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Explorers of the Nile: The Triumph and Tragedy of a Great Victorian Adventure

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by Tim Jeal

  11. Udal 1 504; Instructions for Consul Petherick’s proposed expedition up the White Nile in Aid of Captains Speke and Grant 8 Feb 1861, PRGS Vol. IX 8 Apr 1864 256.

  12. ‘Tail’ 376.

  13. Speke to Shaw 28 Oct, 5 Nov 1859 RGS.

  14. CV memorandum Grant Papers MS 17924 NLS; Maitland 11i; Speke to Shaw 23 March 1860 RGS.

  15. JB to Speke 27 March 1860 30012 NLS.

  16. Obit Blackwood’s Magazine Vol. XCVI Oct 1864 514-16.

  17. Maitland 105; Speke to JB 26 Aug 1859, and n.d. 1859 NLS.

  18. Journal 450.

  19. PRO/30122 31 Jul 1863 173 ff.

  20. A Walk Across Africa James. A. Grant [Walk] 18-19.

  21. Journal 23.

  22. Ibid 24-32; Speke to Rigby 12 Dec 1860 RGS; Walk 22-3.

  23. Ibid 32.

  24. Journal 39.

  25. Ibid 47-8.

  26. Ibid 51.

  27. Speke to Rigby 12 Dec 1860 RGS.

  28. Journal 46.

  29. Ibid 60.

  30. Ibid 72-74, 87; Walk 53; AN 298-335.

  31. Journal 76-7; Speke to Shaw 12 Dec 1860 RGS.

  32. Walk 48 ff; Journal 85.

  33. Ibid 83, 89.

  34. Walk 59; Journal 90-i.

  35. Journal 93, 100.

  36. Ibid 95-7.

  37. Ibid 94-103.

  38. Ibid 88, 100.

  39. Maitland 131 ff; Walk 55, 77; Journal 109 ff.

  40. Ibid 110-16.

  41. Ibid 117-22.

  42. Ibid 122-7.

  43. Walk 107, 115-16, 121.

  44. Journal 129-41.

  45. Walk 122.

  46. Ibid 94, 128.

  47. Journal 157, 149.

  48. Ibid 162.

  49. Ibid 167.

  50. Walk 138.

  51. Journal 168-86.

  52. Ibid 172, 189.

  53. Ibid 198-200.

  54. Ibid 215-16.

  55. Quoted in Journey to the Source of the Nile Christopher Ondaatje [Ondaatje] 201.

  56. Journal 200-i; Maitland 145.

  NINE: As Refulgent as the Sun

  1. Journal 218, 224; Quest for the Secret Nile Guy Yeoman [Yeoman] 50.

  2. Journal 221-2.

  3. Ibid 226-7.

  4. Journal manuscript p. 1 Ms 4872 NLS (microfilm version in BL Shelf-mark YC 2006.a.7908 pt 2).

  5. Speke to RM n.d. but 20 Feb 1862 RGS.

  6. Journal 232-40.

  7. Ibid 241-2.

  8. Ibid 289.

  9. Ibid 243, 275-7.

  10. Ibid 246-9; Journal proofs 11 4873 NLS.

  11. Journal 253-4, 266-7, 304.

  12. Speke to Petherick 26 Mar 1862 copy of letter RGS.

  TEN: An Arrow into the Heart

  1. Journal proofs 27 March 1862 NLS.

  2. Journal 291.

  3. The Peoples of Africa J. L. Newman; ‘Origins of Political Conflicts & Peace Building in the Great Lakes Region’ G. P. Mpangala.

  4. Journal ms 1 and Journal book proofs p 1 30 March 1862 NLS; Journal 296-7.

  5. Journal 299.

  6. Journal ms 2, 16 Apr 1862; Journal book proofs 58.

  7. Journal 304; Journal book proofs 7 Apr 1862.

  8. Journal ms 11, 12 Apr 1862; Journal 306.

  9. Journal book proofs 8, 10 Apr 1862.

  10. Journal ms 2 May 1862; Journal 321.

  11. Journal ms 9 May 1862; Journal book proofs 73.

  12. Journal ms 2 Jun 1862; Journal book proofs 81.

  13. Journal 326; Journal ms 6 May 1862.

  14. Ibid 3 May 1862 113-15.

  15. Ondaatje 200; Hall, Lovers 90.

  16. Journal book proofs 73 cut from Journal 338.

  17. Journal 338.

  18. Maitland 158.

  19. Journal 315-16, 318.

  20. Ibid 301.

  21. Speke’s drawing of Mutesa in notebook at RGS; Journal 337.

  22. Ibid 229-30.

  23. Walk 219, 223, 227.

  24. Journal 335.

  25. Journal ms 10, 13 Jun 1862.

  26. Journal 345-59, 328; bana or bwana meaning father or lord, via Swahili from Arabic abuna – ‘our father’.

  ELEVEN: Nothing Could Surpass It!

