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Orbit Guard Attached (Orbit Guard Sci-Fiction Romance Series Book 2)

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by Arliss, F. E.

  Katyia roused herself, to go check on Major Schlipp’s injuries. Striding purposefully towards the med bay, then slipping into a corridor on Deck Eight, where she was taking a short cut to the medical wing, she ran into the bar of an out-stretched arm. Gasping as the arm tightened about her neck, closing off her air supply, she felt the cold press of a service laser pressed against her temple. Katyia knew that shape. She and the other women had trained on this exact weapon for the forward mission.

  Heavy breathing in her ear reminded her of the days of struggle in the hospital ward in Moscow. Even as her vision clouded and she labored to catch her breath, she flashed back to the men in the hospital who had tried to corner her for a grope, or even on a few occasions, an attempted rape. Rather than freeze as had been her early response to these maulings, she remembered her martial arts training. Jabbing an elbow back into the gut behind her, she simultaneously brought her heel down on the high part of his instep. The bellow of pain from the shit-sack who’d attacked her, gave her a surge of satisfaction that helped spike her adrenaline.

  Remembering her training, she broke free, ducked low and pulled downwards with all her momentum. The arm, that until a split second ago, had been around her neck, released. A resounding crack echoed down the corridor as her assailant’s head smacked against the corridor floor. This coincided with her sliding her hands down the arm she’d pulled, until she found the palm. Pulling the hand and arm up and over the man’s head, resulted in a horrendous crunching-slurp of tearing cartilage and muscle. Screams echoed down the corridor.

  Katyia immediately palmed the laser gun her assailant had dropped and whirled about, finding the perfectly-stable, shooting stance that Major Donji had showed them. To her astonishment, the writhing body of Ensign Clayton, showed that he was her attacker! No sooner than she had registered this fact, boots pounded down the corridor as soldiers responding to the screams, approached. The soldiers, not knowing what to think, barked “Lower the weapon and put your hands above your head!”

  She did as they asked, then slowly turned and struggling to speak around her swelling vocal cords, rasped, “Ensign Clayton attacked me. I think you’ll find that laser pistol is his issued service weapon. Also, I believe I will need treatment for the bruising that’s beginning around my neck.” Later, Katyia would surmise that it was less from stress, and more from lack of oxygen, but her legs slid out from under her and she hit the corridor floor as well.

  Seconds later, she came back to consciousness and found that she’d been propped up against the hall bulkhead. Ensign Clayton was still sobbing and shrieking as her rescuers zip-tied his hands behind his back.

  Probably not great for the tear she’d given him in his rotator cuff, Katyia thought. Oh well, walrus turd deserved it.

  Katyia disliked walrus. They lay in their own waste and had yellow needle-like whiskers above even yellower, usually broken, teeth. Occasionally, as a child, her father had encouraged her to go near them on the edges of the ice, mostly just to see her run, in terror, when they reared up towards her. Later, in school, she’d found out they could be quite dangerous. This man was like her father. Violent and filled with rage.

  Just then her commanding officer, Lieutenant Sedgewick entered the corridor just behind Colonel Reinegaard, the Frontier Station’s commander. As the Colonel inquired what had happened to the soldiers standing guard over Ensign Clayton, Katyia couldn’t help herself, “This piece of walrus waste attacked me!” she shrieked huskily. At the same time, she lunged towards him and kicked him squarely in the nuts. Even as Lieutenant Sedgewick corralled her back against the wall of the corridor, she couldn’t help but feel a cold chill of satisfaction wash through her. Sagging back into Chloe’s arms she turned and allowed herself to be lead away.

  Chapter 6

  Concern and Confusion

  Major Donji halted at the door Colonel Reinegaard’s office and reconsidered the feelings that had him about to viciously jab the keypad to the closed door. He’d been commed by the Colonel, and informed that Corpsman Rustalov had been attacked on Deck Eight and was on her way to the med bay. Ensign Clayton, her attacker, had been taken into custody and would also need medical treatment, but was under armed guard until they could treat and release Corpsman Rustalov.

