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Page 7

by Holly Roberts

  I yearned for every minute I could spend with him before it all ended.

  Chapter Thirteen

  We dropped our clothes in the laundry room and then took a long, warm shower. Soap led to caresses and caresses to more. I was beginning to think everything with Killian led to more. We were too tired to watch a movie, so we went straight to bed after I braided my hair to ensure the wet mass wouldn’t dry hairy scary. Killian patiently watched me and then as soon as we climbed into bed, he slowly removed the hair tie and unfurled my handiwork.

  “Argh, you must like the Medusa look on me.”

  “Hmm,” he said tiredly and pulled me in close.

  His musky, just-washed scent surrounded me as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

  The alarm woke me up.

  “It’s Saturday,” I mumbled.

  “You don’t run on Saturdays?”

  I rolled over expecting him to next to me, but Killian was standing beside the bed dressed in sweats. I squinted with tired eyes and noticed the brush in his hand.

  “Sit up.”

  I tried to pull the sheet over my upper body, but he stopped me. I shouldn’t have bothered, but I chalked it up to sleepiness and not thinking clearly. I sat forward and Killian ran the brush through my hair.

  “You have a few interesting kinks.” I could hear the laughter in his voice as he continued with sure strokes, obviously trying to get my hair to lie down properly.

  I laughed, but wanted to kill him at the same time. “I have interesting kinks? Nearly naked when in the house, sex in the rain, no hair ties, and alarms that go off on Saturday mornings… you, sir, have kinks.”

  He gathered my hair behind my neck while another rumble of laughter escaped him. “Those are rules, not kinks.”

  “Rules?” He was joking, wasn’t he?

  He pretended I hadn’t spoken. “I’m changing one rule and letting you have a hair tie while you run.”

  He placed the hair tie in question around my hair.

  I so needed to switch gears. “I’m running?”

  “Would you normally run?”

  “Yes.” I couldn’t help the doubtful sound in my voice.

  “I had my trainer map a course for you with a distance of fifteen miles. There’s a paper on the kitchen counter you can take with you.”

  I fell in love all over again. “You’re not coming with me?”

  “I have a game tomorrow and don’t need to be lying in a hospital bed. I’ll be in the gym working man weights while you’re gone.”

  “Man weights?”

  “Yes. You don’t want me all skinny and wasted away to nothing do you?” he said teasingly.

  I let pretend angst enter my voice. “I’m wasted away to nothing?”

  He pinched my hip, really not managing to pull any skin. “I have no idea where you put the food you consume. I’ve never seen a woman eat the way you do.”

  Okay, now I was feeling some genuine angst. “You’d prefer I ate salad.”

  “Fuck, no. Please eat. It drives me crazy that women don’t eat, but seriously you could gain weight and still be skinny.”

  I had body issues… his words hurt. I looked away, but his fingers lifted my chin and turned my face so I had to meet his eyes.

  “You are incredibly sexy—every thin, tall, gorgeous inch and I wouldn’t change a thing. But, woman, you can eat.”

  He kissed me, morning breath and all. He tasted like coffee, so I was guessing he’d been up for a while. He pulled back slightly.

  “Are you running?” He slid his hand over my cheek, caressing his thumb across my jaw.

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  “I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

  Damn. He walked away. I put my running clothes on, looked in the mirror, and wet my hair to get rid of the kinks before walking to the kitchen.

  The map was amazing, and my heart skipped a beat when I thought about what he’d done.

  Killian followed me outside after I drank a large glass of water. He hit the button on the controller in his hand and the front gates opened.

  “Hurry back.” He kissed me quickly then walked inside the house.

  His neighborhood was incredible. Low-hanging trees, mega-mansions, and amazing cars parked in long, gated driveways. For someone like me, I didn’t even know areas like this existed in the city.

  I had clicked the timer on my watch when I started, and after the first mile did my stretches and then resumed my run. The sun was just coming over the horizon when I started, but within thirty minutes, full daylight commenced. The hot, muggy weather of late August was in full gear. I paced myself knowing my body wasn’t sweating the way it would in dryer heat.

  I could really get used to living in this world, but I hardened my heart and continued running until I couldn’t think past each step. My lungs expanded and endorphins took over. The path was mine.

  I did my final stretches under a tree in Killian’s front yard before going inside. I’d planned to hit the shower, but loud rock music drew me to his workout room. He had a full gym in his home and I watched as he lowered the weights after a butterfly lift then stood to his full height. Sweat poured from his skin and his muscles bulged. He was male perfection, delicious eye candy, and for a short time, all mine.

  He turned and I saw the same look on his face that must have been on mine. He walked over and turned off the music.

  “Sit.” He nodded to a bench. “Don’t move.”

  For once I couldn’t help myself. “And what if I don’t want to sit?”

  His eyebrows went up. “Feeling feisty after your run, I take it.”

  His words really weren’t a question, so I didn’t say anything.

  He gave me a small sexy grin. “I got caught up in some email, but I’d really like to finish my workout and then get in the pool with you.”

