My Fake Relationship

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My Fake Relationship Page 17

by V. R. Knight


  I decided then that I was going to call Zane. I couldn’t let what happened last night wreck our fake relationship. I picked up the phone by my bed and dialed his number. I frowned as it went straight to voicemail. I did it again. Same. I frowned. He never had his phone off. The 10th time I called I stopped and decided I would call my parents. It rang 4 times then dad picked up.

  “Hey bud!” he said cheerfully.

  “Dad, hey. How is everything going?” I asked hopeful.

  He laughed sounding a little nervous. “Pretty good.”

  I frowned.

  “Ooh! Let me talk to her!” I heard in the background. It was mom.

  “Ok here,” dad said.

  “Hey baby!” mom said, all happy.

  “Hey. Are you guys ok?” I asked.

  Mom giggled.

  “Yeah, we’re fine! Actually were great!”

  This surprised me.

  “So it’s working?”

  She giggled again and said something to my dad.

  “Yes it is. So how is everything there with you?”

  I sighed. I wanted to gush my heart out to her and I was about to when I heard her saying something to my dad then she giggled.

  “Oh Mark, stop it! I’m talking to our daughter!”

  I gagged mentally.

  “Sorry honey what is it?”

  I knew they weren’t stopping.

  “Mom, it’s just…..I think I really lo—“

  “Mark! Don’t tickle me!” she screeched on the phone. I clenched my teeth. “Honey, how about I call you back in about—“ giggle. “--- 20 minutes? Your father---“ giggle. “--- is being a butt!”

  I was pissed at this point.

  “Whatever.” I turned off the phone and threw it across my bed. I curled my legs to my chest and put my chin on my knees. Tears formed in my eyes. My mother won’t even talk to me. I have no friends. I could call Candice but she wouldn’t understand. I bit my lip and stared off at the wall with a boy band poster on it. What did I get myself into? I’ve tangled a web. I’m the fly in the web struggling to get away while two big spiders are making their way across the web to kill me. To string me up and feed me to their young. I jumped as my phone vibrated. I rolled my eyes. Probably mom saying she was done screwing my father! I thought sarcastically. I picked up the phone and looked at the number. I frowned as I didn’t recognize it. I picked it up anyhow. “Hello?” I asked.

  “Olivia!” Jane said her voice sobbing. “Olivia, Zane….Zane….he’s in the hospital.” At that moment every sound and nerve in my body froze. My mind went completely blank. But then I saw a vision of him with his eyes smiling. That strange smile that I couldn’t figure out . Then everything came rushing back like a giant wave.

  “What?” I asked breathless.

  She sobbed.

  “He got into a fight with Scott…..and….and they started to fight. Zane….he got hurt very badly and he’s in the hospital.”

  I swallowed hard. Zane, he’s hurt. Olivia! You need to go now! “Where?” I demanded. Anger rushed in me just as quick and I wanted to murder Scott.

  “The main one. I’m here now.”

  “I’m coming.” I said hanging up.

  Chapter 42

  “Can you tell me where Zane Walker is please?” I begged the lady. A thousands things were racing through my mind as I drove to the hospital. Was Zane dying? Was he in a coma? Will I ever be able to talk to him? Oh God…the things I said when we fought! How could I have done that? The lady took a double take of me seeing I was about as wired as anything.

  “Oh…yes. Room 225.”

  I ran down the hall and searched. Finally, I came to a halt at the door. His door. Zane’s hospital door. Before I could go in it opened up. I jumped, as a nurse came out holding a needle. My blood grew cold.

  “Hello,” she said sweetly then moving around me. I looked and Jane sat in a chair by his bed holding his hands. Before I knew it I was hyperventilating as I looked at Zane. He was bruised, his swollen eye looked better but I could see the giant bruises on his arms. His shoulder and arm were in a cast. His knuckles, a little bloody and scabs on them. His eyes were closed into a peaceful state but his lip and eyebrow were cut again.

  “Olivia!” Jane breathed as she looked up at me. Her eyes were red rimmed, her makeup smearing down her cheeks. Her hands were shaking a little as she wiped the tears away. She stood up and came over to me. I couldn’t breathe, my eyes wouldn’t leave the boy in the hospital bed. Zane Walker, my fake relationship boyfriend. My Zane. Yes, I claim him. Jane hugged me tightly and I didn’t realize I was squeezing her back when she let me go.

  “How is he?” I asked my voice shaking.

  She sighed and dabbed her eyes.

  “The doctors say he is ok. He broke a rib and his arm. The rest are bruises and scrapes. But other than that, he’s ok.” I nodded; relief filling my gut. But then guilt took over, like a massive truck, and hit me square in the stomach.

  “What happened?” I asked. She took my hand and pulled me in, then shut the door. She sighed and put her hand on her forehead.

  “Zane got home late yesterday….Scott didn’t care. I was just worried and was happy that he was home. But when I asked him where he was, he said nowhere. And then Scott said…” she paused and looked at me. “Scott said, probably with his slut of a girlfriend and….Zane crank. He grabbed a hold of Scott and I thought he was going to kill him. Olivia, I know my son. But I had never, ever seen that side of him before. I was frightened. Then Scott got really rough. I was screaming my head off at them to stop but they wouldn’t. When Zane got hit and fell to the ground is when I called 911. They came and Scott had threatened me not to tell them what he did or he’d kill me…..” she cried a little looking back up at me. “I couldn’t take it anymore. I told the police what Scott had been doing for the past months. They took him to jail.” She broke into sobs that racked her body.

