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My Fake Relationship

Page 15

by V. R. Knight

  “Where were you?” I turned around and saw Zane holding his side with a small smile on his lips. He had put his shirt back on.

  “I had to get some things. Are you hungry? I got doughnuts.”

  He grinned.

  “I love doughnuts.”

  I laughed but felt like I shouldn’t since he still looked pretty bad. His black and blue eye looked better but it was still swollen. He walked with a little limp as he went to the table where the doughnuts were. I grabbed the cream and went over to the table where Zane ate a doughnut. I dobbed a bit on my finger tip then looked down at him.

  “Look up,” I said and he did. I looked into his eyes for a moment seeing he could actually see with his black and blue eye. It was an intense gaze. There were no jokes or sarcastic moment, just a special one. One that explained how we were feeling. I looked away and put the cream on his cut and he winced a little. “How is your eye?” I asked quietly.

  “OK, I think.” He answered.

  I put the cap back on the cream. I went back over to the kitchen and put away the stuff then sat up on the counter and ate a granola bar.

  “I should probably call my mom.” Zane said standing up with a doughnut in his mouth.

  I nodded.

  “Maybe I should go home too.” he said with a frown.

  I frowned and stopped eating.

  “Zane what I—“

  “It’s ok,” he came over to me and put his hand on my knee not really thinking. “It’s just…I don’t want him to hurt my mom.”

  I looked away. “Hey,” he said then rolled his eyes. He made me look at him. “Don’t worry. Seriously I’ll be better in no time. It might be the worst I’ve gotten but I’ll survive.”

  “For now,” I muttered.

  He clenched his teeth. “Zane if you don’t tell the cops I will.” I told him.

  He was biting his tongue I could tell.

  “Olivia you can’t.”

  I shook my head.

  “Why the hell not! You’re getting abused by your mom’s boyfriend!”

  He put his doughnut down and I saw white powder on the edge of his mouth. I smiled lightly.

  “What?” he asked his voice anger.

  I gasped.

  “You have powder on your mouth.”

  “Oh,” he said his voice softer. He wiped his mouth but it didn’t come off. I laughed and he grew pink on the cheeks. I took a small towel from the sink and wiped the edge of his lip.

  “There, got it.” I smiled at him.

  He just laughed. He was closer to me now standing in between my legs and I felt heat run through me. He didn’t notice. I swallowed. I’m not sure how long I will be able to handle this. My hormones keep getting in the way of this fake relationship. I sighed and pressed my lips together.

  “Listen, I’ll call my mom and see how she is ok?”

  I nodded. He left the room and I took a deep breath. You like him. My mind told me. You really like him. I nodded. Yeah I do. I confirmed. Fireworks went off and cheering yelled in my head. I laughed a little. I jumped down off the counter and walked into the living. I flinched as I remember last night when he stumbled through the door. Zane was standing by the window looking out talking on the phone.

  “OK, well just stay there… I’m fine. You just stay at work until it passes…..good you’re with her……ok I’ll call you tomorrow.” his voice was soft and caring and I realized how he was sweet with his mom. More than any boy I had ever met. He hung up and turned around to me.

  “My mom got stuck at work and if staying tonight till the snow is over,” he said.

  “Is she ok?” I asked.

  He nodded.

  “Yeah, Scott hasn’t been over.”

  I nodded.

  “Are you staying?” I asked quietly.

  He sighed and looked out the window at his car.

  “Yup.” He announced seeing his car piled up to the windows in snow.

  I laughed. “I think we’re snowed in.” he said and I laughed.

  “I’m glad we got food.” he nodded.

  I stared out a moment thinking of something special to me.

  “There is this great place I know of. It’s up around the mountains somewhere. My grandma used to take me up there and we would stay for a week or two on holidays when my parents went away. It was always so beautiful in the winter.” I said with a smile thinking.

  “You? No way! A county girl?”

  I looked at him and smirked.

  “Sort of.”

