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Page 9

by Joy King

  "It's Ian. You got a minute for me?"

  Chantal's eyes widened with excitement. She covered her mouth, and then started using the same hand to point to her cell phone as she mouthed to Shari that it was Ian on the phone.

  Shari then became excited too because she couldn't believe that Chantal was behaving like a love struck teenager who was getting asked to the spring dance.

  "I'm surprised to hear from you," she said coyly.

  "I know, but it's been a few days and you've been on my mind."

  "Really," she said, not sounding as if she totally believed him.

  "Yeah, for real. I'll be back tomorrow and I was hoping I could see you."

  "Uhmm hmm, I would like that."

  "Okay, so I'll call you sometime tomorrow afternoon."

  When Ian hung up the phone he sat back in the bed at the hotel room he was staying in. He was still deciphering why he decided to see Chantal again. After her little confession he really thought it best to leave her the fuck alone. The last thing he wanted to be bothered with was a woman with a lot of drama. He knew if he ever really kicked it with Chantal like that, the press would have a field day, and although Ian loved being a NBA superstar, what he detested about it the most was living in a fishbowl. He wanted to live his life by his own rules, but that was out the window when you reached his level of success.

  Everyone was making money off of him so they were all invested in just about every aspect of his life. It was damn near impossible for Ian to convince what he called his money making team machine to go ahead and green light his divorce to Angela. They begged him to stay married in name only if possible, but Ian wasn't having it. He said he was too young to play those types of games for his public image. Although he didn't give a fuck either way, his team finally told him the move was acceptable since Angela was ecstatic to take a few million given she was entitled to nothing but child support due to the paltry pre-nup she signed, and to keep her mouth shut and not bash Ian in the media or disclose any terms of their divorce.

  Ian was only a couple of weeks away from finalizing the divorce and being a bachelor again. He was looking forward to relishing in his freedom and enjoying life. That's why he questioned his decision to keep things going with Chantal. He knew exactly what type of woman she was and it had headache written all over it. He couldn't help but wonder if the real reason he wanted to keep Chantal around was because of her connection to Tyler. 'Til this day, Ian felt shortchanged that he and Tyler never had any real closure to their relationship. To know that she was now engaged to Chantal's ex made him curious. Ian had to know what about Andre Jackson Tyler found so irresistible that she was willing to risk her life to save his.

  Chantal started jumping up and down with excitement when she hung up the phone with Ian. "I can't believe he called me!" she shrieked to an overwhelmed Shari.

  "Ms. Thing, did that motherfucker lace you with something? Because you are bugging out over this dude. Damn, is the dick that official?"

  "All jokes to the left, I don't know what it is. Something about him just got me open. The sex is ridiculous but it's more than that. He's just different than other dudes I've fucked with."

  "Different how?" Shari couldn't help but start probing giving how stoked Chantal was over this guy.

  "It's hard to explain, but most men I dealt with, including Andre, in the beginning, like Trina say, they blah, blah, blah you a lot. They might be open off some new pussy for a minute so they telling you whatever, but you sorta know they ain't really checking for you like that, although they try to make you think that they are. But a cat like Ian doesn't strike me as if he's playing those types of games. He might keep you around, but he basically lets you know his feelings aren't too deep about it. But then if he really does start checking for you on some serious shit, I believe he lets you know and he goes all out."

  "Wow, that's interesting. So where do you stand right now with him?"

  "I'm not quite sure. I think he's attracted to me physically but I don't think that's what motivated him to call me. It's something a little deeper than that but I haven't figured it out yet.

  "Well when you find out please let me know."

  "I got you, Thelma."

