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Page 11

by Joy King

  "Andre, where are you going?"

  "I have to get out of here and clear my mind."

  "Please don't leave. I want to fall asleep in your arms."

  "Not tonight," he said before storming out.

  Chantal sat on the cold steel bench wondering how in the hell she ended up back in jail. She hadn't slept a wink and felt that the walls were closing in on her. Her eyes scanned the small holding cell that occupied five sleeping females, all of whom looked liked broken down prostitutes. Upon her arrival last night, Chantal placed her one phone call to her attorney, begging him to get her out. It was late and Chantal assumed he hadn't yet got her message, but that didn't keep her from calling everyone in the building a four letter word as if it was their fault she violated her restraining order.

  "Chantal Morgan," the guard called out.

  All the ladies miraculously woke up from their snoozing and raised their hands, "That's me."

  "I'm Chantal Morgan," she said rolling her eyes and smacking her lips.

  "Who the hell do she think she is?" Chantal heard one of the other inmates say.

  "She probably a call girl, but that don't make her no better than the rest of us. We just walk the streets in search of our clients and they find her snobby ass in the Yellow Pages."

  "I ain't no call girl, thank you very much," Chantal barked.

  "Then you just a dummy for ending up in here," another female shot back, and all the ladies burst out laughing.

  "Everybody quiet," the guard yelled. Chantal slit her eyes at the women before heading out. "Your attorney is here to see you."

  Praise the Lord! Chantal thought to herself. She practically leaped across the hall trying to get to her attorney. "Mitchell, I'm so happy to see you," Chantal said as she sat down for the faceto-face.

  "Chantal, we really have to stop meeting under these circumstances."

  Chantal could tell by the frown on Mitchell's face that he wasn't pleased, and she couldn't blame him. "I know, but it wasn't my fault. That prima donna, Tyler threw champagne in my face and on my dress. I had no choice but to retaliate."

  "Have you already forgotten there is a restraining order in place? You should've never been close enough to get in Ms. Blake's face."

  "Oh please, what was I supposed to do, leave the event because the queen of the night decided to grace us with her presence? I was there first. She should've left."

  "Chantal," Mitchell said firmly, and by his tone Chantal knew he was growing impatient with her. "The restraining order isn't against Tyler, it's against you. That's why you're in jail and she's not."

  "Fine. I understand I got myself in a pickle of a situation, but I need to get out of here."

  "I don't know if it's gong to be that easy. It hasn't even been a month and you've already violated the terms of your plea agreement. A judge may decide to throw the book at you and keep you locked up for the duration of your probation."

  "Wait, wait, wait a minute. My probation is for years."

  "Yes, I know. .ten to be exact."

  "I can't stay in jail for ten years. I can't stay in this hell hole for another day. Please, Mitchell, you have to get me out of here!"

  "I'll do the best I can. I have a hearing scheduled this afternoon. Hopefully I'll get a judge that I play golf with and he'll be lenient. But Chantal, this is it. I don't know how much longer the person who is footing your bill is going to keep this up. And I promise you, my services are far from cheap," Mitchell reminded Chantal as he grabbed his briefcase and stood up ready to leave.

  "I promise I'll get my act together, but don't worry about the money. Pretty soon I'll be able to afford you on my own. Didn't you get the contract from the agent? He's going to get me a seven figure book deal. And that doesn't include speaking engagements or other things I'll get paid for," Chantal said, grinning about her future prospects as a literary star.

  Mitchell sat back down and stared at Chantal. "Yes, I did read over the contract and I'm very familiar with Rupert Douglass."

  "Then you know I'm about to be in the money," Chantal said, singing her own praises.

  "I'm assuming this is a tell-all."

  "No doubt, and with the episode that happened last night and the juicy news I found out about little miss, perfect Tyler Blake, I'm sure Rupert will up that book deal to the high seven figures as I have a lot to reveal."

  "That book will never make it into publication."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Did you not read over the plea agreement you signed? Better yet, were you listening when I read it to you?"

