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Explorers of the Nile: The Triumph and Tragedy of a Great Victorian Adventure

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by Tim Jeal

  Amir, Snay bin (slave and ivory trader), 81-2, 83, 94, 131

  Amoda, Hamoydah, 285, 288, 293

  Amur (slave trader), 29

  Anderson, Colonel Finley, 262

  Anglo-French Declaration, 393

  Anglo-German Agreement (1886), 362-3

  Annuak people, 399

  Appuddo (Nimule), 176, 239, 241

  al-Aqqad, Muhammad Ahmad (slave trader), 336

  Arabi, Colonel, 357

  Arnold, Edwin (editor), 281

  Aruwimi, River, 368, 369, 371

  Asua, River, 224

  Atbara, Battle of, 388-9

  Atbara, River, 2, 179

  Azande tribe, 396

  al-Azhari, Ismail 403

  Bacheeta (interpreter), 227, 228, 233, 236

  Baganda (Buganda) people, 150, 153, 160, 162, 207, 306, 347, 398, 407, 409-10, 411, 418; see also Buganda

  Bagamoyo, 72, 129, 247, 264, 279, 280, 282, 321, 375

  Bagisu tribe, 432

  Bahr el-Ghazal, River, 24, 123, 185, 187, 275, 313, 342

  Baker, ‘Florence’; see Sass, Barbara Maria von

  Baker, Capt. James (brother of Samuel), 240

  Baker, Lt Julian, 339

  Baker, Sir Samuel White, 3, 13, 24, 178, 318, 333, 363, 387

  appearance, 220, 333

  awarded RGS Gold Medal, 243

  Blue Nile

  expedition, 178-1

  brutality, 336

  character, 220-1

  colonialism, 332, 343-4, 425

  early life, 220

  exaggerates importance of Luta N’zige, 242

  greets Speke & Grant, 180-1

  illnesses, 222, 224, 423

  knighthood, 244, 424

  marriage to Florence, 240

  missionary work in Africa, scorn for, 213

  motivation to explore, 4, 5-6, 214

  as raconteur and writer, 243

  revered in northern Uganda, 338, 416

  Speke offers Luta N’zige discovery to, 182

  and Sudanese civil war, 343, 403

  views on Africans, 213, 218, 221, 332, 396

  views on slave trade, 221, 225, 332, 428; see also Baker’s military expedition to Nile Basin; Luta N’zige Expedition

  Baker’s military expedition to Nile Basin: Acholi tribe side with, 338

  and Bari tribe, 336-7; ‘Battle of Masindi’, 339-41

  declares Equatoria, 337, 395

  Florence’s disgust with expedition, 336

  in Gondokoro, 335-7

  retreat from Bunyoro, 341-2, 341, 343

  success exaggerated, 342

  takes possession of ‘Unyoro’, 339

  Baluchi soldiers, 71, 73, 80, 86, 88, 96, 101, 119, 120, 129, 130, 131, 132

  Baluchistan, 71

  Bambarre (Kabambare), 20

  Banda, Dr Hastings, 7

  Bangweulu, Lake, 9, 17, 26, 250, 252, 273

  Banlaya, 371, 372

  Bantu peoples, 398, 408

  Baraka (interpreter), 128, 129, 132, 134, 163

  Baratieri, General Oreste, 386-7

  Barghash, Said, Sultan, 359, 362

  Bari tribe, 41, 176, 177, 184, 218, 307, 336, 395

  Baring, Sir Evelyn, 391

  Barker, Frederick, 296, 298

  Barth, Heinrich (explorer), 70

  Barttelot, Major Edmund, 367-8

  atrocities, 371-2

  death, 372 al-Barwani, Khamis bin Abdullah, 301

  al-Bashir, Omar 403, 404, 404

  Baumann, Dr Oscar, 316

  Beatson, General, 56

  Bedouin, 38

  Beke, Dr Charles, 192, 206

  Bell, Sir Hesketh, 407-8, 432

  Bellefonds, Colonel Ernest Linant de, 302, 303, 307

  death, 424

  Ben Ali (guide), 248

  Bengal Native Infantry, 46

  Bennett, James Gordon Jr (owner of New York Herald), 262, 263, 264

  Berber, 179, 387

  Berbera, 47, 49, 50, 51, 58, 60, 62, 67, 104

  Berlin Conference, 357

  Bigugu, Mount, 317

  bin Laden, Osama, 404

  Birmingham, 385

  Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 358, 359, 363, 377

  threatens Sultan of Zanzibar, 362

  Blackwood, John (publisher), 59, 60, 110, 117, 122-3, 126, 149, 194, 201, 244

  Blackwood’s Magazine, 62, 75, 117-18, 123, 208

  Blantyre, 331

  Blue Nile, 2, 178-9

  ‘Bog Barons’, 400, 401, 405

  Bogharib, Muhammad (slave trader), 19, 21, 252

  Bombay Marine Battalion, 247

  Bombay Native Infantry, 36

  Bombay, Sidi Mubarak (interpreter and captain), 8, 70, 83, 86, 88, 98, 102, 105, 129, 133-4, 145-6, 152, 167, 171, 189, 266, 282, 422, 423