  When Tyler woke up in the morning she didn't want to pull herself away from Andre's embrace. Having his muscular arms around her waist made her feel out of harm's way. She wished she could bottle this moment and carry it around with her all day, so every time she felt scared or alone she could remember how perfect her life was at this very minute. She eyed the clock and realized if she didn't get up now she would be late for work. She knew how William detested tardiness. So though every part of her body wanted to stay snuggled under Andre, she quietly glided from under him and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

  After Tyler rushed to get dressed she kissed a still sleeping Andre on the lips and went downstairs. To her shock, her mother was sitting on the living room couch. "Mother, what are you doing here? I thought you went back to Atlanta."

  "Good morning to you too, my dear."

  "I didn't mean it like that. I'm just a little shocked to see you."

  "I did go back to Atlanta but now I'm here again."

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  "I was worried about my daughter. I still see you and your sister as my little girls."

  "Speaking of Ella, I'm going to see her when I go to New York in a few weeks. I miss her so much."

  "She misses you too. She wanted to come when she heard about the accident, but you know during that time Fashion Week was approaching and she was swamped preparing for the show. I recently saw some of her designs and I must say I was very impressed."

  "She has definitely stepped her game up. I'm so proud of her, my big sister a budding fashion designer. When I go to New York she has to hook me up."

  "When are you leaving again?"

  "In a few weeks. I wish it was tomorrow so I could be with Christian. He'll be with me during filming so I can spend time with him. After this movie is done I'm going to take an extended break so I can prepare for Christian to move to LA and live with me and Andre, especially since we're going to have a baby together." Tyler caught her mother rolling her eyes. "What's that about? I thought you said you'd accepted my relationship with Andre."

  "I do, but I don't think you need to rush and start a family with him. You're on the path to be a huge star. Do you want to put that on hold so you can walk around with your belly poked out for nine months?"

  "I don't know why I have these conversations with you, because you just don't get it. I love Andre and I want us to be a family. Having his baby would mean so much to me."

  "Tyler, I know when I'm fighting a losing battle. Let's agree to disagree. Whatever decision you make, I'll support."

  Tyler didn't quite believe her mother was being sincere but wanted the conversation to end all the same.

  "So my dear, where are you off to this morning?"

  "Work," Tyler answered as she walked to the kitchen to make her morning power shake.

  "Work, so soon?"

  "Yes, I started a new movie. I'm actually very excited about it."

  "How nice. Why don't you let your mother accompany you to the set this morning? I would love to see my daughter in action."

  "It's not that exciting, really."

  "Let me be the judge of that."

  "Maybe another time. It's been a little hectic these first few days."

  "Tyler Blake, are you ashamed of having your mother on set with you?" Maria folded her arms and tapped her foot waiting for her daughter's response.

  "Of course not. Fine, you can come." Tyler noticed her mother slightly smiling, no doubt feeling pleased with herself since she always got her way. Some things never change, Tyler thought to herself.

  When Tyler and her mother arrived, the set was already abuzz. "Wow, this is awfully exciting!" Maria beamed, becoming instantly caught up in the aura of Hollywood.

  "Yeah, I remember my first time on a movie set. It
was the ultimate high," Tyler said, reflecting back to that time.

  As the ladies walked in the direction of Tyler's trailer William noticed the pair. "Tyler, you look wonderful this morning," William said, greeting the women.

  "I feel great."

  "I'm happy to hear especially after that unfortunate incident."

  "What incident?" Maria inquired.

  "Mother, I'll tell you about it later."

  "Mother, you're Tyler's mother? I knew I saw a resemblance but I assumed you were her sister. You look much too young to be her mother."

  "Stop, you're making me blush."

  "Yes, Mother, this is William, the director of the movie."

  Maria's eyes widened. "It is a pleasure to meet you, William."

  "The pleasure is mine. I won't keep you ladies as Tyler needs to get to hair and makeup. I'll see you shortly." William gave Tyler a kiss on the cheek and walked off, leaving Maria with a lustful glare in her eyes.

  "That William is quite a handsome man."

  "Yes he is and very intelligent. I have a great deal of respect for him."

  "I would definitely like to get to know him better."