  “What happened to your grandma?”

  I looked over at him and shrugged.

  “She died a couple years ago and left the cabin to me.”

  He raised an eyebrow.


  I laughed.

  “Yeah it’s cool.”

  “Want to watch a movie?” he asked with a smile.

  I smiled back.


  I put the fire on and sat down on the couch. Zane started a movie and he came and sat right close to me. I don’t think he even noticed but I did. Our arms were touching. I wanted to hold his hand so bad. It was almost hurting me not too. Ignore it Olivia ok. He doesn’t like you that way. I nodded to myself and watched the movie.

  Chapter 37

  We were halfway through the third Star Wars movie when Zane and I started to fight about it. “Anakin deserved it!” I yelled.

  “No he doesn’t! He was only doing it for Padmé to save her.”

  I shook my head and laughed.

  “No, he shouldn’t have listened to that jerk of a bad guy.”

  Zane laughed.

  “He didn’t have a choice.”

  “Yes he did!”

  Zane sighed.

  “Can we please watch the movie?” he was smiling.

  I rolled my eyes and stood up. It was almost pitch dark out and you could see the snow actually had stopped. “Where are you going?” he demanded.

  I laughed.

  “None of your business!” I said. He watched as I went into the kitchen. I got the hot chocolate from the cupboard and started to make two cup fulls. “Do you want hot chocolate?” I yelled out. “Yeah!” he said. I laughed. I put a cup of milk in the microwave and set it. Just as it was done the lights flickered in the kitchen. I frowned.

  “Shit!” I muttered and before I could get a flashlight the electric went out. Everything was pitch black. I pushed myself against the counter hating the dark.

  “Zane?” I called.

  I heard him laugh.


  I heard him scuffing his feet then heard something hit the wall. “Fu—“

  “Are you ok?” I asked.

  He chuckled.

  “Yeah I think.”

  I heard him coming again and moved along the counter to the sink then around to the bar.

  “Where are you?” he asked. I laughed knowing he was only a couple feet from me.

  “Right here,” I said and put my hands out.

  His hand smacked my arm.

  “Oh! Sorry,” I laughed.

  I felt his shoulder and pulled him toward me.

  He laughed.

  “Wow, so I wonder how long it’s going to be out for.” he mumbled.

  I shrugged.

  “I have flashlights but we have to find them first.”

  He sighed dramatically.

  “Great,” I held his hand as I put my hand out and followed the wall. We have a shelf by the frig that should have the flashlights on it. I could feel Zane close behind me his breath tickling my ear. I reached my hand out to grab one of the flashlights but it fell with a thud.

  “Crap,” I muttered. I got down on my knees.

  “What are you doing?” Zane asked laughing.

  “I dropped the damn flashlight.” Finally my hands found it and I turned it on quickly. It flickered a little then finally was fine. I turned toward Zane who blinked and looked away. “OK, wow. Um I have my old MP3 player in my purs
e in my room. That has the radio on it. We can listen and see if there are any power lines down.”

  He nodded.

  “Let’s go then.” We turned and headed back to the den where the fire was just going out.

  “Crap we need to start that back up before it goes out.”

  “Let’s get the radio first,” he said. He held my hand as we walked up the stairs and into my room. I searched my purse and finally found my MP3 player and got my ear phones.

  “Got it!” I announced and turned back to him.

  He grinned.

  “Good. Turn it on.”

  I turned it on and put an ear phone in my ear. We slowly walked down stairs as I listened.

  “It’s on commercial.”

  He laughed. Zane let go of my hand, went to the stir up the fire and get it started again. I pushed the coffee table out and placed the blankets and pillows on the ground like a bed and sat down. The fire blazed behind the grate and Zane wiped his brow then came and sat back down beside me. His arm touched mine and my heart rate spun out for a moment. I swallowed.

  “Hear anything yet?” he asked.

  I realized I had been staring at him. The glow off the flames making his skin look almost golden.

