The Beast and the Homecoming Queen

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The Beast and the Homecoming Queen Page 8

by Khelsey Jackson

  Quinn forces her eyes away from his wonderful body, and she hears him laughing. “I don’t mind.” She says and bites her bottom lip to try and hide her grin.

  Justin keeps laughing. “Good.” He stops by her computer chair to grab his clothes; she smiles because his butt has a large white paw print. He looks over his shoulder at her. “Is this your dress?” Quinn arches an eyebrow; he knows it is it has the shop’s logo on the bag. “Okay dumb question, can I see it?”

  She jumps out of bed and rushes over to him to grabs the dress out of his hands and shakes her head. “No, you will tonight.” She walks over to her closet and hangs up her dress.

  “I can't wait until tonight.” When she turns around he is still shirtless, but his jeans are on. “I'm going to run to my car and get some clothes.” He walks over to her with a sexy smirk. He knows that he has a beautiful body, and doesn’t mind using it against her. “You look beautiful first thing in the morning.” He kisses her cheek, and she feels like she is melting.

  Justin laughs and walks out of her room, and she stands there staring at the door. Quinn shakes her head, and grabs some clothes to get ready for the day.

  After her shower she walks down into the kitchen, and smiles at Justin. “I made you breakfast again, I’m going to take a quick shower.”

  “What no entertainment this morning? I agreed to be your girlfriend with the thought of you entertaining me.” Quinn winks at him, and he laughs.

  “Ha! You are funny this morning, and no entertainment this morning. Well…I guess you can count what happened in your room as entertainment, like a Vegas strip show.” As Justin walks by her, he taps her butt.

  “Hey!” She giggles.

  “Sorry, but not really.” Quinn smiles as she hears him laughing.

  She is getting spoiled with all this home cooked food. She smiles it's nice to have someone think about what she needs, and wants. She thinks about how she broke down with him, and how he just held her telling her that he is there and everything is going to be alright. Quinn's head knows he is the right choice, and hopes her heart agrees.

  Justin comes back with his hair wet, and wearing a gray button up shirt, with black pants. He smiles at her. “Coach said we needed to dress up for school on game day.” The shirt makes his eyes stand out.

  “You look handsome.”

  Justin laughs. “Thanks, I want to ask you to do something for me.” He holds out a white football jersey with a number twelve in light blue and a light blue wolves head. “I know it’s corny but will you wear this today for me?”

  Quinn looks back up at him and smiles. She has always wanted to be the girl wearing Justin Keto’s jersey. “Of course I will!” She says and takes it from him; she was already wearing a long sleeved black shirt so she just slips his jersey over her head.

  He smiles at her, and cups her face with his hand; she leans into him. “Do you have any hair stuff? I want to slick my back.”

  “Yep in my room.” He nods and heads out of the kitchen. Quinn can feel her heart opening for Justin. She turns her head to the side, and sniffs her shoulder; she grins she smells vanilla and peppermint. She will smell like Justin all day and she loves that.

  Justin walks back in the kitchen and winks at her. “So after school I won't be able to see you; I don’t think I will see you until haft-time.”

  Quinn sits at the table, and Justin sits next to her. “Well I will be watching you Mr. QB.”

  “Great that is no pressure at all on me,” Justin says and closes his eyes with a smile on his face. He has been the quarterback now for four years, and last year they were undefeated, and state camps.

  “I've always watched you, you are amazing out there.” Quinn says, and takes his hand.

  Justin squeezes her hand, and opens his eyes. “We need to get going.” They stand up and she is still holding his hand.

  “Okay let’s go.” She tries to pull her hand away, and he pulls her against his hard chest that she can still see bare in her mind.

  “Really?” he says, but stares at her lips.

  “Is there something you want?” she asks, and his eyes darken. Quinn wraps her arms around his neck. His lips crash down on hers, and she giggles into their kiss. She is starting to get use to his kisses, and it seems that every time they kiss she wants more and more. Quinn can taste her spearmint toothpaste, and he pulls her closer to him. She can feel her heart racing and wonders why she ever doubted him. Justin is the one to pull away, and leans his forehead against hers. When she opens her eyes she sees a grin on his face.

