by Tim Jeal
Iga, Ignatius, 412
Ikuta Yacongo, 315; see also Congo River
Imperial British East African Company, 363, 378-9, 382, 419
imperialism, 128, 332, 383-6, 418
Indian Mutiny, 125, 126
International African Association, 354
International Association of the Congo (AIC), 356
Ismail Pasha, khedive of Egypt, 6, 302, 303, 304, 307, 318, 332, 342, 352, 395
Ismailia, 335, 337, 342; see also Gondokoro
Ismailia (Baker), 337, 338
Ituri Forest, 366
ivory trade, 21, 25, 41, 50, 129, 183, 408, 428-9; see also slave trade
Jackson, Sir Frederick, 376, 408
James (follower of Livingstone), 22
Jameson, James Sligo, 368, 372
Jennings, Louis (New York Times editor), 283
Jephson, Arthur Mounteney, 318, 432
Johnston, Sir Harry H., 407
Jones, Elizabeth (mother of Stanley), see Parry, Elizabeth
Josut, 25, 26, 253
Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile (Speke), 147, 157, 195
McQueen’s review, 207
Juba, 2, 401; see also Gondokoro
Juma (ivory trader), 143
Junker, Dr Wilhelm, 349
Kabarega (omukama of Bunyoro), 338, 339, 340, 342, 406
attacked by Colvile, 407
death in Jinja, 407
exiled to Seychelles, 407, 431
Kabarega Falls, see Murchison Falls
Kafu, River, 26, 170, 173, 230
Kafue, River, 26
Kagehyi (L. Victoria), 300, 304, 306
Kagera, River, 153, 377
search for source, 316-17
Stanley explores, 308
as White Nile source, 144, 308, 316, 318-19
Kagere, Sarah, 412
Kagwa, Apolo, 406
Kakwa people, 414
Kalulu (slave boy), 296-7, 311
death, 320
Kama Sutra of Vatsayana (trans. Richard Burton), 322
Kamerun (German), 358
Kambi Mbaya (slave trader), 348
Kampala, 378, 379, 415
Kamrasi (omukama of Bunyoro), 144, 163, 164, 166, 169-72, 224, 225, 237-9, 338, 431
Kannena (Ujiji chief), 86, 89-91, 274
Kaole Point, 72
Karagwe, 133, 435
Karamajong tribe, 408
Karuma Falls, 173, 227, 236, 241
Kasembe (village), 252
Kasembe (chief/ruler of the Luba-Lunda), 7, 252, 429, 431
Kasengé Island, L. Tanganyika, 88
Kasongo, 372
Kasoro (guide), 168
Kassala, 387
Katanga, 25, 429
Katchiba (Obbo chief), 222
Katende, Major, 412
Kathleen (Petherick’s boat)
Katomba (slave trader), 28, 29
Kavirondo Bay, L. Victoria, 300
Kazeh (later Tabora), 82, 91-2, 100, 103, 131, 140, 275
altitude, 85
Burton & Speke in, 81-3, 93
Speke leaves for L. Victoria 96
returns 100-1
Speke & Grant in, 131, 133-4, 136; see also Tabora
Kedong massacre, 419
Kelly, Capt. Henry, 397-8, 397
Kenya, 395, 401, 410, 413, 420, 421, 434
Kenya, Mount, 39, 40
Khama, Seretse, 414
Khartoum, 41, 123, 184, 189, 240, 333, 349, 393, 398-9, 400, 40 Kibonge (slave trader), 375
Kidwiga (Kamrasi’s guide), 173, 174
Kikizi, Mount, 317
Kikuyu people, 419, 421
Kilimanjaro, Mount, 39, 65, 363
Kilwa, 70, 105, 362
Kimera, Prince Harry, 412
Kingani (Ruvu), River, 73-4
Kinglake, Alexander, 260
Kinshasa, 355-6
Kirk, Dr John, 27, 31, 211, 254, 273, 279-80, 280, 293, 360
Kismayu, 362
Kisoona (Kisuna), 237
Kitchener, Maj-Gen Sir Horatio, 387, 424
Kivira Island, L. Tanganyika, 87
Kivira, River (White Nile), L. Victoria, 101, 102, 113, 115, 124, 173
Kivu, Lake, 144, 317
Knoblecher, Ignatius (missionary), 118-19
Kodok (formerly Fashoda), 392
