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The Nauti Boys Collection

Page 130

by Lora Leigh

  “Zeke is not a whoremonger,” she bit out between clenched teeth.

  “Yeah, you’ll take up for him, but you don’t give a shit when I call you a tramp,” he accused roughly, his eyes narrowing as his entire body seemed to quiver with outrage. “Your daddy raised you better than this, girl.”

  “My daddy raised me to have enough confidence in myself to do whatever the hell I want with whoever the hell I want,” she yelled back, nearly shaking in her own anger now. “How dare you think you can take me to task for anything, Jonesy? You don’t have that right, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let you pretend you do.”

  He was six feet tall to her five feet seven in her highest heels. She was in his face, snarling back at him, overwhelmed by her anger. She hated being told what to do or being taken to task for decisions she made. She was an adult. She knew what the hell she was doing even when she wasn’t certain of the way to get there, and she knew she was damned sick and tired of others trying to tell her she was too young, too inexperienced, or evidently raised to do things differently than she was.

  Jonesy was still glaring down at her. His breathing was rough, face flushed. At his side, his beefy hands were curled into fists as though it was all he could do to keep from hitting her.

  She knew him. She knew his rages, and she knew his affection, but she didn’t understand his sudden animosity toward Zeke.

  “You used to understand how the world works around here, Rogue,” he spat out. “What the hell happened to you?”

  The way the world worked around here. Here being Pulaski County, as though it was a separate part of the rest of the world.

  “Oh, don’t worry, Jonesy, I understand the rules very well, and I intend to break every one I can,” she informed him with a tight smile.

  Jonesy and his damned rules. Stay with your own kind, he’d always warned her. White trash to white trash, upper-class trash to upper-class trash, and she was somewhere in between and yet somewhere above them all. She could return to Boston and take her place as a society princess there, or she could stick to her own kind here. That being the hard-drinking, motorcycle-riding men and women that made the Bar their home away from home. To Jonesy, she shouldn’t look any further for entertainment or for a relationship.

  “This ain’t about breaking the rules, you little twit,” he bit out in disgust.

  Her eyes narrowed as she began to shake in fury. “Don’t call me a twit, Jonesy.”

  “Then don’t act like one,” he sneered. “I’ve just about had enough of it. That sheriff ain’t gonna do nothin’ but use you up, just like he does his other women. You’re nothing but another notch in his bedpost, and you’ll be a small one at that.”

  Rogue didn’t flinch at the accusation, but it hurt. Damn, that one had been below the belt, and she felt vibrations of the pain racing through her. A part of her feared he was right; another part of her was determined to take what she wanted no matter the cost.

  “Where I get notched is none of your business though, is it?” she asked him. “Your job is to run that bar out there, not my life. If you can’t keep a civil tongue in your head otherwise, then you can get the hell out.”

  His eyes widened, darkened as anger flushed his face deeper and creased his rough face.

  “Get the hell out? I’ve been here since before your ass was born,” he yelled, stepping closer. “You don’t tell me to get out, little girl.”

  “I’m telling you if you don’t learn how to keep your insults and your sneers to yourself, then replacing you will be my first priority after I have my bouncers throw your ass to the curb.”

  Surprise flickered over his face. “I hired those bouncers. Those are my men.”

  “I sign their paychecks. They’ll do as I say or they’ll find themselves on the curb with you,” she yelled back.

  She had always trusted Jonesy; she had never known a moment’s fear of him, until that second. Those big hands reached out for her, his fingers curving harshly around her upper arms before he shook her like a rag doll.

  “The hell you will.” He pushed her back just as suddenly.

  Rogue felt her hip hit the corner of the desk, her hair flying around her as she fought to steady herself and retreat far enough that he couldn’t grab her again.

  She stared at him in shock and in hurt. Jonesy, for all their fights, had never laid a hand on her, had never become threatening.

