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Dangerous Liaisons: Bound To Serve

Page 4

by Honey Jans

  "Good, you're wet,” he said.

  His reserved tone broke through. She wouldn't be satisfied. Burning with need, she throbbed as his hot hand cupped her. Just a little more pressure and she'd come. If only he'd finish it, it might help her refocus. She arched against him, and he swatted her mound.


  She bit back a raw sob at the rejection, and the quick sting. He was nothing but a tease.

  He pushed her off his lap.

  Sprawled on the floor, she boldly looked back at him. His eyes were dark with arousal; beads of sweat had broken out on his brow. A quick glance at his crotch made her gulp when she took in his huge, unmistakable erection. She started to stand.

  Condor shook his head. “No, stay on your knees, bottom back, resting on your calves, arms at your sides."

  Bridget burned, reluctantly moving to comply, gasping when the open position tugged at her pulsing sex, and her hot ass rested against her calves. What the hell is he doing to me?

  "You are now in training position number one,” Condor said, brushing a wisp of hair off her heated face. “You will maintain it until I tell you to move and give you permission to rise."

  Permission to rise! There was a hell of a lot more to playing this role than she'd bargained for. Stunned into silence, she trembled, her pleading eyes locked with his hot ones. Kneeling in front of him with her skirt pushed up to her ass, the reality of the situation set in. This wasn't a game; she was his slave-in-training, at least until they apprehended Simon Perez, and the deep feminine part of her was getting off on it.

  "Good girl,” he said, stroking her hair.

  She leaned into his touch, falling into the role all too easily. How sick was it that she was aroused, completely falling into this? She knelt there; her pussy wet and excited, her heart racing, and gazed at his hard, sensual mouth. He tasted like coffee last time, and she badly wanted to kiss him again. Love slaves in training didn't jump up and tackle their masters.

  He smiled. “Excellent. You are a quick learner."

  She glowed, warmed by the praise, and then kicked herself. This was all part of a days’ work for him; she had to remember that. It was kind of hard though, when his intense eyes pinned her, making her cream. Embarrassed by her needy reaction, she peeked up at him from under her lashes. His sexy, do-me look was back tenfold. Bridget's nipples beaded, tingling, as he focused on them. The man was powerful, demanding, everything she'd run from for years.

  His raven dark hair was thick and wavy, curling around the collar of his black shirt. He was a total hunk in a rough around the edges kind of way. Still dressed in his biker leathers he looked totally indecent, and totally devastating. Her heart fluttered along with her pussy as his eyes locked with hers. “Don't think I'm really buying into this, Condor,” she said to protect her pride, and watched him raise one imperious brow, his sensual mouth tightening.

  "I'll have to see what I can do to convince you,” he said with a smirk. He stood up and walked to his pack to pull out a marking devise.

  She watched him walk back with the tracking chip planter in shock. He isn't going to try to use it on me, is he? A person marked felons and pets with it, not their partner.

  "Give me your hand,” he said, reaching for her.

  "But you can't..."

  "I'm not taking any chances of losing you, pet,” he said, drawing her to her feet.

  Bridget's pulse raced as she stood, wobbling a bit. His hand clamped around her upper arm, steadying her. A tremor of excitement rushed through her at his touch. Condor's scent wrapped around her; a devastating blend of sandalwood cologne, leather, and hot man. She gazed at the stubble from his five o'clock shadow, to the sensual curve of his mouth when he smiled, and her sex pulsed. She sank into his hot chocolate eyes, her nipples tingling.

  "I'm your master,” he said, pulling her closer, inches from kissing her. “And I'm going to do a thorough and complete job of it. I'll paddle the sass out of you. It's my duty to bend you to my will. To lash your sweet ass with my paddle and belt, and open you with my cock.” Rubbing against her, he murmured, “Don't you agree, Bridget?"

  Something deep inside of her melted, as she'd fantasized about masterful men for years. It was a shameful secret she'd never shared with anyone, much less the passive men she'd bedded. Fighting the urge to go on tiptoe and kiss his tantalizing mouth, she said, “If I'd known you were going to take your role this seriously, I wouldn't have come.” It was a lie, but she said it anyway.