  Bonny, Sergeant William, 371

  Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night (trans. R. F. Burton), 322

  Boscher, Sherif, 256

  Boyd, Lord, 413

  Brazzaville, 392

  British Association for the Advancement of Science, 199, 333

  Bruce, James, 2

  Buganda, 9, 133, 196, 204, 239, 338, 345, 374, 378, 408, 410, 417, 429

  Mackay in, 345-51

  Speke & Grant in (1862), 147, 149-65

  Stanley in (1875), 301-4, 307

  Bui (guide), 136, 137, 138

  Bulingugwe Island, L. Victoria, 381

  Bumbireh Island, L. Victoria, 304-6, 305, 324

  Bunyoro, 143, 144, 163, 166, 196, 204, 210, 307, 343, 395, 406-7, 417, 429

  Baker & Florence in (1864), 227-38

  Baker & Florence in (1872), 338-41

  Speke & Grant in (1863), 170-2

  Burckhardt, Johann Ludwig, 36

  Burlington House, 191-2, 210, 243

  Burton, Isabel (née Arundell, wife of Richard), 74, 108-9, 115, 323

  Burton, Joseph (father of Richard), 37

  Burton, Martha (mother of Richard), 59-60

  Burton, Sir Richard F., 8, 13, 24, 260, 363

  admits being wrong about Nile source, 322

  appearance, 45

  attacks Speke’s character, 104, 106, 195, 204, 207, 321

  awarded RGS Founder’s Medal, 116

  ‘betrayal’ by Speke, 3, 106-9, 111, 115-16

  British Raj, supporter of, 322

  in Cairo, 36, 37, 38-40, 42

  character, 38, 61-4

  circumcision, 36, 44

  claims Speke’s death as suicide, 203-5

  claims Tanganyika as Nile source, 207, 210, 310

  colonialism, considers unworkable in Africa, 424

  death, 322

  disbelieves Speke’s Nile source, 102, 104, 206

  disguised as native 49-50

  early life, 37

  education, 37-8

  engagement, 63

  false memories, 104-5

  illnesses, 74, 77-8, 79, 80, 83-4, 85, 86, 90, 92, 105, 114, 423

  knighthood, 323, 424

  missionaries, considers misguided, 212

  motivation to explore, 4, 5, 69

  pilgrimage to Mecca, 36

  and racism, 212, 322

  relationship with Speke, 46, 58, 61, 104-5, 116, 121, 195

  RGS proposal, 115, 116

  and Rusizi River, 199-200

  serves in Crimean War, 56

  in Sindh, 37, 42

  views on Africans, 75-7, 82, 93, 322, 424

  views on slavery, thinks abolitionists wrong, 67-8

  writing style, 62; see also Great Lakes Expedition (B. & S.); Somaliland Expedition (B. & S.)

  Burundi, 145, 316

  Busoga, 348, 407

  Cadenhead, Lt Thomas, death, 424

  Caesar, Julius, 23

  Cairo, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 107, 189, 214, 240, 391

