Serving the Billionaire

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Serving the Billionaire Page 198

by Julian Bloom

  Alpha Lions Mate

  Paranormal Romance

  By: Michelle Hart


  The night before, Jonas Mitner had enjoyed a wild night of kinky animalistic sex with a hot beautiful sexy blond. Unfortunately, the next morning, to his amazement, he found himself transforming into a strange new image in the mirror. He was uncontrollably shifting into a huge beautiful lion complete with a large mane, tail and gigantic claws. How and why did this happen? Did the hot blond that was biting and scratching during sex cause this uncontrollable shifting to happen?

  He soon found he could not control his shifting and when he did shift, his feline anger was out of control. Soon he could not work or even appear in public due to his shifting issues.

  He is finally able to seek online help with forums and soon is introduced to a hot seductive feline shifter who offers to help him control his crazy shifting. Would she be able to help him control his newfound powers? If not, there would be drastic consequences for his life.

  Chapter 1

  Jonas Mitner woke up in bed and stretched. He smiled to himself thinking about the night before. The sexy blond who had clawed his back up, and bitten him. She had given him the ride of his life. Plying him with alcohol and kinky sex, it would be a night to remember. When he got up out of bed, he looked over at the door where his mirror was and realized he wasn’t seeing himself.

  Instead, he was a lion. A big, few hundred-pound lion with a mane. And a tail. A freaking tail. Panicked, he started to rip around the room, his nails leaving claw marks on the tile and he ran into his door and shattered his bedroom mirror. He was trying to get out of the room and ended up clawing the door and eventually broke the doorknob off with his paw, after leaving claw marks all over the doorframe and door. He tried to say something, and all that came out of his mouth was a roar.

  A freaking roar! He panicked; the animal instincts kicked in and before he knew it, he’d ripped his entire room apart before he could calm down. It took him a while; he was sure the neighbors below him would complain that it sounded like a herd of elephants running wild in his room.

  After a while when there was nothing left for him to tear apart, or wreck in his panicked, frenzied state, he finally sat down in the middle of the mess. With his room completely destroyed and what looked like a hurricane had hit it, Jonas tried to process that he wasn’t dreaming. That somehow, this was real. He was blaming the woman he’d brought home last night. She must have done this to him. He’d never believed in the paranormal, but given what he was seeing, he didn’t have a choice but to face that it was real at this point. The reality was, he didn’t have any other options. He walked over to the mirror and blinked. Turning his head from side to side, the fur around his head shook slightly. He didn’t know whether to be fairly impressed at how massive he looked, or completely terrified that he’d turn into a cat.

  A cat! So what if he was a big cat, a predatory animal who could stalk and take down prey in a single bound. He was no longer human. Panic welled up inside him and he started to pace his room in agitation as he looked at himself in the mirror. His tail swished back and forth and his ears laid flat against his head. He tried to make himself be human again, but he didn’t know how. Frustrated, he gave up after a while and decided he was going to be stuck like this forever, and since he lacked thumbs to open the door, he’d probably starve to death before he could figure out a solution.

  A few hours later, after he’d curled into a ball and tried to calm down, he eventually shifted back to human form. Naked, he examined his fingers and thought maybe he’d imagined the whole thing, until he saw the damage to his room. He groaned. It would take hours to clean up the mess. Some of which would be completely irreplaceable, and he’d have to start over. He headed to the kitchen to get trash bags.

  Jonas picked up broken glass, and smashed figurines. His dresser had tipped over and he picked it up and set it upright, realizing that despite the cheap material, it had survived semi-intact. The side was all scratched up, but the drawers still worked. He began putting the clothes that were strewn all over the room back in their assigned spot, and he had to throw about half his clothes away from the damage he’d caused while not quite himself.

  An alarm buzzed a while later, telling him he was going to be late, and it was his last chance if he didn’t want to miss his train. He scrambled to get ready and get out of the door in less than five minutes.

