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Dangerous Liaisons: Bound To Serve

Page 11

by Honey Jans

  She turned to do his bidding wondering just what he had up his sleeve. A gag and shackles, but then she couldn't serve drinks. She pulled the bag out of the closet and carried it to him, tempted to peek inside at the mysterious contents. How scandalous could it be? She walked back and handed him the bag without peeking. “My Lord."

  He grinned and gave her a masterful look. “Let's see what pretties Cecilia included."

  The reminder of her rival made her mad. “About her..."

  Condor arched a brow.

  Bridget fell silent, but gave him a saucy smile, whispering, “Later.” She watched him tumble the contents of the bag on the bed. A jeweler's box and a flurry of barely-there lingerie. She suddenly had a good idea what she was wearing to the party.

  Condor reached for a baby blue thong and she gulped. “For me?"

  He nodded and smiled, helping her slip it on, sensually sliding it up her body. She couldn't help but note that there was no matching bra. Imagining Kahn leering at her was enough to fire her anger. She so wanted to brain Condor for suggesting it, and from the challenging look he gave her, he knew it. He was trying to make her back down but she wouldn't. “So I'm just wearing the thong and a smile,” she said sweetly.

  "Not quite,” he said, picking up the jeweler's case. “I've got some jewels to adorn you."

  The hot look in his eye as his gaze swept over her breasts silenced her second thought. He opened the jeweler's box to show her gold nipple clamps. “Oh my,” she murmured, dying to know what they'd feel like. She'd find out soon enough.

  "Come here,” he said, crooking his finger.

  She sighed with surrender, stepping closer. Condor smiled, seemingly pleased by her capitulation, and she wanted to give him everything. His hands went to her nipples, gently rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers as he bent to kiss her. Bridget moaned, leaning into his touch as he tugged at her sensitive buds, tweaking them, tugging on them to lengthen them. She moaned, her body tightening, her sex wet. Tonight would be exciting.

  Condor broke the kiss to murmur, “You are so beautiful, love, and very sexy."

  "I'm glad you think so,” she said, with a whimper, touched, and in love and lust with him. As she nuzzled him, he suddenly put a clamp on her left nipple, and she felt the slight pinch deep inside. He let go and the jewel dangled, making her cream, and gasp with shock. “It's even better than I imagined."

  He grinned. “I'm glad I'm fulfilling your fantasies, love."

  "You've no idea, cowboy.” The pleased look in his eye warmed her. Before she could think any more about it, he toyed with her right nipple, attaching the clamp. She let out a gasp. She felt the pinch all the way down to her toes in a sexual trance. The sensual feeling made her weak in the knees. She looked down at the gold stars dangling from her turgid peaks. Something special—stars, he'd said. “They're beautiful."

  He smiled rather sadly at her. “And so are you. You're a star. Ready to go to work?” he asked, holding out his hand.

  She nodded, putting her hand in his. “Under you, cowboy, anytime."

  Chapter 10

  Condor approached the party with Bridget at his side. He kept her on his left, away from the compound, danger, and his gun hand. She, being a good agent, knew the score, and didn't complain. If only he could keep her after the take down, but he knew that was a fantasy. He was a ghost and he'd go back to being alone. And Bridget, what of her, would she look for another Dom? No, she'd only be that way with him. He sensed it, or maybe it was wishful thinking on his part.

  They approached the pool, and he focused on the mission. He still hadn't gotten over the eroticism of publicly spanking Bridget the night before. It was something he hadn't done before, preferring to keep his relationships private. But the erotic way Bridget had taken to it changed all that. The crowd had just disappeared in his mind until it was only the two of them. His cock twitched as he thought of the hot lovemaking that would happen later on. It might be their last evening together, and he planned to teach Bridget everything. Gazing at Bridget's blushing face in the moonlight, he knew that she was eager to experience it all.

  Bridget scanned the poolside and spotted Kahn dancing with his naked slave. Condor knew she was remembering the public spanking. He squeezed her hand to reassure her and she flashed him a brave smile. At that moment, he couldn't help loving her. Crap! He groaned inwardly, knowing that he couldn't afford to think in those terms.

