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Ruffles & Beaus

Page 10

by Carina Adams

  “Go change into your black costume,” Roman growled. “I’ll be right back.”

  He hadn’t been kidding. I was tying my last string on my candy apple corset dress when Vi appeared, grinning.

  “You’re up, Buttercup. They’re a great audience. Go knock ‘em dead.” She ran up the stairs before I could respond.

  Roman’s eyes surveyed me angrily as I ran down the stone steps, heels in hand to make it easier to walk, and started for the main house.

  “That’s not the black dress,” he ground out as he fell into step beside me.

  “Nope.” I popped the ‘p’ and shrugged.

  “Are you going to defy me whenever I tell you to do something? I’ve been doing this a long time and know what I’m talking about. I’m not trying to be a dick.”

  “You don’t have to try very hard. It seems to come naturally.” My eyes grew wide and I silently cursed my big mouth.

  He sighed as if I was the most exhausting person he’d ever dealt with. “I don’t want you to fail, despite what you believe."

  Of course he didn’t. I was being difficult because I knew he didn’t like me. That didn’t mean he’d sabotage me, though.

  I searched for the words to apologize, yet he misread my silence.

  “If this is going to work, we have to find some level of trust.”

  I agreed with that whole heartedly. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” I stepped up onto the deck and leaned on his offered arm while I slipped into my stilettos, as if I’d done it a hundred times before.

  We stood in an uncomfortable silence, listening to the men inside react to Myra.

  “We don’t have to like each other, but it would be nice if we were able to tolerate each other for more than five minutes. If we can’t, we’re both going to be miserable every weekend.”

  I lifted my head, watching him in the dim porch lights. “Every weekend?”

  His jaw ticked and he looked away, ignoring the question. “I’ll meet you out here as soon as your routine is over. Don’t linger in there.”

  “Roman,” I demanded, grabbing his arm as he attempted to walk away. Myra’s song was winding down, but I wanted answers. “Why every weekend?”

  “For right now, it was either me or Reid available to partner with you. He doesn’t want to work with you.”

  I was shocked. Vi had done nothing but rave about how wonderful this Reid was. They’d been partners for a long time and she’d been sad when she found out he was being transferred to me. “He doesn’t want to work with me or he doesn’t want to work with anyone other than Violet?”

  “Does it matter? You need to stop asking questions you don’t really want the answers to. He’s staying with Violet. That means from this point forward, you’re mine. We’re a team.”

  Well, shit.

  Before I could respond, Rome glared at me over his shoulder. “Don’t fuck this one up.” Then he was gone.

  My hands fisted at my sides and I barely contained my frustrated scream. I needed to talk to Reid and beg him to switch with Roman. If he didn’t, I just might murder our boss.

  My body was still buzzing when I stepped back onto the patio ten minutes later, this time with excitement instead of rage. I couldn’t keep the smile from my face as I passed Violet, waving excitedly as she hurried inside. I’d done my “Tainted Love” routine, the one Rome had helped me perfect, and I’d kicked ass. If the hollers and cheers were any indication, the party wanted an encore.

  I was ready to give them one.

  I hadn’t taken more than two steps when Rome appeared out of nowhere and wrapped the robe around me. Then we rushed across the lawn. After a few steps, his brooding silence was too much to bear.

  “Which costume do I wear next?”

  “Street clothes.”

  I didn’t understand. “I’ve only done two dances.”

  “That’s all you were supposed to do,” he reminded me. “Change and start packing. You can help the others.”

  “If that was my last dance, I’m supposed to mingle,” I snapped.

  “Not with this crowd. They’re out of your pay range.”

  “What in the world does that mean?”

  Roman didn’t answer until after he’d drug me into the guest house. “They’re a bunch of rich pricks who get grabby. You’re not prepared to handle them yet.”

  I started to argue, but the warning look he shot me was enough to keep me quiet.

  “Change and pack, Ruffles. That’s all you need to worry about right now.”

  Then he stormed out, Myra hot on his heels.