  He took a cab to work, realizing he’d be late otherwise if he tried to take the subway. He just didn’t have time after this morning. He hated wasting money on cabs when he had a perfectly good subway card. When he was done at work for the day Jonas realized he was starving and normally wasn’t a big meat eater. However, he was craving meat. He decided to order a pizza and settle down to see what he could figure out about his new… situation.

  While the pizza was being delivered, he started googling and looking around online. He found a lot of websites with people dressing up as animals, and eventually, he found a small forum that hinted at his issue, without flat out saying it. All of it could be deniable with the way it was worded, and sounded almost like fantasy. His gut told him this site was the real deal. Joining, he filled out all the registration and then went to the introduction thread. He read through a few of the posts and then went to the general section and posted a generic thread. He mentioned he had sex, woke up in an unusual state, and panicked. He wanted help. He left his personal email on the post and left it like that.

  Hoping they’d contact him, he went through the rest of the posts and site and saw people talking about things to do with controlling their urges, where they could go to be free, all the wording was vague, but he got the gist of what they meant, based on what he’d experienced this morning.

  He had work tonight, and called in sick for the next few days. He worked in an IT department at a hospital, normally he worked nights because it freed up his days, but right now, he needed to figure this out. He knew they’d survive without him, and he had some vacation time coming. Maybe that was his problem, he needed a real vacation and this would all sort itself out, and was just a big, bad dream.

  He used to think these websites were nothing but fake roleplaying, he hoped he wasn’t wrong and that at least some of the people on here where real. Every time he looked around his bedroom and saw the evidence of his feline rampage, it reminded him it had actually happened. He shifted again before he could stop himself, and dropped a plate on his toe, shattering the glass as it half-hit the tile in his kitchen. It took him hours again to shift back and he knew that if he kept up like this, he’d never be able to leave his apartment, or have a normal life. He just didn’t know what to do! He made himself a promise, that he wasn’t going to give up. He was stubborn, he just had to find a solution.

  The internet wasn’t much help though, and he didn’t have the girls number who was most likely the culprit for putting him in this situation. He couldn’t even contract her to ask for help. He was now regretting inviting a stranger home. It had been out of character for him, but something about her had been wild, passionate, he had taken a risk and he was now having to pay the consequences for those actions.

  A few days later, Jonas still hadn’t gotten control of his shifting and he kept waking up as a lion. He was unable to control his human form with stress and anger seeming to trigger his two shifts into a lion.

  When a knock happened on his door, he grabbed a bathrobe and covered himself, having just shifted back again. At the rate that this kept happening, he was going to lose his job. He hadn’t been able to go back to work, he was scared he was going to shift at work and hurt someone.

  When he opened the door, a beautiful, busty redhead was at the door. Her blue nails and eyes matched perfectly and she was dressed in jeans and a tight tank top that left nothing to the imagination. Her large breasts were perky and she had on no bra, it made his mouth water. He stared down at her chest and had to force his eyes back up to her face. She rai
sed a brow and then chuckled.

  “Like what you see huh?” She asked him and pushed her way inside and shut the door.

  “Who are you?” Jonas asked her, staring at the pushy woman who gave him a quirky smile when he inquired to her identity.

  “Melissa. Riverheart. You can call me Lissa though.” She told him and took a step towards him and looked him up and down. “You asked for help. Here I am. So tell me about your problems kitty cat.”

  “Help?” He was confused for a moment, when she flashed her pearly white fangs at him, it sunk in after a minute that she was referring to his… other situation.

  “You posted asking for help. I can’t help you if you can’t prove it, so, show me.” Lissa told him and crossed her arms, which all that did was succeed in pushing her otherwise abundant cleavage up and distract him further.

  “I can’t control it,” Jonas finally admitted, “that’s why I was asking for help. I’m scared to go to work. If I were to wig out at work, it could be a problem. Or what if I was in public? I don’t know how to make myself… change on command.”

