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Page 7

by Joy King

  Tyler could hear William yelling and screaming at the top of his lungs. William was normally in control and very calm, but when he lost his temper he became a beast and right now he was furious. He knew there was no way Tyler would be ready to work today and he couldn't blame her. One thing William hated was wasting time and money.

  "Could you get me something to drink?" Tyler asked when she sat down on the couch in T-Roc's trailer. T-Roc went to his mini refrigerator and got bottled water and handed it to her. "No, I mean something stronger, like champagne, wine or any liquor."

  "Sorry, I don't have any." After Tyler's request T-Roc couldn't help but reflect on the brief time they dated how Tyler always turned to alcohol when the pressure became too much. During that time he had also introduced her to some pills to make her feel better, but T-Roc doubted she was using any narcotics.

  "Don't worry about it. I need to call Andre." Tyler's hands were shaking as she struggled to find her cell inside her purse. She finally found the tiny phone and called him. "Fuck, it keeps going straight to voice mail."

  "Calm down, it'll be okay."

  "Someone wants me dead! Did you see that? There were dead rats in my trailer with blood everywhere. What type of sick monster would do such a thing? T-Roc, I can't deal with this right now. First Chantal, now this. I'm going to go crazy!"

  Tyler was now pacing back and forth in the spacious trailer when William barged in. "Tyler, are you okay."

  "What the hell do you think? There's some psycho out there who wants me dead. How did the monster get in my trailer and do all that without anyone noticing? I don't feel safe."

  "I know. I'm trying to figure that out right now. But from this day forward there will be two security guards posted outside the door of your new trailer. There will be extra security on the entire set. It being the first day on set, everybody was lax, but that will never happen again. The police are searching the trailer thoroughly for any type of clues as to who did this."

  "I have to get out of here."

  William gently grabbed Tyler by both her arms. He calmed himself because he knew one of them had to be in control. He spoke in a composed tone. "Tyler, go home and get some rest. But I need you to be strong and pull it together so we can start production tomorrow. It's important that you're here. I need you." He lifted Tyler's face so he could look her directly in the eyes. William felt he knew Tyler better than anyone and how to get through to her. "Do you understand me? I need you to pull it together. You're on your way to becoming a major superstar and people are going to come at you in all directions. Stalkers, neurotic fans and people who are just obsessed with you, but I'll protect you for now on, but you have to trust me. This will never happen again. I'm so sorry."

  Tyler seemed to break free from the traumatized world she was stuck in. "I'll be here tomorrow ready to work. I promise."

  "That's my girl. Now you go home. I'll call you later on to make sure you're okay." William kissed Tyler on the forehead and nodded his head at T-Roc and left.

  T-Roc was impressed by how William handled Tyler. They definitely had a connection and it was obvious Tyler had a great deal of respect for him. "I'll walk you to your car."

  "Thank you, I definitely don't want to be alone." Tyler grabbed her purse and they walked to the parking lot.

  When they reached her car, to further add to Tyler's grief the same person that sabotaged her trailer flattened all four tires and left a single black rose on her windshield. If it wasn't for T-Roc being by her side Tyler had no doubt that she would've collapsed right there on the spot.

  "So what dirty little secrets do you need to get off your chest?" Ian said with a chuckle. He figured whatever Chantal had to say wasn't that serious and she was only trying to be dramatic since she didn't take too kindly to his frankness regarding his relationship with his wife.

  "Did you hear the story about the would be bride who tried to run over the would be groom?" Ian looked up at the ceiling trying to recall if he had heard such a story. He wasn't really a news person so nothing was popping up until Chantal said, "But ended up hitting the actress Tyler Blake instead?"

  "You're not the psycho bride that damn neared killed Tyler?" he questioned with total shock in his voice.

  Chantal could tell by the tone in his question that it was almost as if he was taking it personally. "Do you know Tyler?" Chantal asked although she knew that he did but wanted to get an exact read on his feelings towards Tyler before she went on with her confession.

  "Yes, we dated a long time ago."

  "Oh, I didn't know you dated Tyler," she lied and said, "Was it serious?"

