid. I think he’s pretty much ready for school though, he needs that stimulation. I don’t know how well he’ll do in school, but I’m sure he’ll love it.”

  “Oh, well you know me, I can’t make any comment about the education system, I didn’t do well with it!”

  Yeah, I feel like I can laugh about it now. Or at least make jokes, the time where it upset me has long passed. It makes Lucie laugh anyway, which is all I care about. Seeing her happy inspires me.

  “Well I think it was more successful with me anyway, but then you’re doing more than me.”

  All of a sudden, a thick silence clings to the air. I turn to face Lucie and see that her eyes have become hooded with desire. My pulse rate kicks up about ten notches and I realize that this is the moment that I’ve been waiting for. Lucie has relaxed enough to let me in just that little bit more. I sling my arm over her shoulder and tug her just a little bit closer to me. As her body slides into mine, I can’t keep the grin off my face.

  “What is it about you?” she murmurs quietly. “You make me break all of my rules.”

  “Well I have to say that you do too…” I rub my nose against hers, fizzling with the burning lust that flickers all over my body. “I don’t think you’re ever supposed to fall in love with your best friend, the girl next door.”

  “Love?” Lucie gasps, pulling back. “What do you mean, love?”

  Have I not told her this before? I’m sure I’ve said the L word to her before. I’ve felt it for so long that I’m sure I should’ve said it a million times. “Oh, I’m sorry, I thought I said it before…”

  She pushes back and stands. Then she tugs her hand through her hair and she paces the room. “What do you mean, love? Are you just saying that, or is it something that you actually mean?”

  “I…” Oh God, this isn’t me taking things slowly is it? This is me diving right in head first! Still, I’ve opened the door now, I need to be brave and step right through. “I love you, Lucie.”

  Tears fill her eyes as she stares at me. I don’t know what emotion flies behind her eyes, it’s mostly confusion. Somehow, I need to find a way to make this all better now…

  “I don’t expect you to say it to me, or anything like that. I know that I’m the one who continually screwed up, I just… yeah, I feel that way. I think I’ve felt that way forever. That’s why I’ve waited for you.”

  “Oh my…” She claps her hands across her mouth in shock. “I don’t know what to say to that…”

  Then, she seems to make the decision to say nothing, because the next thing I know, she’s on my lap and her lips are against mine. She’s kissing me, loving me with her physical being rather than her words which is just fine by me. I can tell that her feelings are strong, I can feel them flowing from her, and it sparks up a desire inside of me that I haven’t ever had before. It’s utterly incredible.

  “Come with me,” she begs in a whisper while standing up. She reaches out her hand for me to take, which I do instantly. “Come to my bedroom where we can… talk properly.”

  I don’t know what we’ll end up doing in her room, but I have a feeling that it isn’t going to involve a lot of words. I can see in her eyes that she wants me to send her to heaven and back, and my goodness that’s what I want myself.



  He loves me? Kade loves me… he just said it! And he meant it too. It wasn’t one of those spur of the moment things, because he went on to explain it which means it’s there, deep down. Actual love. That has my head spinning like crazy, I don’t know how to deal with that. I feel like I need to come to terms with that before I can even think about anything else. Kade finally loves me… after all this time.

  We sneak into my bedroom and I close the door behind us. As I spin back to see Kade, there’s a lustful haze surrounding my gaze. He looks even better than he did before, my entire body is on fire. I can feel a burning and fizzing at my core, the passion is almost melting my panties off. I need him right now.

  “Oh, Kade.” I mold into his body, giving up any pretense that we’re actually here to talk. I don’t have anything that I need to say to him right now. Or maybe I do, but I can’t think of anything.

  We kiss again, his tongue darts into my mouth and I groan maybe a little too loudly. Kade seems hesitant to take the next step, I think he’s waiting for an indicator from me which is very different from the last time we were together. He was in complete control then, he had all the power because he knew what he was doing. but now he seems shyer, and that might be because he’s just laid his heart on the line and I didn’t reply…

  Shit, I didn’t say anything, I think in a panic as it hits me. I didn’t tell Kade that I lo
ve him too.

  Of course, I do. There’s no denying that. I’ve always loved him. I guess there’s a part of me that deep down thought that he already knew. What was I thinking? He won’t, not until I lay it out there.