  “I can’t help you until I know for sure this is real,” Lissa told him quietly and put her hand on his arm. Leaning forward, she reached out and bit him, hard on the shoulder, but not hard enough to break the skin. Taken aback, Jonas stumbled backwards and couldn’t decide if he was turned on, or startled.

  “Why did you do that?” Jonas asked her and then kept backing up as she stalked him. When his back hit the wall of his living room, he gulped hard. She didn’t give him an answer, but she grabbed his hair hard, and then kissed him. When she let go of him she stood back and watched him.

  “You’re not an aggressive man, are you?” She finally asked and looked disappointed.

  “What do you mean?” Jonas asked, confused by her question and her behavior.

  “Never mind, I’ll just have to switch tactics, typically, a woman pushing an aggressive man would trigger a primal response, but you aren’t aggressive. Nothing wrong with it, by any means.” Lissa reassured him, her personal preferences shouldn’t matter if she was going to help him. Although; she did prefer to be the one chased, instead of doing the chasing.

  “I don’t get it,” Jonas said and then when she slapped him in the face, it started him so much he started to shift. He couldn’t help it, her aggressive behavior towards him had him backing away and almost feeling the need to defend himself since he didn’t know what was going on.

  A few minutes later, he was on all fours on the floor in his living room, and Lissa stood next to him watching him curiously.

  “Well, now you need to shift back,” she told him and gave him an encouraging smile.

  Jonas tilted his head and gave her a look that said he couldn’t. So, he stood there. Waiting.

  “You really cannot figure this out, can you?” Lissa sighed, realizing that she had work cut out for her. “Okay, I’ll try to walk you through the change so you can at least change back on command.”

  Jonas perked up and for a moment, he hoped she was everything she seemed like she’d be. Maybe he’d actually get his life back, despite this new acquired problem he had.

  Turning into a big, furry cat was definitely a problem.

  Chapter 2

  Lissa stuck around over the next few weeks and tried to help him. She at least got him to the point where he could go to work with minimal issues, and if he started to freak out, could call her and she could talk him through his self-control.

  Sex, was a different story. He always shifted when aroused, either right before, or directly after any kind of intense, sexual frenzy. While he was getting better control over his shifts in day to day life, it would screw up his love life for quite a while at this rate.

  Lissa had been working with him slowly, at first, she had no intentions of getting sexually, or emotionally involved with him, but since his control was linked to his heightened emotional state, he had to learn to control himself better, and he let go when he was sexual. He let himself go wild, which was fine if you were with another cat, or shifter who didn’t mind, but a human would panic. Or he might accidentally turn another human and he had to be careful. As long as he didn’t have control over it, he wasn’t safe to be around humans without supervision.

  She’d been toying with the idea of sending him away, to a refuge that specialized in helping human-turned shifters learn how to control their newfound powers. Problem was, he was anti-traveling and every time she brought it up, he resisted. She could also tell he was getting more and more attached to her, and she worried about the long-term ramifications.

  Shifters mated for life, and he was not her mate. Whatever fun they might be able to have, to scratch an itch so to speak was just that. Fun. An itch to scratch. Not an emotional, long term relationship where she would profess her undying love to him and when he met his mate, or she met hers at some point in the future, it would get messy if they were more than just friends. It was easy to stop a sexual relationship, but if you let your brain and heart get entangled it wasn’t so simple.

  The mating bond between shifters started with a mark on the shoulder, in the shape of a heart, over time, it would change colors as the mate bonding took deeper hold. She knew they weren’t mates. It would usually show up the first time you had sex…. And get darker over time.

  She liked Jonas well enough, but she was glad he wasn’t her mate. He could be funny, and dramatic, and worried about little stuff. But at the same time, he was honorable and had good ethics.

  Filing her nails, she was waiting for him to get home from work. When he came through the door, he looked tired.