  His gray-yellow open to meet hers. “The only thing I want from you is your heart. I know you need to trust me, and I will wait for that.” He gently kisses the tip of her nose, and lets go of her. “I will drive behind you.” He says as he walks towards the door, and Quinn’s heart is beating rapidly.

  Quinn smiles as she pulls into a parking spot at school. Both she and Justin park next to each other, and she glances at herself in the mirror. She can’t believe how sweet Justin is, and smiles at herself in the mirror; she gets out and Justin is standing there. “I have something for you.”

  “More chocolate?” she says, and he grins.

  Justin shakes his head. “No but I will get you more.” He reaches behind him and pulls out a long black box.

  Quinn smiles and looks up at him, he hands the black box to her. She lifts the lid and sees a large sliver heart, and engraved on it is her name and a wolf head. “This is so beautiful.”

  Just takes it out of the box, and puts the necklace on her neck. “It white gold, and I left the inside blank. I figured you could put whatever picture you wanted in it.”

  Her fingers touch the heart, and she smiles at him. “Thank you I love it.” She reaches in her back pocket. “I want to take a picture with you, so I can have it in my locket.” She smiles and he takes her phone.

  “My arm is longer.” He puts his arm around her shoulders, and takes a picture. Justin hands her phone back to her.

  Quinn looks down at the new picture and smiles. She and Justin look great together. “Our first picture. I’ll see if I can print it off in art class.”

  Justin reaches in the back of her car and grabs her bag. They walk up to the school hand and hand Breanna, Mark and Kaden are standing in front of the school talking. She tightens her hand around Justin's and looks up at him. He smiles down at her.

  “I'm the one you fell asleep on last night, and the one that is holding your hand now.” Justin whispers, and she grins.

  “Quinny!” Breanna yells and runs at Quinn. Her best friend hugs her. “I was just telling Mark I can't walk into the homecoming dance with you, because you look amazing in your dress.” Breanna eyes widen when she sees the necklace. “Oh my gosh.” She picks the heart and smiles.

  “Justin just gave it to me.” Quinn smiles and looks up at him, he is looking down at her.

  Quinn looks back at her best friend, and Breanna hits Mark. “Where is my pretty necklace?” Mark laughs and winks at her.

  Quinn glances at Kaden and he smiles at her. “Good morning Quinn.” He winks at her, and she smiles.

  “Let’s get inside, don’t want to be late,” Justin says, and doesn’t sound happy. Quinn looks at Breanna and she rolls her eyes that make Quinn laugh. At least she isn’t the only one that thinks Kaden and Justin are ass faces.

  At her locker Justin hands her, her backpack. Quinn turns to face him, and grins. “You look kind of sexy when you pout.” Quinn says, and taps his cheek with her palm.

  Justin narrows his eyes, but she sees his grin. “I'm not pouting.” He lifts her and spins her around. “And babe, I’m really sexy. I saw the way you were looking at me this morning.” Quinn giggles, and he puts her back down, but keeps his arms around her.

  “Pssh, I have seen better.” Quinn flips her hair with her hand, and rolls her eyes. “Okay maybe I haven’t but that doesn’t matter.”

  Justin laughs. “Good because I would have to kill him.” She laughs,
and the bell rings. “I will see you later beautiful.” He brings his hand to her face and walks away.

  The first half of the day is uneventful, and now she is walking into the lunch room Quinn doesn’t think it will stay that way. Justin is sitting at her table and so is Kaden. The only open seat is between them.

  Quinn sighs and walks over to the table; she sits down, and Breanna mouths sorry.

  “How's your day going babe?” Justin asks and places his hand on her knee. She looks over to Justin, and she feels Kaden's leg brush against hers. Instant heat shoots from that leg.

  “Good,” she says, but wants to scream. Quinn is feeling too much, and it’s not completely just for Justin.

  Quinn sits there and listens to the noise from lunch room, and Breanna is talking. Quinn knows that her best friend is trying to get the attention off of her the awkwardness and the upcoming elections. After lunch everyone will be voting for Queen and King.

