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Page 13

by Joy King

"I'm not afraid of your threats," Chrissie snapped.

  "Then I underestimated you because that would mean you're a very stupid girl."

  "The only person here that's stupid is you. Like hiring Gee to get all your dirt on Andre and take it to the papers. Yes, I know all about your little informant. You had that story planted in today's paper, you evil sonofabitch! How do you think Tyler is going to feel when she finds out that your informant is her black sheep stepbrother, Evan who tried to molest her when she was a little girl?"

  T-Roc swallowed hard. "You're fucking crazy. You don't know what you're talking about."

  "But I do. I know how to hire investigators too. Your shit is stinking all over the place. I guess you also devised having Evan leave dead rats, roses and blood all over Tyler's trailer too. What, you wanted to drive Tyler to the breaking point so you could rescue her? It's over for you, T-Roc. When I share this information with Tyler she'll never want to see your face again.

  T-Roc's mouth hardened around the edges and fire flared in his eyes. "I had no idea that Gee was Tyler's stepbrother or that he had tried to molest her when she was a little girl. And I damn sure didn't tell him to trash her trailer. You cannot fill Tyler's head up with these lies."

  Chrissiej erked her body out off-Roc's grip and straightened up her black blazer before smoothing out her bottled blond ringlets. Once she regained her composure her eyes spit fire right back at T-Roc. "You're done bullying me and manipulating Tyler. I'm not going to fill her head with lies. I'll be simply telling the truth, which she deserves to hear. I will also let her know the role I played in all of this and beg for her forgiveness. Our friendship has been strong and I believe she will forgive me. As for you, I think it's time for you to clean out your dressing room. So don't..." Before Chrissie could complete her thought her cell rang and it was Tyler. "Hello."

  "Chrissie, did you see today's paper?" Tyler asked, obviously in tears.

  Chrissie stepped a few feet away from T-Roc so he couldn't get a clear listen to their conversation. "Yes, I need to talk to you about that."

  "I don't understand why all this bad stuff is happening to us. Andre told me we need to take a break from each other. I love him so much. I don't want to lose him."

  "I promise, you won't lose Andre. I know who's behind this."

  "What! Who?" Tyler asked with newfound hope in her voice.

  "I need to explain in person. I'm on my way to your house." When Chrissie hung up she could see T-Roc still lurking around.

  "Chrissie, we need to finish talking."

  "No, I have nothing left to say. I'm done and so are you." Chrissie got back in her car ready to divulge all to Tyler.

  Chrissie's adrenaline was pumping as she sped down 1-405 south on her way to Malibu to see Tyler. Her emotions were a mix of fear that Tyler wouldn't forgive her, shame for playing a role in T-Roc's scheme, and relief that the truth would finally set her free.

  When she merged onto 1-10 west she was so absorbed with replaying in her mind how she would confess all to Tyler that she didn't notice the black Yukon Denali following her. She got off at her exit and made a left on Heathercliff Road. As she veered around the winding road she was shaken out of her thoughts by the powerful bang to the back of her Mercedes. "What the hell!" Chrissie belted as she looked in her rear view mirror to catch a glimpse of the person who rammed their car into hers. The Denali was so close that it blocked her view to see a thing. Chrissie slammed down on the gas hoping to make a break, but it wasn't meant to be. The Yukon rammed Chrissie's bumper with such force that it pushed her car off the road and pummeling down the cliff, ending in a huge explosion.

  From the back of her chauffeur-driven silver Bentley Arnage RL, Tyler glanced out the window to see why the driver was slowing down. There were police and ambulance sirens ringing in the air on the tight road. Tyler could also see a huge smokefilled cloud looming.

  A police officer stopped them and approached their car. "This road is blocked off due to an accident. You'll have to turn around."

  "I have Tyler Blake in the car with me. She only lives 5 miles from here," the driver informed the police officer.

  "The actress?" the officer asked, peeking his head into the car. His eyes widened. "Ms. Blake, my wife loved you in the movie, 'Angel'."

  "Thank you," Tyler said bashfully.

