The Beast and the Homecoming Queen

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The Beast and the Homecoming Queen Page 9

by Khelsey Jackson

  “It is so nice to finally meet you. I have heard so many great things about you.” Mary smiles, and Quinn sits down.

  “Bree?” Quinn looks over to her best friend, and she smiles. “Want to help me get ready in a little bit?”

  Breanna smiles, and nods. “Of course, Quinny.”

  Everyone stands up when the wolves football team run onto the field. The band plays the school's song as the cheerleaders dance along. A year ago Quinn would be on that field cheering and dancing. After the school song everyone sits down. She notices two boys sit in front of her, and she has never seen them.

  The one with short light red hair turns around and smiles at Quinn. “Hello beautiful.” Quinn raises an eyebrow and smiles slightly. “Why don’t we have some fun under the bleachers?”

  Quinn laughs. “Seriously that is your pick up line?” She spots number twelve watching her.

  “No, the hello beautiful was the pick-up line.” Quinn takes her eyes off Justin and looks back to the red head.

  “Well you might want to think of a different one, try introducing yourself.” Quinn smiles and looks back at the field, Breanna giggles.

  “Stuck up bitch,” Red says, and Quinn narrows her eyes. Before she could say or do anything Chris is stand up, and hold red's shoulders.

  “That is no way to talk to a woman, apologize to her and leave.” Chris's voice sounds deeper.

  Red looks at her, and his eyes are wide. “S-sorry.” he stutters.

  “Now go,” Chris says, red and the other boy leave. “Sorry Quinn, but my son looked like he was going to charged up here.” Quinn glances down, and Justin has his helmet off. “But I think that boy got off easy, if you ask me.”

  “Thank you,” Quinn says, and Chris bows his head then sits down.

  Thanks to Justin and his amazing arm, the Wolves have fourteen points and the Ravens have zero.

  “Breanna, are you ready?” She nods, and they stand up.

  “You do look beautiful Quinn.” Chris Keto says, Quinn smiles.

  “Thank you.” Quinn walks away with Breanna to get ready.

  Breanna zips up Quinn's dress, and Quinn turns around to look at herself her mouth drops open. She is beautiful, and the dress looks more amazing on her then it did yesterday.

  “Oh my gosh, you look incredible!” Breanna hugs her. “Just wait until Justin and Kaden see you. They are going to freak!”

  Quinn giggles as Breanna pulls away. “Thank you for making me look incredible.”

  Breanna rolls her eyes. “Whatever I didn’t do that much, you are just naturally beautiful.” Quinn smiles and shakes her head. “Now let’s get you out there future homecoming queen.” Quinn laughs and links arms with her best friend.

  Breanna gives Quinn one more hug, and walks away leaving Quinn to stand at the edge of the football field. She can see Mrs. Schmidt and Jenna walking up, the two king candidates are football players so they will join Jenna and Quinn on the field. Justin is walking her out, and Mark is walking Jenna out.

  Mrs. Schmidt grins at Quinn. “Hello Quinn, you look beautiful. How are you doing?”

  Quinn bites her bottom lip, and shrugs. “I'm nervous.”

  “You shouldn’t be I’m going to win. I will be queen and Justin will be my king like it’s supposed to be,” Jenna says, and bats her eyes at Quinn. Quinn glares at Jenna, she can't believe she just said, and in front of Mrs. Schmidt.

  Quinn opens her mouth to say something but Mrs. Schmidt touches her shoulder. “Jenna, that is enough.”

  Quinn looks at the field and watches the wolves score another touchdown. When the second quarter is done and both teams start to walk off the field. Most of them say something to Quinn and Jenna.

  Quinn doesn't say anything, she looks for number twelve. As soon as she sees Justin, his face lights up, and a smile widens on his face.

  Justin runs towards her, and stops a foot in front of her. “Quinn you take my breath away.” She smiles at him, and doesn’t feel that nervous anymore. He places his hand over his heart. “I want to hug you right now, but I would get you dirty.”

  Quinn laughs, and closes the remaining space. Even in heels she has to stand on her tippy toes to kiss Justin. It's only a quick kiss, she it makes her feel better.

  “You are so freaking amazing.” Justin grins down at her.