  But still I don’t say anything, it’s as if the words have gotten stuck in my throat. The pleasure is driving me more than anything rational right now, so I grab hold of his tee shirt and I pull it from his body. Then I race my fingers over the wonderful muscles that are still there. Maybe they aren’t quite as sculpted as before, but actually I like this version of his body much better. It’s more adult and real, it isn’t there to impress.

  “Mmm, you feel so good,” I murmur while slightly hooking my fingers through the waist band of his trousers. I’m desperate to get in there, but I’m trying to hold myself back just in case. “Oh, Kade.”

  Before I can get carried away, I step backwards and I fall back onto the sheets with a smirk. Then I raise one finger and I indicate for him to come over to me with a flirty giggle. I’m acting like a sexual goddess, it isn’t like me at all. There’s something about Kade that brings this out of me, it’s awesome.

  Kade unbuckles his jeans and he allows them to slide downwards as he climbs over me. He kicks them off and hovers over me in just his underwear. I notice some ink on the top of his thigh that definitely wasn’t there before. I run my fingers along it, wondering what it’s supposed to be, I can’t tell from this angle.

  “Where did you get this tattoo?” I gasp out while his mouth moves over my neck. “I like it.”

  “London,” he groans, and he moves ever so slightly, allowing me to feel the rock hardness of his cock as he does. He’s turned on, he’s on fire, and it’s all for me. This has been a long old time coming for both of us.

  “Oh wow, that’s fascinating, what is it?” I’m buzzing, my back arches, I press myself into him.

  “It’s Japanese writing, and it says ‘just for you’.” His hands slide up to the outside of my vest top. Even through the material his touch feels phenomenal. “And I got it with you in mind.”

  If this is true then he really does love me, and it seems like he always has done. I always thought that he left without ever giving me another thought, whereas I didn’t stop thinking about him. I couldn’t, because of Logan. But unless he’s lying, and I really don’t think that he is, then I was wrong. I think he’s proven to me tonight more than any other night that it’s time for me to tell him the truth about everything. I’m pretty sure that he can handle it. Not now, of course, I’ll have to do it in a much calmer environment, but soon.

  My top flies up, and he unhooks my bra. My breasts have grown since the last time he saw them, having a baby has done that, and Kade instantly seems to like what he sees. He wraps his hand around one and brings his mouth down to suck and flick his tongue all over my nipple. It feels fantastic. I gasp and I roll my hips. Everything he does sets me alight, I feel even more turned on that the last time we were together. There aren’t the same nerves, I don’t feel so left behind, I also don’t feel so scared… this man loves me.

  Then his mouth moves downwards. He kisses all over my stomach, my hips. His lips taste me everywhere and every so often his tongue flicks out to cover my hyper sensitive skin. It’s wonderful. It’s as if the past five years has just been foreplay as I wait for this moment and I can’t wait to explode like a firework.

  “Oh God, Kade.” I’m trying to remember to be quiet because we aren’t alone in this house, but it’s challenging. I can’t quite seem to keep control of myself. “Oh, that feels so good.”

  My sweat pants slide down easily, and Kade’s fingers tantalizingly brush against the silky material of my panties. At least I don’t have big underwear on, it seems that on some level I was prepared…

  “You’re so hot,” Kade murmurs against my thighs, making me shiver. “You’re on fire.”

  The fingers on his other hand brush against my thigh which makes me moan. That area is all ready, getting increasingly desperate to have him everywhere. I can still remember the wonderful sensation of having him inside of me, I can’t wait to see how it feels now. I wonder if it’ll be different…

  “I need these gone.” Kade drags my underwear down, leaving me cold and exposed for him. I life my butt up, encouraging them to go in an instant. “They’re just in the way, don’t you think?”

  “Oh….” I’m just about to answer him, but before I do he gives me yet another kiss… only not in an area of my body that I expect. He kisses my core, causing my hips to buck right off the bed into his face. That just encourages him and his tongue flips out of his mouth. It plunges into me, he massages me with his rough, warm, delicious mouth. This is new, this is a feeling that I haven’t ever had before and I have to say that I love it a lot. As he takes his tongue out and he slides it along my slit until he finds my clit, I can’t take it anymore.