  "Very serious. Now back to you. Are you the woman that almost killed her?"

  Chantal swallowed hard, instantly regretting that she ever decided to share her sordid past. Originally she was heated with his egotistical attitude about his wife and divorce but now felt that she had a momentary lapse in judgment with her decision to come clean. She felt certain that Ian would show her the front door, maybe even grab her and literally throw her out of it. "Yes, I'm the one. I honestly didn't mean to hit her. I only wanted to hurt my fiance at the time, Andre. But Tyler pushed him out the way trying to save his life and I hit her instead."

  "Un-fucking believable! Out of all the women in LA the one woman I decide to go home with from the club would be certifiable. Not only that, you hit the woman I used to be in a relationship with. What are the odds in that?"

  Chantal knew exactly what those odds were since she made it her mission the moment he walked in that club for him to be with her, knowing full well he had been in a relationship with Tyler. "Some things are meant to be."

  "Chantal, give me a break. I doubt what we have is meant to be."

  "I guess it's just me then because I thought we had a connection."

  "Connecting with someone physically and being `meant to be' are two entirely different things. But you know what is funny? When I compared your feisty attitude with my ex, I was talking about Tyler."

  Chantal felt nauseated. She always thought she and Tyler were on opposite sides of the spectrum when it came to personality traits. Chantal assumed that was one of the reasons Andre chose Tyler because she was a fragile little flower. To think that she could spit fire just like her, but Andre still wanting Tyler just added insult to injury. "So, Tyler is feisty. I had no idea."

  "Yeah, most people don't know it unless you date her. She has this whole angelic thing going on, but trust me, she is something else."

  Chantal could tell that they definitely had a lot of history and whatever skeletons they shared he wasn't ready to reveal. "Listen, Ian, I understand if you're reluctant about dating me but I wish you wouldn't be so quick to judge me. I made a horrible mistake but Andre had driven me to the point that I felt I was losing my mind. He's the father of my daughter and the man I believed I would spend the rest of my life with. For him to dump me on the day of our wedding was just too much for me, and then to find him cozying up to another woman, I was overwhelmed. I know that isn't an excuse and you're probably thinking I'm some crazy broad and I'll flip out like that on you too, but trust me, that was a once in a lifetime experience."

  "Aren't you going to trial or to jail or something anyway?"

  "Luckily I had an excellent attorney and he worked out a plea agreement for me and I won't be getting any jail time, just probation and community service."

  "Damn, who the fuck is your attorney?"

  "Mitchell Stern."

  "Mitchell. That's my man. Yeah, he's definitely a miracle worker. Well, I'm happy everything worked out for you and I hope you get it together, mentally I mean, so nothing like this ever happens again."

  "I will be getting therapy, but I'm not crazy, Ian. Is it so hard to believe that maybe a man can make you lose your mind for a moment?"

  "No, but not every woman tries to run him over either."

  "I guess that means I won't be seeing you when you get back from Charlotte."

  "I don't think it's a good

  Chantal slowly gathered her belongings hoping Ian would change his mind. But after she spent forty-five minutes pretending to look for her shoe that was clearly visible under the chair, she accepted the fact it was a lost cause.

  Ian called downstairs for the car service and gave her a slight wave goodbye. He didn't even walk her to the door. So much for it being meant to be.

  When T-Roc drove Tyler home, she insisted he come in because no one was there and she didn't want to be alone. Before T-Roc even took a seat, Tyler had disappeared and shortly after reappeared with a bottle of champagne in one hand and a glass in the other. "I would offer you some but one of us needs to be completely sober just in case that crazy animal decides to show up at my front door."

  "Tyler, no one is going to show up here. Plus, this place is gated with a security guard right up front. And there are cameras everywhere. You're safe here."

  "I'm glad you're so confident because I'm a nervous wreck."

  T-Roc took note that Tyler was already on her second glass of champagne and he hadn't even been there for ten minutes. "I know you're stressed, but maybe you should ease up on the champagne."

  "I don't think so. This is the only thing that's going to calm my nerves."