  1. Walk 267 gives Speke’s numbers.

  2. Ibid 246-7; Journal 363.

  3. Walk 248; Maitland 169.

  4. Journal 364-5.

  5. Maitland 170; Journal 369-72.

  6. Walk 275.

  7. Journal 381.

  8. Ibid 388.

  9. Ibid 399, 402, 406-08; Walk 285-8.

  10. Journal 397, 404; Africa in the Nineteenth Century until the 1880s J. F. Ade Ajayi 109; Walk 287.

  11. Journal 438, 431-2; Walk 299.

  12. Ibid 310.

  13. Ibid 312; Journal 448 f.

  14. Walk 315, 309.

  15. Ibid 319; Journal 449-50.

  16. Ibid 448, 453-4; Walk 327; Catania 276 ff.

  17. Journal 467.

  18. Ibid 457; Walk 339.

  19. Ibid 346; Journal 463.

  20. Ibid 469-70.

  21. Ibid 470.

  TWELVE: The Nile is Settled

  1. Hall, Lovers 14-15, 33.

  2. DL to Agnes L Sept 1869 Ad ms 50184 BL; Udal 1 505-6.

  3. Hall, Lovers 26 ff; R. E. H. Bailey’s statement about Florence 19 Jul 1971 Anne Baker Collection, Salisbury.

  4. AN 62-3.

  5. Samuel W. Baker diary [BD] 15 Feb 1863 SWB1 RGS; Walk 336; Journal 471.

  6. Journal 470-1.

  7. Walk 366; Udal 1 529; Hall, Lovers 89.

  8. Ibid 89; Walk 366; Grant to JB 22 Oct 1866 4209 NLS.

  9. AN 64; Hall, Lovers 90-1.

  10. Hall, Lovers 94.

  11. Mrs Petherick’s Journal written in 1861 (original in Wellcome Library), extract published in Blackwood’s Magazine Vol. XCI Jun 1862, 560; PRGS Vol. V11I 25 Apr 1864.

  12. BD 30 Jan 1863; Speke to JB n.d. except 1863 NLS. Baker had learned from the Austrian priest, Father Morlang, that Petherick had never come closer to Gondokoro than the Bahr el-Ghazal. Speke had been told the same thing by Khursid Agha and by Baker and so felt he had been tricked.

  13. BD 27 May, 24 Oct 1862, 30 Jan 1863; Petherick’s report to RM 16 Jan 1864 RGS; Udal 1 527; Journal 427.

  14. Udal 1 519.

  15. BD 27 May 1862; Travels in Central Africa (Vol. I) & Exploration of the Western Nile Tributaries (Vol. 11) John Petherick and Harriet Edlman Petherick [Travels] 134-6; Udal 1 460.

  16. Udal 1 538.

  17. BD 24 Oct 1863: Baker knew the rumours in Khartoum that Petherick had been involved in slavery were false because Petherick’s wakil, Abdel Majid, who had been imprisoned by him for slaving, had denied to Baker that his master (whom he had every reason to hate) had ever been involved.

  18. Udal 1 527-8.

  19. Hall, Lovers 91.

  20. Journal 475; Speke to Times 25 Dec 1863.

  21. Ibid.

  22. Travels 1 72, 132; Udal 1 519.

  23. Ibid 460, 522ff; Katherine Petherick’s Journal 19-20 May, 3-25 Jul, 28-30 Aug 1862 5788 Wellcome Library; Hall, Lovers 92; BD 16 Mar 1863; Udal 1 534.