  Determined to make him change his mind, I hurried upstairs and put on the black costume. The pleated bust corset top with ruffled tutu skirt was my favorite, even though it was much more simple than the others. I was tugging up my sheer thigh-highs when the door opened and Vi dashed in, Andy right behind her. They both stopped when they saw me.

  “Where’s Roman?”

  Violet glanced at Andy. “Working security.” She sounded truly confused. “You're not dancing more, are you?”

  “She's not.” He answered. “Go change.”

  With a nod she bound up the stairs.

  “Let me go,” I stepped toward him. “I’m all ready. I have another routine I can do.”

  Andy held up a hand and halted me in my tracks. “Rome said you were done for the night, which means you’re done. I may look stupid, but I’m not dumb enough to challenge him.”

  “You’re serious? He’s benching me this early? Over something that silly?”

  Andy’s forehead wrinkled as if I’d said the most idiotic thing he’d ever heard. “Oh, he’s pissed new girl. Infuriated. If I was you, I’d bunk with the others tonight.”

  I stared at him for a moment too long before I found the words I’d been searching for. “What?” Eloquent, I know.

  He cocked an eyebrow as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I take it you haven’t fucked an angry Rome yet.”

  My mouth fell open and I shook my head, not in answer, but because I couldn’t believe what he’d said.

  Oblivious, he kept going. “I’ve only heard it a few times. It’s like a rutting animal. I’m going to try to talk him into staying here, so I don’t have to be alone with those assholes inside. His room is right next to mine and I sure as shit don’t want to hear that all night. I bet either Vi or Myra would let you bunk with them. Or, Reid even.” He frowned. “On second thought, that’d just piss Rome off even more. Crash with the girls.”

  My eyes bugged out of my head as I sank into pit confusion. “I’m not sleeping with Roman.”

  Andy snorted at my admission. “Yeah, okay.”

  “I’m ready,” Violet ran down the stairs yet skidded to a stop between us. “What did I miss?”

  I opened my mouth to explain but clicked my teeth together when I couldn’t even fathom saying the words. I simply shrugged.

  Vi misinterpreted my reaction and smacked Andy. Hard. “What did you do? Stop hitting on my friends.”

  “Ow!” Andy lifted a hand and rubbed the spot where she’d punched him. “Jesus, what is with you two? I’m not letting you go dance,” he told me again with a slight glare before he turned it on Violet. “And I’m not trying to steal Roman’s girl.”

  She laughed at the same time I groaned in annoyance. Her face fell as she realized he was being serious.

  “He thinks I’m sleeping with Roman.”

  “Oh, good God. You are an idiot.” She grabbed Andy’s arm and tugged him. “We’ve got to go, but I’ll explain it on the way.” I didn’t know which of us she was talking to, but she blew me a kiss. “You can change now.”

  Then they were gone.

  I didn’t take off my costume. Part of me left it on out of spite. The other clung to the hope Roman would stop being a stubborn ass and come get me.

  I sank onto the couch and called Frankie. I told her everything about the night as I watched my friends hurry in, change, and then run back to the party. Roman neve
r came with them, and Andy refused to let me go back with him. I didn’t want to make matters worse by walking over alone, so I sat there, all dressed up like the girl who’d been ditched by her prom date, hoping for the best while refusing to accept the worst.

  When the door opened a few hours later and my friends sauntered in together, each wrapped in a robe that matched mine, their arms full of discarded costumes, I had to face facts. He wasn’t going to let me dance.

  Myra fell to the sofa next to me, tugged off her boots, and began to rub the blood back into her toes. “I need booze.”

  Violet peeled off her thong and slid on a pair of leggings, oblivious to the fact she wasn’t alone. Then she pulled the pins from her hair. “Ugh. I need a shower.”

  Myra stood, tugged on a baggy pair of sweats and a hoodie over her pasties and thong, and shook her head. “Alcohol first. Then shower. Then bed.”

  “Did Rome tell you where we're staying?” Vi asked as she dug through her bag, hopefully looking for a shirt.