  Calcutta Museum of Nat. History, 54

  Cambridge, Univ. of, 399, 409, 412

  camels, 13, 47, 50, 181, 216, 248, 335

  Cameron, Lt Verney Lovett, 283, 293, 308, 312
  Cameron Highlanders, 392, 393

  Camoens, Luis de, 322

  Campbell, General Sir Colin, 46

  cannabis, 27, 90

  cannibalism, 22, 29, 300, 313, 372

  Cardoso, Candido de Costa, 209

  Carr-Gomm, Major Richard, 412

  Carter, Capt. Frederick, death, 424

  Caucasus Mountains, 57

  Ceylon, 63, 220

  Chad, 24, 25, 387, 430

  Chaille-Long, Colonel Charles, 303

  Chamberlain, Joseph, 385

  Chambesi, River, 250, 288

  Chavannes, Charles de, 356

  Chitambo (chief), 290, 292

  Chowpereh (captain), 291-2, 297, 320, 422, 423

  ‘Christianity and Commerce’, 196, 329, 331, 426, 433

  chronometers, 2, 7, 73, 170, 171, 250, 287, 293

  Chuma, James (follower of Livingstone), 18, 28, 254, 285, 291, 293

  Church Missionary Society (CMS), 293, 345, 380, 383

  Church of Scotland, 331

  Churchill, Winston, 387, 389, 390-1

  Clapperton, Hugh, 72

  Clarendon, Lord, 252, 334

  Coghlan, Brigadier William, 56

  Collins, Professor Robert, 396

  Colquhoun, Robert, 213, 240, 242

  Colvile, Colonel Henry, 406-7

  Commoro (Latuka chief), 218, 220, 239, 431

  concubines, 40, 73, 105, 140, 217, 372, 373

  Congo, River, 6, 7, 9, 17, 72, 288, 324-5, 367, 394

  de Brazza’s advance on Kinshasa, 355-7

  Leopold’s plans for, 352

  Stanley builds road and trading stations along, 352-3, 324-5

  Stanley’s navigation of (1877), 319-21; see also Emin Pasha Relief Expedition; Stanley’s Trans-Africa Expedition

  Congo Free State, 353, 366

  Cooley, W. D., 192

  Cowley, Lord, 198

  Crimean War, 56

  crocodiles, 87, 168, 170, 235, 304, 323

  Daily Mail, 391

  Daily Telegraph, 281, 295, 296, 302, 306, 308, 310, 324, 331

  Dal (steamer), 391

  Damha, Ladha (merchant), 68, 81

  Darfur, 393, 430

  Davis, Daniel (gamekeeper), 202

  De Bono, Andrea (ivory trader), 41-2, 99, 175, 218, 221, 225

  de Brazza, Pierre Savorgnan, 6, 353, 354

  attempt to seize Kinshasa, 35, 57

  treaty with Makoko, 354, 355

  Delcassé, Théophile, 392

  Denbigh, 257

  Derby, Lord, 343

  dhows, 86, 88, 89, 102, 299, 362

  diamonds, 4, 343, 421

  Dick, Andrew, 419

  Didinga people, 400

  Dinka tribe, 183, 185, 216, 302, 395, 396, 399, 400

  Diogenes, 26, 39

  Dixon, William Hepworth, 323

  Dowden, Richard, 415

  Dragon of Salem (clipper), 106

  Driberg, Jack Herbert, 400

  Dualla (interpreter), 381, 423

  Dufile, 319, 373

  Dugumbé (slave trader), 31, 32, 33, 255

  Dutch, gunpowder, 429

  East India Company, 37, 42, 43, 46, 55, 103, 198

  Edward, Lake, 318

  Eesa tribe, 52

  Egypt, 1, 303, 357

  Egypt, the Soudan and Central Africa (Petherick), 124

  elephants, 18, 19, 21, 74, 153, 169, 220, 223, 250, 408

  Emin Pasha, 349, 350, 359, 363, 365, 370, 373-5, 403

  death, 375, 424

  Emin Pasha Relief Expedition (1886-9): Advance Column, 369-70

  aims, 365-6, 375

  atrocities, 371-3

  preparation, 366-8

  Rear Column, 371-3

  with Emin Pasha, 370, 373-5

  with Mackay, 374

  Equatoria, 24, 338, 349, 363, 366, 395-6

  Britain divides between Uganda and Sudan, 397-9, 418; see also Baker’s military expedition to Nile Basin

  Erhardt, Dr James (missionary), 56

  Eton College, 38

  explorers of Africa: honours, 424

  character, 4-6, 9

  dangers, deaths and hardships met, 2-3, 8-9, 34-5, 40, 51-4, 67, 72, 129, 230-2, 236, 253, 266, 287-9, 290-1, 298, 306-7, 319-21, 321, 423-4