  24. Ibid 529.

  25. Hall, Lovers 93; Udal 1 533; Travels 1 312-13.

  26. Travels 11 19-20.

  27. Journal 474; Walk 367.

  28. Speke to Petherick 15 Apr 1863 RGS.

  29. Katherine Petherick’s Journal Jun-Jul 1863.

  30. Katherine Petherick to RM 26 Jul 1863 RGS.

  31. Speke to RGS Sec 19 Feb 1864 RGS.

  32. PRGS Vol. V11 11 May 1863; Moorehead 71.

  33. Journal 477; Speke to Grant 22 Mar 1864 17931 NLS.

  34. Walk 447; Journal 477.

  THIRTEEN: A Hero’s Aberrations

  1. Speke to RM 6 Jul 1862 RGS.

  2. RM to Layard 2 May 1863 Ad ms 3906 BL.

  3. Palmerston to Lord John Russell 31 Jul 1863 PRO 30/22 173.

  4. Times 18 May 1863; PRGS Vol. V11 25 May 1863.

  5. U
dal 1 547; Godsall 251; PRGS Vol. V11 11 May 1863, 109, 182-96, 212-23; Speke to JB n.d 1863 NLS.

  6. Speke to Shaw 19 Aug 1859 RGS.

  7. Maitland 182.

  8. Speke to Sir George Grey 30 Mar 1863 RGS; Journal 477.

  9. Udal 1 538.

  10. Correspondence between the Pethericks and RM in Petherick Papers at RGS; Katherine Petherick to RM 26 Jul 1863 RGS.

  11. RM to Grant 5 May 1864 17933 NLS. Speke was not to blame for John Petherick’s dismissal as a consul. Dr Murie revealed that Petherick had stolen African cattle and forced women and children to carry for him at gunpoint. Baker prevailed on Murie to inform the British Consul-General in Cairo. This and an unconnected charge of embezzlement led to Petherick’s dismissal. BD 19-22 Mar 1863 RGS; Udal 1 535-7; FO Memo by W. H. Wylde Ad Ms 38990 BL; Udal 1 543-4. Speke knew he might appear petty and vindictive by attacking Petherick. But he believed that by not justifying himself after Burton had publicly attacked him in LR (especially in the preface), he (Speke) had ‘never lost ground so much’. So he would not make the same mistake again. Speke to JB 7th (no month) 1863 NLS.

  12. PRGS Vol. V11I 25 Apr 1864 details Petherick’s instructions given on 8 Feb 1861.

  13. Maitland 197; RM to Layard 1 Jul 1864 Ad Ms 39111 BL.

  14. Maitland 196; Udal 1 540.

  15. Speke to JB Jul? 1864 4193 NLS.

  16. Speke to Sir George Grey 16 Jan 1864 RGS.

  17. Speke to Grant 24 Feb 1864 17910 NLS.

  18. Maitland 193-5; Udal 1 547-8; WLT 344, 362, 366-7.

  19. Speke to JB 16 May 1864 4193 NLS; Speke to Layard 31 May 1864 Ad Ms 39110 BL; Udal 1 548-9.

  20. Ibid; FO memo W. H. Wylde 11 Jun 1864 Ad ms 38990 BL; Udal 1 548-9.

  21. Speke to JB 25 Aug 1864 4193 NLS.

  22. RM to Layard Jul 1864 Ad ms 3911 BL.

  23. RM to Grant n.d. Aug 1864 17910 NLS.

  24. Speke to JB 18 Jun, 16 Aug 1864 4193 NLS; Speke to Kaye 8 Sept 1863 Ad ms 45918 BL.

  FOURTEEN: Death in the Afternoon

  1. Speke to RM 12 Aug 1864 1066 NLS.

  2. George Simpson to JB 8 Sept 1864 4193 NLS.

  3. PRGS Vol. V11I 13 Jun 1864.

  4. Ibid 256-60.

  5. DL to Agnes L ? Sept 1869 Ad ms 50184 BL.

  6. Jeal, Livingstone 284.

  7. Speke to JB 6 Aug 1864 4193 NLS.

  8. Speke to JB 25 Jul 1864 4193 NLS.

  9. JB to Oliphant 30 Jul 1864 30361 NLS.

  10. Life 11 426; Godsall 254.

  11. Zanzibar 11 397-8.

  12. Maitland 209-17 including quotations from George Fuller’s and Daniel Davis’s inquest evidence and Fuller’s later statement 23 Jan 1914.