  Myra shook her head. “It better be close. I’m starving.” She shot me a smile. “Did he tell you?”

  “Me?” I guffawed. “He never tells me anything!”

  I’d known we were spending the night because Soiree policy stated that anything more than two hours from the studio mandated an overnight trip, that way no one drove after a long day. Plus, everyone got to go out together and unwind a bit after the show.

  “Guess we’ll find out,” she sighed. “I’m going to pack so I’m ready to leave as soon as they are. I can’t wait to blow this joint. These people make me feel twitchy.”

  I waited until Myra was all the way upstairs. “Did you know Reid was going to refuse to work with me and that I was going to be stuck with Roman?”

  “What?” She dropped the clothes in her hands, eyes wide with confusion. “No.”

  I nodded. “Yeah. He said that without Reid, there was no other option, so he and I are stuck together.”

  “Bullshit.” She crossed her arms, pushing her breasts up higher. “There’s always another option. He’s just being an ass.” Her phone vibrated and pulled her attention away.

  “You think he was lying?”

  Violet tossed her cell down in disgust and yanked a t-shirt over her head. “I do. Just like I know you’ll love Reid.” Distracted, she sorted through the large pile of clothes and tossed them into her bag, clearly upset about something. “Shit.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  She held up a single stocking. “I’m missing the other half of my lucky hose.” She bit her lip and looked at the door before meeting my eyes. “I need to run back to get it. I don’t want them to throw it away. Cover for me?”

  I nodded. “I’ll pack the rest of this, too.” I motioned to the pile of stuff that surrounded her bag. She pulled me close for a quick hug and then scurried out.

  I had just zipped her rolling duffle when the door opened. “Did you find it?” I asked without glancing in her direction.

  “A beautiful brunette who loves ruffles and dressed up just for me? I did.” A husky voice answered. I spun around and took a cautionary step back when I saw the stranger.

  The man on the other side of the room beamed at me, his smile so bright I almost needed sunglasses. “Hello, Ruffles.”

  The way he said my name, his tone dropping an octave or two, sent a shiver flying down my spine and made a knot settle in my stomach. I swallowed, unsure if it was fear or something else entirely. When I didn’t respond, he lifted a thick dark eyebrow and absentmindedly reached up to scratch at the chestnut scruff that covered his jaw. Silence surrounded us as I pondered who he was, and worry licked up my spine when I realized he might have been a guest at the party who followed the girls back. I glanced over his shoulder, wishing for the first time that Roman would walk through the door.

  “I’m a little disappointed,” he mused as he lapped his lips. “Roman said you were sassy as hell and never shut up.”

  I growled as my hands flew to my hips, nerves forgotten. “That insufferable bastard would say something like that.”

  The visitor laughed and for some reason, the sound comforted me. “There she is.” His eyes glowed bright with mischief and the stranger danger alarms in my head quieted. He was familiar, but I didn’t know why.

  I stared him down. “Do I know you?”

  He took a step forward and reached out his hand. “Reid Thompson.”

  Instant relief washed over me. He wasn’t a guest at the party. He was safe. I grinned as I took his hand. “Violet says I’m going to love you.”

  His eyes sparked bright and an odd expression crossed his face. “Oh, you have no idea.”



  One of her eyebrows rose slightly as an adorably shy smile appeared and the worry in her eyes disappeared. For a moment I’d terrified her. I should have put her mind at ease and immediately introduced myself, but I’d needed to know how she’d react.

  She didn’t pull away and my thumb slid back and forth over the top of her hand. Her skin was so incredibly soft I longed to touch the rest of her, run my fingertips over every inch of her body. To taste her. Jesus, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d wanted something more.

  We stood there, entranced, hands still clasped. I wondered what she’d do if I kissed her, and before I realized what I was doing, my eyes had zoomed in on her mouth. The only thing that stopped me from sinking my teeth into her plump bottom lip was the knowledge that someone might interrupt us at any second.