  "You can go. It was nice to meet you, Ms. Blake."

  Tyler waved goodbye before her driver rolled the window backup. As they drove off, she looked back, hoping that whoever had been in the accident was okay.

  "I knew Andre Jackson would be lethal to Tyler's career!" William shouted, tossing the newspaper on the floor.

  "William, you need to calm down," Maria said, picking up the paper before closing the door to his office.

  "Calm down? The star of my movie is engaged to a mur derer and you want me to calm down?"

  "Alleged murderer. Andre was never convicted of anything."

  "How can you defend him?"

  "I'm not defending Andre. As a matter of fact I can't stand him. But we don't know for sure that he murdered this young girl. This article is filled with speculation."

  "It doesn't matter. Everybody will believe it to be true. Tyler has to end her relationship with Andre immediately. I'll have a spokesperson release a statement."

  "Saying what?"

  "Basically that the engagement has been called off and the relationship is over."

  "You can't do that. Tyler is a grown woman. It's up to her whether she'd rather stay with Andre or not."

  "Tyler isn't thinking clearly. She needs me to step in."

  "Tyler isn't as fragile as you like to think, William. She's very capable of taking care of herself. She doesn't need you playing hero."

  "I'm not trying to play hero," he countered, becoming defensive.

  "Like hell you are. Is this about saving Tyler or trying to get back in her bed?"

  "What is that supposed to mean?"

  "My question was very direct so you know exactly what I mean. Have you been sleeping with me while patiently waiting for the opportunity to rekindle your relationship with my daughter?"

  Ring... Ring... Ring

  "I have to get this," William said, relieved by the interruption. The call lasted less than a minute, and after he hung up, he sat down on his chair speechless.

  "William, who was that?

  He was still in shock and took a moment to finally answer Maria. "It's Chrissie."

  "What about her?"

  "She's dead."

  T -Roc and three of his henchmen showed up to the warehouse where he was meeting his informant, Gee. "T-Roc, I've been expecting you. I didn't realize you were bringing company."

  "I hope you don't mind."

  "Well, you know I prefer to remain anonymous."

  "You don't have to worry. These are my most loyal and dedicated men."

  "I feel better all ready."

  "Excellent. So let's get down to business."

  "I'm always interested in doing that. I'm sure you're pleased with the article in today's Los Angeles Times."

  "No doubt, as promised you delivered."

  "Always do... so I assume you have the other half of my money."

  "I don't think you'll need this money, Gee...or should I call you, Evan?"

  "Excuse me? I don't know what you're talking about. My name isn't Evan."

  "Oh, your name isn't Evan McNeil?" T-Roc could see the color draining from Evan's face although he was trying to put on an unruffled front.

  "No it's not," Evan said dubiously.

  "Well, I have several reliable sources that say you are."

  "Your sources are mistaken, and even if they weren't, why would you care?"

  "Because Tyler Blake is very special to me, and from what I understand you're the stepbrother who tried to molest her when she was a little girl."

  "Hmm, so this is about Tyler. Didn't you hire me to disrupt her life? But now you're telling me she's so special to you. Pardon me if I
find this whole thing amusing."

  "But see, I'm not laughing. When I think back on how we met it seems like too much of a coincidence. It's almost as if you came looking for me."

  "T-Roc, you're being paranoid."

  "It all makes sense now. When I first met you over a year ago, you were lurking around Chrissie's apartment. When I questioned you about it, you claimed that you were a private investigator hired by a suspicious wife who believed her husband was having an affair with Chrissie. You even gave me a business card. But that was all a game and I played right into your hands. Tyler was always your intended target and I green-lighted your project and paid you on top of that. You put those dead roses and rats in her trailer with `You're a dead bitch' written in blood." T-Roc's jaw line tensed up and he paused for a moment before he continued. "You're truly a sick motherfucker."

  "I'm sick?" Evan sniggered. "You're the one who's obsessed with that bratty, stuck up whore. She ruined my life. My father turned his back on me to play husband to that bitchy ass Maria, and daddy to two pathetic little girls that weren't even his. They never appreciated him. All they wanted was his money. Because of them my mother and I were left to struggle with no financial support from my father. Tyler deserves to suffer and live in misery for each day my mother and I did."