  “Justin you used to tell me that when I would be on my knees for you,” Jenna says, and Quinn feels her face heat up.

  “Jenna, what the hell is your problem?” Justin asks, and sounds pissed off.

  “I am only telling the truth,” Jenna says, and Quinn closes her eyes.

  “Are you all ready to head out there?” Mrs. Schmidt asks the four of them. Justin takes Quinn's hand.

  Justin puts his lips next to Quinn's ear. “I am here, nothing bad will happen.”

  The four of them walk on the field. She and Jenna are standing by each other. Sara Nelson was last years homecoming queen, and she has the new crown in her hands. She smiles at Quinn and Jenna, and winks at the boys.

  “It's time to announce this years homecoming queen. I have counted the votes myself, and double checked. Sara will you please crown our queen,” Mrs. Schmidt says. Sara walks behind Quinn and Jenna. Quinn glances at Justin, he winks at her, and that makes her smile. The crowd starts screams Quinn's and Jenna's name, and then Quinn feels the weight on her head. She covers her mouth; she has been crown homecoming queen. “Congratulations, Quinn Murphy!”

  Quinn turns to Jenna to give her a hug, and she shakes her head. Whatever she didn’t want to hug Jenna anyways. “Now our king.” Quinn turns her head to watch Sara hover the royal blue and silver crown above Justin's and Mark's heads. Sara places the crown on Justin's head, and Quinn smiles. She and Justin are the queen and king of homecoming. “Justin Keto, you are the king! Congratulations!” Mrs. Schmidt and Sara kiss Justin on the cheek. He quickly looks at her, and mouths sorry.

  Justin walks over to her and without touching her, he leans down to her lips. “May I have a kiss my Queen?” He smirks down at her.

  Quinn smiles up at him. “Why of course, my King.” His lips slowly find their way to hers, and the crowd goes wild. They start stomping their feet on the metal bleacher, yelling and clapping. Justin pulls away, and winks.

  Quinn and Justin wave then walk off of the field. “I will see you later my beautiful queen.” Justin says, then him and Mark run to the locker room.

  Mrs. Schmidt gives Quinn a hug, and Jenna glares at her. “I am so happy for you Quinn.”

  “Thank you, I can't believe it.” Quinn really can't believe it Jenna is more popular than her.

  “Me either, I think someone rigged it,” Jenna says and crosses her arms against her chest. Mrs. Schmidt moves to look at Jenna.

  “Jenna,” Mrs. Schmidt says, and sounds angry. “Let’s talk.” She walks over to Jenna and puts her hand on her shoulder.

  Breanna runs over to her and hugs her. “I freaking knew you were going to win! I am so happy for you Quinny.” Quinn looks up to find Kaden standing there. He smiles at her, and she looks down.

  “Thanks.” Quinn pulls away from her best friend, and touches the crown. “I am the freaking homecoming queen.”

  “I know!” Breanna giggles.

  “Congratulations Queen Quinn.” Kaden says and bows to her. “You look beautiful, but you always do.”

  Quinn smiles, and is about to say something but Chris and Mary walk up. “Congratulations Quinn.”

  Chris says, and then turns his head to look at his son. “Kaden.”

  “Hello old man.” Kaden says, and smiles.

  “I don’t think you should be talking to Quinn like that.” Chris says, and Quinn frowns.

  “Chris I wasn't bugging her, I was only stating the truth.” Kaden looks back at Quinn and smiles, her heart skips a beat. “Quinn knows how I feel, and no one can take that away.” Kaden is talking to his dad, but keeps his eyes on Quinn.

  “Quinn and Kaden lets go sit back down.”
Breanna says, and puts a hand on their shoulders. Quinn is so thankful that Breanna did that.

  Quinn sits between Kaden and Breanna. The two football teams run back on the field and everyone stands up. The Wolves are winning twenty-six to zero.

  Quinn shivers, and out of the corner of her eye she sees Kaden looking at her. “Your cold.” He takes off his black leather jacket, and puts it around her shoulders.

  “Thank you, Kaden.” She looks at him and smiles.

  “Sweetheart, there is no need to thank me. Besides my brother would beat me if he knew I let you sit here cold.” He winks and nods towards the field. Quinn looks and sees Justin with his helmet off staring at her and Kaden.

