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Explorers of the Nile: The Triumph and Tragedy of a Great Victorian Adventure

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by Tim Jeal

——Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile (1863)

  ——What Led to the Discovery of the Source of the Nile (1863)

  Stafford, Robert A. Scientist of Empire: Sir Roderick Murchison, Scientific Exploration and Victorian Imperialism (1985)

  Stanley, Dorothy ed. The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley 1909)

  Stanley, Henry M. The Congo and the Founding of its Free State 2 vols (1885)

  ——How I Found Livingstone in Central Africa (1872)

  ——In Darkest Africa, 2 vols (1890)

  ——My Dark Companions and their Strange Stories (1893)

  ——Through the Dark Continent, 2 vols (1878)

  Stanley, Richard and Neame, Alan eds The Exploration Diaries of H. M. Stanley (1961)

  Swann, A. J. Fighting the Slave Hunters in Central Africa (1910)

  Taylor, Anne Laurence Oliphant (1982)

  Thomas, H. B. ‘The Death of Speke in 1864’ Uganda Journal Vol XII (1949)

  Thomson, Joseph Through Masailand (1885)

  Tip, Tippu The Autobiography of Tippu Tip translated Whitely, W. H. (1966)

  Troup, J. Rose With Stanley’s Rear Column (1890)

  Tvedt, Terje The River Nile in the Age of the British (2004)

  Udal, John O. The Nile in Darkness: Conquest and Exploration 1504–1862 Vol. I of 2 (1998)

  ——The Nile in Darkness: A Flawed Unity 1863–1899 Vol. II of 2 (2005)

  Vansina, Jan The Tio Kingdom of the Middle Congo 1880–1892 (1973)

  Vasnia, Phiroze The Gift of the Nile: Hellenizing Egypt from Aeschylus to Alexander (2001)

  Wallis, J. P. R. ed. The Zambezi Expedition of David Livingstone 1858–1863 (1956)

  ——The Zambesi Journal of James Stewart 1862–1863 (1952)

  Ward, Herbert My Life with Stanley’s Rear–Guard (1890)

  Werner, J. R. A. A Visit to Stanley’s Rear Guard (1889)

  West, Richard Brazza of the Congo (1972)

  White, James P. The Sanford Exploring Expedition (1967)

  Wilkins, W. H. and Burton, Isabel The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton 2 vols (1897)

  Wright, Thomas The Life of Sir Richard Burton 2 vols (1906)

  Yeoman, Guy Quest for the Secret Nile (2004)

  Young, D. ed. The Search for the Source of the Nile: Correspondence between Captain Richard Burton, Captain John Speke and Others, from … the Collection of Quentin Keynes Esq. (1999)

  Yule, H. and Hyndman, H. M. Mr Henry Morton Stanley and the Royal Geographical Society: being the Record of a Protest (1878)

  Zulfo, I. H. (translated Clark, P.) Karari: The Sudanese Account of the Battle of Omdurman (1980)


  Abbreviations in the Notes

  (Agnes, L Agnes Livingstone

  AJ Schapera, I. ed. Livingstone’s African Journal 1853-1856 2 vols

  AN Baker, S. W. The Albert N’yanza: Great Basin of the Nile

  Annals Porter, Mrs Gerald Annals of a Publishing House: William Blackwood and his sons (Vol. III John Blackwood) 3 vols

  Atkinson Atkinson, R. R. The Roots of Ethnicity: The Origins of the Acholi and Uganda before 1800

  Bennett Bennett, N. R. ed. Stanley’s Despatches to the New York Herald 1871-1872, 1874-1877

  Blaikie Blaikie, W. G. The Personal Life of David Livingstone

  Brazza West, Richard Brazza of the Congo

  Brendon Brendon, Piers The Decline and Fall of the British Empire 1781-1997

  Brodie Brodie, Fawn The Devil Drives: A Life of Sir Richard Burton

  BL British Library

  Cairns Cairns, H. A. C. Prelude to Imperialism: British Reactions to Central African Society 1840-1890

  Carnochan Carnochan, W. B. The Sad Story of Burton, Speke, and the Nile; or, Was John Hanning Speke a Cad?