  "Your father turning his back on you had nothing to do with you trying to molest a child." T-Roc stated with repulsion dripping from his mouth.

  "Don't be fooled by that virtuous face. Tyler was a whore even when she was six years old. She was dying to have sex with me."

  T-Roc leaped forward, slamming Evan against the wall as his leather gloved hands held his neck tightly. His henchman we're right behind him ready to make their move. "I wish I could kill you right now with my bare hands. But I promise you, you'll never breathe Tyler's name again after today."

  T-Roc released Evan from his grip as two of his henchman stepped in and clenched Evan tightly.

  "T-Roc, come on man. Let's talk about this. I got a little worked up but it's not too late to smooth things out."

  "Go through every inch of this place and make sure that nothing traces back to me. You did make sure our people went through his crib and car thoroughly, right?" T-Roc asked his third henchman, double checking.

  "Yep, they're triple checking as we speak."

  "You have someone at my apartment? How do you know where I live?" Evan was trying in vain to break free from the henchmen's grip. He was six feet-two and a solid one hundredninety-five pounds, but that was no match for the strapping enforcers dressed in all black.

  "How I found out where you live is the least of your worries," T-Roc mocked. "You really can't be a private investigator, because if you were then you would know exactly who I am. And you would have thought twice before ever pissing me off. You're no longer of use to me, Mr. McNeil."

  "T-Roc, you can't be serious. We still have so much to accomplish."

  "You're right. For one I need for you to sign this letter." T-Roc pulled out an envelope from the inside pocket of his taupe colored linen suit.

  "Sign what?" Evan asked trying to read the letter T-Roc laid down on the top of his wooden desk. The man holding Evan's right arm loosened up his grip so Evan could pick up a pen and sign the letter. "I'm not signing anything."

  "That's fine. I'll just have Charlie over there cut off each finger, one by one."

  Evan eyed Charlie then looked back down at the paper, and without reading it signed the letter.

  "You did the right thing, Evan. Since you've been so cooperative, I'll make sure that your untimely death is as painless as possible. Why do you look so shocked? You couldn't have thought it probable that I would let you live."

  "T-Roc, you don't have to kill me. I will leave LA and you'll never hear from me or see me again. Our secrets will remain between us, I give you my word."

  "You're asking me to trust the word of a child molester... I think I'll pass. Plus, what you just signed was a confession."

  "Confession! About what, harassing Tyler?"

  "That, and for causing the ill-fated accident that took the life of her best friend, Chrissie."

  "What in the hell are you talking about? I didn't kill Chrissie."

  "According to this letter you signed, you did. We even had it typed off your home computer. Everything is going to point right back to you."

  "But why murder Chrissie?"

  "Unfortunately she developed a conscious and planned on telling Tyler everything, including my connection to you. Although if I knew you were a child molester I would've never done business with you in the first place. That's all in the past now, but you will be held accountable for your actions. I'm sure you have a million more questions but I must be going, Tyler is going to need a shoulder to cry on."

  "Don't do this!" Evan pleaded, but T-Roc walked out with his right-hand man, leaving Evan with his other two henchmen to finish him off. "T-Roc, I'll be waiting for you to join me in hell!" were the last words T-Roc heard Evan scream before the door slammed behind him.

  I wonder what's taking Chrissie so long, Tyler thought as she dialed Chrissie's cell number for the third time to no avail. It was once again going straight to voicemail and Tyler was restless, wanting to know who was behind leaking the information about Andre.

  After slamming her phone down she heard the doorbell ringing and ran to get it, thinking it was Chrissie. "Not you two. I really don't have time for this," Tyler said, frowning at her mother and William before walking off and leaving the door ajar.

  "Darling, we need to speak to you. It's important," Maria said as she and William entered the marble foyer, closing the door behind them. They followed Tyler, who was sitting on the couch in the living room dialing a phone number. "Who are you calling?"