  "You gonna spank me again, cowboy?” she asked.

  He arched a teasing brow, her sassy remark making him forget his reservations. “Are you going to give me cause?” he asked, the edges of his hard mouth kicking up in a reluctant grin. A lot was riding on this night, but he couldn't keep his mind on business when Bridget was near.

  She stuck her tongue out at him. “You'll just have to hold your breath and watch me,” she said with a grin.

  He stopped in his tracks, his hand clamping around her forearm drawing her to an abrupt halt. “Excuse me?"

  "I'll be good,” she said with a disgruntled sigh. “Lighten up, Con..."

  "Shh,” he cautioned, as another couple walked by.

  "Oops,” she said, putting her hand over her mouth. “My bad. You make me forget myself, cowboy."

  "Another place, another time,” he said, and then kissed her.

  She drew back her eyes, twinkling. “Do you mean it?"

  "We'll discuss it later,” he said, as they arrived on the scene. He quickly assessed the danger points, noting the two armed guards mixed in with the wait staff. One stood by the bar, his cool assessing eyes sweeping the crowd. The other, Flattop from their arrival, took a post across the room, near the edge of the dance floor—both in perfect sniper positions. They were really upping security for this shindig, which meant Perez's arrival must be imminent.

  "Thanks for dressing me,” Bridget said softly at his side.

  Condor swept a glance around the party; almost all the submissives were nude. He passed a fond gaze over Bridget. In her getup, she stood out like a star, but at least she wasn't naked. She was frowning as she assessed the crowd, noting the other naked slaves, and she stepped closer to him.

  "You're welcome,” he said, knowing she was glad he'd clothed her.

  "Thanks, but don't you think I'm a bit conspicuous?"

  "That's the point,” Condor said.

  A glance told him several of the male guests were carrying guns, Kahn for instance. The slight bulge in the back of his tailored suit betrayed him. It was further evidence that he was tied to Perez, because allegedly, guns were banned at The Retreat.

  "All in a day's work, huh?” he murmured, glancing at Bridget, noting that she was making the same observations.

  "Right,” Bridget said. “There's the bar.” She looked at the large teak bar and sighed. “I suppose I should report for duty. But I'm a little early."

  "I planned it that way, love,” Condor said, drawing her onto the dance floor. “Dance with me.” It was a command, and the obstinate flare in her eyes made him smile. She smiled back at him, making him melt, as she stepped into his arms. He stifled a groan as he held her.

  "As Master commands,” she said, resting her head on his shoulder.

  Condor all but groaned as they danced to a slow reggae beat. She was like a drug to him. His hand nestled on the small of her naked back as he whirled her across the floor, her head resting on his shoulder. It was a moment he wanted to capture for his memories. He closed his eyes and shut out the mission, feeling her feminine, alluring essence. His cock stirred, throbbing, and he could tell by her racing heartbeat that she felt the same. He opened his eyes to see Lola enter the party, two women in bikinis in tow.

  "Who's she with?” he asked. Bridget went stiff in his arms, stumbling a little. His strong arm around her waist kept her upright. He could tell she regretted that the mission interrupted their precious little time together. Hell, he felt the same. Their jobs weren't easy.

  Bridget pushed away, startled, as the missi
on was reintroduced. “Perez's women, Yvette and Jasmine, both look bored as hell, waiting for him. We struck up a conversation in Blowjob 101 class. The dragon lady heard us giggling and stared daggers at me."

  He chuckled. Lola couldn't stand up to Bridget's fresh sexuality and vitality—and she knew it. “Yeah, love, you seem to rub her the wrong way for some reason,” he said with a smirk.

  "Probably because I don't kiss her ass,” she whispered into his ear, and giggled.

  "Be good,” he warned, spanking one of her rounded, delicious cheeks.

  "Doesn't come natural,” she said, in a sassy tone.

  He danced Bridget toward the table where Lola and the women were perched. The plump, baby blond was pouting. The older brunette looked bored. Lola assessed the scene with a gimlet stare. The song came to a halt as they drew close to the table.

  "Lola,” Condor said, letting go of Bridget. “You look lovely tonight."

  Lola smiled, smoothing out the skirt on her black dress. “Thank you, lover."