  Catania Catania, Charles Andrea De Bono: Maltese Explorer of the Nile

  CD Stanley’s Congo Diaries, devoted to his work on the Congo

  Collins chapter Robert O. Collins chapter on S. W. Baker in Robert I. Rotberg ed. Africa and its Explorers

  Cockett Cockett, Richard Sudan: Darfur and the Failure of an African State

  Daly Daly, W. M. Empire on the Nile

  Debenham Debenham, F. The Way to Ilala: David Livingstone’s Pilgrimage

  DL David Livingstone

  DLC David Livingstone Centre, Blantyre, Scotland

  Dowden Dowden, Richard Africa: Altered States, Ordinary Miracles

  ET Elizabeth Nyabongo Elizabeth of Toro

  FF Burton, Richard F. First Footsteps in East Africa: or, An Exploration of Harar 2 vols

  Foskett Foskett, R. The Zambesi Doctors: David Livingstone’s Letters to John Kirk 1858-1872

  Gifford & Louis Gifford, P. and Louis, W. R Britain and Germany in Africa

  Girling Girling, F. K. The Acholi of Uganda

  Godsall Godsall, Jon R. The Tangled Web: A Life of the Sir Richard Burton

  Gray Gray, Richard A History of the Southern Sudan 1839-1889

  Guadalupi Guadalupi, Gianni The Discovery of the Nile

  Hall, Lovers Hall, Richard Lovers on the Nile

  Hall, Stanley Hall, Richard Stanley: An Adventurer Explored

  Helly Helly, Dorothy O. Livingstone’s Legacy: Horace Waller and Victorian Mythmaking

  HIFL Stanley, H. M. How 1 Found Livingstone in Central Africa

  IDA Stanley, H. M. In Darkest Africa, 2 vols

  Ismailia Baker, S. W. Ismailia: A Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade 2 vols

  JB John Blackwood

  Jeal, Livingstone, Jeal, Tim Livingstone

  Jeal, Stanley Jeal, Tim Stanley: The Impossible Life of Africa’s Greatest Explorer

  Jephson Middleton, Dorothy ed. The Diaries of A. J. Mounteney Jephson

  Johnston Johnston, Harry The Nile Quest

  Journal Speke, John H. Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile

  Journal proofs Proofs of Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile in NLS

  Journal ms Original manuscript of Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile in NLS

  JRGS Journal of the Royal Geographical Society

  Jutzi Jutzi, Alan In Search of Sir Richard Burton: Papers from a Huntington Library Symposium

  Karugire Karugire, S. R. A Political History of Uganda

  Kennedy Kennedy, Dane The Highly Civilized Man: Richard Burton and the Victorian World

  KGR Katie Gough Roberts

  LBR Collins, R. O. Land Beyond the Rivers 1898-1918

  Life Burton, Isabel The Life of Captain Sir Richard F. Burton 2 vols

  LLJ Waller, H. ed. The Last Journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa 2 vols

  LMS/SOAS London Missionary Society Archive in School of African and Oriental Studies

  Lovell Lovell, Mary A Rage to Live: A Biography of Richard and Isabel Burton

  LPJ Schapera, I. ed. Livingstone’s Private Journals 1851-53

  LR Burton, Richard F. The Lake Regions of Central Africa 2 vols

  Mackay Harrison, J. W. The Story of the Life of Mackay of Uganda

  McLynn McLynn, Frank Burton: Snow upon the Desert

  Maitland Maitland, Alexander Speke

  Meredith Meredith, Martin The State of Africa: A History of Fifty Years of Independence

  Moorehead Moorehead, Alan The White Nile

  Morning Star Baker, Anne Morning Star: Florence Baker’s Diary of the Expedition to Put Down the Slave Trade on the Nile 1870-1873

  Narrative Burton, Richard F. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah 2 vols

  NAZ National Archives of Zimbabwe

  Nile Basin Burton, Richard F. and M’Queen, James The Nile Basin

  ‘Nile Struggle’ R. O. Collins ‘Origins of the Nile Struggle: Anglo-German Negotiations and the Mackinnon Agreement of 1890’, in Gifford & Louis

  NLS National Library of Scotland

  NYH New York Herald

  Odoi-Tanga Odoi-Tanga, F. ‘Politics, ethnicity and conflict
in post independent Acholiland, Uganda 1962-2006’ University of Pretoria PhD thesis

  Ondaatje Ondaatje, Christopher Journey to the Source of the Nile

  Oxford Harlow, Vincent and Chilver, E. M. eds Oxford History of East Africa 2 vols

  Pakenham Pakenham, Thomas The Scramble for Africa

  Parke Parke, T. H., Lyons, J. B. ed. Surgeon-Major Parke’s African Journey 1887-1889

  Perham Perham, Margery Lugard: The Years of Adventure 1858-1898

  PRGS Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society

  QK/BL The late Quentin Keynes’s Burton Collection in the BL

  QK book Young, D. ed. The Search for the Source of the Nile: [etc.]