  motivations, 4-6, 9

  views on future of Africa, 424-7

  work undertaken, 8; see also individual explorers

  Fadeela (servant), 218, 228

  Faloro, 172, 225, 394

  Farquhar, William, 266, 297

  death, 266, 423

  Fashoda, 388, 391-2

  Ferajji, 297

  Fergusson, Capt. V. H., 400

  First Footsteps in East Africa (R. F. Burton), 61, 62, 204

  Five Weeks in a Balloon (Jules Verne), 41-2

  Fola Rapids (Nile), 42

  Forte, HMS, 127

  ‘Forty Thieves’, 336, 340

  Fowooka (chief), 237, 238

  France, 56, 197-8, 354, 355, 357-8, 375, 385, 387, 392-3, 395, 406, 429

  Anglo-French Declaration, 393

  and ‘bridge across Africa’, 357

  Free Church of Scotland, 331

  French Geographical Society, 168

  Frij (porter), 128

  Fuller, George P. (cousin of J. Speke), 202, 205

  Fuller, John B. (uncle of J. Speke), 202

  Furious, HMS, 107, 114, 115

  Gabon, 197, 353

  Gaetano (cook), 86, 96

  Galton, Francis, 116

  Gani, 153, 163, 166, 171

  Gardner, Edward (follower of Livingstone), 18, 28, 285, 293

  Geography (Ptolemy), 26

  George, Lake, 318, 377

  German East Africa (Tanganyika), 316, 362-3, 377

  Germany, 6, 347, 358, 359, 366, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 385, 393, 429

  Anglo-German Agreement (1886), 362-3

  Gessi, Romolo, 318

  Gladstone, William Ewart, 334, 350, 382, 383, 384

  Gneisenau SMS (cruiser), 362

  gold, 4, 385, 411

  Gondokoro, 41, 101, 119, 166, 170, 175, 177, 215, 216, 233

  Baker in, 335-7, 337, 395

  Speke & Grant in, 180-7

  Gordon, General Charles, 302, 307, 348, 363, 396, 403

  death, 349-50, 386, 394, 404

  Grant, Capt. James Augustus, 4, 6, 125, 127, 169, 173

  appearance, 180

  character, 126, 166, 242

  illnesses, 143, 166, 423

  reaction to Baker’s knighthood, 244; see also Nile Source Expedition (Speke & Grant, 1863)

  Graphic, Livingstone’s obituary, 294, 329

  Great Britain: Anglo-French Declaration, 393

  and Empire, 127, 141, 343, 355, 356, 357-8, 362-3, 375, 377, 382, 385, 387, 391, 397, 426-7

  responsible for fate of southern Sudan, 398-403, 405

  responsible for north-south divide in Uganda, 408-9, 416-18

  and slave trade, 282-3, 312, 426-7, 429-30, 433

  takes in Ugandan Asians, 420

  Great Lakes Expedition (Burton & Speke, 1856-9), 65, 66, 73-105, 323

  armoury, 74

  B. applies for leadership of, 57

  B. dissuaded from direct route, 67

  B.’s inaction over murder of slave girl, 105

  B. invites S., 58

  chronometer failure, 73, 78

  dispute over debts, unpaid porters, 110, 119-21

  in Kazeh, 81-2, 93

  and porters, 72, 73, 79, 81, 83, 96, 103, 110

  preparations, 70-2

  return to Zanzibar, 103, 105

  S. crosses Tanganyika, 86-8

  S. discovers L. Victoria, 96, 98-100

  S. estimates altitude of L. Victoria, 99

  S. learns of river issuing from Tanganyika, 85, 88

  in Ujiji, 84-6, 91-2

  in Usagara Mountains, 79-80

  voyage on L. Tanganyika, 90-1

  in Zanzibar, 65, 67-9, 70-2

  ‘great Nile debate’, 201, 202

reen, Matthew, 415

  Greenwich Mean Time, 73, 78

  Greindl, Baron Jules, 325

  Grey, Sir George, 196

  Haile Selassie, Emperor, 414

  Hakki, Madame, 375

  Hamerton, Lt-Col Atkins, 67, 72, 119

  death, 73

  distrust of Burton, 72

  Hancock, General, 263

  Hannington, Bishop James, 348-9, 363

  death, 378, 424

  Harar, 4, 43, 46, 49, 55

  Harcourt, Sir William, 382

  Hassani (slave trader), 29, 30

  Hatzfeld-Wildenburg, Count, 376

  Heligoland Treaty, 377-8

  Hembé (Uzarambo chief), 129

  Henry, John, 371

  Herne, Lt G. E., 44, 51

  Herodotus, 25, 253

  Hicks Pasha, William, 351

  Highflyer, HMS, 360

  hippopotomi, 74, 98, 128, 159, 168, 173, 205, 233, 235, 323, 372

  Hirth, Mgr, Jean-Joseph, 380, 381

  Homer, 23

  Hotten, John Camden, 281

  How I Found Livingstone (Stanley), 269, 270, 272, 275, 278

  Hyndman, H. M., 324

  Ibrahim (slave and ivory trader), 28, 217, 221, 238


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