  “Um, er, no not yet.”

  He smiled and nodded. I started to listen averting my gaze toward the black TV. It wasn’t very light in here and I hated that. “I think we need candles.”

  He nodded.

  “Where are they?” he asked.

  I thought for a moment.

  “In the drawer by the stove. Hold on, I’ll help but I want to listen.” As I listened, the news reporter came on saying there was an accident right down the road from us that hit a pole. The people were ok but the electric wasn’t probably going to come back on till tomorrow or if not a day or two. I sighed and turned it off. “They said we probably won’t get electric back for a day or two.”

  He gasped.

  “OK. Well once my car gets uncovered we can go to my house or something.” I nodded. We stood up and got the candles placing them around the room lighting them. The house smelled wonderful; cinnamon and lavender and all sorts of smells. I looked at all the Christmas decorations and really thought it felt like Christmas. We sat back down again and I covered my legs up with a blanket. “So are you sleeping down here tonight?” he asked with a small smile.

  I shrugged.

  “I guess. I hate the dark.”

  He laughed lightly.

  “Afraid of the boogie monster?”

  I laughed.

  “Yeah a little.”

  “But I thought that Olivia Taylor was not scared of anything.” I looked down for a moment, thinking.

  “No…..I am. I just hate showing it.” I whispered. He looked at me and his blue eyes had that look in them I couldn’t make out to what it was. He stared at me a long time.

  “When I think I know you…you surprise me.” he said quietly his voice distance but soft.

  I glanced over at him and hugged my knees to my chest. There were a butterfly in my stomach that disrupting my thoughts.

  “I thought that’s what I was supposed to do. Surprise people.” I looked over at him amused. He smirked for a moment.

  “You definitely do. But you’re still mysterious.” that butterfly was making my mind go crazy now. I looked over at him and looked away quickly. I took everything not to reach over and touch him. And I didn’t know how long it would be until I gave up and did just that.

  Chapter 38

  “Are you going to college after high school?” I asked.

  He shrugged.

  “I’m not sure yet. I don’t know what I want to do. Maybe a mechanic.”

  I nodded.

  “A mechanic? Not bad.”

  He laughed a short and hard one.

  “I’m not sure if I have enough money for college.” he mumbled staring down at his cup of water in his hands.

  I frowned.

  “Couldn’t you get scholarships?”

  He sighed.

  “You have to be very smart or athletic. And I’m neither.”

  I made an O with my mouth.

  “That sucks,”

  “Tell me about it.” it was silent for a moment. “So you want to be a doctor?”

  I nodded.

  “Always have. My mom…” I shook my head.

  “What?” he asked.

  “She doesn’t want me to do anything like that. She wants a perfect Barbie doll daughter. And I’m nothing like that.” I told him my voice annoyed and anger.

  “Yeah I know that!” he muttered.

  I gasped and rolled my eyes. I nudged him playfully on the arm. He nudged back but kept his arm touching mine.

  “No. it’s just…she wants me to be fake. She thinks I can’t get a guy if I don’t let my boobs hang out and wear short skirts. She thinks men should take care of the woman. And let the woman shop and drown in their selfish little lives.” I said my hands bawling into fist getting mad. Zane was watching silently. “I hate it. I hate her sometimes. The way she doesn’t say anything when she knows dad cheated on her. I never ever want to be like her.” I shook my head disgusted. “Either way I’m going to college and becoming a doctor.” I stared off into the fire feeling the warmth of it.

  “Do what you want.” Zane said. “I think a woman should do and be able to say what she wants. Don’t listen to your mom, she doesn’t know.” I looked at him and my stomach felt heavy. “And I know for a fact you will succeed in anything you try.” His words sounded so different. They sounded kind and softer and truthful.

  “You think I can do it?” I whispered the words.

  He smiled and nodded.

  “I know you can.”

  I smiled.

  “And you? Do you believe in yourself?”

  He looked down. His black and blue eye was actually open but still a little sore.