  "Of course I was, but what does that have to do with my salacious book?"

  Mitchell let out an annoyed sigh. "Chantal, part of the plea agreement with you getting no jail time was that you can't profit because of what happened to the victims, which is Andre and Tyler."

  "I don't understand. They're not victims."

  "In the eyes of the law they are. You tried to run them over, remember?"

  "So what? I can't include in my book the torment Andre caused me by leaving me at the altar on my wedding day so he could run off with Tyler, which pushed me over the edge and caused me to run them over in the first place?"

  "Legally you can tell the story as long as neither Tyler nor Andre is ever mentioned, or is it even insinuated that the characters are based on their likeness. But then, what publisher would care about your story if you can't mention the stars?"

  "How in the hell did you allow me to sign an agreement like that? You're my lawyer; you're supposed to protect my best interests."

  "I did, and that was making sure you didn't spend the rest of your life behind bars, although at the pace you're going it's becoming increasingly impossible." Chantal put her head down, on the verge of tears. "Chantal, I had no idea that being an author was so important to you," Mitchell said sarcastically.

  "It's not. But bringing down Tyler Blake is. Telling this story would allow the world to see her for the home wrecker she is. Now you're telling me I can't even do that."

  "I really must be going because I have to call in some favors in an attempt to get you released from jail... hopefully today. But before I go, I have to give you some much needed advice. Get over your obsession with Ms. Blake. It will cause you nothing but grief and possibly your life. No one is worth that, not even a Hollywood star."

  Chantal sulked in her chair as she watched Mitchell Stem leave. She knew he was right, but it was as if Tyler had infected her mind and body. There seemed to be no cure to rid Tyler from Chantal's system. But as the guard escorted Chantal back to the holding cell, she decided she would have to find a way to get over it unless she wanted to spend the rest of her life locked up.

  When Tyler arrived on set the first thing she did was go searching for William. She needed someone to talk to, and even though William didn't care for Andre, he would at least listen to her vent and Tyler could trust that he wouldn't share their conversation with anyone else. "Hi, have you seen William?" Tyler asked one of the production assistants.

  "Did you check his office?"

  "Yeah, but he wasn't in there."

  "I saw him headed towards the room in the back about twenty minutes ago," another assistant said, pointing her in the right direction.

  "Thanks." Tyler was anxious to get to William. After their blow up, Andre didn't come back home and Tyler was devastated. She hoped that William could calm her nerves, but he did just the opposite.

  "What in the hell is wrong with you two?" Tyler yelled when she opened the door and found her mother spread across the table and kissing William passionately as his body thrust inside of her.

  The piercing of Tyler's voice snapped them out of their sex session and both turned their faces catching a glimpse of the repulsion in her eyes. "Tyler, it isn't what you think," William sputtered weakly.

  Both Tyler and her mother glared at William like he was crazy.

  "I think I know what fucking looks like, William. But you and my mother! I don't k
now which one of you disgusts me more."

  "Dear, we can explain," Maria said coolly. She seemed to be the only one unaffected by what was transpiring.

  "Save it. I so can't deal with this right now. But I advise that next time you want to go at it like dogs in heat, lock the door."

  William pulled himself from Maria, pissed that Tyler had caught them in the compromising position.

  "What are you doing? We're not done yet," Maria exclaimed.

  "You're daughter caught us having sex. Yes, we are done."

  "Please, William. Tyler will be fine."

  "I have to go explain."

  "Explain what? That two consenting adults gave into their mutual attraction and had sex?"

  "I'll let her know it was an accident."

  "Oh, so you're going to tell Tyler that all six times we had sex was an accident?"

  "I knew this was wrong. With everything that Tyler has been going through she doesn't need another disappointment."

  "Tyler is much stronger than everyone gives her credit for. She'll get over it. As a matter of fact, she's probably already forgotten. Trust me, she's my daughter and I know her better than anybody."

