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Page 26

by Lagomarsino, Giulia

  “What? Florrie, this doesn’t-”

  “Just get ahold of Cazzo and let him know not to let the team leave the building. Talk with Becky. She knows what’s going on!”

  “And why the fuck wasn’t I told-”

  “Cap, I don’t have time to explain. Just get the message to Cazzo.”

  I hung up and prayed that he was able to get the message through before they left the building. We drove in silence the rest of the way, Knight driving much faster than he should. We arrived just five minutes before court let out, but with all the security measures we had to go through, court was already out by the time we made it in.

  “I’ll go this way,” Knight said. “You go the opposite way and let me know the minute you see someone. I’ll do the same.”

  I nodded and scanned the crowds as I moved to the right. There were so many people that were filtering out of the courtroom that I couldn’t make out our team at all.

  “I’m not seeing anything, Knight.”

  “Neither am I. I need a fucking map of the place.”

  I spun around and caught sight of an exit off to the side. I ran in that direction, my gut telling me they would exit that way. And then I saw him. Alec was escorting Hannah out the door with Jules on the other side of her.


  But he had already walked out the door. I tried to push through the people, but the crowd was too thick. Turning, I followed the flow of people, shoving my way to the front doors.

  “Knight, they went out the east doors. I can’t reach them that way. I’m heading for the front and going around.”

  “Copy that. I’m making my way to you.”

  I finally pushed through the door and ran along the side of the building. Alec and Jules were walking with Hannah down the stairs to the SUV that Cazzo had waiting for them.


  He heard me and turned in my direction, but then pressed his hand to his ear and looked to Jules in concern. I raced toward them and then something caught my eye. Something caught the sun on the top of the roof in the distance. I went into a full on sprint, running down the stairs.

  “Shooter!” I shouted.

  Alec rushed forward with Hannah while Jules pulled his gun and looked for the threat.

  “Northeast rooftop,” I shouted.

  “Down,” Knight shouted, running around from the back side of the courthouse. But I wasn’t taking cover. Not when Alec was still in the open. I heard the first shot ping off the SUV. I heard Hannah scream. Rushing filled my ears as I was just steps away. I jumped behind Alec, providing as much cover as I could. My body jerked as a bullet hit me in the back. I slammed into Alec from behind, shoving his body into Hannah, who was now in the vehicle. My body crumpled to the ground.

  The sky swirled above me, the blue swirling with the clouds. Alec knelt down beside me, his face contorted in pain.

  “Are you hit?” I asked.

  “No, I’m not hit. You are.”

  “I know, but you look like you’re in pain,” I gasped.

  “You stupid fucking woman,” he swore and rolled me to the side. I cried out in pain when he pressed against the hole in my shoulder. “Why the fuck did you do that?”

  He was holding something against my wound, but rolled me back into a more comfortable position. Staring into his eyes, I finally got it. All those things he said to me about love, it finally made sense. I grinned at him slightly, feeling a little dazed, probably from blood loss.

  “Love is taking a bullet so the person you love doesn’t have to feel even an ounce of pain,” I said softly.

  He shook his head in disbelief. “You didn’t have to take a fucking bullet for me.”

  “How else was I going to prove to you that I was serious?”

  He bent down and kissed me hard, taking what little breath I had away. “I fucking love you, you crazy bitch.”

  I smiled as big as I could. “It’s about time you said it.”

  He helped me to my feet, staring at me in that domineering way that I always used to hate. Now, I was so fucking glad to see him staring at me that way, and I would never tell him to back off again.

  “Can we go?” Hannah shrieked. “They’re shooting at us!”

  “Because you sent them,” I said before stepping forward and slamming my fist into her face. It pulled like hell at my shoulder, but it was totally worth it.

  Alec grinned at me right before he kissed me hard. “That’s my girl.”



  “Stop, Alec. I don’t need you to baby me.”

  I growled at my woman and pushed her back in the bed. I had a tray of food here and I was going to spoon feed her every single fucking mouthful until I was satisfied that she was taken care of. After all, she had been shot protecting me. Reed Security had officially dropped Hannah as a client as soon as Knight showed us the postcard from her UPS box. Nathan Sharpe’s lawyers were trying to find a way to prove conspiracy, but that wasn’t our problem.

  “Would you just let me take care of you?”

  “I don’t-”

  I pressed my finger to her lips. If we were going to be together there were a few things we needed to get straight.

  “Just shut the fuck up. You’ve done enough of the talking in this relationship. Now, I’ve let you set the rules all along, but if you want to be with me, there are a few rules I’ve got for you to follow. Are we clear?”

  “Yes,” she said, rolling her eyes at me.

  “Good. Number one. When you are injured, I will take care of you and you can’t complain.”


  “Number two. You will fucking tell me every single medical issue you ever have, including when you have your fucking period so that I know what the fuck is going on with you. No more secrets. Got it?”

  “I think telling you when I have my period-”

  “Ah- Did I say this was up for discussion?”

  She rolled her eyes again and nodded. “Fine. I’ll tell you.”

  “Rule number three. You will fucking tell me exactly what you want out of life. If you want kids, we’ll discuss it like adults. No hiding from me because you think you can’t give me what I want. There will be no more of you deciding what I need or want. Are we clear?”


  “Rule number four.”

  “How many fucking rules do you have?”

  “As many as I want. Now, rule four. No more fucking hiding from me. We’re in this together and you will fucking tell me what you need at any given time. And in return, I’ll do my best to listen and not fuck it up.”

  “I suppose I can live with that.”

  “Rule number five. We will work together on a team and Cap will probably make us go to counseling. I will do my best not to piss you off and you’ll do your best to handle my protective side.”

  “If we’re going to be on the same team, you have to let me do my job. No more treating me like I can’t take care of myself. You always trusted me before. You have to trust me again.”

  “I swear it. Are we agreed on all that?”


  “Good. Now, I have one final rule and this is probably the most important rule above all of them.”

  “Okay.” She looked at me warily, but I knew she’d agree.

  “Craig is never allowed in our bedroom alone with us for any reason.”

  Ratings on Amazon help me to spread the word about my books and allow me to keep writing. Please take a moment and write an honest review of this book on Amazon. Watch for upcoming books in the next series, Reed Security.

  For The Love Of A Good Woman Series:

  Jack: A romantic comedy

  Cole: A romantic thriller

  Logan: A revenge novel

  Drew: A new beginnings romance

  Sebastian: A mystery/thriller romance

  Sean: A Love Triangle Romance

  Ryan: A Contemporary Romance

  The Reed Security Series:

  Sinner: A Reed Security Romance

  Cap: A Reed Security Romance

  Cazzo: A Reed Security Romance

  Knight: A Reed Security Romance

  Irish: A Reed Security Romance

  Hunter: A Reed Security Romance

  Whiskey: A Reed Security Romance

  Lola: A Reed Security Romance

  Ice: A Reed Security Romance

  Burg: A Reed Security Romance

  Gabe: A Reed Security Romance

  Jules: A Reed Security Romance

  Sniper: A Reed Security Romance

  Jackson: A Reed Security Romance

  Chance: A Reed Security Romance

  Phoenix Rising: A Reed Security Novel

  Alec: A Reed Security Romance

  Storm: A Reed Security Romance, Oct. 2019

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