  13. Times 17 Sept 1864 report of Inquest.

  14. The Life of Sir Richard Burton Thomas Wright 2 vols 1 192.

  15. Burton to Frank Wilson 21 Sept 1864 QK/BL.

  16. Speke to J. Tinné 14 Sept 1864 RGS.

  17. Sophie Murdoch (neé Speke) to Henry M. Stanley 20 May 1876 RMCA.

  18. Zanzibar 11 382.

  19. Included in Rigby’s comments on Burton’s chapter ‘Captain Speke’ in vol 11 Zanzibar 17922 NLS.

  20. Zanzibar 11 398.

  21. Notably Brodie 226 ff, McLynn 233-5.

  22. Zanzibar 11 398.

  23. WLT 173.

  24. George P. Fuller quoted Maitland 215.

  25. Life of Sir Roderick I. Murchison A. Geikie 2 vols 11 168; DL to H. Waller 24 Sept 1864 Rhodes House.

  26. PRO IR 59/68.

  27. Times 19, 23 Sept 1864.

  28. Jeal, Livingstone 283.

  29. Brodie 229.

  30. Maitland 221.

  31. Moorehead 76.

  32. Nile Basin 99 ff.

  33. Blackwood’s Magazine Vol. XC11 Jan 1865 101-11.

  34. Burton to ed. Athenaeum 14 Jan 1865; Brodie 228.

  35. Johnston 223.

  36. Benjamin Speke to Jean ? 9th no month 1874 NLS.

  FIFTEEN: The Doctor’s Dilemma

  1. Udal 1 554.

  2. DL to Agnes L 6 Sept 1869 50184 BL.

  3. PRGS Vol. IX 14 Nov 1864, 8-10.

  4. RM to DL 5 Jan 1865 quoted in Blaikie 293-4.

  5. Jeal, Livingstone 300.

  6. DL to A. Tidman 25 May 1865 London Missionary Society Collection School of Oriental and African Studies [LMS/SOAS].

  7. DL to RM 29 Nov 1865 NAZ.

  8. Jeal, Livingstone 285; Zanzibar 11 102.

  9. Debenham 293-4.

  10. Blaikie 304; Hall, Lovers 152.

  11. DL to W. C. Oswell 1 Jan 1866 quoted Hall, Lovers 161.

  12. Quoted in Cairns 203.

  13. DL to Agnes L ? Sept 1869 Ad ms 50184 BL.

  SIXTEEN: The Glory of Our Prize

  1. Hall, Lovers 94-5; BD 10-15 Mar 1865 RGS.

  2. AN 75.

  3. BD 16 Mar 1865.

  4. Ibid 22 Mar 1865.

  5. Hall, Lovers 96.

  6. AN 101-4; BD 29 Mar 1865.

  7. AN 78.

  8. Ibid 81.

  9. BD 8, 10 Apr 1864; AN 164.

  10. BD 18 Apr 1864; AN 143.

  11. AN 143.

  12. At the RGS 1 have raised this gun to my shoulder and found it all but impossible to hold steady. 1 was told by Julian Baker that Samuel Baker repaired the stock with the skin of an elephant that had trampled on it. AN 159.

  13. Johnston 175; Moorehead 88-9; Hall, Lovers 13-15.

  14. AN 203-23.

  15. Ibid 134-5, 115-16.

  16. Ibid 210.

  17. Ibid 182-3.

  18. Hall, Lovers 164.

  19. AN 94.

  20. Ibid 148, 188, 220, 222-3.

  21. Hall, Lovers 112.

  22. AN 233.

  23. Ibid 234-8.

  24. Ibid 239-44.

  25. Ibid 252-4; BD 5-7 Feb 1864.

  26. AN 256-61; BD 11-18 Feb 1864.

  27. AN 264.

  28. Ibid 267-78; BD 11-18 Feb 1864.

  29. AN 275-97.

  30. Ibid 298-335, 356-63; Africa and its Explorers ed. R. I. Rotberg Robert O. Collins chapter on S. W. Baker 161-2; Twilight Tales of the Black Baganda A. B. Fisher 157-8.

  31. AN 373-8, 410-11.

  32. Hall, Lovers 154, 158.

  SEVENTEEN: A Trumpet Blown Loudly

  1. Baker’s map in AN 1866. Also see map on p. 219 above.

  2. Hall, Lovers 160; To the Heart of the Nile Pat Shipman [Shipman] 302.

  3. AN 392.

  4. Speke’s map at RGS dated 26 Feb 1863.

  5. Shipman 306-7.

  6. Hall, Lovers 160.

  7. Shipman 307.

  8. In Anne Baker’s and Ian Graham-Orlebar’s collections letter from R. E. H. Bailey 19 Jul 1971.

  9. Hall, Lovers 163.

  10. BD 29 Apr 1861.

  11. Rigby to Grant 15 Feb, 1 Dec 1866 17910 NLS.


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