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Ruffles & Beaus

Page 19

by Carina Adams

  The little hall was in the middle of nowhere, down a narrow road. At one point it had been a well loved community hall and seen it’s fair share of events. Over the years it had been forgotten. Now run down, it could use some serious TLC, but the bones were strong. The smell reminded me of my grandparents. As I leaned back against the wall and looked around the open space, I felt like we should be getting ready to play Bingo or eat at an old fashioned pot-luck.

  The girls were in the back getting ready, bartenders were setting up behind a small counter, the DJ was testing out his equipment, and guests had just started to arrive. This was the calm before the storm. It was all very quiet and peaceful. Give it two hours though and the place would be filled with men of all ages trying to reclaim their youth while they hit on women half their age and celebrated the upcoming second marriage of their friend.

  Rome was in the corner going over the fine print of the contract one more time with the host—a kid around our age who was about to be his father’s best man. From the scowl on my friend’s face, and the way the kid kept scratching at his temple, I assumed there was a problem. I pushed away from the wall, headed his way to offer assistance, when he looked up. As soon as he saw me, he tilted his head toward the back.

  Go check on the girls.

  I nodded and turned on my heel. On the other side of the room was a short hall. The first two doors led to minute, barely enough room to turn around, bathrooms. I knocked quietly on the third. “It’s me.”

  Ruffles voice was quiet, but clear. “Come on in.”

  I pushed it open a bit and peaked around. “Everyone decent?”

  She stood across the room, her back to me, hands on her hips. Her eyes met mine in the mirror and she forced out a laugh. “Hoping to catch one of us in our skivvies?”

  I slid into the room and closed the door behind me. Violet wasn’t there, but the fact barely registered. All I could do was stare at Ruffles.

  My legs pushed me forward until I stood directly behind her. I swallowed roughly, all but one thought disappeared from my mind as my eyes traced the outline of her costume. On my third trip over her, I found my voice.

  “What are you wearing?” It was a dumb question, but I couldn’t correct myself. I’d never seen the outfit before. For a split second I was tempted to insist she take it off and never show it to anyone else.

  She dragged her teeth over her bottom lip and I almost groaned.

  “It’s new.” Her hands ran from her hips up her curves and then back down. She tipped her head to the side, surveying her reflection worriedly. “Does it look bad?”

  Leather and buckles and sexy as fuck. That’s the only way I could describe what she had on.

  The black one shoulder corset was the highlight of every man’s favorite fantasy. It clung to her, tight enough to exaggerate her already luscious curves, and the buckles almost bit into her skin. Small soft cups barely held her glorious breasts and hid her nipples, the rest of her overflowed just enough to make me want to reach out and cradle them in my hands. An attached collaran extension of the half-sleeveclosed tightly around her throat, somehow making the outfit even hotter.

  A matching belt sat low on her hips, just above her pubic bone, and held a long sheer panel skirt strategically in place, covering her center, yet showing just enough leg to tease and make every red-blooded man want more. When she shifted I caught a peek of the tiny thong she wore beneath. A short ruffled cape, made from the same material as the skirt, hung loosely from her shoulders. Tall heels, unlike any I’d seen her wear, completed the outfit.

  It didn’t stop with the clothes. Her makeup matched the ensemble, all dark and mysterious. Her eyes were painted smoke, smudged to perfection. Her skin was paler somehow, as if she hadn’t seen the sunlight in decades, yet it worked well for the costume. Her lips were a dark, blood red and I wanted to know how the lipstick would look as it circled my cock.

  I didn’t know if it was more Dracula’s bride or vampire hunter, but I wanted to offer myself up for sacrifice. I’d let her feast on any part of me, as long as I got to have her in return.

  If I hadn’t wanted Ruffles before, if I hadn’t been attracted to her, I’d crave her now. Hell, I barely stopped myself from begging her to let me worship her body, to give me one night to prove I was worthy. It wouldn’t be enough, but it would be a start.