  As soon as he’d broken communications with his superior officer, his instinct had been to rush to the medical bay and oversee Corpsman Rustalov’s treatment. Clearly, on further consideration, it was her commanding officer’s place to accompany Katyia there, and he knew that Lieutenant Sedgewick would be at her side throughout. Why did he feel this way, he wondered? What was it about Corpsman Rustalov, he’d been thinking of her as Katyia though she had not given him permission to do so yet, that made him feel so protective of her? He was always concerned for his fellow Guardsmen, but this feeling was nothing like what he was used to. It was, frankly, unsettling and confusing.

  Opening the door, he stepped in, and reported to Colonel Reinegaard to get briefed on the whole incident. It seemed Major Torrance had been tasked with clean up and confinement of the offending Ensign Clayton.

  Major Reinegaard looked up as he entered the Colonel’s office. “What a hell of a day,” the Colonel said, shaking his head at Hiro. “What a screwed-up head is on this Ensign Clayton. Turns out he’s been working with the Arachnians all along. He was the one that gave the traitor, Major Schlipp, the information on how to contact the Arachnians using the darknet.”

  The darknet was a sort of super-secret criminal ethernet where all types of illegal goods and services were bartered around the universe.

  “It looks like we’ve got both our moles now,” the Colonel sighed. “Thank God.” Glancing over at Major Donji, the Colonel lifted his eyebrows slightly. “What? What’s up with you?” he asked.

  Hiro Donji felt almost ill as he tried to avoid the Colonel’s gaze. “I’m just concerned for Corpsman Rustalov, sir,” he said. “It’s hard to imagine that someone would hate having the women on board enough to actually try to kidnap and leave with one. Was he going to trade her for food, insurance or what?” the Major asked.

  “I believe that Corpsman Rustalov was to be insurance against being eaten himself, when he met the Arachnia to pick up his payment. A sort of token ‘gift’ if you will,” Colonel Reinegaard said, laughing out loud. “He sure picked the wrong Corpsman to try to aid him in that!”

  “I’m relieved that Katyia is ok,” the Major said, not meeting his superior’s eyes. “What was the extent of her injuries?” he asked.

  Colonel Reinegaard eyed him soberly. “She has some major bruising around her neck and her vocal cords have swelled. They don’t believe there will be any lasting damage,” he stated. “Fortunately for her, she’s had some serious martial arts training in her past. It stood her in good stead today. Corpsman Rustalov also gives you credit for teaching them well about the standard issue laser weapon. She recognized it immediately, from your briefing, when it was used against her. Well done, Major.”

  Hiro Donji felt an undeniable twist in the pit of his stomach at the compliment bestowed upon him by the Corpsman. “Thank you, sir. I’m sure it was Corpsman Rustalov’s own quick reflexes that saved her today,” he murmured.

  “I won’t argue with you about that, Major,” the Colonel murmured. “She’s a fire-cracker, that one! Starting tomorrow, I want you training intensively with both Captain Sedgewick and Lieutenant Rustalov.”

  At Major Donji’s quirked eyebrow over the new titles for Chloe and Katyia, he explained, “Orbit Guard headquarters are sending out another counselor and more Corpsmen. Sedgewick and Rustalov have both been promoted. It’s quick for the Guard, these promotions, but they both showed a great deal of bravery and the women look up to them. We need that. Captain Sedgewick will be training as squad leader for the Corpsmen’s forward missions. Lieutenant Rustalov will be in charge of a Corpsman’s brigade of medics and stretcher bearers,” stated the Colonel.

  “You’ll have your hands full with those
two, as I want them both battle ready. Rustalov won’t be quite as much of a challenge, but you can add in some sort of weapons training besides the hand-to-hand. Captain Sedgewick has very little training. The rest of the women will be training under Gunnery Sergeant Blandin. You’re dismissed. I assume you’ll be checking now on Lieutenant Rustalov?” he asked with a raised eyebrow at Donji.

  Major Donji blushed from the tips of his ears to the bottoms of his feet. He prayed to Buddha that his dusky skin didn’t show any sign of that fact to his commander. “Yes, sir. I think it would be appropriate if I am to be training her, to check on her condition, sir,” he snapped a salute to accompany the quick reply. Then turned and exited the Commander’s office, heaving a sigh of relief when he felt the doors swish shut behind him.