  "Do you want me to replace you?"

  She wasn't going to let him waltz away with her collar, or risk Perez getting away. “And let you steal my case? I think not."

  "Then we'll both have to make the best of it,” he said.

  Is that regret in his voice? Is he sorry that I'm not Jennifer? She bit her lip, even though she was dying to ask. Does he find me attractive, sexy? It was a stupid thought, this was business to him, but she couldn't stop it. How many other women had he trained? She frowned up at him, and his arched brow told her he noticed her defiance and didn't like it. Tough. “About the case..."

  He leaned in to kiss her, and her eyes fluttered shut. His hot lips slanted over hers, and she let out a little moan. He took advantage, his tongue sweeping into her mouth to parry with hers. She kissed him back; her free arm going around his neck; her body aflame. A little whimper escaped her, and she barely felt the sting in her wrist as he tagged her. Her pussy fluttered; her sex wet. He broke the kiss pulling back to gaze at her. She recognized his shell-shocked look, knowing she felt the same.

  "Come,” he said, giving her hand a tug and leading her toward the cabin.

  Sit ... roll over. She didn't need obedience training; she needed him to make her come, now. Bridget followed behind him, nevertheless, stunned by the rapid turn of events, and her rapid conversion to submissive. She'd have to embrace the roll; it was the only way to get her man. Her bare feet padded over soft carpet as he led her to the rear sleeping compartment. Her heart thudded. Now this was more like it. At least the crew wouldn't hear them.

  Bridget waited for the next shoe to drop. He was the game-playing master. When he led her to the bed, her knees wobbled. Was he going to put her through her paces here too, even though sex on missions was simulated?

  "On the bed,” he ordered sternly.

  She climbed onto the bed, her gaze never leaving his. Bridget quivered with anticipation, welcoming even simulated sex at this point. He bent over her, until they were a hairsbreadth apart; her needy gaze locked with his hot one. Bridget licked her lips, her heart pounding.

  With a growl, Condor leaned in to kiss her; his sultry mouth slanting hungrily over hers.

  Moaning as her lips burned under his sensual assault, Bridget kissed him back. When he nipped her bottom lip, she opened her mouth, eager for his possession. His tongue surged inside, mastering her mouth, as surely as he was mastering her. Her nipples tingled, jutting out, while her sex turned spasmodic, dampening her panties. She arched toward him, needing his touch. Condor broke the kiss. Breathless, her nipples hard stinging peaks, it was all she could do not to reach out and grab him.

  "Lie down,” he ordered gruffly.

  Bridget lay back, shivering with anticipation. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. What would it be like to be taken by a man like him—hard, demanding, relentless, and oh-so-hot? Instead of climbing into bed with her, he turned to walk away with, what she thought, was a look of regret on his handsome face. Her eyes widened. “But—” She moved to sit up.

  Condor stopped and turned to look at her. “What part of lie down didn't you understand, Kitten?"

  "I just thought—"

  He frowned. “I wasn't going to do this, but maybe it's just as well. It will help you get into character, and I've been too soft with you."

  Soft? He'd been nothing but hard, except where she ached for his hardness—between her legs.

  What was he going to do to her? She watched him open the bundle he'd stashed in here earlie
r from Dangerous Liaisons, and pull out something. Her eyes widened as she realized they were restraints.

  "Spread your legs,” he ordered.

  She did, and he snagged her right ankle, shackling it to the bed's footboard. When he started to shackle her other leg, she gasped, her sex aching with want. He didn't need to tie her up to take her. “Please don't, I need you."

  "This pussy doesn't belong to you anymore. It will be satisfied when I say so, and not before. Now be still before I gag you. You wouldn't like sleeping that way."

  Her mouth snapped shut. He'd do it. He shackled her wrists, pulling her arms up to reach the headboard, stretching her so that her tits arched out at him. “Bastard,” she hissed.

  "Yes, I am,” he said, smiling a bit wistfully, as he spread a comforter over her. She stared at him bemused, frustrated, and out of her head with desire. He was like a fever that raged through her blood, the need for him centering in her burning pussy. The restraints only made the craving worse.