  I couldn’t stop myself and inched another step closer until my chest was pressed against her back. Her dark eyes widened slightly as her breasts rose and fell faster. My hands ghosted down the outside of her body until they closed around hers and my fingertips dug into her hips as I yanked her back against me. “I’ve never seen anything I want more.”

  For a split second she let my words sink in. She inhaled sharply, her eyes grew even bigger, and surprise showed on her face. Then, as fast as it came, it was gone.

  She rolled her eyes and tried to push my hands away. “I’m nervous. I don’t want to look bad when I go out there. I need honesty, Reid. Not flattery.”

  I refused to let her go, circled my arms around her waist and clasped my hands together so she couldn’t push me away. I dipped down, pushed my mouth close to her ear, and stared into her eyes. “That’s what I promise to give you. Always. You look sinfully sexy.” I waited for the tinge of embarrassment to hit her cheeks, then I pushed again. “Go out with me.”

  She spun around, still stuck in my hold, and put her hands on my shoulders. We were so close she had to tip her head back to look up at me. With a small smirk, she shook her head. “You are really sweet. Thank you.”

  Disappointment shot through me. I wasn’t sweet and she sure as hell didn’t want to date the guy she thought of that way. She was trying to shift me into the friend zone.

  My arms tightened around her. “If you could hear my thoughts right now, all the things I want to do to you—in that outfit and out—sweet would be the last word you’d use to describe me.”

  Her fingers flexed, clutching at my jacket, but her face poker remained calm. “Oh?”

  I slid my fingers down her sides and onto her barely covered ass, enjoying the handfuls as I squeezed. The air left her lungs in a quick huff as I pulled her tighter against me and let her feel how much I enjoyed the view.

  “Most definitely,” I nuzzled her neck with my nose. “In this outfit,” I nibbled on her collar bone. “As I take you out of it,” I moved to her other one and pressed my lips against it. “Once I have you bare,” I sunk my teeth into the delicious spot below her ear where her skin is soft and tender. “I’m going to do naughty, dirty things. And you are going to love every one of them.”

  She moaned softly. Then giggled. I leaned back, confused.

  “You’re good,” she grinned and patted my cheek with an open palm. “Really good.” Before I could stop her, she threw her arms around my waist and pulled me close in a hug. I tightened my arms around her once more, unsure of what was going on, but desperate to take whatever she gave me.

  She backed away, breaking my hold on her. She focused on the mirror once again and smoothed her hands down her sides as if I’d just messed up her clothes. Once done, she assessed her makeup, carefully avoiding my gaze. I needed her to look at me, to see the truth on my face.

  Before we could finish, the door flew open and Violet rushed in.

  “Those bathrooms are so small I was terrified I was going to ruin something,” she told Ruffles before she saw me and stopped. Her features settled into a suspicious frown as her pupils darted back and forth between us. “Am I interrupting something?”

  Yes. I wanted to shout it from the rooftops.

  “No. Reid was trying to calm me down,” Ruffles explained.

  “Really?” Vi’s eyes narrowed on me. “He’s so great like that.” I knew she thought anything but at the moment, yet Ruffles didn’t pick up on it.

  “I was explaining how great she looks. She’s going to knock ‘em dead.”

  Violet relaxed a bit and her face seemed to soften. “He’s right. T
hat outfit is gorgeous. I love how Randy listens to your ideas and lets you match costumes with songs. You look amazing. You are going to go out there and kill it.”

  I nodded my agreement. “You helped design it?”

  “Not really. I explained how I saw the song. He did the rest.”

  “You should have input in all your costumes then. It’s perfect.” I reluctantly headed to the door. “Let me go see how close we are. I’ll be back to get you in a few, okay?”

  It was almost a half hour later before everyone had arrived and settled in. I dreaded going to get Ruffles. I’d seen the routine and knew how sexy it looked when she wore an oversized tee and leggings. I didn’t want anyone to see her dance that way in the costume she had on.