Kololo tribe, 246, 425
Kony, Joseph, 416-17
Krapf, Dr Johann Ludwig (missionary), 39-40, 50
Kurrum, 50, 55
Kyoga, Lake, 303, 317, 319
Lady Alice (boat), 299, 300, 301, 304, 305
Lake Regions of Central Africa (Burton), 78, 117, 118, 195, 207
Laing, Gordon, 72
Lander, Richard, death, 8, 72, 423
Lane, Edward, 322
Langi tribe, 398, 408, 410, 416
The Last Journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa, 21, 27, 32, 35, 291, 329
Latuka tribe, 218, 222, 223
Layard, Austen, 198
Lenana (Masai leader), 419
Leopold II, King, 6, 325, 352, 353, 357, 359
Leopoldville, 355, 423
Levy-Lawson, Edward, 308 lions, 41
Tsavo man-eaters, 420
Livingstone, Agnes (daughter of David), 16, 214, 294
Livingstone, Anna Mary (daughter of David), 276
Livingstone, Dr David, 7, 8, 9, 92, 178, 289, 324, 385, 429
anti-slavery, 212-13, 249, 294
appearance, 271
attempts on life, 34-5, 255
body returned to Zanzibar, 292-3
burial at Westminster Abbey, 293, 295
character, 9, 277-8
‘Christianity and Commerce’, 14, 196, 272, 329, 331, 426
death, 290-1, 329
doubts Speke’s Nile source, 206, 210
early life, 14, 246, 271
early journeys, 272-3, 425
God-given duty, 6, 17, 209, 425
hatred of Burton, 201, 212
ill-health, 19, 20, 26, 209, 250, 252, 254, 255, 287, 288, 290
and Kirk, 271, 281
last diary entry, 290
last journey (1872-3), 285-90
and Lualaba River, 254, 273, 288, 291, 311
meets Stanley, 268-71
as missionary, 15, 206, 209, 212, 271-2, 286, 425, 440
motivation to explore, 6, 14-17, 212, 248, 278, 286
relationship with Stanley, 276-8
trans-Africa journey (1854-6), 14, 15, 126, 209, 246, 272
turns against Speke, 200
views on Africans, 22, 82, 271, 425, 430-1
views on colonialism, 332, 385-6, 426-7, 430-2
views on slave and ivory trade, 21-2, 212-13, 294; see also Nile Source Expedition (Livingstone & Stanley); Zambezi Expedition
Livingstone, Mary (wife of David), 15, 276, 331
Livingstone, Oswell (son of David), 281
Livingstone, Robert, 276
Livingstone Relief Expedition, 279
Livingstonia, 331
Loanda, 246
Lobo, Jeronimo, 2
longitude, calculation of, 73, 78-9
Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), 416
Lourdel, Father Simeon, 346, 348
Lovell, Mary, 105
Lualaba, River, 17, 23, 29-30, 34, 251, 254, 273, 310, 311
altitude and Nile source, 275, 288
Stanley proves to be Upper Congo, 315
Luapula, River, 251, 290
Luba-Lunda people, 429
Lugard, Capt. Frederick, 379-81, 382
Lugbara people, 414
Lukuga, River, 308, 310
Lumeresi (chief), 137, 138, 139
‘Lunatic Line’, see Uganda Railway
Luta N’zige, 172, 173, 174, 182, 206, 215, 247; see also Albert, Lake
Luta N’zige Expedition (Baker & Florence, (1863-5): Baker exaggerates size of lake, 232, 241, 242
in Bunyoro, 227-38
detained by Kamrasi, 236-8
discovery and rena
ming of lake, 232
discovery of Murchison Falls, 235
Florence’s ill-health, 230-2
journey from Gondokoro to Obbo, 216-19, 221-2
journey from Obbo to Karuma Falls, 224-7
meets Chief Commoro, 218, 220
in Obbo, 222-4
and porters, 216, 222, 233-4, 236
return to Gondokoro, 233-9
slave traders atrocities, 223
in Shaguzi, 229-30
voyage on lake, 233
warned of mutiny, 215-16, 217
