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Dangerous Liaisons: Bound To Serve

Page 14

by Honey Jans

  "No fair,” he growled, pinching her nipples again.

  "All's fair in love and war,” she said, squeezing her bottom, making them both groan. That was all it took to make her orgasm return. She gasped, pushing away to slam back at him. Shouting, “Five!” she tightened around him, her ass squeezing him with wave after wave as she came, her mind hazy. He reached down to tweak her clit and she cried out, coming again, as she felt him come high and hard in her ass, his cum filling her. Her eyes rolled back in her head and the world turned black.

  Moments later, she came to when cold water hit her face, while warmth surrounded her. She opened her eyes to see Condor watching her worriedly while he held her under the spray of the waterfall. “Hi,” she said, still floating on an orgasmic cloud.

  "Are you okay?” he asked grimly.

  She decided to overlook his growl as she took in his obvious concern for her. “I'm fine. That was fantastic; let's do it again,” she said, rubbing her tits against his hairy chest. He rolled his eyes, muttering a swear word. How romantic. She grinned up at him, stifling a smile when his scowl deepened. “What can I say Condor, you send me."

  "Great,” he said, setting her on her feet in front of the waterfall.

  "Hey,” she sputtered, as water cascaded over her head.

  "Cool down while I get the bubble bath,” he ordered, turning to go.

  She watched him go; ogling the finest male ass she'd ever seen. Her body still tingled from his invasion, her ass tightening as she recalled the dirty, good, bad feeling. All she knew was that she wanted more. She'd just have to try not to swoon next time and worry Condor. A few short days ago, she would have laughed if someone suggested she'd crave anal sex, and actually beg a man to fuck her ass. Not a man—Condor—he was the one. It seemed right somehow. When he came back clutching the bottle of jasmine bubble bath, her mouth twitched into a grin. She wanted Condor and she was going to fight for him. The man looked good naked, all chiseled muscles, and hot man.

  "What did you bring me?” she asked, looking at the bottle in his big hand.

  "Bubbles,” he said, taking her hand and pulling her into the water with him. He stood her under the waterfall and opened the bottle, pouring jasmine bubble bath over her.

  "You take bubble baths?” she asked, with a giggle.

  "I bought it for you in the gift shop,” he said, with a rueful smile. “Kind of breaks the Delta macho code, I suppose."

  "I'll never tell,” she replied, as he put some in his hands and began swirling the fragrant bubbles over her shoulders, paying extra attention to her hickey and stiff nipples. She melted under his ministrations. “And what about the sex gel?” she teased. “Were you planning to steal me away from The Retreat and have your wicked way with me?"

  "Um hum,” he said, bending to kiss her.

  Bridget burned as his hot lips claimed hers, her tongue coming out to slide around his. Her arms went around his neck, and she clung to him, her legs trembling as she stood on tiptoes to let his sensual mouth ravish hers. Bridget reciprocated, acknowledging to herself that she was in love, and was exactly where she wanted to be. Now she just had to get her Condor to see the light.

  Chapter 12

  Condor woke knowing instantly that they weren't alone. Bridget's lush curves were pressed against his side and she was still sleeping peacefully. A snap in the jungle outside the cave brought him to instant awareness.

  "Where the fuck are they?” a disembodied voice said from the outside the cave.

  He recognized the dulcet tones of Flattop. Lola must have the goon squad out looking for them. Shit. Bridget came to instant alertness next to him, her body going stiff.

  "Knowing Condor, he's out setting some kind of trap,” James said.

  Bridget stiffened, murmuring a curse.

  Condor went cold inside as the mission suddenly went up in smoke, and clapped his hand over her mouth to silence her. They couldn't risk giving away their position. Thank God, the bumble fucks had no idea where they were, yet. One thing was certain, he couldn't risk them stumbling upon the lookout.

  "Now don't get carried away. That ain't even been confirmed, yet,” Flattop replied, adding with a sneer, “And what about your old girlfriend?"

  "She's just a brainless dupe,” James snapped back. “I'll soon tame her and turn her to our side. So don't you get ideas about telling me what to do, asshole."