  “That’s out of line, Jonesy. You don’t want to touch me again.” His lips twisted furiously as he paused, his gaze narrowing on her. “Someone needs to show you your damned place. You’ve become a disgrace to your daddy, and I’ll be damned if I’ll put up with it much longer.”

  He started for her again. Rogue felt her heart racing, a tingle of fear tearing through her as she glimpsed the pure rage that seemed to transform his face. She moved to jump back, only to find herself frozen as Jonesy suddenly swung away from her, his heavy body crashing into the wall from the fist that had been planted in his jaw.

  Zeke stood before her, dressed in jeans, a black shirt, and boots, his expression icy, his hawklike gaze burning in fury.

  “Get the hell out!” Zeke’s voice rang with authority and with pure unbridled power. “Now.”

  Shit. This wasn’t good. How the hell had she managed to let her argument with Jonesy develop into this? If these two men fought, then there would end up being bloodshed.

  “Jonesy, get your ass back to the bar,” she snapped as Jonesy came slowly to his feet.

  Zeke’s gaze swung around to her. There was no shock, no surprise on his face, there was no fury. His expression was emotionless, but his eyes burned.

  “Did he sneak into the back?” Jonesy sneered. “I bet you this bar he did.”

  “You don’t have this bar to bet with,” she told him, her heart was in her throat now as she fought to get him out of the office. “Now get back to work. And don’t worry about coming back after tonight until you can get your stupidity under control.”

  He flashed her a glare filled with animosity. “My stupidity is the least of your worries.” It sounded like a warning. “But, hell yeah, I’ll get out of your office. You want to play this bastard’s whore, then go for it. See who gives a damn when it’s all over and you’re the one crying in your beer rather than those pathetic little sluts you’ve consoled over the years.”


  Rogue ignored Zeke’s suddenly penetrating look as Jonesy straightened, threw them both a furious glance, and stalked back out of the office. The opened door slammed behind him with enough force to leave Rogue wincing.

  She faced Zeke. Two days. She hadn’t seen or heard from him in two days, and she was at the point that she didn’t want to see or hear from him.

  Men. They made women insane for a reason. They were so damned closed minded and closed in on themselves that it made her crazy. Even her father shared those qualities, to a point.

  “You can leave now as well,” she told Zeke as his broad shoulders shifted beneath the black shirt.

  “You know that’s not going to happen.” Was his voice deeper than she remembered it or had she just never seen him angry before?

  She knew his effect on her hadn’t gone away. Her heart was tripping in her chest, excitement filled her, and she swore she could almost taste him in her mouth again. Wild, tangy, and completely sexy. She wanted more of him, and she knew it was the last thing she should allow herself to reach out for.

  But she ached for him. Ached for his kiss, his touch. She ached for more than a few hidden little bedroom sessions and the knowledge that just as Jonesy accused, she would be no more than a very small notch on his bedpost.

  “One fight a night is enough.” She rubbed at her arms, knowing she had more to face tonight than just this overriding need for Zeke’s touch.

  She had never been frightened of Jonesy as long as she had known him. They had yelled, screamed, thrown things, but he had never shaken her, he had never let his anger spike to the point that he was a threat
rather than a friend.

  “Let me see your arms.” He advanced.

  Rogue retreated behind her desk. “My arms are fine.”

  “Your arms are fucking bruised,” he bit out, his expression becoming livid now. “Do you think I don’t see those bruises forming even now, Rogue? Do you think I’ll stand for it?”

  Rogue pressed her lips together in an effort to gain control. She was halfway tempted to bite her tongue just to hold back her own anger.

  “I think, quite simply, that it’s none of your damned business.” And that was no less than the truth. “You’re not my father, my brother, my lover, or my husband, so I guess you lucked out in the explanations department, didn’t you?”

  What stroke of fate had decided that this man had to fascinate her as no other did? That his kiss, his touch had to torment her, haunt her? She didn’t want this, and she knew he didn’t, either. He had proven that two days ago when he had sent her on her way without so much as a good-bye kiss, a hug. There had been nothing to soften the humiliation that had filled her. That still filled her.