  “You okay there; J?” She asked him. She’d shortened his name to a single letter. He raised a brow and then nodded at her.

  “Let me just change my clothes, do you care if I order a pizza, I just need something fattening for dinner. I’m grumpy.” He told her as he walked through his apartment. He hadn’t minded having her here, and she was a shifter. She had no roots of her own to call home, so she was staying put… for now. Until she was ready to move on again. He was grateful for everything she was doing for him, so having her here seemed like the least he could do while she was helping him.

  She was a natural born shifter, not a bitten or scratched, so what he had to learn, came naturally to her and most born shifters. They learned as children and through puberty how to control their emotions and their sexuality and other animal instincts in order to have complete control over their shifts.

  Jonas ordered the pizza, extra meat, and then took a quick shower while he waited for it to arrive.

  “How was work today?” Lissa asked him when he came out of his bedroom, toweling off his hair.

  He shrugged, “Fine I suppose. Just tired, the subway is crowded and I’m not a fan of being pushed around or jostled, and I find it difficult to not growl at people these days.”

  “You are doing great though. You haven’t shifted in public, you’re able to go to work, and you can mostly control it for now. I’m proud of you!” Lissa told him and got up off the couch. She tossed the nail file onto the coffee table and walked over to him and put her fingers against his chest. She dug them in slightly, just enough for him to hiss out a breath.

  She kissed him, her tongue teased his, and she started to yank on the buttons of his shirt. When they wouldn’t easily come undone, she gave it a hard tug and popped the buttons off, sending them flying across the room.

  Jonas moaned softly, but didn’t complain about his ruined shirt. Lissa drug her nails down his skin, then used the palms of her hands to press and rub against his nipples. He didn’t have much chest hair for her to tug, but she moved on to his stomach, touching it. He was softer than most shifters. He needed to work out a little more, you could tell he sat behind a desk all day. But she didn’t let that stop her. Instead, she nipped at his shoulder with her sharp little teeth.

  He brought his hands up to touch her hair, and massage the back of her neck, he knew what she wanted,
and he was stressed out. He was working hard on controlling his shifts during sex, and he wanted a blow job. Pushing her head down, he guided her until she sank to her knees and then unzipped his pants. He guided himself to her mouth and buried his hands hard in her hair as he felt her lips parts and her tongue rub against the tip.

  Moaning, he started to move his hips back and forth, rocking against her face as she swirled her tongue around his shaft. He grabbed her head and thrust himself deep down her throat as he groaned. He needed this, but he could feel the animalistic reins in his mind slowly giving over to the lion side of him. The side that would shift if he didn’t keep it on a tight leash. Focusing his attention on holding on to that mental leash, he focused on keeping human. While he also tried to relax and enjoy what Lissa was doing. It was always a challenge, When he came, he still almost always shifted directly afterwards, while his body was relaxed and his mind was complete mush.

  Lissa toyed with him, taking her sweet time to bring him to orgasm. She used her tongue to rub against the underneath part of his cock, and swallowed him all the way to his balls. She massaged him softly, grabbing his stomach with one hand and pushed against his groin as the other hand cupped his balls softly. She applied pressure around his nuts to increase the pleasure he felt.

  Feeling the pressure increase, he grunted and jerked against her face hard, as he came in her mouth. He growled deep in his throat, and before he knew what was happening, he’d stumbled back away from her and he started to shift. He tried to focus and force himself to stay human, but he lost the battle with his animal side and landed on all fours as a furry lion.

  Sighing, he looked at her with a frustrated look on his face, as the doorbell rang for the pizza. His pants were shredded, as they didn’t fit his lion frame and she scooped his wallet up off the ground where it had fallen out of his pocket.

  “I’ll just pay for the pizza. Go hide in the kitchen while I pay. And you owe me an orgasm,” Lissa told him and wagged a finger in his direction. “I really did think you were going to last this time without shifting, oh well. There’s always later.”


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