  “Fuck, Kade.” I knot my hands up in his hair as I slide closer to the edge rapidly. “It’s too much. Stop!”

  I need him to stop now or the orgasm is going to get me. Now that we’re here in bed together, I want to have him inside of me, I want to feel those incredible thrusts… but Kade doesn’t stop and I can’t contain myself. The boiling hot bliss swallows me up and switches my brain off completely. I become a slave to the amazing sensations that rush over my body in wave after wave. My head spins, I barely know what’s happening, I’m probably pulling Kade’s head hard as I writhe desperately beneath him.

  “Oh wow…” Once I break off, panting, I tug him back up to me. Even though I’ve just had pleasure shatter through my body, I’m not done with him yet. I want him everywhere. “Oh, Kade.”

  I drag his underwear down as far as I can, letting him to take them the rest of the way down. I can feel his steel rod pressing into me and it’s massive. Even bigger than I remember actually, which is a surprise. I have him this hard, it’s all because of me and I utterly love that… I love him!

  His tip teases my entrance and I beg for him to enter me. Not with my words, but by the way I press myself into him. It’s only when he starts to slide in, that I press my finger against his chest to stop him.

  “Wait, no wait!” I lean across to my night stand and I tug out a condom. Apparently, me and Kade are very fertile and I don’t want to make the same mistake again. Even though I haven’t exactly got an active sexual life, I’ve always had one here ever since the pregnancy. I’ve learned the hard way not to make that mistake.

  I hand it to him and watch in awe as he expertly rolls it down over himself. If I’d confidently insisted on this in the first place then we wouldn’t have found ourselves in this mess. But then I wouldn’t have Logan, and there’s no way in hell that I can regret that. That one mistake has all turned out really well.

  Then, he moves back to me and this time I part my thighs further to invite him in. He slides into me, filling me up in the most amazing way possible. Despite the fact that I’ve already had an orgasm, I can feel another one building. The pleasure that he’s giving me is wonderful. I wrap myself tightly around him and push him in further. This time, with each thrust I can feel words building too, until finally they explode free.

  “I love you,” I gush. “Oh my God, I love you too, Kade, so, so much.”

  That might not have been the way that I planned to say those words back to him, but they’re out there now… I do want him to know, I just hope everything stays the same afterwards when the truth comes out.

  As the words come out of my mouth, Kade groans as if in pain. I hold him tight, kissing him hard to swallow up his screams just like I did the first time that we were together. The memory is awesome, and I think it builds our bond even deeper. At least, it does on my end. I know for sure that this is ‘the one’.

  Just for you… that’s what his tattoo means, and I honestly think that I’m just for him too.

  We lie next to each other for a while, neither of us wanting the moment to end. I don’t have the fear that I’m going
to try and speak to Kade tomorrow and he’ll ignore me, we aren’t in college anymore, but I can’t fully relax into this sensation either. Not yet. But definitely soon, tomorrow, I will work out a way to finally get it out. I will work out how to make it okay.

  “I don’t want to go,” Kade moans. “But I know that I have to.” He tucks some of my hair behind my ear. “But soon we’ll find a way to lie in one another’s arms all night long… if you want to.”

  Oh God, I do. I do so damn much. That sounds like heaven, especially with the man I love.

  “We will, that sounds great.” I kiss him gently. “I would love that.”



  As the bright morning light streams through my bedroom window, I open my eyes with a smile spread across my face. I honestly feel like I really do have it all together now which is amazing. My career is slowly growing, my love life is progressing… what could be better than that? Lucie loves me, she actually loves me. When I first told her that I loved her, I thought that I’d freaked her out, but then she said it back and everything felt right with the world. I’m the luckiest son of a bitch ever, finally getting my third chance.

  Almost as an automatic reaction, I grab my cell phone off the night stand and I stare at the screen. Almost right away, I notice a brand new message from Rhiannon, which is strange. I click on it to read what I did before: Hi, Kade, long time no see! We went to the same college, right? If I remember rightly, you were friends with Lucie Smith? How is life treating you these days? Rhiannon.’ But then there’s more, almost as if she had a second thought once she’d messaged me. ‘Oh, sorry, I just remembered that you and Lucie didn’t end on good terms, did you? Oops, forgetful me! I didn’t mean to bring up the girl you left college because of…’


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