  Having him here in her office, seeing him, being close to him was torture. She had fantasized for so many years, dreamed of him for so long. The knowledge that she couldn’t have him, not fully, sliced through her soul like a dull knife.

  “You’re fooling yourself,” he told her, his voice rough. “We’re going to be lovers, Rogue. We both know it.”

  She shook her head to that.

  God, she was tired of this internal fight within herself. Lately, it seemed her emotions were never under control, and she blamed him for that. He had tilted her world on its axis, and she was having a hell of a time straightening it back up.

  “I think, Zeke, being lovers would be the worst decision the two of us could make. You need to turn around and leave. Get back in your nifty little sheriff’s vehicle, and go look up one of your former closet lovers or whoever you keep dangling as a replacement. Because this isn’t going to work.”

  She wouldn’t hide in a closet. She couldn’t. Rogue knew that the one thing she couldn’t do was enter into an emotionless relationship with this man.

  His lips tilted as she watched him. A half grin, filled with male confidence and certainty. He stood before her, the epitome of the alpha male, and a shiver raced up her spine as he watched her. There was nothing hidden, nothing latent in that look. It was pure male power and sexual intent.

  It was dominant.

  Heat flushed through her body as she stepped back. Distance, she needed distance between them before he could follow through with that look.

  “Did you really think I was just going to let this go after the other day?” he asked, advancing on her. “You were on your knees, Rogue. You climaxed as I came in your mouth.”

  “And you pushed me right out the door five seconds later,” she reminded him. “You weren’t just ashamed that we were caught by your son. You were ashamed of being with me, period.”

  “I don’t broadcast my affairs.” His expression tightened as Rogue felt her chest ache.

  “Then you won’t be having an affair with me,” she told him quietly. “Find someone else, Zeke, because I can’t afford the broken heart.”

  She thought he would heed the request. A part of her was certain he would turn and walk right back out of her office and out of her life.

  Nothing could have prepared her for how quickly he moved, his hand latching around her wrist, pulling her to him an instant before he threw her over his shoulder and strode from the office.


  “Have you lost your mind?” Furious, outraged, Rogue beat at Zeke’s back as he strode from her office and made the turn to the stairs that led to her apartment.

  “Let me go, you bastard!” She pinched his ass, ineffective as it was through his heavy jeans.

  “Settle down, you little wildcat.” The order was followed by a heated slap to her ass, not quite a caress, too hot to be anything but a warning.

  Rogue froze. She felt the heat travel from her ass, up her spine, back down, and into places she didn’t want to consider. Not as furious as she was. Not in the position she was now in.

  “This is insane,” she screeched. “Damn you, Zeke, let me go this instant.”

  A muscular arm held her steady as he reached the landing and pushed open the door to her apartment.

  “You need a spanking,” he growled. “Leaving your apartment door unlocked like that is dangerous, Rogue.”

  “As dangerous as giving you the time of day?” She fought her hair, fought a response burning in her stomach that she didn’t want to feel.

  “As dangerous as getting on your knees and sucking my dick.” The door slammed behind him as he spoke.

  A second later, she was bouncing on the couch, fighting her hair for precious seconds before she was back on her feet, teetering in the high heels as her arm swung back, her fist clenched, and she let loose with every ounce of strength she possessed toward his face.

  Rogue had never hit anyone deliberately. She was an admitted pacifist unless backed into a corner. She could feel the corner at her back now.

  His fingers caught her wrist a second before she could make contact.

  Zeke stared at her small fist, feeling that ravenous hunger burning through him. She was his weakness, and he couldn’t figure out why. She tempted the darkness. She tempted hungers he didn’t want to admit to.

  Staring down at her, he locked her gaze with his, watching her, seeing the hurt and the anger that darkened her eyes.

  “I shouldn’t have let you go the other day,” he admitted, fighting to tamp back needs he knew he should keep carefully hidden.