  Yet, I knew how hard she’d worked. The moves weren’t natural for her. The song had an unpredictable beat and that outfit looked complicated. The gluttonous side of me couldn’t wait to see how she’d put it all together.

  She came out as soon as I knocked, a bright smile on her face. My hand found hers automatically and my fingers linked in hers. We walked down the short hallway in silence and stood just out of view of everyone, waiting for her cue.

  “I’d better go help Boss man,” I muttered, even though I didn’t want to leave her. “If you need me, for any reason, I’ll be right there to swoop in and rescue you. Go have fun out there. Let me worry about everything else.”

  She watched me closely, absorbing every word I said. She squeezed my hand and then dropped it. “Thank you.”

  I couldn’t stop myself. I leaned down and pressed my lips to her ear. “Knock ‘em dead, Ruffles McGee.”

  Roman was in the back of the room, eyes constantly on the move, his entire body on edge. I stood next to him and did the same. When the lights went down and the sounds of “Love is Madness” echoed around the room, Ruffles made her way to the stage in the center of the room. Every single person held their breath.

  Including Roman.

  As much as I wanted to see her, my eyes refused to leave his face. Ruffles had become the object of his attention, and for a few painful minutes, it seemed like he’d forgotten he was there to work, that she wasn’t dancing just for him. He was tense, every muscle in his body on alert, the pulse in his neck thumping hard and fast.

  Not interested, my ass.

  “Hey,” I snapped, unable to contain my resentment. Before I could stop myself, I leaned close enough for him to hear me. “You’re right, there are plenty of fish in the sea.” He dragged his eyes away from my girl, clearly confused. “But see that fish?” I lifted a finger and pointed toward Ruffles who had lost her cape and skirt and was teasing the audience with the rest. “That one is mine. I caught her. Don’t touch my fucking fish.”



  I threw my hands in the air, shook my hips, and let my feet move on their own as Violet and I screamed the words to every song and shook our grove thing like our lives depended on it. The floor was crowded, filled with people who wanted to have a good time. No one invaded our space or got too close, probably in part to Reid’s looming presence as he laughed and danced the night away with us.

  We were celebrating. Not only had I just rocked my first real show, the partygoers had been a fun and respectful bunch, and the night had been a smashing success. A round of drinks at a quiet pub just wouldn’t do. No, we needed shots and party music.

  When the song ended, I waved my hand in front of my face to fan myself. “I need water.” I told them with a small gasp. I was parched. When I turned to head toward our table, I was surprised to find Roman staring at us. “Why doesn’t he come out?”

  Next to me, Reid shrugged. “He doesn’t like to dance in public.”

  The idea was absurd. I’d only seen a smidgen of his moves and knew, without a doubt, that Roman was the best dancer I knew. Not that I’d admit it to anyone, especially him.

  “Why not?”

  Another song started before Reid could answer. As if relieved, he started swaying, a warm smile on his lips, as he beckoned me toward him. I shook my head slightly, held up a finger in promise to be back in just one minute, and headed for our table.

  “Hey you,” I muttered as I fell into the chair next to Rome.

  He nodded in greeting but didn’t look up, his eyes on the beer label he’d half picked off.

  “You know, you’re off the clock. You can put the broody face away and relax.”

  The corner of his mouth cocked for a moment. “It’s my job to keep you safe tonight. That doesn’t end just because you’re not at a party anymore.”

  “Hmm,” I pursed my lips. “I’m not buying it.” I lifted my water to my lips and finished it in a few gulps. “Come have a good time.”

  “I am having a good time.” He took a long drag from his bottle. “Well, I was. Then you came over.”

  “God, you are such an ass. You know that, right?” I fought a smile. “It won’t kill you to have a little fun.”

  “It might.”

  I nodded. “You’re right. It might. But, at least you won’t die alone. Which is your other option.”

  His eyes moved around the bar. “There have got to be three hundred people here. I’m definitely not alone.”