  T -Roc noticed Tyler walking towards her trailer and she was visibly upset. "Tyler, what's wrong?" he asked, pulling her over to the side so they could have some privacy.

  "This isn't a good time. I really want to go to my trailer and be alone."

  "You're too upset. I don't think it's a good idea for you to be alone." T-Roc lifted Tyler's chin so he could stare her directly in the eyes. "I told you that if you ever needed to talk I would be here for you." Without warning Tyler broke down and started crying and T-Roc held her in his arms. "Tyler, it'll be okay," T-Roc said reassuringly.

  "No it's not. Everything is going so wrong. Andre is furious at me and I feel like I'm losing him."

  "Why, what happened?" T-Roc's voice sounded genuinely concerned so Tyler began purging her soul.

  "Andre found out about the past we shared."

  "How did that happen?"

  "From Chantal."

  "Who told Chantal?" T-Roc knew for a fact that he never divulged the history that he shared with Tyler, although Chantal inquired on more than one occasion. He couldn't begin to imagine who could've told her since all parties involved were very private."

  "Your cousin, Ian."

  "What! Are you sure?"

  "Positive. I ran into both of them last night at this charity event. Chantal was Ian's date. I guess she's sleeping with him now. The devious bitch totally blew up my spot last night right in front of Andre. When we got home I confirmed her story. I mean there was no sense in lying. But Andre was furious with me. He stormed out and didn't come home last night."

  "Tyler, calm down. Andre is just blowing off some steam. He'll realize that we all have secrets that we want to keep in the dark and you're no exception. Andre will forgive you."

  "I don't think so. I tried to get him to understand exactly what you just said, but Andre is adamant that he doesn't have any secrets that he's keeping from me and I'm the only one with the shameful past. I feel like such a loser right now. It's like no matter how hard you try there is no escaping your past. I don't understand why Andre can't take me as I am."

  "I know you probably don't want to hear this, but I love you just the way you are, Tyler, never stopped. No woman that I've ever met compares to you. I know that I made multiple mistakes in our relationship, and I hope that one day you'll forgive me. I've accepted that you've moved on with Andre and I truly want you to be happy. Although I've always believed that we belong together, I won't cross the line because I know you're committed to Andre. But believe me, Andre knows how special you are and he will come around. It will all work out for the best, trust me."

  "Thank you so much, T-Roc. More and more I'm realizing that you have changed. In the past you would've used this opportunity to manipulate me and the situation, but instead you're giving me encouragement as a friend. You don't know how much that means to me."

  "Yes, I do, and I mean every word. You know Andre isn't one of my favorite people, but he loves you. It's hard for a man like him who is open about his past and doesn't keep secrets to then find out that the woman he loves has been."

  "Wow, never did I think I would hear you defending Andre."

  "Me neither, but like you've said, I've changed. I'm trying to look at this situation from a non-selfish point of view."

  "I appreciate that. I'm glad that you stopped me and we talked. I feel so much better. Thank you."

  Chrissie watched discretely as T-Roc walked Tyler to her trailer and she was livid. She had been eavesdropping for the majority of their conversation and couldn't believe how thick the bullshit T-Roc was laying on was. The worst part was that Tyler was falling for it. But she couldn't blame her because T-Roc had fooled her too. But the jig was up because Chrissie planned on having a heart-to-heart with Tyler and revealing all.

  After filming ended for the day T-Roc was anxious to reach his destination. It was time for his informant to drop the ball on Andre Jackson once and for all. Tyler was becoming more vulnerable and it was the perfect opportunity to bring an end to their relationship. Andre was the fool to judge Tyler so harshly, especially with the skeleton in his closet. Once Tyler realized that her checkered past is a misdemeanor compared to Andre's, then she'll be through with him for good, and T-Roc would be right there picking up the pieces.

  T-Roc pulled up to the back of the warehouse that was located on the outskirts of LA. His informant was expecting him, and since they rarely met in person, he knew it must be serious.