  "Ditto. All Lola said was to look for them, and shoo them home—nothing about tangling with your imagined Delta Star pals. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, Clayton, you never did."

  "Shut your fucking mouth, or I'll shut it for you,” James said.

  "Fine. Now you got any better ideas where to look?"

  * * * *

  Condor slowed his breathing, going into mission mode as he mulled over his options. Bridget's soft body pressed against his helped him focus, much to his surprise. Perez wasn't here yet or he'd drop the net on them all. One thing was certain; he wouldn't allow her to walk back into a possible trap. He'd keep her on ice and have the extraction team whisk her away. Hell, adapt and survive were his personal mottos, but he didn't like taking chances where Bridget was concerned. There was still doubt as to James’ reliability and he'd have to play on it. As if Bridget read his thoughts, she let out a grumble and he cautiously removed his hand from her mouth.

  "We've got to head them off...” Bridget whispered.

  "I'll take care of it,” he whispered back. Bridget's hot ass rubbed against his morning hard-on, distracting him. He wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her fast so he could think.

  "How the hell should I know?” James snapped back at Flattop outside the cave. “They couldn't have just vanished; their plane is still here."

  Condor could feel Bridget's anger at the man, rolling off her in waves, and it pleased him. At least she wasn't hung up on the traitorous jerk, who he'd probably have to kill now that he'd guessed their identities. James was the kind of overconfident fool who would keep coming, not realizing that the odds were against him.

  "Come on, let's head on over to the mangroves,” James said. “That's where he went yesterday."

  "The swamp? You've got to be kidding."

  "Do I sound like I'm kidding? Lola will have both our hides if we don't find them. So shut the fuck up and follow me."

  Condor waited until they noisily walked away to move. He silently rolled to his feet, and gathered up their things. He gazed down at Bridget still lying on the pallet, everything in him fighting what needed to be done.

  "I'm going to lead them astray so they don't double back and find this cave. Stay here and I'll have the extraction team come take you out. I'll tell them you ran off and I was trying to find you."

  "Yeah right. Based on what we've just heard they'll never believe you and the mission will be scrapped, and you'll be in trouble. I can't let that happen,” she said firmly, gathering her things.

  "You don't want to let go of your pet case,” he said. “Don't you know by now Clayton isn't worth dying over?"

  "I don't give a damn about him or the case anymore. It's you I worry about, and if you don't understand that, we need to talk."

  He caught her chin in his hand and kissed her, seeing the truth in her eyes. Whatever she'd once felt for James was dead. “We'll go take care of them together, but at the first opportunity or sign of danger, promise me that you'll head back here alone."

  "I promise,” she said, leading the way out of the cave.

  His mind clicked back into mission mode even as his admiration for her ran no bounds. “I'll give you a week in the Keys for this."

  "I'd settle for a week in one of your seedy motels with a proper bed, and room service."

  "It's a deal.” He took her hand and they raced cross-country to the secluded white sand beach he'd earlier discovered. The sound of the men coming closer made them exchange a wary look. He tossed their clothing and took Bridget to the sand in a controlled fall that made her gasp. He smiled at her r
eaction. “We need to go a few rounds on the mat later."

  Her arms came around him as she nibbled his ear, her legs spreading as she made a place for his morning erection, feigning making love. “I bet I could take you,” she whispered.

  Condor groaned, not doubting it for a moment if she distracted him that way. He cupped her breast, Bridget's nipple springing up instantly for him. She was so sweetly responsive, with a feisty, kinky side. There was no way he could do without her when this was over. His cock twitched when she spread her legs wordlessly, offering her treasures to him. The tip of his cock was bathed in her natural juices, and the scent of her sex hung tantalizingly in the air. The heat between them almost drove business and the others from his mind.

  "This is crap having to track over to the...” Flattop started to say.

  "Well, well, what do we have here?” James said.

  Condor broke the kiss to lazily look up at them, taking care to block Bridget's body from their ogling gaze. His cock ached with a need for completion, and he felt a real annoyance at the interruption. “We're not interested in a gang bang, gentlemen."