  "I've brought your waitress,” Condor said, taking Bridget's elbow to steer her up to the table. He was pleased to see that Bridget was back in character, looking properly demure.

  "So I see,” Lola said, passing an approving eye over Bridget. “And acting submissive, for once. You must have worked with her."

  Condor gave her a placid smile, ignoring her comment, and instead looked at the two women. “And who are these lovelies at your side?"

  "Never you mind,” Lola said, placing a possessive hand on his arm. “They've got a jealous Dom, as well. I'm afraid they're not up for trades, either."

  "Too bad,” he said with a sigh. “They look bored, and as Star will be busy serving drinks, I'll need companionship."

  Lola chuckled. “I'm pleased to hear that the exclusivity clause only applies to your bed slave, not to you."

  Condor eased closer, feeling Bridget's displeasure as she watched him from under her lashes. She had to understand this was all part of the game. He felt nothing but distaste for Lola. “A man had needs,” he said in a low tone. “As I'm sure you know."

  "I'm glad to hear it,” Lola said, leaning into him, her breasts brushing against his sleeve.

  It was a move calculated to turn him on, instead, it made him grit his teeth. He really was too old, and jaded for this shit. It made him more determined to retire after this mission and work freelance.

  Bridget cleared her throat, her eyes narrowed on Condor and Lola. “I'm here for duty, ma'am."

  Lola scowled at her. “So go do it, girl. The bar is that way."

  "Lola, would you favor me with a dance?” Condor interjected, regaining Lola's attention, before Bridget had a chance to lose her cool. Lola's dazzling smile soothed his fears, telling him she didn't notice Bridget's forbidding scowl.

  Lola took his hand and slipped off her bar stool. “I'd be delighted.” She frowned at the women lingering at the table. “Stay put and behave yourselves, and no drinking. You'll both have work to do tomorrow."

  "About damned time,” Jasmine said with a sulk.

  * * * *

  Bridget walked toward the bar, forcing herself not to look back. She didn't care if Condor danced with Lola. She didn't want to be jealous. But damn it all, she was. It was an earth-shattering revelation. She could no longer separate herself from the mission. Still she didn't have time to brood about it. Instead, she bellied up to the bar, snagging the bartender's instant attention. His dark eyes widened as he stared at her costume of a thong, and nipple clamps. If Condor had set out to get her noticed, he'd done a hell of a job. Most of the other slave girls were nude. It most definitely set her apart.

  "Hello. I'm Star."

  The burly, black bartender nodded. “I've been expecting you, my dear. Lola has you down to work the nine to ten shift,” he said, frowning as he looked pointedly at the clock. “You're late."

  Yeah, she'd lingered to stare at Condor and Lola dancing and flirting. Stupid move on her part, and unworthy of her professionalism. “Sorry. I was busy with my Dom and we lost track of time.” It was a lame excuse but the bartender seemed to buy it, and even sympathize as he gave her a toothy smile.

  "No problem, cherie.” He handed her a rattan tray laden with paper umbrella-topped rum punches. “There you are, my dear. Serve the rum punch to the guests and be quick about it. The customers are a thirsty lot."

  She rushed to obey, turning with the heavy tray to see Lola and Condor still dancing, the woman practically plastered to him. With a disgusted scowl, she turned her back on them, to face the milling throng of men. At least Condor, keeping Lola occupied, gave her a chance to finally get some work done, and get a close-up look of the guests. The microchip bug she'd tucked into her thong itched, but she ignored it. Maybe she'd get lucky and spot Perez, or his associates. Balancing the tray as best she could, she edged into the crowd. Stepping up to the first cluster, she held out the tray, groaning when she saw Thom Wetzel. He was red faced and sweaty in the tropical heat. His suit rumpled. Would he remember her knocking him out? She had to risk it. “Drinks, gentlemen,” she said.

  Wetzel didn't even bother ogling her, as he reached for a glass of punch. He took a thirsty swallow, and then peered up at her, and frowned, his glass halfway to his lips. “Don't I know you from somewhere?"

  "She's the one who pushed me in the pool,” Kahn said, walking up to join them.