  He’d explained why he wanted me to sit after I’d voiced an objection. Warm fuzzies centered between my thighs as I took a seat and enjoyed my view of Killian’s scrumptious body.

  He focused on his workout and didn’t seem to know I was in the room. Killian gave absolute focus to his training and I realized, at his game when he blew the kiss, that taking his mind from the game was something special.

  I so wanted Killian’s babies.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The entire day was glorious. We watched a movie after dinner and when the movie was over, we walked hand in hand to his bedroom. I’d lost count of how many times we’d had sex that day. My body ached in all the right places, and I was surprised when he settled me in close and turned off the light.

  “Tomorrow could be difficult for you,” he said into the darkness.

  His voice had that low, husky timbre that made me think of sex. “Difficult how?”

  His tone went serious, but stayed low. “I have a game-day routine and it’s pretty intense. I don’t talk a lot and I need you to hang with it.”

  “I could go home in the morning and go to the game later. I really don’t need to be here.”

  He pulled me in tighter. “I want you here.”

  “Okay. I’ll hang.” I snuggled in as close as I could, glad I wouldn’t be leaving tomorrow.

  With just a touch of light shining through the windows, I woke up to gentle suction on my nipple and Killian’s fingers delving between my thighs.

  “Is this part of your game-day routine?” My sleepy voice held a smile.

  “Mmm, it is now.” He raised his head and moved over me. “I’ll see how I play today and decide if I’ll keep this new routine. We may need to change it up to just a blow job if it taxes my strength too much.”

  “You’re horrible,” I laughed.

  The slow warm glide of his cock cut off my laughter and I helped Killian start his game day.


  He wasn’t kidding when he said he didn’t talk much. He’d warned me, but it was difficult. Hard rock music blasted from unseen speakers throughout the house. I couldn’t get away from it. I final
ly walked out into the backyard where the sound was slightly below a roar and called Amanda.

  “Did you get the tickets?” I asked.

  “Yep, and we’re back in the skybox. Lyle and I decided to keep you as a friend even if you are dating a man far out of our league.”

  “No one is out of your league and you know it.”

  “Well, aren’t you sweet? But seriously, don’t forget us when you get absorbed into the flashy lifestyle of the rich and famous.”

  My laugh wasn’t very lighthearted. “You know this is short lived.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Amanda asked with a touch of pique in her voice. “Your romance just began and you’re already trying to end it?”

  “It’s a fling. And…as my best friend, you know I never end it. The guys dump me.”

  “Two guys. It’s only been two and neither were good enough for you. I’m reserving judgment on the football stud, but seriously, chances are he’s not good enough for you either.”

  “Stop, please. I’m refusing to let my heart get involved here and you’re not helping.”

  Scoffing laughter sounded from my cell phone. “That’s the biggest whopper you’ve ever told me. If your heart wasn’t involved you wouldn’t be having sex with him.”

  I heard a noise and turned. Killian stood half in the doorway listening. He quickly backed up with a look on his face I couldn’t even begin to describe.

  “Sorry, Amanda, I need to go.”

  She heard the trepidation in my voice and stopped laughing. “You okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I’ll see you at the game.” I clicked the end button sincerely hoping I was still attending the game.

  I went inside searching for Killian. The music shut off, leaving the house deathly quiet. A minute later, he walked past me from the direction of his bedroom. He grabbed his car keys from the key holder before turning my way.

  “I’m taking a ride. I’ll be back in time to pick you up for the game.” He headed to the garage.

  “Killian, I’m sorry.”

  He stopped, glanced over his shoulder, and pierced me with his dark, intense eyes. “I can’t do this right now.” His voice held no emotion whatsoever.

  I stood frozen and watched him leave. Never had I thought I’d be the one to hurt him. He was Killian MacGregor and I was Rebecca Cavanaugh. We’d been together for a little over a week and it was too soon for the heavy feeling surrounding my heart.

  Tears welled behind my eyes. If I really thought about it, Amanda was right. I wouldn’t have slept with Killian unless my heart was involved. Maybe if it ended now, I could avoid the months of devastation I’d felt after Greg dumped me.

  My mind stayed on Greg for a moment. He was barely a memory, and I couldn’t picture his smile. I’d never forget Killian’s. Protecting my heart was useless. The only consolation was that if Killian was upset, it had to mean his heart was involved, too.

  We’d had mind-blowing sex, made small talk, and gotten to know each other in small ways. What we hadn’t done is talk about our hopes or dreams. I thought it was too early for that kind of deep discussion, but Killian needed to know about the other two men before him. I’d planned babies with them, too. They consumed me, and I knew I was borderline co-dependent. Yes, I could stand on my own feet, support myself, and make my own decisions, but I seemed to attach myself to guys too easily. They became my world and the cloying part of my behavior chased them away. I knew my faults.

  He returned two hours later. I waited, fully dressed, on the couch and stood when he entered. He went to his room, grabbed his sports bag, placed it on the kitchen counter, and walked over to me.