  James scowled and looked at their clothing strewn in the sand, Bridget's nipple clamps shining in the sun. He tried to peer around Condor to get a better look at Bridget.

  "What the hell are you doing here, Welch? The management got worried because you didn't sleep in your bed last night."

  "Now, I wonder how they knew that we didn't sleep in our bed,” Condor said, not bothering to hide his sarcasm. Hell the guy was already suspicious of him; maybe it would get results to rattle his cage. He sat up, still blocking Bridget from the traitor's gaze, and reached out to snag his shirt, tossing it to her. From the corner of his vision, he saw her slip into it before giving James his total attention. Flattop stood back watching it all with a wary eye, his hand on the Uzi at his side.

  James arched a brow, answering the question with another, “Does it matter how we know? You broke the rules, Mister. This side of the island is off limits to guests."

  Bridget sat up leaving the shirtfront unbuttoned, and held her hand out to James. “Jimmy, what are you doing here?"

  James smiled, taking his focus off Condor to reach out to help her to her feet. “I'm saving you, of course. I thought he might have tried to harm you,” James said, lightly rubbing a possessive hand down her arm as he continued to hold her hand.

  "I'm fine,” she said, batting her eyes at him. “My master and I don't need saving."

  Condor saw through her wide-eyed innocent pose. She was trying to derail James from his militant course of action, and it was working, but he didn't like it. Condor slipped into his pants, wincing when he zipped up, all the while realizing that Flattop was watching him for any false move. He didn't mind; he was used to having a target on his back and he'd rather have his enemy where he could see him. He stepped over to Bridget and James, his hand gently cupping Bridget's cheek, as he jostled James out of the way.

  "Star's fantasy was to sleep on the beach with me, and she got it,” he said, feeling like shouting for happiness when she instinctively eased closer to him. A glance at James’ sudden cloudy expression told him that he noticed her change of allegiance, and didn't like it. Condor consolidated his position by looping an arm around Bridget's shoulders, drawing her close to him, saying, “Love, gather up our belongings. Now that we've been interrupted, we might as well go back to the bungalow and have that bubble bath."

  James smirked. “You take bubble baths?"

  "Sure do,” Condor said, noting James and Flattop exchanging a mocking look. Apparently, the bubble bath thing made him less of a threat in their eyes.

  "Jasmine is his favorite,” Bridget interjected as she bent to pick up her thong and nipple clamps from the beach.

  "You two know the way back?” Flattop asked.

  "I think we can find it,” Bridget said.

  "Why don't you escort us back?” Condor said, trying to draw them away from the cave.

  "Hell of an idea,” James cut in. “Let's move out and make sure these nice folks get back to civilization."

  Bridget fell into step between James and Condor, feeling pulled in both directions by their macho tug of war, much like a tasty snack two dogs would fight over. She knew why Condor had instigated the escort, to lead the doofuses away from the cave. Still, it didn't feel good to be in the center of their pissing contest. She sighed, accepting her role, and buttoned up the shirt she was wearing. She's the one who'd insisted on staying and sticking this out. A sidelong glance at Condor, in all his bare-chested glory, rekindled her arousal. The sight of him was still enough to make her mouth water. And after what he'd started on the beach, she was hungry for more. Once she got him back in the bungalow all bets were off.

  They came up onto the compound, and she saw the litter from last night's party being cleaned up. It must have been quite a bash after they'd left. No wonder they hadn't been missed at first. She and Condor made for their bungalow without a word, their escort party still in tow. She noticed James fall back and reach for his cell phone. Heard him saying something low and indistinct. Probably tipping off Lola that they were back. She wrinkled her nose at the thought of having to play nice to the nasty woman who wanted her gone. Did that extend to bumping her off? Lola had another think coming if she thought Bridget was helpless prey.

  They stepped up to the bungalow, and Lola opened the door, stepping out of their rooms. What the fuck was she doing there? Bridget peered beyond her to see drawers pulled open, and the room a mess. The bitch had tossed their room. Luckily, all the sensitive equipment was in the cave.