  As he tucked her in, she slanted a glance at his crotch, seeing that he was painfully hard. He suddenly leaned over her and she held her breath, wondering if he was actually going to kiss her. Did she want him too? Hell, yes! Her eyes fluttered shut when his hot mouth slanted over hers in a brief, burning kiss. Her eyes popped open when he broke the kiss, and she saw him gazing down at her, thoughtfully.

  "Not quite the bondage I'd like, but we'll have to make do."

  Bondage he'd like? She frowned up at him, her arousal still high and unsatisfied. Maybe this was how masters kept their love slaves in line, withholding sex. She could swear she saw the same fevered need in his eyes as he drew away and turned toward the door, muttering a curse.

  "Sleep,” he ordered, and turned to go.

  "Yeah, right,” she muttered. She closed her eyes so he wouldn't see her tears of frustration.

  Condor flicked off the lights, and stood in the dark doorway watching her, burning for her with all his body and soul. He needed to leave before he gave into the temptation to fuck the little hellcat, and break code. She'd probably be screwing a ghost; her mind on James Clayton, the man she'd lost, not him. Damn, but she is a tempting witch. It would be pure bliss to slide into her hot cunt, or maybe open that tight little bottom of hers. Her creamy moisture, when he'd cupped her mound, told him that she was more than ready for love. She was perfect, sexy, feisty, and her defiant attitude only made him enjoy taming her more. It was a dangerous combination.

  He walked a tricky tightrope; make her training convincing enough to mollify The Retreat, but not actually get sucked in to her charms. The trick would be staying unattached as he trained her. A horny night, spent bound and unsatisfied, would soften her up for the mission to come, and put her right into character. But it would damned near kill him. If she kept getting to him like this, he was going to have blue balls before the week was through. She was a feisty challenge, and he never backed down from a challenge. He closed the door behind him before he could weaken and change his mind.

  Chapter 4

  Bridget soaked in the tropic sunshine as Condor drove them in one of The Retreat's courtesy SUVs toward the compound. They rode down the two-lane road leading away from the island's private airstrip. She was nude under the blue silk caftan Condor had dressed her in that morning. It felt so weird, and somehow right, to be this man's pampered sex slave. Not that she'd gotten the fringe benefits of sex. She'd spent a restless night, aching for him.

  The air was heavy with exotic floral perfume from the riot of tropical blooms that grew in wild abandon along the road. The sun shone warm against her newly sensitized skin. She barely noticed the tropical surroundings as the silk gown slipped sensuously against her bare skin. Her nipples puckered helplessly, and her arousal instantly reignited. She hissed with delight and cut a glance at Condor to see if he'd noticed.

  Looking at Condor as he drove told her he did it like everything else, very intensely, as he scanned the uninhabited jungle they were driving through. Dressed in a business suit, and clean-shaven with his hair slicked back, he looked like a different man than the biker Dom who'd spanked her. Now she knew why he was considered a ghost; the man was a chameleon. He seemed tired, like he'd spent a restless night, just like she had. His inscrutable expression gave nothing away, but she noticed that his hands were tight on the SUV's steering wheel. He was braced for trouble. Condor had been all business when he'd woken her this morning, so the man obviously wasn't feeling the same sexual stimulation.

  If he was trying to turn her inside out with desire, he was doing one hell of a job. Lying unsatisfied all night, with no way to relieve her sexual frustration, had left her in a fine state. Hell, truth to be told, she felt as horny as a teenager and just as reckless. Not the best state to start a mission in, but maybe that was all part of Condor's master plan. If he rendered her ineffective as an agent, he'd have a free hand with her case. She couldn't afford to let that happen.

  She looked down, taking a deep breath, trying to focus. Sunlight glinted off the slave bracelet on her wrist, and her thoughts drifted back to the shocking moment he'd clapped it on her. Of course, that stunner was nothing compared to the eroticism of being draped over the brute's knee last night. Squeezing her legs together as her sex rippled, unfulfilled, she tried to ignore her lingering arousal and prepare for the task ahead. She'd have to strip naked to enter the compound. Just the thought shook her. She wouldn't be able to hide her fevered state from Condor, or anyone else for that matter. Her stiff nipples and blush would give her away. Didn't matter, she'd just have to endure the embarrassment and get on with the job.