  Bridget groaned at his arrival. How had he snuck up on her? The man moved too quietly. She could see both irritation and intrigue in his eyes. Candy had told her he gave her a hot time because of it.

  "Good for you,” Wetzel said, sloppily patting Bridget on the arm.

  She gasped and steadied the tray, stepping back from the drunken man. Lord knew what Lola would do if she dropped the drink tray in Kahn's lap. Their gooses would be cooked for sure.

  Kahn smiled, looking her up and down. “Then she got spanked for it. That was the best part."

  Bridget lowered her head, trying to look demure. “I'm sorry for my outburst, sir. It must have been caused by jet lag. Would you care for a drink?"

  "I might be persuaded to forgive you,” he said, taking a glass from the tray.

  She met his lusty gaze directly which seemed to amuse him. He flicked the star, dangling from her nipple, and smiled as she gasped. The swinging jewel tugged on her sensitive nipple, arousing her, despite herself.

  "Nice touch,” Kahn said, his eyes glued to her swelling nipple. “A present from your master?"

  Bridget nodded, barely resisting the urge to take him down, as she took a shaky breath and the star jiggled. Her nipples were hard, so tender, and she ached for Condor to take them off her and then fuck her hard. She felt all eyes on her, the object of avid curiosity. She did stand out; nudity might have given her more anonymity.

  "I'd give you diamonds,” Kahn said.

  Bridget bit her lip, peering up at him from her lashes, giving him a practiced smile. Hopefully he'd think her as greedy as he thought her helpless. “Really?” she asked softly.

  "Cross my heart,” he said, making an X across his chest. He flicked a wary glance at Condor before adding, “Think about it, honey."

  She nodded, hurrying away to the next cluster of men, before Kahn could try to seduce her physically. The urge to permanently incapacitate him ran strong in her. If she had her way, the man would never get it up again. What's worse, Condor might notice and come to her aid. His new, and thrilling possessive reaction could blow both their covers. Did it mean that they had a future as a couple outside the mission? She wanted one, badly. No man made her feel what Condor did, certainly not James. She'd been a kid when she met him, only nineteen.

  A man sitting on a chaise lounge ran a hand up her leg as he reached for his drink. Growling, she shifted out of his reach and turned toward the cabana on the beach. She'd serve drinks there, ditch the tray, and be done with this farce. So far, she'd discovered nothing; only that Kahn had the hots for her.

  One step into the caba
na brought her face to face, with her past. James! She sucked in a shocked breath. He'd changed, but there was no mistaking his startled crooked smile when he saw her. Oh, how she'd hoped Condor had been wrong. As her last belief in James died, she pasted on a shaky smile.

  She knew what that meant. Condor was right, he was a traitor. But it was hard to wrap her mind around the fact that he'd let her grieve for him for so many years. His supposed death had colored her whole life. The pleasure in his eyes instantly turned to suspicion. He knew she worked for Delta, as a computer tech, as far as he knew, but it was enough to blow their covers wide open. If he had turned, and was linked with this dirty business, they were dead. Deliberately pasting a big smile on her face, she set down her tray, and launched herself headlong into his arms, saying, “My God, James, you're alive! I told Frost you were and he didn't believe me."

  James held her stiffly, his embrace cold. “Then you're not here on business, Bridge?” he asked, his hands slipping down to cup her ass, like he had the right.

  She purred and rubbed her body against him, feeling his body relax, and his cock stir. Their sex life had always been good, the only real part of their relationship, apparently.

  "Not hardly, Jimmy. I'm on vacation and having way too much fun to work. I'm totally into the life now."

  He pulled back to look at her, taking in her nipple clamps and thong, and smirked, reaching out to flick one dangling star with his finger, making her gasp and grind against him.

  "So I see,” he said, then chuckled.

  "They call me Star."

  He arched a brow as his eyes widened with recognition. “The girl who got publicly spanked last night?"

  "That was me,” she admitted, her face heating as she recalled the incident and her hot night with Condor. She smiled up at James, hoping none of her emotions showed on her face. All she had to do was act like the lovesick fool he thought her to be and they'd be home free. She could maybe even pump him for information. “I was bad. But how did you know that?"


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