  I could actually feel myself trembling and tried to hide my fears behind a stoic expression. Killian’s hand came out and hooked behind my neck, jerking me into a hard kiss. Holding my hair and neck, he tilted my head to gain better access. His teeth nipped, and his tongue invaded and consumed more than just my mouth.

  I was his.

  I sucked in needed air when he finally pulled back all of two centimeters.

  “That was not cool. You aren’t getting away that easily. Do you get it now?”

  I couldn’t help my relieved smile. “I get it,” I said against his lips.

  He gave me another mind-blowing kiss that had me rising to my toes before he took my hand and walked me out to his car. After he settled behind the wheel, he grabbed my hand and placed it on his thigh keeping it there the entire way to the stadium. Neither of us spoke; Killian needed to focus on his game.

  Security waved him through to the underground garage. It was much different than the day I attended the game with my friends. As we walked inside, I could sense Killian was no longer on the same mental realm as me, but he continued to hold my hand until he handed me off to security. No kiss. No hug. Not one word.

  Killian was in the zone.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Thankfully, Malory waited. No one else was in the skybox. She threw her arms around me and I realized I so needed some form of human connection. She pulled away and we sat down so she didn’t need to crank her head back to speak with me.

  She wore a different team jersey, not quite as flashy as the one from the previous week, but she still looked gorgeous.

  “I can just imagine how you feel on your first game day with Killian,” she said enthusiastically.

  “How do you know I’m with him?”

  She laughed. “The entire team knows you’re with him. Don’t be a fool; this is the biggest gossip going at the moment.”

  Heat traveled over my cheeks, which only made her laugh harder.

  “So why would Killian having a woman with him be gossip? It’s more likely him not having a woman would add more to his rumor quota.”

  Her face took on a secretive look. “Don’t get me wrong…Killian dates lots of different women.”

  My stomach clenched, but she went on.

  “What he doesn’t do is hide them at his house and keep the team away with death threats.”

  “Death threats?”

  “Yes, silly. He told the guys to back off and stay away until he invited them or he’d do bodily damage. Several of the players work out at his house on Saturdays, including my husband. Now they’re nixed until he gives the word. So tell me, just how good is Football God MacGregor?”

  More heat traveled into my face. “You’re as bad as Amanda and Lyle.”

  She gave me a stern look. “That didn’t answer my question.”

  “You’re married!”

  She laughed again. “Yes, I’m married to a mega-hunk, but really…we’re talking about Killian here.”

  I relented a little. “If we don’t count game day, he’s wonderful.”

  Malory stopped laughing. “Game days suck and this is only pre-season. Max doesn’t shower until he gets to the stadium no matter how desperately he needs it. He says it’s bad luck. In the beginning of our relationship, he didn’t want me to shower either.” Exasperation showed on her face. “That was an easy one. Hell no! I told him to find a new girlfriend even after he said I could shower in the ladies’ locker room here at the stadium.” She didn’t take a breath before continuing. “Does Killian have any game-day sexual practices I can use to bribe him later?”

  The tightening in my stomach had slowly disappeared as she spoke, and my sense of humor returned.

  “You mean like whips, chains, and whip cream?”

  Malory’s mouth fell open and I fought to keep a straight face.

  “No, he doesn’t do any of those…yet.” I gave her a sly smile.

  Her mouth closed. “You’re not going to tell me anything, are you?”

  “Only that he doesn’t talk on game day.”

  “That’s a rough one. Max never shuts up. It’s his nerves and game ADHD. He runs around the house a hundred miles an hour. It’s actually a relief when we leave for the stadium. If I could convince him that I should drive, I think it would be more survivable.”

  We ta
lked for more than an hour. A bartender eventually came in and started getting the room ready.

  I still had to ask, “Why are we the only two here?”

  “Most of the wives and girlfriends sit down in the family seats. When Killian renegotiated his contract, he insisted on seats up here and he lets me use one because he knows Max brings me early. They’ve been friends since college, so I get a few of the spoils that come with Killian’s stardom.”

  “Amanda and Lyle told me all about your husband when I went to dinner with them a few days ago. I don’t think Maxwell Blitz is too shabby.”

  “Don’t get me wrong…Max is one of the best at his position, but Killian is in a different ballgame. He’s one of the top players in the league, if not number one. Everyone’s talking about how he’ll do with a real girlfriend for a change.”

  “I can’t believe people already think I’m his girlfriend.”

  “Wait until the tabloids get ahold of this news. You’re still in college, a runner, and a little on the young side. This is going to be fun.”

  I buried my head in my hands and mumbled, “No fun. It’s going to be hell.” I lifted my chin. “So how do you know so much about me?”

  “I found out everything as soon as Killian asked me to watch out for you last week.” She raised her cell. “Smartphone here. You’re on the Internet as a runner for the state team. I also saw your high school stats. Pretty amazing, actually.”

  “In high school, yes, but college is a different story.”

  “Hey, don’t knock yourself. I specialized in chasing boys back in high school, aka cheerleader. I didn’t receive a scholarship and the only school that accepted my paid tuition was a community college. I continued my specialization until I met Max.”


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