  "Mother, I used to date William for a very long time before I fell in love with Andre."

  Maria's mouth dropped. "What? He's old enough to be your father. You can't be serious?" Maria asked as they made their way to the trailer.

  "I'm dead serious. At one time I thought we were very much in love, but I realized I was wrong. It was more of a misplaced father figure mentor love."

  "My goodness, Tyler. You really do have daddy issues," Maria hissed as she sat down on the couch in the trailer.

  "You sound like my best friend, Chrissie. But you're both right. I do have daddy issues, but what would you expect, especially since you ripped him out of my life when I was five years old." By the stunned look on her mother's face, Tyler knew she wasn't expecting for her to revisit such painful memories.

  "Tyler, must we have this discussion again? It's not my fault your father never came back for you and your sister."

  "If that was the truth, you would be right."

  "Are you accusing me of lying about your father?"

  "All I'm saying is that what I remembered of my dad, he would've never turned his back on us."

  "You were a child, Tyler. You've created some fantasy world about your dad that is non existent. I know it must hurt, but unfortunately your father did turn his back on you. You have to accept that and let it go."

  Before Tyler could respond they were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Who is it?"

  "Ms. Blake, its T-Roc," the security guard answered.

  Tyler opened the door, somewhat relieved that she had an excuse to end her conversation with her mother. Although she did want to get to the truth regarding her biological father, Tyler realized her mother would go to her grave sticking to her story.

  "Tyler, I hope I'm not interrupting anything," T-Roc said, noticing Maria.

  "No come in. My mother and I were catching up on the past but we're done now."

  "Your mother? Now I see where you get all your beauty from."

  "Who is this charming young man?"

  "T-Roc. I'm co-starring in the movie with your daughter."

  "How nice. You look awfully familiar." Maria paused for a moment trying to determine where she had seen the fine looking man before. "I remember. Don't you have a commercial for your signature cologne?"

  "As a matter of fact I do," T-Roc answered with a smile.

  "I never forget a face, especially one as gorgeous as yours. It was wonderful meeting you. I'll leave you two alone while I check out the set."

  "Do you want one of the security guards to escort you around?" Tyler asked.

  "No, dear, I'll be fine-trust me." Maria picked up her purse and headed out on a mission no doubt.

  "Your mother is a very intriguing woman."

  "Yes she is. So what's up?"

  "Oh nothing. I was checking up on you. Yesterday when we spoke you were down because of Andre."

  "I'm much better now. We had a wonderful evening," Tyler said gushing.

  "Glad to hear. I know you have to get into hair and makeup so I'll see on the set in a little while."

  "Okay. Oh, and T-Roc," he stopped and turned back to look at Tyler before walking out the door. "Thanks for your concern. I appreciate it."

  "No problem." As T-Roc left he was heated about the turn of events. He was hoping that Andre would neglect Tyler and leave her vulnerable so he could be the shoulder for her to cry on. But of course, Andre had to get his act together. T-Roc felt time was not on his side and would need to act sooner rather than later.

  Chantal was ecstatic about going to see Ian. She took her time getting dressed, making sure she was extra sexy for him. After dabbling on some lip gloss Chantal headed out the door to her destination.

  As she drove to Ian's penthouse, she heard her cell phone ringing. "Hello."

  "Kitten, how are you?"

  At first Chantal thought that whoever was on the other end with that operatic voice must've had the wrong number until flaming ass Rupert popped in her head. "Rupert, how are you?"

  "Better, now that I have you on the phone. You should be getting my agent agreement in the mail today."

  "Wonderful. I'm out right now, but when I get home I'll send it to my attorney and have him look over it."

  "Great! The sooner I get it back the sooner I'll make you a star."

  "I simply love that word `star', especially when it pertains to me."

  "Well, kitten, you're on your way. I must be running ... the world is calling me, but I'll be in touch. Tootles."