  Reader Reader, John Africa: A Biography of the Continent

  RGS Royal Geographical Society

  RM Sir Roderick Murchison Bart

  RMCA Royal Museum of Central Africa

  SD Stanley’s Diaries and field notebooks starting in 1866 and ending in 1901

  S&N Stanley, Richard and Neame, Alan eds The Exploration Diaries of H. M. Stanley

  Sanderson Sanderson, G. N. England, Europe and the Upper Nile 1882-1899

  Shadows Collins, R. O. Shadows in the Grass: Britain in the Southern Sudan 1918-1956

  Shaw Dr Norton Shaw

  Shipman Shipman, Pat To the Heart of the Nile

  Smith Smith, Iain R. The Emin Pasha Relief Expedition 1886-1890

  Stanley, Auto Stanley, Dorothy ed. The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley

  TDC Stanley, H. M. Through the Dark Continent, 2 vols

  Travels Petherick, John, and Petherick, Harriet Edlman Travels in Central Africa (Vol. I) & Exploration of the Western Nile Tributaries (Vol. II)

  Tucker Bryaruhanga, Christopher Bishop Alfred Robert Tucker and the Establishment of the Anglican Church

  Udal I Udal, John O. The Nile in Darkness Vol. 1 Conquest and Exploration 1504-1862

  UdalII Udal, John O. The Nile in Darkness Vol. 11 A Flawed Unity 1863-1899

  Walk Grant, James A Walk Across Africa

  WLT Speke, John H. What Led to the Discovery of the Source of the Nile

  Yeoman Yeoman, Guy Quest for the Secret Nile

  Zanzibar Burton, Richard F. Zanzibar: City, Island and Coast 2 vols


  1. The Gift of the Nile: Hellenizing Egypt from Aeschylus to Alexander Phiroze Vasnia 275-7.

  2. The Nile Robert O. Collins 1, 6, 90.

  3. Stanley: The Impossible Life of Africa’s Greatest Explorer Tim Jeal [Jeal, Stanley] 3.

  4. Prelude to Imperialism H. A. C. Cairns 29 n 99.

  5. Ibid 26 n 82.

  6. The Devil Drives: A Life of Sir Richard Burton Fawn Brodie [Brodie] 15 n 1 .

  7. The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley ed. Dorothy Stanley [Stanley, Auto] 533.

  8. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah Richard F. Burton [Narrative] 2 vols, 1 16.

  9. J. H. Speke to Norton Shaw [Shaw] 20 May 1857 JHS 1 RGS.

  10. The Albert N’yanza: Great Basin of the Nile S. W. Baker [AN] 274.

  11. Cairns 20 n 64.

  12. Lovers on the Nile Richard Hall [Hall, Lovers] 87; Obituary of Speke Blackwood’s Magazine Vol. XCVI Oct 1864 414-16.

  13. Hearts of Darkness: The European Exploration of Africa Frank McLynn ix.

  14. As told to Stanley in How 1 Found Livingstone in Central Africa H. M. Stanley [HIFL], quoted in A History of African Exploration David Mountfield (1976) frontispiece; Livingstone, Tim Jeal [Jeal, Livingstone] 367.

  15. The Exploration Diaries of H. M. Stanley eds Richard Stanley and Alan Neame [S&N] 63.

  16. Zanzibar: City, Island and Coast Richard F. Burton [Zanzibar] 2 vols II 222-3.

  17. The Last Journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa ed. H. Waller [LLJ] 2 vols 1 287.

  ONE: Blood in God’s River

  1. LLJ 1 17.

  2. LLJ 1 29, 70; DL to Agnes L 18 May 1866 BL Ad MS 50184.

  3. DL to Agnes L Sept 1869 BL.

  4. DL to Janet and Agnes L 30 Mar 1841 David Livingstone: Family Letters 1841-1856 ed. I. Schapera 2 vols 1 19.

  5. London Journal Dec 1856.

  6. The Way to Ilala F. Debenham [Debenham] 293-4.

  7. DL to Agnes L 5 Feb 1871 BL.

  8. LLJ II 72.

  9. DL to Agnes L Sept 1869 BL.

  10. LLJ II 72.

  11. DL to Agnes L Sept 1869 BL.

  12. LLJ II 2.

  13. LLJ II 40-2.

  14. The Personal Life of David Livingstone W. G. Blaikie [Blaikie] 334.

  15. Livingstone’s Legacy: Horace Waller and Victorian Mythmaking Dorothy O. Helly [Helly] 334.

  16. LLJ II 46-7.

  17. Ibid 47-8, 67.

  18. Ibid 47-8, 67-8.

  19. Ibid 93.

  20. LLJ 1 7.

  21. Livingstone, Jeal 316, 319-20; The Zambezi Doctors: David Livingstone’s Letters to John Kirk 1858-1872 ed. R. Foskett [Foskett] 143.