  She flicked a wary look out the window, but saw nothing alarming to show that their cover had been blown. It was all as it should be—a private tropical island with an airstrip, and resort. There was nothing to set it apart from any other exotic local, except that they were heading to a sex club. If she hadn't peeked, she'd have no idea where they were heading. She cast an acerbic look Condor's way. The man definitely didn't work well with others.

  Maybe a few of those tropical drinks in a coconut shell would help her come to terms with the frustrating role she had to play. A natural submissive she wasn't, but she'd walk through fire to get their quarry. Condor looked at her and she forgot to breathe, tingling in reaction, remembering her spanking. How did a woman get over that? Her hand crept between her thighs.

  "Ah, ah, don't touch. That doesn't belong to you anymore."

  She froze and looked at him, shocked at both the statement and the fact that he knew what she was doing. “I beg your pardon,” she said in disbelief.

  He smiled. “You'll beg all right, but it won't be for that."

  She quivered, half believing him in her overstimulated state. But no, there was no way she'd ever beg a man for sex. He was good, but he wasn't that good.

  "I wouldn't be so sure of that, stud."

  "Kitten, we're both still simmering from last night's encounter."

  Both still simmering, huh? An intrigued glance at his crotch did indeed show a definite bulge under the pants of his linen business suit. At least she wasn't the only one inappropriately aroused. She glanced back up at his frowning face as he clammed up. Obviously, he'd said more than he intended to, and she was glad to find a chink in his armor. Her hungry gaze once more drifted down to the hard-on under his suit trousers.

  "Keeping you sexually hungry is my top priority,” he said, flicking a hot gaze at her budded nipples against the silk. “Your arousal might help mask your complete ineptitude for this job."

  She glared at him. The moment she softened toward him, he said or did something that made her want to brain him. Complete ineptitude, of all the nerve!

  "At least I'm stepping out of my comfort zone to complete this mission, which is more than I can say for you, stud,” she said, under her breath. With his controlling ways, he was well equipped to play his role as a Dom. Was he called to do this for the agency often? How many women had he trained? The questions still plagued h
er, but she bit her lip to keep from asking them. He was keeping this professional; her pride as an agent would let her do no less.

  He chuckled. “Good, you're at your best angry. Keep thinking about kicking my ass and we might actually make it out of this alive."

  "Asshole,” she murmured, watching the palm trees whiz by as they approached the high-stacked stone wall surrounding the compound. She noticed a gated service entrance on the east wall as they drove past. It was a possible route of egress if they disabled the attendant and the security camera. Anything was better than looking at the ghost agent who made her want to do him and kill him at the same time. His reference to danger wasn't lost on her. No matter how good Delta Star Intelligence was, there were always unforeseen obstacles.

  Condor turned into the winding shell drive that led to The Retreat.

  "One more thing, remember, when we go in, you must enter nude."

  She rolled her eyes at his patient tone. “I have an excellent memory, Condor. You'd know that if you ever chose to share secrets."

  "How about sharing a few of yours?” he shot back at her.

  She gaped at him, stunned. “I don't have any secrets anymore, not since last night."

  "I'm not talking about sexual secrets. What about that personal connection to the case that Bran spoke about?"

  She sighed, feeling vulnerable with his inquisitive gaze focused on her. “The agent who was killed was a personal friend of mine, that's all,” she said, noting his doubtful gaze. He read her lie like a pro, but she couldn't bring herself to talk about James or their rocky relationship.

  "Have it your way. But know this, I won't allow your personal feelings to affect the job that I have to do."

  "No problem,” she said, knowing that it was very personal. “Strutting around in my birthday suit, won't I get mixed up with all the other naked women?” she asked to change the subject, flashing him an impish grin. His wicked chuckle washed over her, making her nipples bead.


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