  The idea of being a star had Chantal's adrenaline pumping. She put her foot down on the gas pedal and zoomed down the highway with visions of her name in bright lights.

  Andre was stepping out of the shower when he heard the phone and answered the call.

  "Hi, Andre, this is Chrissie."

  "Chrissie, Tyler isn't here. She's on the set."

  "I know. I wanted to speak with you."

  Andre found that odd since he and Chrissie had never been on friendly terms. "What can I do for you?"

  "The Magic Johnson Foundation is having a charity benefit tomorrow night, a star studded affair. I know its last minute, but I received a call asking if you and Tyler would be one of the presenters."

  "I don't know, Chrissie. It has still been such a media frenzy with all this Chantal mess, and I don't know if Tyler is ready to handle all that."

  "I know. Honestly, I got the request for you all to present a while ago but I held off on accepting because I wasn't sure how things would be with Tyler. But she seems strong and I think this would be great image building for the two of you as a couple in Hollywood. Andre, you have to get used to this. Once you and Tyler get married this will be your life."

  "I'll discuss it with Tyler tonight and we'll get back to you."

  "So you know, Andre, I could've gone directly to Tyler on this but I know you're an important part of her life. And I want us to start building a friendship."

  "I appreciate that, Chrissie. I will speak to Tyler about this event and if she wants to go I promise we will be in attendance. Thanks again." When Andre hung up with Chrissie he had mixed feelings about the conversation. He was pleased that Chrissie was beginning to accept and respect his relationship with Tyler, but he was also coming to grips with what a Hollywood marriage would mean. It would change his whole lifestyle. In the music industry people expected you to fuck up and didn't dig so deep into your personal life. But it was a whole other ball game in this business. The media didn't wait for the drama to come to you; they went looking for it.

  Chantal spread her curvaceous body across the bed after finishing up a third round of mind blowing sex with Ian. "You're incredible, you know that?" Chantal purred breathlessly.

  "You're pretty wonderful too," Ian said, lighting up a blunt that was on the nightstand next to the bed.

p; "Doesn't the league have strict rules about things like that?"

  "If you listen to David Stem they do, but only an idiot fails a drug test. They tell you in advance right before the season starts when the drug test is. If you pass then they don't test you for the remainder of the season. Only the stupid fucks who failed the initial test are subject to random drug testing."

  "So that's how that works."

  "Pretty much," Ian said, taking a pull. He motioned, offering Chantal some, and of course she obliged. After some back and forth the weed was taking affect and the mellow high kicked in.

  "So, Ian, what happened between you and Tyler?" Chantal asked the question so out of the blue that Ian had his guard down. He found himself answering the question without even giving it a second thought.

  "Tyler and I were young and in love. I made a lot of mistakes and so did she."

  "That's not telling me much. Why you guys break up?"

  "I really don't want to delve in the past."

  "Why, did she break your heart?" Chantal asked jokingly, not thinking she would get a serious answer from Ian. But the premium weed was acting as a truth serum for him.

  "As a matter of fact she did."

  Chantal was stunned and the news made her sit up and shake her head trying to brush off the buzz. Ian had her attention before, but now he had her undivided attention. When he passed the blunt back to her, this time she declined.

  "Really and how did she manage to do that?" Chantal was astounded that dainty Tyler could break the heart of a womanizing lover boy like Ian.

  "Hmm, every time I think about that bullshit I want to break some shit. I'm still not fucking with my cousin behind that bullshit."

  "Okay, I'm lost. What does your cousin have to do with you and Tyler breaking up?"

  "She started fucking around with him behind my back and ended up pregnant. She claims I was the father, but she didn't know that shit for sure. I swear I wanted to kill both of them. I had never been that pissed or hurt in all my life. That shit still fucks with me to this day."

  "Your cousin? Why would Tyler fuck your cousin when she had you?"

  "I don't know. Maybe because he was some big music mogul that promised to make all her dreams come true. I still hate that bastard."


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