  "Mother, it's none of your business. But if you must know, I'm calling Chrissie. She has something very important to tell me. That's who I thought was at the door, but of course I was wrong. She was supposed to be here over an hour ago," Tyler said, continuing to dial her number.

  "Put the phone down." Tyler ignored William until he came and took the phone from her hand and hung it up.

  "William, what is wrong with you?"

  "I don't know how to tell you this..."

  "Tell me what?"

  William swallowed hard trying to figure out the right words to say but knowing there were none. "Chrissie is dead."

  "That's not funny, you're lying. Give me that phone." Tyler ripped her phone out of William's hand and started dialing Chrissie's number again. Once again it went straight to voice mail, but that didn't deter her. She dialed over and over again, pressing each number harder and harder as if it would make a difference.

  "Damn it, Tyler, she's not going to answer!" Maria yelled.

  "No-o-o-o-o!" Tyler screamed, throwing the phone across the room. She fell down on the cold white marble floor and let the tears fall.

  William bent down and held her. "I'm so sorry," he whispered.

  "What happened?"

  "She was in a car accident."


  "On Heathercliff Road."

  "Oh my goodness. She must have been on her way to see me. I passed that accident on my way home. I had no idea it was Chrissie. I don't understand. First Andre now Chrissie. It seems to be one tragedy after another," Tyler said, shaking her head. "You know she was on her way over to tell me who leaked that story about Andre. I hope she wasn't rushing to get here and lost control of her car. I would feel horrible."

  "Tyler, you can't blame yourself. It was a terrible accident."

  "But, William, it was right near my house and she died never being able to tell me who is behind trying to ruin Andre."

  Chantal was snuggling under her soft pink Frette silk comforter with a glass of champagne in her hand preparing to read the article about Andre one more time before going to sleep, when her phone rang. "Hello," she answered, not bothering to look at her caller ID.

  "Am I disturbing you?"

antal slit her eyes at the receiver not believing Ian was on the other end of the phone. "You have some nerve calling me after the way you played me out at that event."

  "Ma, you played yourself. I didn't have nothing to do with that."

  "Why the fuck you call me if all you spitting is slick ass lines?"

  "I read that article in the paper today about Andre and I was checking to see if you were alright."

  "Oh, so you're concerned about me? You weren't too concerned when I was sitting up in jail for three days."

  "Damn right I left you in jail. I was mad as hell that you put Tyler on blast by using confidential information I shared with you. That was some straight nonsense that I didn't appreciate. I was a presenter at that event, and not only did you embarrass yourself but you embarrassed me too. You need to dead this fixation you have with Tyler because it got you acting a fool."

  "My fixation. .you were sniffing around her like a lost puppy when it's obvious she has moved on to the next man."

  "Listen, I'm not about to explain my relationship with Tyler to you."

  "See, that's where you got it twisted, booboo. There is no relationship between you and Tyler," Chantal scoffed. "It's clear you ain't over her, and so you want to call my phone pestering me on my first night back home and being able to sleep in the comfort of my bed after my stint in that filthy ass jail cell."

  "You know what? Maybe it was a mistake calling you."

  "Maybe you're right."

  "Goodnight, Chantal."

  "Goodnight!" Chantal said, slamming the phone down. She was livid when she got off the phone with Ian. She couldn't decide if she was angry because of the hostile words they just exchanged or because she missed him so much. Chantal gulped the rest of her champagne down and turned off the lights, falling asleep with that very question on her mind.

  Shari was looking forward to seeing Jalen. He came into town for a game the team had against the Chicago Bulls. He suggested they go out, but Shari convinced him they should stay in. It wasn't that difficult once she told him about the home cooked meal she was preparing. Besides an exceptional blow job, there was no better way to a man's heart than with some slap-yourmama fried chicken, baked macaroni cheese, collard greens, cinnamon sweet yams and homemade biscuits. Shari had only cooked this meal one other time in her life, and that was when she was trying to lock down Alex's father. The meal definitely worked, because soon after, they were living together and he was telling her everyday how much he loved her and that he wanted her to be the mother of his first born child.


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