  Quinn can't handle being in the middle of Kaden and Justin anymore. She stands up, and backs away from the table. “I'll you all later.” Quinn says, and turns away from the table.

  Quinn walks into a bathroom, and looks at herself in the mirror. She looks pale, and not like herself. She normally has tan skin, and right now she is white as snow. Her hazel-blue eyes seem to be a dark blue today, and she has never seen that before; they were more hazel than blue.

  Her body feels like it may explode with the heat rising in her. And her heart is beating so fast it feels like it might beat out of her chest.

  “Quinn?” Kaden's voice fills the bathroom, and she looks up in the mirror. Kaden is standing by the door; he walks in and locks the door behind him.

  “What are you doing?” She turns around to look at him and the now locked door.

  “Don't worry Princess, I have something I need to tell you and don’t want anyone walking in.” He winks at her, and moves closer. “We don’t need to worry about Justin, his coach came looking for him after you left. There is a dark secret your father and mother kept from you, something they should have told you a long time ago. You aren’t what you think you are, you are what I am.” Kaden stops in front of her, and brushes his fingers on her cheek.

  Quinn moves her face away from his touch. “What are you talking about?”

  “What I am talking about is what you are. Tell me are you feeling different today?” Quinn doesn’t say anything, she just looks down. “Tonight is a full moon; you are going to change for the first time tonight at midnight.” She looks back at him now. “Oh so that got your attention. I am a werewolf, and so is Justin. The only thing is he is a pure blood like you and I am a mutt.”

  Quinn doesn’t do anything for a minute, but stares at Kaden; she shakes her head. He must be watching too much TV and movies. “You are crazy.”

  Kaden smiles sadly at her. “I feel like I am most days, but I am telling you the truth. I’m the only one that thinks you should know before your bones start breaking and you think your dying.”

  A chill runs through her body. “You're joking, playing some sick joke on me,” Quinn says, and backs up until her back hits the wall.

  Kaden walks back to her, and touches her face. “I wish I was joking, I wish this wasn’t going to happen to you. I would never want this for you, if I could I would take your change for you.” Quinn closes her eyes.

  “If this is true, that I am a werewolf then why didn’t Justin tell me? He has had plenty of time to tell me.” She opens her eyes to find dark blue eyes inches from hers.

  “Because, Princess, you aren’t suppose to know until tonight. I couldn’t let you go through the pain without knowing.” Kaden's eyes wander to Quinn's lips, and she puts her hand on his chest.

  “Kaden stop.” There is too much going on to deal with Kaden, even if she wants to feel his lips against hers.

  The bell rings, and she wants to get away. “Kaden I need to go.” And think, but she doesn’t add that.

  “I'm sure you need to think, that's fine. But know that I am here for you.” She nods, and darts under his arm and heads to the door.

  Quinn walks into her art class, and sits down. What Kaden just told her has her shaking, and she doesn’t know if she should believe him. Her hand goes to the beautiful locket that is around her neck.

  Her fingernail traces the outline of the wolves head, and she wonders if that is there for werewolf or the school mascot.

  After Mr. Rimes tells them to get to work she stands up, and walks over to him. Quinn stills wants to print the picture off.

  “Mr. Rimes can I print a picture off of my phone?” He nods, and she walks over to the computer.

  “What are you doing here Justin?” Someone asks, and Quinn looks up to see the man in question walking towards her. He hands some papers to Mr. Rimes.

  “Voting time.” Mr. Rimes says, and starts passing the papers out.

  “Hey beautiful.” Justin says, and leans against the table. “Are you okay?”

  Quinn nods, and looks back at the screen. She already knows how big the picture should be, so she prints it, and grabs the scissors.

  “Quinn, what's going on? Are you mad at me?” Quinn looks up at Justin, and he looks hurt.

  She shakes her head. “No, I am just nervous about tonight.” She isn’t lying, she is scared she will trip and fall. Now she has to worry about being a werewolf.

  Chapter Nine

  Homecoming Queen

  Quinn and Justin walk to her locker after Mrs. Schmidt’s class. During the class she couldn’t even look at Kaden, and she could feel his eyes on her. Even now holding Justin's hand she feels like something is off, like something is missing. Quinn cares for Justin, but she wants to know what Kaden said is true.