  It amazed T-Roc that after all this time Tyler still had the same weaknesses. He knew exactly how he would manipulate her to be back in his bed.

  "Baby, I came home as soon as I got your message," Andre belted as he ran towards Tyler, interrupting T-Roc's scheming thoughts.

  "Where were you? I kept calling your cell and it was going straight to voice mail."

  "I was in the recording studio and I wasn't getting any reception. I should've given you the number to where I was going to be. I'm so sorry."

  "Don't worry, I'm just glad your home."

  Andre held Tyler for a minute and quickly realized they weren't alone. "What are you doing here?" he growled at T-Roc.

  "Baby, T-Roc walked me to my car, and when we got there all the tires were flat and the psycho left a single black rose. He was kind enough to give me a ride home."

  "Thanks, but you can go now, I'm here."

  "Yeah, it's too bad you weren't there when she really needed you, but I forgot you were in the studio," T-Roc said mockingly.

  "What the fuck do you mean by that?"

  "Both of you, please stop! I don't need this right now. T-Roc, thanks for the ride and I'll see you tomorrow."

  "No problem. Call me if you need me."

  "Don't count on that call. Tyler won't be needing you for nothing." Andre and T-Roc gave each other the hooligan staredown as T-Roc left. "Baby, I know you're not going back to work tomorrow!"

  "Andre, I have to."

  "No you don't. You can stay right here at home and relax."

  "We already missed today and William needs me."

  "Fuck William! You know I don't care about his snake ass anyway."

  "He isn't a snake, Andre," Tyler said, releasing herself from Andre's grasp as she reached for the champagne bottle to refill her glass.

  "Why you defending that cat? He couldn't even protect you on his own movie set. How in the fuck did someone get in your trailer and do all that foul shit and didn't nobody notice?"

  "I asked William the same question. It was the first day and security was slack. He promised it would never happen again. Baby, there is no way you can be more frustrated than me, but I can't let whoever this asshole is keep me from working."

  Andre huffed loudly as he became more frustrated with Tyler's reasoning. "If you insist on going back to work, then let me have some of my security men drive you to and from work and also stay on the set with you."

  "That's fine. I would like that anyway."

  "Good. I feel a little better. Now if only I could get rid of that slick ass snake, T-Roc."

  "Stop. He isn't all that bad."

  "Yeah, there just ain't nothing good about him." Andre went on for another ten minutes about his dislike for T-Roc and William. But Andre might as well been talking to the wall because while he was venting, Tyler had finished her bottle and was on her way to the kitchen for number two.

  Chantal and Shari sat in the Chateau Marmont in Hollywood having drinks and discussing men. Shari was actually relieved that Chantal was now complaining about a guy other than Andre. That was a day she never saw coming. "So yeah, girl, Mr. Ian Addison kicked me to the curb. He was so nonchalant about it too. I must be losing my touch."

  "Chantal, it doesn't have anything to do with you losing your touch. I mean you did tell him you tried to run over your ex fiancee. That's a hard pill to swallow for any man."

  "I know, but it seemed as if he was more bothered that I hit Tyler."

  "What you mean, like he still got feelings for her or something?"

  "Something is still there. He also got a lot of dirt on that chick that I'm dying to know about, but I guess I'll never find out now."

  "What would you do with the information anyway, run and tell Andre, for what so he'll come back to you?"

  "Hell no. Believe it or not, I don't want Andre back. Any man that can drive me that crazy I don't need them in my life. But I would like to knock his little princess, Tyler Blake off of her pedestal. He acts like she is so perfect. I know that hussy got skeletons just like the rest of us. Maybe if Andre saw that he wouldn't be so hard on me."

  "I feel you, but with Ian out of your life there's no way to uncover Tyler's hidden secrets."

  "One monkey ain't never stopped a show. I'll get what I need on Tyler whether it be by rapping or clapping."

  "Girl, you better stop ripping off Jay-Z lines," Shari laughed.

  "I need a Tyler break... so what's up with you and Jalen?"