  Quinn waves at Justin and he nods, then the head coach yells at him to put his helmet on.

  Fifty-seven minutes later Quinn and Breanna are waiting for Justin and Mark. Many people told her congratulations, and some even mention her dad. During the rest of the game Kaden and her didn’t talk, and right after the game she handed him his jacket back to him. Quinn didn’t see Chris and Mary Keto again until now; they are standing about forty feet away from her with some of the other parents.

  Breanna left ten minutes before the game was done to get her dress on.

  Some of the football players walk out of the locker room and everyone starts clapping. The moment when Quinn's eyes meet gray-yellow eyes, everything around her quiets down, and she is running towards him. His strong arms catch her and he swings her around.

  “Good job, Justin.” Quinn kisses his cheek.

  “Thanks, I had to impress a girl. Do you think it worked?” He puts her down on her feet; she nods as she looks up and him. Quinn knows he is mad, about Kaden and the jacket. “Hey! Mom and Dad!” Quinn backs away to let his parents hug him, and she feels like crap.

  Her body is aching, and her head is starting to hurt. Quinn closes her eyes, and brings her fingers to her temple and rub gently. She moans with the pain, she is no longer cold, Quinn feels like her body is on fire. She opens her eyes, and sees double. Then she feels her body go light, and then darkness takes over her body.

  Chapter Ten

  Dancing with Wolves

  Quinn opens her eyes to bright lights, and to Justin's handsome face. He looks worried, and when he sees her eyes are open, he closes his eyes.

  “You scared the crap out of me,” he says, and reopens his eyes. Quinn looks around and she knows where she is. She is in the nurse’s office.

  Quinn sits up, and her head pounds. “What…happened?”

  “You should lie back down. You fainted.” Justin places his hand on her shoulder.

  Quinn shakes her head. “No, I want to get to the dance.”

  “Are you sure?” he asks and she nods.

  Slowly Quinn stands up, and looks for her shoes. Justin walks over to chair and grabs her shoes. He gets on his knees and put her shoes on.

  “After the dance I have something to show you,” Justin says, and she smiles.

  Quinn remembers that he told her that he was going to tell her something. “Wasn't there something you wanted to tell me?”

  Justin looks away from her, and she can tell he is hiding something. “After the dance, I want us to have fun.”

  Quinn nods and they walk to the gym where the dance is at and she takes a moment to take it in. The large gym is transformed into a winter wonderland. The normally glossy light hard wood floor has white paper covering it, and white and light blue balloons all over the floor. White and blue lights are hanging down from the ceiling, and wrapped around the archway. When they walk in the music is loud and Breanna runs to her.

  “Oh my gosh! I was so scared! Please tell me you are okay.” Breanna wraps her arms around Quinn's neck.

  “I must have been more nervous than I thought.” Breanna moves away, Mark and Kaden move closer to them.

  Kaden just stares at her, and doesn’t say anything. One of her favorite songs, I Won't Give Up, by Jason Mraz comes on. And that is when Kaden turns his white smile at her.

  “Sweetheart, may I have this dance.” He puts his hand out, and out of the corner of her eye she sees Justin about to do something.

  “Yes.” Quinn puts her hand in his, she allows him to pull her on the dance floor where there are many others dancing. Kaden puts his hands on the small of her back and pulls her close to him.

  Quinn looks up into dark blue eyes, and slowly wraps her arms around his neck. Kaden grins and wraps his arms her waist, and pulls her closer to him. “You know this is going to make the homecoming king mad.” Kaden says, as he chuckles.


  Justin nearly bites off his lip as he watches Quinn and Kaden dace. He knows Kaden is doing this to piss him off, and has a good idea why she is doing this. She wants to know what he is keeping from her, and he wants them to have their time together before she finds out she isn’t what she thinks she is.

  “Dude you need to calm down,” Mark says, and Justin wants to explode.

  “I don’t know if I can.” Justin hears his own growl, and he sees his dad walking towards him. Him and his dad aren’t as close as normal father and sons are.

  “Hello son, do you want to tell me why Kaden is dancing with Quinn?” His dad looks at Quinn and Kaden.