Luxor, 1
Maaolo, George, 412
Mabruki Speke, 71, 105, 163, 189, 266, 285, 292, 297
Machunda (king of Ukerewe and Mzita Islands), 99
Mackay, Alexander, 345-6, 346, 347, 348, 349, 363, 374
Mackinnon, Sir William, 331, 351, 363, 370, 378-9, 383, 403, 419
MacMichael, Sir Harold, 399-400, 403
McQueen, James, 195, 207-8, 300
McQuie, Peter, 195
Madi tribe, 176, 225, 302, 398, 408
Mahaya (Mwanza chief), 99
Mahdi, The (Muhammad Ahmad), 349, 350
al-Mahdi, Sadiq, 403
Maizan, Lt M., 40, 67
death, 129, 423
Majid, Abdel (slave trader), 183-4, 185
Majid, Said bin, 274
Majid, Sultan of Zanzibar, 69-70, 119, 120
Makaka (Sorombo sub-chief), 135-6
Makoko (chief), 354, 355
Malagarasi, River, 268
Malaka, 396
Malamine, Sergeant, 355
malaria, 3, 8, 19, 41, 77-8, 80, 222, 250, 268, 273, 362, 423
Malawi, see Nyasaland Mamohela, 17
A Man of the People (Achebe)
Mandela, Nelson, 414
Mansur (Arab trader), 99
Manwa Sera (Nyamwezi chief), 82, 128, 131, 133, 134, 221, 291, 292, 297, 320, 422
Manyema, 19, 20-1, 34, 252-3, 311
Manyema people, 22, 30, 254
massacre of, 32-4
Marchand, Major Jean-Baptiste, 392, 393
Markham, Clements, 112-13, 283
Marschall, Baron von, 377
Marston, Edward, 281, 323
Masai tribe, 419, 421
Masailand, 40, 67, 170, 348, 374
Masindi, 338
Masindi, Battle of, 339-41
Masudi (slave trader), 140
Mau Mau Rebellion, 413, 421, 434
Maula, 145, 151, 164
Maxim guns, 365, 379, 381, 390, 392, 394
Mazitu (Ngoni) tribe, 249
Mecca, 36, 38, 39, 43, 63
Melly, Andrew, Nile attempt, 41
Menelik II, Emperor, 386, 388
Mengo Hill, 155, 156, 348, 380
Méri, 157-62
Mfundi (Sorombo sub-chief), 135, 137
Mgambi (brother of Kamrasi), 229, 230, 238
Miani, Giovanni (ivory trader), 42, 176-7, 221
Mikindani Bay, 13 The Mill on the Floss (G. Eliot), 123
Mirambo (Nyamwezi king), 267, 308, 415, 429
missionaries, 4, 14, 38, 212, 302, 304, 331, 332, 345-8, 366, 386, 394, 400, 408, 409, 419, 424, 427, 433
relationship between Catholic (French) and Protestant (British) Missions, 379-80; see also individual missionaries Missionary Travels (Livingstone), 258, 331
Missouri Democrat, 262
Mitamba forest, 312
Moenpembé, 25, 26, 253
Moero (Mweru), Lake, 250, 273, 290
Moir, John and Frederick, 331
Molilamo, River, 290
Mombasa, 26, 40, 65, 115, 362
Monsoor, 341
Moorehead, Alan, 3, 438
‘Mountains of the Moon’, 26, 39, 40, 43, 70, 85, 100, 118, 144, 318
Mozambique, 15
Mpanga, Frederick, 412
Msiri, 429
el-Muameri, Sayf bin Said, 70
Mugwanya, Stanislas, 406
Muhammad, Abdulla ibn, (The Khalifa), 388
Muhammad Ali Pasha (Egyptian viceroy), 24, 40
Muhammad, Mahmoud, 388, 389
Muhinna (slave trader), 91, 134
Mukasa, C. M. S., 412
Mukondokwa, River, 79
Murchison, Sir Roderick, 14, 113, 126, 128, 274, 332
invites Speke to ‘great Nile debate’, 199
letter to The Times, 191, 192
loses favour with Speke, 194-5
praises Speke, 116, 190
suggests Nile military expedition to Speke, 197
urges Livingstone on Nile expedition, 211
Murchison Falls, 234, 241, 319
discovery and naming, 235
renamed by Idi Amin, 407
Murdoch, Sophie (sister of J. Speke), 204
Murie, Dr James, 185, 216
Musa Mzuri (Indian trader), 81, 103, 132, 133