  “Not really. But I’ll survive.” he smiled halfheartedly.

  I frowned.

  “Why?” I asked.

  He shrugged.

  “My life is fucked up, Olivia. It’s hard to keep your head high when you have people telling you, you can’t do anything.” My heart was aching for him. I sat closer leaning further toward him keeping my eyes on him.

  “Keep your head high even when people tell you that. I think you can do anything and live through anything as long as you watch the prize ahead of you.” He got closer, his eyes serious.

  “And what would that prize be?”

  I bit my bottom lip feeling my breath get faster.

  “Whatever you want it to be.” My body was carving him and I knew it was going to take over my mind. I wanted him so badly. The way he looks at me the way he sees me. I can’t just say I have no feelings. Oh I do! His eyes wanted something. It made me think thoughts and I wanted to make them come true.

  “Zane,” I whispered.

  He leaned forward and kissed me lightly but it made my head buzz. He pulled back and smiled sadly. I opened my eyes and swallowed. He looked at me and I stared back. His mouth was open slightly and all I could think was I wanted it back on mine. His eyes were so intense. Something in them told me he was thinking the same thing as I was. I sat up on my knees and put one on either side of him. His eyes didn’t get wide or shocked. I leaned down and kissed him again as his hand wound around my waist. I pulled back, hair getting in his face. We looked at each other while my hands traveled down his chest then under his shirt. I brought it up and he put his arms up and threw it off. He slid his warm hands under my shirt and pulled it off of me. It fell to the floor. I kissed him again as he undid my bra letting it fall to the ground. He put his warm hands back on my back as I kissed him holding my eyes tightly shut. He took hold of my legs and turned me over and laid me back on the blanket softly. Like he was messing with a delicate glass vase. He looked down at me and ran his hand down from my cheek to the middle of my breast to my belly button making a shiver run down my spine. My lower stomach
throbbed for him. My body ached in places I wanted him to touch me, that I had never felt before. He undid my jeans and slid them down. My breathing was hard to keep. He let his hand slide down my thigh to my knee then back up. I watched him and saw that look of happiness and….something else…I put my hands to his pants and pulled them down slowly. He kicked them off. I put my hands on his neck and brought him down to me kissing him again. My body was on fire from his body being so close to me. I felt the bulge from his boxers on my leg and I shivered again knowing what was going to happen and wanting it. He kissed down my neck to my chest where that freckle was and kissed all around my breast. I moaned quietly. I felt my lower stomach striving for more. He kissed down to my belly button and all around it. Down onto my hip then lower then on my thigh. I moaned louder grabbing his head. He came back up and kissed me with force. I gently pushed him over and got on top of him. I saw the bruise on his chest and kissed it. I kissed his neck then up to his lips. I kissed his eyelid softly then his forehead. I looked down at him and kissed his chest, his hip, his thigh where the bulge was getting bigger. I nipped at his tanned skin just close enough to the bulge. He groaned roughly. I came back up and pressed myself against him and he winced as I hurt his chest too much. I pulled back my eyes wide.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  He smiled.

  “It’s fine.” He pushed me back over and I took a deep breath. He put his hand down at my underwear and gently removed them. I felt self-conscious again as he looked down at me. Like I said, I wasn’t the skinniest but my curves weren’t bad. He put his hand on my cheek and leaned down on me to kiss my neck. I put my hands in his hair and closed my eyes. He sucked softly then he got my spot. I gasped again and opened my legs up. He leaned close to me to let me feel him. I pulled him closer wanting it more now. He pulled back and pulled down his shorts. He flipped them off as I looked down at him. He blushed a little. I smiled and put his lips back to mine. I trailed my tongue along his and it wiggled to life. I moaned again. “Now?” he asked between our lips. I nodded and braced myself. He pulled back and I felt him gently go in me. I gasped because it hurt. “Am I hurting you?” he asked, panic in his voice. He pulled himself back out.


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