  “Quinn what is going on? You seem distant, are you having second thoughts about us?” Quinn turns around, and as soon as she sees him her heart breaks.

  “No I’m not having second thoughts, I already told you. I’m nervous for tonight, that’s all.” Quinn touches Justin cheek, and smiles. “I want to be with you.”

  Justin searches her eyes, and nods. “And I want to be with you.” He leans his forehead against hers. “But I will see you later.” He gives her a quick kiss, and leaves her.

  Quinn waves to a few people that say hi to her, and she stops at her car. She throws backpack in the back seat of her car, and sits behind the steering wheel. She looks out the windshield and sees three dark pink dahlias. Quinn just stares at them for a couple of minutes; she knows who they came from.

  As she drives away she watches the dahlias fly off of her car. At home she takes the dress out of the closet, and stares at it. Breanna will be here in like ten minutes to help with Quinn's hair. She goes in the bathroom and grabs everything she needs, and heads downstairs. Her mind is still on what Kaden said that she is a werewolf. Quinn wonders if her being a werewolf is what Justin has been keeping, and what he is planning on telling her tonight. If Justin says he loves her too she will scream. Quinn can't handle that right now.

  Quinn heads to the door when she hears a knock, and is happy to see her best friend standing there.

  “Quinny what's wrong?” Breanna asks as she walks into the house.

  “Nothing besides being in the middle of Kaden and Justin.” Quinn sits at the kitchen table where she has the hair stuff set up.

  “Can I be the mayo on that sandwich?” Breanna laughs and pugs in the curling iron.

  Quinn laughs and shakes her head. “Did you really just say that?”

  “Oh I did, and you love it.” Breanna winks and Quinn shakes her head.

  “I wouldn’t say I love it.” Breanna comes to Quinn and runs her fingers through Quinn's hair. “It's like my heart wants both of them, but at different times. One minute I think I should be with Kaden, and the next minute I think I should be with Justin. I feel like I am losing my freaking mind.” Quinn puts her head on the table and Breanna puts her hand on her shoulder.

  “Oh Quinny, I am so sorry that this is hard on yo
u. I love you and only want what is best for you. I know I pushed you towards Justin, because I thought he would make you whole again.” Quinn lifts her head, and looks at her best friend. She has been the only one that has truly known Quinn and the one that stood by her.

  “I am whole,” Quinn says, and turns her head to smile at Breanna. “Thanks to you, you are the reason I am still here and alive. After I found my dad I wanted to die, but you saved me. Not Kaden or Justin, but you.” Quinn stands up and wraps her arms around Breanna's neck. “I love you Breanna Brown.”

  “Oh Quinny, I love you too and I am always here for you. You are my sister, my family.” Breanna squeezes her, and moves away. “Now let’s make you look drop dead beautiful.”

  Quinn stares at herself in the mirror, and grins. Her eyelids have light rainbow pastel, and black mascara. Her lips have a peach shimmery gloss, and her face looks flawless. Breanna added fake eyelashes and added black mascara to make her eyes pop, and they do pop. It's the first thing you notice on Quinn's face. The bronzer adds more color to her cheeks and she loves it.

  An hour and half later Quinn is driving to the school for the homecoming game. She has her dress hanging in the backseat. She has to get dress in the locker room during the second quarter. Quinn glances in the mirror and smiles. She looks amazing, her long blonde hair has a large puff in the front of her hair, and two long braids that hang over her shoulders; Breanna added curls at the ends.

  Quinn parks her car and Breanna parks next to her. She gets out and they walk to the bleachers.

  They sit down and Quinn sees Chris and his wife walking up. He nods towards the empty bleacher, and she nods.

  “Hello Quinn, it's nice to see you again. This is my wife and Justin's mother Mary.” Quinn smiles at the beautiful brunette, and is greeted by warm chocolate eyes.

  Quinn smiles, and stands up she puts her hand out. “It's nice to meet you Mary.” Quinn shakes the other woman's hand.


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