Museveni, Yoweri, 415
Mutebi, Ronald, kabaka of Buganda, 417-18
Mutesa, kabaka of Buganda, 135, 143, 144, 151-4, 157-8, 166
cruelty, 162-3, 164
desire for firearms, 303-4
greets Stanley, 301
invites missionaries, 304, 345, 347
sacrifices, 144, 347
Mutesa II, Sir Frederick Edward (‘King Freddie’), 410
burials, 413-14
death, 412-13
escape to Britain, 411
Mwanga, kabaka of Buganda (son of Mutesa), 347, 370, 378, 406
executes converts and missionaries, 348-9
exile and death, 407
treaty with Lugard, 379, 381
treaty with Peters, 376, 377
Mwanza, L. Victoria, 99
Mzilikazi, 415
Mzita Island (L. Victoria), 98, 99
N’yamgundu, 145
Napier, General Sir Robert, 37
Napoleon Channel, 168
Napoleon III, Emperor, 168, 197-8
Nasib, 136, 137, 152
Nasik porters, cruelty to animals, 248
Nassick Mission School (Bombay), 28, 247
Nchuvila (Kinshasa chief), 355, 356
Nelson, Capt. R. H., 369
Neston Park, Corsham, 202
New York Herald, 262, 264, 271, 273, 294, 295, 301, 302, 306, 313
New York Times, 283
Newbold, Sir Douglas, 402
Ngoni people, 429
Niger, River, 7, 72, 198, 312
The Nile Basin (Burton & McQueen), 195, 207-8
Nile, River: apportioning of water, 434-5
Blue Nile, 2, 179
early exploration, 1, 23, 25-6, 41-2
mystery of, 1
recent explorations of source, 316-17
watershed, 16, 322
White Nile, 2, 3, 70, 101, 102, 176, 179, 251, 273, 301, 391; see also individual expeditions
Nile Source Expedition (Burton & Speke), see Great Lakes Expedition (Burton & Speke)
Nile Source Expedition (Livingstone, 1866-73
Stanley, 1871-2), 13, 15, 17-23, 26-35, 248-56, 285-93
in Bambarre, 20, 23, 25, 26-8, 254
Biblical resonance, 16, 23
despatch to Lord Clarendon, 252
at L. Bangweulu, 252, 286-90
at L. Moero, 251
at L. Nyanza, 249
Livingstone’s last journey (1872-3), 285-90
L. & S. meet, 268-71
L. & S. return to Tabora and part company, 275-8
L. & S.’s voyage on L. Tanganyika, 274-5
at Lualaba River, 29-31, 253, 254-5
Manyema ambush, 34-5, 35
navigation error, 250, 287
Nyangwe massacre, 32-4, 255
and porters, 13, 18, 249, 251, 252, 254, 264, 265, 266, 286
preparations, 246-7
supplies stolen at Ujiji, 255-6
Nile Source Expedition (Speke & Grant, 1863): attack by Wanyoro, 169
criticism on return, 192-3
detained at Lumeresi’s court, 137-8, 139
detained at Mutesa’s court, 147, 149-65, 431<
br />
in Gondokoro, 177, 180-7
G.’s camp ransacked, 138-9
G. reunites with S., 164
at Kamrasi’s court, 170-2
in Karagwe, 141
in Kazeh, 131-2, 136
march to Buganda, 144, 145
march to Bunyoro, 168-9
and porters, 129, 131, 133, 134, 136, 173
preparation, 124-6, 128-9
refused permission to visit Luta N’zige, 172, 173-4
S. asked to negotiate, 131, 134
S. discovers Ripon Falls, 167-8
S. rejects Petherick’s aid, 185-6
S. separates from G., 129-30, 134-5
telegram to RGS, 189
in Ugogo, 129-30
in Ukumbi, 132-3
in Usui, 139-40
waits for Petherick in Faloro, 174-6; ‘welcome home’
celebration, 191-2
Nilotic peoples, 398, 399, 408
Nimule, 224
Noe, Lewis, 260
Ntamo, 355
Nubar Pasha, 332
Nuer people, 399, 400
Numeiri, Jafar, 403
Nyamwezi people, 130, 131, 133, 267, 308, 374, 428, 429
Nyangwe, 30, 254, 311, 312