  I surveyed the room, nodding as I realized how full it had gotten since we arrived. As I shifted my gaze back to Rome, the table a few feet away caught my attention. The three women sitting there looked away quickly, as if I’d caught them red-handed. They whispered fervently amongst themselves, their eyes darting from Roman to me to each other, then back to Roman.

  “You’ve got a group of admirers.”

  “Nice,” he dismissed it as if I was making it up.

  “Seriously,” I insisted. I had to snicker as they narrowed their eyes at me, obviously trying to determine the connection between the chubby girl in the ripped jeans, tee, and dirty chucks and the mob-boss lookalike in the designer suit next to me. “They’re checking you out pretty intently.”

  “Okay.” He didn’t lift his head and search for them like I assumed he would, but finished his beer and snatched Reid’s from across the table.

  He might not be interested, but I was enthralled. “All of them are quite pretty.”

  “Good for them.”

  The alcohol in my system had removed the few filters I actually had, so I stared at them, not caring it might be rude. “How does that work exactly? They’re all looking at you with the same weird expression, like you’re a peperoni pizza after they’ve been on a Keto diet all month. So who gets to talk to you first? Do they draw straws? Compare horror stories to see who needs a good roll in the hay?”

  He chuckled and took another long sip, eyes only on me. “Does it matter?”

  “Uh, yeah. These are important questions.”

  “Why would I have the answers? I’m not a chick. You tell me.”

  I sighed. “I’m no help. My friends and I don’t exactly find the same things attractive. I like the peen, remember?” Roman choked, but I was too focused to let him sidetrack me. One of the women stood up and, her eyes on Rome, started walking toward us. “I think one’s coming over.”

  I expected him to react. When he didn’t even acknowledge what I’d said, my attention settled on him once more. He looked sad. “You’re really not going to look at her?”

  “Really not interested.”

  When the woman walked by our table, I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Okay,” I grabbed his arm with one hand and pointed toward the dance floor with the other. “If they don’t do it for you, I’m sure there is someone else here who would.”

  He didn’t pull away and took another drink. “No. I’m here for you, not to pick up some random.”

  “You don’t have to pick anyone up. That actually would be awkward, considering you’re sharing a room with Reid. You’d have to go back to her house. Which wouldn’t work because you’re the only sober one and have to drive us to the hotel.”

  I considered it
for a moment. “Yeah, don’t do that. I’m supposed to be watching you flirt tonight, though. Remember?” I gave his arm a little push as I recalled our first real conversation. “So, go flirt. Talk. Dance. Let go.”

  He shook his head.

  “Fine. At least come dance,” I insisted.

  “I’m good. Go have fun. Forget about me.”

  As if I could. I slid my chair closer to him. “Okay, spill.”

  “What?” He eyed me wearily.

  “We’re supposed to be friends, remember? Partners. Your rules,” I elbowed him gently. “When I was sad, you cheered me up. It’s my job to do the same. So, spill.”

  “I’m not sad.”

  I groaned. “Why are you always so difficult? Fine, let’s chat about the elephant in the room.”

  His eyebrows rose and he moved his attention back to the label on the bottle, yet his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. “Which elephant would that be?”

  “The only one we’re ever going to talk about.” I tipped my head and lifted a finger in his direction. “Knowing you like I do, it’s probably more like a flamingo than an elephant.”

  “What are you talking about, crazy girl?”

  “Your ex. Whoever did this to you. That’s what’s going on right now, right? You told me you were still hung up on her.” I twisted my lips in thought, then nodded. I could picture her in my mind, beautiful and perfect, just like him. “Let me guess, she’s got legs that go on for miles, is dainty and delicate, probably exotic as hell, and everyone loves her. Am I right?” I didn’t wait for confirmation. I nodded proudly, as if I’d just solved the world’s greatest puzzle. “Of course I’m right. See? Flamingo.”

  His eyes bore into mine as the strobe-lights from the dance floor reflected in them and made him look dangerous. “Careful Cady. You almost sound jealous.”


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