  “Of course you should have.” Disdain and anger filled her voice. “That was the biggest favor you could have done me.”

  He didn’t let her go as she tugged at her wrist. He should, he knew he should. He stared into her furious little face and saw the hurt she was trying to hide. Pain he had dealt her.

  “Stop fighting me, Rogue.” He caught her other wrist as she slapped at his chest in her bid for freedom. “Settle down, we’ll talk about this.”

  God, he needed her to settle down. Now, before he lost complete control.

  “There’s something to talk about?” Her eyes narrowed on him, defiance shimmering in those violet eyes. “Sorry, Zeke, but I guess I just don’t have much left to say.”

  She struggled against him again. It wasn’t a halfhearted struggle; the little minx was putting some serious effort into breaking his hold. The harder she fought against him, the more he tensed. He could feel that haze of lust burning at the edges of his vision. He hadn’t felt it in years, not since leaving L.A., not since he had begun denying those urges and refusing to allow himself lovers that knew how to push those buttons. But never had he had a woman as innocent, as unknowing as Rogue awaken that core of sexuality he possessed.

  “Rogue, enough.” He heard his own voice deepen, felt his cock hardening painfully, throbbing beneath the confinement of his jeans as his balls drew up violently.

  “Kiss off, Sheriff Mayes,” she snarled, lifting herself, glaring back at him, her eyes, those beautiful fey eyes watching him in anger and in hunger. He could see the hunger; he could sense it, feel it.

  Before she could evade his move he had both her wrists in one hand, his other cupping her jaw. He was going to burn in hell for this and he knew it. He was helpless against it. His control was so damned thin it was all he could do to hold on, but the dominance surging forward was another control. One he reveled in, one he knew he needed to fight even as he let it have hold.

  Just for a second, he promised himself. Just for this moment. He wouldn’t let it go further. He’d keep from taking her, he’d keep himself from frightening her, from revealing all the dark acts he wanted to commit on that gorgeous little body.

  “I’d rather kiss you.”

  He held her arms behind her back, arching her closer, feeling her stomach cushion his cock as she writhed against h
im, stroking his arousal higher.

  Damn, she needed to stay still. Just for a moment.

  He held her jaw firmly, stared at her lips, felt her arching against him, and gave in to the need clawing at his mind and at his body.

  Zeke knew kissing Rogue again was a damned bad idea. He had come to talk to her, to try to figure out a way to have her and to hold back that part of himself now slipping free.

  There was no way to do it, he finally admitted to himself. As his lips covered hers, as he felt her gasp, tighten in his arms, he knew having her would mean breaking every damned rule he had lived his life by for years now.

  Not having her wasn’t an option. Not when her kiss was like fuel to a fire. Not when touching her became as important as breathing. Not when the very act of possessing her mouth sent a surge of adrenaline racing through him.

  Defiance raged in the air around him now. His tongue parted her lips, pressed forward, and felt her furious cry. But he also felt her need. She was shuddering in his arms despite her struggles, fighting not to capitulate, struggling not just against him but against the pleasure that he could have told her there was no way to resist.

  This pleasure was addictive. Rogue’s kiss. Driven with challenge. Her teeth would have nipped at his tongue if he hadn’t controlled the graceful line of her jaw. Instead, her tongue pressed against his, fought against it, and he felt a surge of heat so blistering it burned away the remaining resistance he’d built against his need for it. He wanted her to fight. He wanted her to defy him. He wanted to tie her to his bed and spend hours fucking her into exhaustion. Until there was no defiance, until there was only pleasure. No fear. No anger.

  God, he had to rein back, just a little. She was a virgin. She had no idea what he could demand from her. He had to be gentle, he had to make sure she remembered this night with pleasure. The need for that was almost as sharp as the need for her touch. As sharp as the need to hear her screaming his name.

  “Damn you,” she tried to scream as he lifted his lips and stared down at her swollen lips. “What are you trying to do to me, Zeke?”


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