  When I put my mouth on Ruffles for the first time I would go slow. I wasn’t going to stop until we were both completely satiated and exhausted. Thoughts of her moaning my name as she came on my fingers and tongue made my blood boil and my cock jerk with excitement.

  “What in the fuck are you wearing?” Roman’s agitated tone demanded as he interrupted and broke the spell.

  The poor thing yanked her hand away from mine and her eyes grew wide in surprise as my best friend stomped across the guest house and stopped toward her. I threw my arm in his path, my thoughts clear. He needed to step off.

  “My favorite outfit of the night,” I answered for her.

  “I told you to get changed,” Roman snarled.

  “And I insisted,” I ground out as I turned and slid between them, “that I had to see the black costume I’d heard so much about.”


  He could shove his warning up his ass. “Back off.”

  I didn’t give two fucks when Rome’s eyes narrowed dangerously. He’d been a miserable dick for months, and I’d indulged him, however it was time to draw a line. He was not going to take his anger out on the new girl. His mood was worse tonight because of our location, but that was his own fault, not anyone else’s. I refused to stand by and let him disrespect any of our employees, especially Ruffles.

  “Wow,” she sidestepped around me. “Okay. One,” Ruffles poked Roman in the chest, “I didn’t change because I hoped you’d pull your head out of your ass and ask me to dance again. I was ready in case that happened.” She twisted and narrowed her eyes on me. “Two, you're sweet, but I don’t need you to protect me from the jerk that is my boss. I’m not weak and helpless. I can fight my own battles. If you really wanted to do something for me, you wouldn’t have ditched me and stuck me with him and his dominant tendencies to begin with. Why don’t you want to work with me?”

  She braced her hands on her hips again, demanding an answer. If she’d been had on anything else, I might have lied to her. The low cut of her corset and the way it barely held her milky white breasts in was all I could see. I forced myself to look away, to focus on her face, but her pouty lips made me forget I needed to come up with a decent excuse.

  “We can’t sleep with our partner.”

  Both of her eyebrows rose before they scrunched into a scowl. “So?”

  Roman snorted behind her, enjoying her reaction, his anger forgotten.

  I smiled. Her cluelessness was adorab
le. I leaned close and lowered my voice, “You and me? We’re gonna have lots of hot, dirty, sweaty sex.”

  A blush splashed across her pale cheeks, and her breasts rose and fell in labored breaths. Usually I avoided women who embarrassed easily. On her, it was just another trait that made me hard. I wanted to explore her body slowly and figure out what else I could say, or do, that would get the same reaction. My fingertips itched with the need to touch her.

  Ruffles watched me warily, then glanced over her shoulder at Rome before she burst out laughing. Lifting a hand, she tapped me gently twice on the cheek. “You’re too adorable for words.” She took a step back. “I’m going to change.”

  My mouth dropped open in surprise as she climbed the stairs without as much as a second glance in my direction. “What in the fuck was that?”

  Roman’s laughter sounded like fingernails on a chalkboard. He raised a hand in the air and flew a fake airplane in front of my face before he dropped it, whistling as it fell from the sky and exploded. “You. Crashing and burning.”

  “Fuck off.” I had no idea what had just happened, but her indifference only made me want her more.

  The bastard laughed harder. “I told you,” he smirked. "Right game, different sport. You don't have the equipment she plays with."

  Maybe not, but I’d convince her she wanted me just as much as I wanted her before I was done. I flipped him off. “Don’t you have to deal with your cousins or some shit?”

  His amusement vanished. “Yeah. You’ll load them up?”

  I nodded. “And be ready as soon as you are. You sure you don’t want to stay here? Andy offered us the bunkhouse.”

  “No.” He glanced at his watch. “See if you can light a fire under their asses. I want to get on the road.”

  I waited for him to leave before I hollered up the stairs. “Five minutes, ladies!”

  Myra came down first. She dropped her bag by my feet as if I was no more than a common valet she expected to haul her shit around, and then sunk into the couch. “I’m hungry.”


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