  22. LLJ II 37.

  23. Ibid 118.

  24. Ibid 38.

  25. Blaikie 331.

  26. LLJ II 99, and ed’s. footnote on 100.

  27. Blaikie 334.

  28. LLJ II 98.

  29. Ibid 80.

  30. Ibid 86, 78.

  31. Ibid 55.

  32. Ibid 34; Jeal, Livingstone 328.

  33. Blaikie 340.

  34. LLJ II 93.

  35. Ibid 239-40.

  36. The Nile in Darkness Vol. I: Conquest and Exploration 1504-1862 John O. Udal [Udal I] 1.

  37. LLJ II 339, 51.

  38. Travels of Alexine Penelope Gladstone.

  39. Herodotus Histories Book Two Chapters 19-35: quoted LLJ II 49.

  40. LLJ II 49.

  41. The Nile Quest Harry Johnston [Johnston] 22.

  42. Blaikie 333.

  43. LLJ II 67, 64.

  44. Ibid 68.

  45. Ibid 99.

  46. Helly 172.

  47. Ibid 173; in unpublished Unyanyembe Journal (David Livingstone Centre/DLC) 13 Jun 1870. DL considered that ‘the want of a chain to confine them emboldens them to impertinence’.

  48. Ibid 173; Jeal, Livingstone 241; DL wrote: of Nassick pupils: ‘They do slave duties unbidden and all they can to ingratiate themselves with the Arabs [They] would now fain be slave stealers.’ 6 Jul 1870 Unyanyembe Journal.

  49. Helly 173-4.

  50. LLJ II 101.

  51. Blaikie 341.

  52. LLJ II 101.

  53. Ibid 103.

  54. Ibid 107.

  55. Ibid 108-9.

  56. Ibid 111.

  57. Ibid 113-14.

  58. Ibid 120, 116.

  59. Unyanyembe Journal 11 Feb, 11 Mar 1871 DLC; LLJ II 124.

  60. Ibid 125.

  61. Ibid 130, 132.

  62. Ibid 132-41.

  63. Ibid 146.

  TWO: A Great Misalliance

  1. DL to R. Murchison [RM] 29 Nov 1865 National Archives of Zimbabwe [NAZ].

  2. The Tangled Web: A Life of the Sir Richard Burton Jon R. Godsall [Godsall] 110.

  3. Brodie 16.

  4. The Highly Civilized Man: Richard Burton and the Victorian World Dane Kennedy [Kennedy] 71-2.

  5. Burton to Shaw 16 Nov 1853 RGS.

  6. The Life of Captain Sir Richard F. Burton Isabel Burton 2 vols [Life] 1 104.

  7. Life 1 123, 144.

  8. Brodie 74; Life 1 135; A Rage to Live: A Biography of Richard and Isabel Burton Mary Lovell [Lovell] 41.

  9. Lovell 10.

  10. Brodie 89.

  11. Narrative 16.

  12. Burton to Shaw 16 Nov 1853 RGS.

  13. Godsall 109.

  14. Quoted Udal I, 493; Travels and Researches J. L. Krapf 478-90, 496.

  15. Burton to Shaw 15 Dec 1853 RGS.

  16. Hearts of Darkness McLynn 57-8.

  17. Lovell 232.

  18. Details in The Discovery of the Nile Gianni Guadalupi [Guadalupi].

  19. The Blue and White Nile George Melly
2 vols.

  20. Andrea De Bono: Maltese Explorer of the Nile Charles Catania 214.

  21. Ibid, Chapter 18.

  22. Udal 1 487.

  23. Guadalupi 241.

  24. Speke Alexander Maitland [Maitland] 7.

  25. Godsall 115.

  26. Zanzibar 1 4-5.

  27. First Footsteps in East Africa: or, An Exploration of Harar Richard Francis Burton 2 vols [FF] 1 xxiv; Godsall 118.

  28. Lovell 85, 144.

  THREE: A Rush of Men Like a Stormy Wind


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