  Colonel Reinegaard stared after the fast retreating Major’s back, and suppressed a tiny chuckle. His fiancé Chloe, had told him that she thought the Major was sweet on Katyia Rustalov. Well, well. That did seem to be the case. “About time Hiro found someone,” he thought with a grin.

  Chapter 7

  Kindness or Caring?

  Sitting up against the head board of the sterile bunk in the medical bay, Katyia was feeling a little like a princess in a story book. For once in her life, other people were waiting on her. It was strange, having the respect of others here on the Station. When Lieutenant Chloe Sedgewick had helped her to the med bay, she’d started to try to diagnose and treat herself. That had lasted all of two seconds, before she was helped onto an exam table and given to understand, in no uncertain terms by Doctor Carstairs, that he was in-charge and she was the patient.

  She’d been given a sedative so that her vocal cords could rest and when she’d come back to the living, after what felt like the best sleep of her life, she’d been cossetted with broth, pain killers, salves, and monitoring like she’d once done for her rich clients at the private hospital in Moscow. Katyia couldn’t decide if she liked all this attention or if it just made her feel a little twitchy.

  Lieutenant Sedgewick had just left her. The fact that they’d both been promoted, meant that Chloe was now Captain Sedgewick, and she was Lieutenant Rustalov. The realization that she was soon to be in charge of her own medic team of women Corpsmen, was just, like, wow! “Just Wow!” as Lieutenant, no, she meant Captain Sedgewick, would say. It was amazing!

  Wow! Yesterday she’d felt like she’d earned a place here in the Guard after being applauded for her work on the forward mission. Now she felt that not only did she belong, but for the first time in her life, she was respected as well. It was a good feeling. Though her throat did hurt like hell.

  The doors to the medical bay pinged, then slid open to reveal Major Donji. All Katyia could think for a moment was that she hoped she didn’t look too wrung out. What a stupid thing to think, she chastised herself. He probably wasn’t even here for her! When he turned to face her, and proceeded forward with his customary gliding stride, she knew she had been right to worry. Oh, shit! She must look like crap. “What does it matter,” she thought to herself, “he’s my commanding officer. No future in that.” Straightening herself as best she could, she saluted him.

  Major Donji stopped beside the bed of the beautiful, willowy blonde before him, and for a moment couldn’t think of a proper way to address his trainee. “How are you, Lieutenant Rustalov?” he asked with a grim countenance on his face. “Can you speak, or is it too painful?”

  Katyia smiled slightly at the Major. “I’m fine, sir,” she husked out. “Just a little sore, but they’re treating me royally and I’ll be going back to my own quarters in a few hours.”

  “You will not be reporting for combat sessions for at least one week,” Major Donji said sternly. “I will not have you over-testing your endurance after this violent attack. It should never have happened!” he finished testily. Then shifted uncomfortably as he realized his vehemence on the subject was uncustomary for him.

  Katyia reddened. “Thank you, sir. That’s very kind, but I don’t need any special treatment. I’ll be fine to practice tomorrow. I don’t want to miss out on any sessions,” she said earnestly. “I’ll feel fine tomorrow. I’ve had a lot worse than this before,” she stated ruefully.

  Hiro Donji stilled. “What do you mean, ‘you’ve had worse’ before?” he asked grimly. “Not on this station. Not in Orbit Guard?” he questioned her intently.

  “Oh, no sir. No,” she said uncomfortable. “Long ago in Russia. It’s a tough place and I grew up in a fishing village in the North. Life there is not easy. Then or now. I’m glad to be here with the Guard. It is my honor and privilege, sir,” she snapped out, saluting him again.

  “Stop that!” Hiro said agitatedly.

  “Stop what, sir?” Katyia asked.

  “Stop saluting me and giving me the ‘you’re my superior shtick’!” he exclaimed. “I was asking you on a personal level,” he said quietly. “I wanted to know that you had not been harmed. Particularly not while under my care. Besides this time,” he exhaled bitterly.