  "We've been out a couple of times and I'm digging him. I know he's young with extra long paper so he probably ain't trying to settle down, but he got a laid back style that's sexy as shit."

  "You never know, them young cats be trying to settle down quick sometimes, trying to prove they grown and shit. But whatever you do, don't drop no seed for him unless he wife you first. And I don't mean have no fake ass long engagement like La La and Carmelo Anthony and play pretend house. You wait for that cat to walk you down the aisle and the vows have been exchanged."

  "Damn, Chantal, what, you a psychic? You talking like me and Jalen engaged and about to get married. We haven't even been dating a month yet."

  "I know, but I just have a feeling that your spaceship may have finally landed."

  "That would be some shit if it did. Jalen paper is super long." While Shari was talking, Chantal noticed a middle-aged white gentleman staring at them, and then he stood up and started walking towards their direction.

  "Here comes some clown. I hope he don't think we some high priced call girls and we are going to offer him some two for one special."

  "Hi, ladies, my name is Rupert Douglass," The man extended his hand and Chantal was about to rebuff him but then he said, "Aren't you Chantal Morgan?"

  "How do you know my name?" Chantal was curious to know.

  "I saw you on Larry King with your attorney. I thought you handled yourself beautifully."

  "Oh, thanks," Chantal said blandly. She was ready to put that whole psycho bride scandal behind her, especially after losing Ian over it.

  "My, dear, you should sound a lot more cheerful. I have a guaranteed way for you to become a star overnight and a very wealthy young woman."

  "Star" and "wealthy" in the same sentence sparked Chantal's interest. "How do plan to do that?"

  "Does a seven figure book deal interest you?"

  After T -Roc left Tyler's house he headed back over to the movie set. He wanted to see if the police made any leeway to finding out who was responsible for the threat against Tyler. When he pulled up in the parking lot he noticed Chrissie walking towards her car. T-Roc rushed to get out so he could catch her before she pulled off.

  "Chrissie, wait up," T-Roc yelled out.

  Chrissie turned around and to he
r delight, saw it was T-Roc. "Hi, what's going on? I wanted to speak with you earlier but you were busy and then that unfortunate fiasco with Tyler happened. I miss you. You haven't returned any of my phone calls," she added.

  "It's been hectic, you know, preparing for the movie and maintaining all the other projects I have going on."

  "I understand, but I would love if you could make some time for me. You know, for old time's sake," Chrissie said flirtatiously.

  "Chrissie, I'm flattered but we agreed that I wasn't any good for you in a romantic way and we should just be friends, remember?"

  "I do, but what could it hurt for us to get together occasionally? You can't deny how incredible our lovemaking was together."

  "No doubt, but I still believe you deserve someone much better than me. I care about you and our friendship is too valuable for me to do anything to mess it up." T-Roc was laying it on thick because his eyes were on the prize, which was Tyler. He didn't need to start up a sexual relationship with Chrissie again and ruin his chances with Tyler.

  "T-Roc, you're incredibly noble. I can't lie and say I'm not disappointed with your decision, but at the same time I appreciate your concern for me."

  T-Roc gently rubbed the side of Chrissie's cheek. "You're an amazing woman, Chrissie, and you're going to make someone a very lucky man. If only I was worthy it could be me, but I'm not, so let's not dwell on that."

  Chrissie blushed and T-Roc knew he had her eating out the palm of his hand. She truly fit the description of a dumb blonde. With her flowing sun-kissed locks and California girl tanned physique, her gullible personality was truly her most appealing attribute to T-Roc. She was a sucker for him and he planned on using it to his advantage. "But enough about what I wish we could've had. Do the cops have a lead on who destroyed Tyler's trailer?"

  "Not yet, but you know William will get to the bottom of it. Poor Tyler, it seems she has one tragedy after another."

  "Seven figure book deal! That sounds tasty indeed, but the thing is I don't write."

  "My delectable Chantal," he said as he patted Chantal's shoulder.

  Shari and Chantal both looked at each other and they knew exactly what the other one was thinking. This man was getting way too comfortable, as if he and Chantal went way back. Chantal used her right hand to brush his hand off.


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