  “Kaden told me that he loves Quinn, and I can see that she has some feelings for him.” Justin can feel a piece of his heart breaking; he doesn’t like to think about her feelings for his brother. She can deny it all she wants but it’s clear in her beautiful eyes that she cares for his half-brother.

  “I will take care of this.” His father says in a deep low voice. Justin looks at his dad, and he can tell what he wants to do. He has never liked Kaden, and Justin didn’t even know about him until three months ago, but he knows how wicked his father can be.

  “Dad don’t do anything, let me handle it,” Justin says, and his dad glares at him. “Please don’t do anything.”

  “Fine,” is all he says. Justin doesn’t believe him. His dad just stands next to him, staring at Quinn and Kaden.

  He wonders why his father is giving in so easily, and knows something will happen; he just hopes that Quinn isn’t part of that plan.


  Quinn glances at where she left Justin, and he looks really mad, but his dad is talking to him. “I don’t care, I know there is something he is keeping from me.”

  “He still hasn’t told you? I thought after you passed out he would have told you at least some.”

  Kaden whispers in her ear, and she shivers. Her heart nearly stops when he starts singing the song in her ear. She closes her eyes, and takes what he is singing to her to heart. She snuggles closer to him and she feels safe. Kaden has the effect on her, and she never wants to let go of him. He makes her feel alive, Justin can't make her feel like this.

  She can get lost in his arms and the sweet melody that is being sung in her ear. Quinn wonders what she is going to do with these two boys. She isn’t going to be fought over for the rest of her life; she tries to think of her life without Justin, and her chest aches. Even though they haven’t been together long she truly cares for him and doesn’t want to be without him or his kisses. But she wants Kaden in her life too, there is something about him that makes her feel safe, and she knows that her boyfriend won’t be okay with that.

  After the dance, Quinn doesn’t want it to end, she already saw Justin walking towards them and she knows he isn’t happy. But she doesn’t care. She isn’t happy that he is keeping things from her, and she still doesn’t think what Kaden told her is true. Werewolves are what you see on the TV and on the movies but not in real life…right?

  Justin looks at her and turns his heated gaze to Kaden. “Can I have my girlfriend back?” Kaden looks into her eyes, as if he is asking her if it's okay. She nods, and he winks.

  “Yes, I will see you later sweetheart.” Kaden brings her hand to his lips and gently kisses her hand.

  Quinn watches Kaden walk away, and she looks back at Justin. “Let’s
go we need to talk,” Justin says, and takes her hand. They walk out of the gym.

  “Where are we going?” Quinn asks, and he continues to walk. Justin doesn’t answer he just walks, and Quinn stops. “Justin.”

  Justin stops and turns around. “I'm going to tell you everything, but we need to go someplace.” He puts his hand out, and she stares at it.

  Quinn narrows her eyes at Justin. “Why do we need to go anywhere? Why can't you just tell me here?”

  He sighs, but keeps his hand out. “Do you trust me?” Quinn thinks about it, he is keeping something big from her, but she knows he wouldn’t hurt her. She nods, and puts her hand in his.

  Justin and Quinn drive away from the school and away from the town. They park outside of the state forest. She looks at Justin, and he is staring out the windshield.

  “Quinn, do you believe in fairy tales?” Justin looks at her, and his eyes seem more yellow. “We are werewolves, the last pure bloods to be born.”

  Quinn still doesn’t fully believe the whole werewolf thing. She shakes her head. “That is what Kaden told me, but it’s crazy.”

  Justin's eyes seem to be glowing yellow. “He told you? He knows that I’m supposed to tell you.” His voice is deeper, and he shakes his head. “We need to get out there; I don’t want to change in my truck.”

  He reaches for the door handle, and she touches his bare arm. It feels like she just put her hand into a flame. Quinn quickly pulls her hand back, and her eyes widen. Justin turns his head to the side. “We are really close to midnight, and my wolf want to play with you. Just now when you touched me I wanted to chase you, run with you and hunt for you. We need to go now Quinn.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Pack Law

  She nods with her hand against her chest. Quinn walks out of his truck, and they walk into the woods. They walk for what seems like forever, and the first thing she sees is fire. The next thing she sees are a bunch of people. As soon as they see her and Justin they all get on their knees. Justin puts his hand on her back to keep her moving forward. Mark and Mrs. Schmidt smile and drop to their knees.


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