  Katyia was stunned. He really was worried about her. He wasn’t just being kind. The Major really was concerned that she may have been hurt, now or in the past.

  “My life was hard when I was younger,” Katyia mumbled. “But after I got my nursing license, my life was somewhat better. Now with Orbit Guard my life is something I could never have imagined before. Thank you, sir,” she said without meeting his eyes. “Was your life always easy, sir?” she asked cautiously, looking at him from beneath lowered lashes.

  “My life was never easy, Lieutenant,” Major Donji said calmly. Then, changing the subject, said “That’s an order, Lieutenant. Do not report for duty for at least two days. And not to combat practice for at least three days. I will clear it with Captain Sedgewick. Do you understand?” he confirmed, looking her in the eyes.

  Katyia smiled at him. “Thank you, sir. I do understand,” and weirdly, Katyia felt she did. He liked her. How was that ever going to work out, she wondered? He was her superior and combat trainer. Time enough to think about that later, she assured herself, as she stared after his retreating figure.

  Nice physique, she thought, with an inward sigh. Broad shoulders, trim waist, and a nice butt. Short and compact, but solid and strong. Not that she’d ever thought about that much before, as all the men back home had been schmucks! She’d been too busy fighting off gropers, to worry about physical attraction. Plus, something about being constantly bombarded as a sex object, just put one right off of men in general. Hiro Donji exuded calm strength and reserved honor. It was a novelty she could get used to.

  Chapter 8

  Kick Ass or Be Polite?

  Over the next six months Katyia trained hard with Major Donji. They were all learning marksmanship with various types of laser weapons and even a few solid-ammunition guns. In addition to the martial arts practice and marksmanship, he was teaching her sword fighting. Which she loved! Each day she learned something new and worked hard to perfect the moves. Deep inside she acknowledged that she wanted him to be proud of her.

  From his stern countenance most days, she couldn’t tell if he was or not. Then the occasional glimmer of a twinkle in his dark eyes and a tiny bow, would indicate that he thought her progress well done.

  Both she and Captain Sedgewick were getting much better. Katyia had had a lot of training before arriving at Orbit Guard, but Chloe was catching up. Her technique was not nearly as good as Katyia’s, and never would be, but she made up for it in sheer hutzpah and off-the-wall tactics. No one ever knew where they stood in a battle with Chloe. Well, maybe, the Colonel, Katyia thought. Those two were a good pair!

  They’d deployed on several more forward missions and between training with the Major and whipping her own medic team of women Corpsmen into shape, she’d had no time to think of much of anything. Katyia fit here. She was happy. This was where she wanted to be and truly belonged.

  She could tell the same was true of her Commanding Officer, Captain Sedgewick. Chloe
may have started out as a counselor on the station, but she was pure warrior now. Kind and supportive, but feisty as hell. No one gave her Corpsmen any grief or she was on them like white on rice, another of Chloe’s slang-isms.

  Some days, Katyia wasn’t sure what to think about her attraction to Hiro Donji. At first, she’d been confused about whether or not to be polite to him during training, or just try to kick the living crap out of him. In the end, the ‘being polite’ thing, turned out to be something she was just plain no good at. That was the Major’s bag, as Chloe would say. Katyia just resorted to trying to kill him in training sessions, and then would grin happily at him at the finish. This attitude seemed to suit the Major fine. What a strange man, was Katyia’s assessment. It just made her like him more.

  Chloe and Katyia’s roommate Johanna Van Heusen, a South African engineering assistant in the Corps, often ribbed Katyia that she only grinned at the Major. Never anyone else. They might get a small smile, or a little laugh, but the honest to goodness big grin, was reserved for Hiro Donji. These teasing words made her feel uncomfortable and embarrassed, but deep down, she knew they were true.

  The Major had come to her quarters on two occasions. Both times were to check on injuries during the day’s training session. He was always polite. Though for the first time he’d touched her. When putting his hand on one side of her neck to check on a cramp she’d sustained from a sudden twisting fall, he’d hurriedly snatched his hand away when she’d covered it with her own. Realizing that she was just showing him the correct location of the pain, he’d slowly put it back and gently checked to see if anything was seriously strained.


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