  "Where were you two?” Lola demanded, her hands on her hips.

  "We found them sleeping on the beach,” Flattop said.

  "And that's not all they were doing,” James cut in sourly.

  Lola's eyes twinkled with harsh amusement as she looked at James. “Sex on the beach.” She looked back at Condor. “You runaways have a lot of explaining to do."

  "We did nothing of the sort...” Bridget started to say, but Condor's hand on her arm made her sputter to a halt.

  "I was just fulfilling a few fantasies,” Condor cut in. “You know all about those, Lola, it's your profession."

  "I do,” she said, with a brittle smile, shooting an enigmatic gaze at James. “I'm going to fulfill one of your fantasies, Jason. I've booked that private fishing charter you wanted so you can have all the blue water you can handle."

  "When?” Condor asked, letting go of Bridget to step closer to Lola.

  "Late this afternoon,” she said, with a softer smile. “I'm told that's when they're biting."

  "Sounds perfect,” he said, as she stepped out onto the porch. He took her hand, saying, “How can I thank you properly?"

  "Behave yourself,” she said, giving him a solemn glance, adding crisply, “Or else I won't be responsible for the outcome.” She slashed a dark look Bridget's way. “That goes double for your alleged submissive."

  "We'll both be on our best behavior,” Condor hastened to reassure her, drawing her attention.

  * * * *

  Bridget finished drying her hair and turned to see Condor watching her possessively. His was fully dressed and ready for his jaunt with Lola. She felt just as possessive about him, not very submissive of her, but that didn't matter. Condor didn't really want her that way; just compliant in the bedroom, but feisty too. The idea of him squiring Lola out on the high seas made her furious. The woman would be all over him like an octopus. The bitch would try to screw his brains out. It didn't bear thinking about. She put down her brush and stalked over to him, Lola's last crack about not being responsible echoing in her mind. What the hell was that all about? Just empty threats or did she mean them?

  "Be careful out there,” she said, stepping into Condor's space, watching him relax and smile. He probably thought the idea of her, unseasoned as she was, cautioning him, funny. But damn it, she was serious. She placed a hand on his chest right over his heart. “I mean it.

  "Love, I'm always careful."

  She nodded and leaned against him, her nipples rubbing against his hard chest. It felt great, natural. After the way James had acted, she knew Condor half expected to walk into a trap, and he was prepared for the possibility. All they had to do was stick this out a little longer, get Perez and blow this place. Much as she itched to ask Condor to blow off Lola, she kept her mouth shut. She knew he was armed—a gun tucked at his back, and a knife in a sheath at his ankle. It still didn't make her feel any better.

  He stroked a loving hand down her naked back, to cup her ass. “Don't worry about me,” he said, giving her ass a little squeeze as he bent to kiss her.

  "But I do,” she said, with a moan as his mouth slanted over hers, hot and demanding. Her tongue came out to parry with his and her arms went up around his neck, as she went on tiptoe.

  * * * *

  They spent a glorious morning in bed; a little preview of the week in bed with room service he'd promised her. Her knees wobbled as she melted inside in the steamy bathroom. Condor caught her weight easily, lifting her off the floor as she pressed against him, trembling. Condor broke a kiss to nibble at her nape, making her squirm with rekindled desire.

  "I'll be fine,” he whispered in her ear.

  "Be careful, and watch out for the she devil, she's got designs on you. I don't like to share my toys, either."

  "Jealous?” he asked, in a surprised and pleased masculine tone.

  "Madly,” she admitted, yelping when he picked up her hairbrush and gave her three playful spanks on the ass. She whimpered with excitement, clinging to him, her pussy fluttering. He had intended to leave extra early and scout things out, but maybe they had time for one more tumble. They could linger and...

  "Behave yourself while I'm out and don't be late for your appointment. You know what to do if anything occurs."

  She nodded, groaning with disappointment as he set her back on her feet. The last thing she wanted to do today were the yoga lessons Lola had her slotted for. Condor had stretched her plenty in the cave last night. She glowed with the memory of the pulley system. Would her condo ceiling support one?


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