  "What's up man?" the informant asked as he opened the door to let T-Roc in.

  "It's all good, Gee." They shook each other's hands as Gee closed the door behind T-Roc. "You know, as long as we've been doing business together you've never told me what `Gee' is short for."

  "The same reason I never asked you how you came up with the name T-Roc. It's just a name, my man."

  "I feel you. Well as long as you keep delivering on the goods like you always do, I'll call you whatever you like." They both let out a playful chuckle and then got down to business. "It's time for you to leak that information about Andre Jackson to your reporter friend. I want that shit splashed across the front page of Friday's paper."

  "That won't be a problem as long as you got what I need."

  T-Roc reached in his coat pocket and pulled out the envelope containing the twenty-five thousand dollars. "You'll get the other half once the story hits," T-Roc said, handing Gee the money.

  "Then I'll be seeing you Friday so I can collect."

  "No doubt." When T-Roc got up to leave he couldn't help but notice that underneath the perfectly tailored white pinstriped button-down classic fit shirt with spread collar and round hem, complimented by well-crafted double pleated black pants and Gucci leather loafers, if you looked closer, Gee had the most sinister eyes. But T-Roc didn't care because he always got the job done.

  "Tyler, we need to talk," Chrissie said as Tyler was gathering her stuff about to leave for the day.

  "If it's about last night's charity event, I'm sorry. I feel so embarrassed. I can't believe it wasn't in today's paper."

  "Luckily the photographers there were in-house and they all signed agreements that prohibited them to print any photos that weren't approved first. I also placed a few calls to my tabloid connections and they promised to keep a lid on it. I'm sure there'll be at least one rookie eager to leak the story, and of course, but nothing we can't sweep under the rug."

  "Once again, you're the best. I just wish Andre would take the high road and sweep this mess under the rug."

  "It's not your fault that his crazy baby mama can't control herself. She had no business being there in the first place."

  "I agree, but it wasn't the fight that he's furious about, it's what led up to the fight."

  "I don't understand."

  "During pillow talk I suppose Ian told Cha
ntal about the scandalous past we share, and of course she couldn't wait to tell Andre all about it at the event."

  "I missed all of that. That woman is lethal."

  "Who are you telling? I can't believe Andre was ever involved with someone so treacherous, and then had a baby with her. But then again we all make mistakes, I should know."

  "Don't be so hard on yourself. I mean Andre is definitely no saint. What happened with Ian is in the past."

  "True, but the T-Roc aspect of it is what bothers him more than anything. I guess I can't blame him. But I tried to explain that T-Roc and I have a working relationship, and because we slept with each other in the past don't mean a thing. Of course Andre wasn't trying to hear that. But you know, I think Andre is being too hard on T-Roc. I think he's really changed."

  "Speaking of T-Roc, that's..."

  Before Chrissie could drop the bomb on T-Roc about all his scheming, Maria barged in.

  "Mother, I'm not in the mood to speak to you right now."

  "Hello, Chrissie."

  "Hi, Maria, how are you?"

  "Great, can't you tell?" Maria said as she did a side turn showing off her still perfect size six figure. Chrissie grinned because there was no denying that Maria was a stunning looking woman for her age, or any other for that matter. "Chrissie, dear, I really need to speak with my daughter. Can you excuse us?"

  "Mother, we were in the middle of a very important conversation so why don't you leave?"

  "Tyler, its okay. What I have to say can wait. Talk to your mother. As always, it was nice seeing you again."

  Maria waited until Chrissie walked out and the door was shut before speaking.

  "Whatever you have to say, I don't want to hear it."

  "Is that any way to speak to your mother?"

  "Well, when I get a mother I'll ask her."

  "Tyler, how can you say such a thing?"

  "How could you have sex with a man that I used to be in love with?"

  "Let's be honest. You were never in love with William."

  "So maybe I wasn't, but there was a time that I thought I was and I slept with him, for heaven's sake. How could you turn around and have sex with a man that your daughter was intimate with?"


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