  I hugged her again and almost smiled with relief. He was gone! God, he was finally gone! Zane was free!

  “Jane, you did the right thing. He was hurting Zane!” I said.

  She nodded and sniffed.

  “I know, I did.” she pulled back and wiped her eyes again. She looked back at Zane. “He’s asleep now. But I’ll give you some privacy.” Suddenly I didn’t want to be alone without her. I didn’t want her to leave me alone with Zane. She straightened her shirt and smiled sadly at me.

  “I’m going to get a cup of coffee,” she said and sniffed before she left the room. She shut the door and I heard it click shut as if a bomb was going off. I flinched. I looked at Zane again and realized something. He lying in the hospital bed was my fault. I choked as I knew it was the honest truth. If he hadn’t come over, if he hadn’t had spent the night, if we hadn’t have gotten together...he would be safe at home. Scott wouldn’t have hurt him. Scott wouldn’t have said anything about me and Zane would be ok. But no, I had to say yes to his stupid plan and go along with everything! I yelled at myself. I was flinching every second I yelled at myself for being an idiot before I knew it I heard someone saying my name. I blinked and looked. Zane was sitting up a little, his blue eyes open and staring at me. My mouth was agape.

  “Olivia?” he asked. Tears spilled out of my eyes before I could regain myself.

  “Zane!” I breathed and ran, my legs feeling like jelly. I wasn’t sure if I could have made it to the bed but I did. He sat up and I wrapped my arms around him and he squeezed me tightly to him. “Zane….I’m—I’m so sorry! This is all my fault!” I choked on my tears. He winced a little as I hugged too tight but I didn’t care. Then his jaw clenched.

  “It’s not your fault. And it’s ok.” he said. I shook my head and pulled back and looked at him. Big drops of salty water fell from my eyes. His face looked sweet and sad all at the same time. “Zane….I care for you….I really do,” I took his not hurt hand in mine and brought it up to my face. I pressed his palm on my cheek and closed my eyes tightly shut
. His tough finger tips made my skin tingle and all I knew was that I really liked him. Maybe even more than that. He sighed and rubbed his thumb over my lips.

  “You do?” he asked.

  I opened my eyes and looked at him.

  “Yes,” I finally admitted. He smiled but his eyebrows were together because it must have hurt.

  “So you want to do this?” he asked looking into my eyes.

  I frowned.

  “Do what?” I asked.

  He smiled and that same thing in them showed. Then I got what he meant. He meant our relationship; to make it real. I smiled and laughed a little.

  “Yeah,” he put his hand in my hair and felt it. He looked at it as if it might disappear any minute. I felt my body tingle from his touch again. I felt relaxed that he was here, that I was with him. I felt good but still I could feel myself hurt every time I looked at him. I leaned down and kissed his forehead softly. When I pulled back his eyes were closed.

  “How’s your arm?” I whispered.

  He opened his eyes and shrugged.

  “It’s ok I guess. Just a broken arm. Nothing new.”

  I frowned. He laid back in the bed and looked up at me. Just staring. Finally he said, “My mom told you what happened, didn’t she?”

  I pressed my lips together and pulled his hand down from my face and put it between my hands. I nodded. He didn’t say anything.

  “He’s in jail,” I said.

  I looked up to see his eyes wide.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Your mom told the police what happened, they put him in jail. For good.”

  He was still stunned. I let him think as it sunk in.

  “He’s not coming back?” he asked.

  I shook my head with a smile.

  “No, you’re safe. Your mom and you are safe.” His eyes looked like a ton of weights had been lifted off and I smiled brighter.

  “Oh God, he’s gone finally,” he said shaking his head.

  I patted his hand in mine then my smile faded.

  “You’re in here because of me,” I whispered.

  He suddenly looked at me frowning.

  “No, I did this to myself.”

  I looked down.

  “Hey,” he tapped my chin so I would look up. His eyes were soft but hard and serious. “It’s not your fault. Don’t you ever think it was your fault,” he demanded. I clenched my teeth but nodded. He sighed. “Where’s my mom?” he asked as he pulled me down onto the bed with him.

  “Getting a cup of coffee,” I sniffed and laid my head onto his pillow and looked up at him. He put his arm around me. I felt safe. This, this felt right. How it’s supposed to be. We were together now. Not officially, officially but basically. Screw Grant! I didn’t want him anymore. I had Zane. Zane leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips.

  Chapter 43

  I stayed late that night until the nurse kicked me out just talking to Zane and his mom. When I went home, I called my mom.

  “Yeah?” she asked her perky self.

  “Um, mom, Zane got hurt and he’s in the hospital.”

  Mom gasped.

  “What?” she asked.

  “He got into a fight with his mom’s boyfriend and he got hurt badly. I went in and saw him today.”

  She gasped again.

  “Oh that’s horrible!”

  I bit my lip.

  “Yeah, I was really worried about him. I mean he could have really gotten—“

  “Hey, honey I have to go. The doctor here is starting the meeting. I’ll call you when we get done.”

  I stared blankly at the wall in front of me.

  “Honey?” she asked. “OK I love you bye,” she hung up as I just stared.

  My own mother doesn’t even care. She doesn’t care that my boyfriend could have died. I pulled the phone from my ear and turned it off. At that point I had lost respect for my mother. I went to bed shortly after and cried a little as I fell asleep. But just seeing his eyes in my mind helped me. I smiled softly.

  The next morning I took a shower and got into warm clothes before grabbing Lord of the Flies and heading out. Except this time I didn’t go to school, I went to the hospital. I went in and the lady smiled as I headed to Zane’s room. I knocked on the door and opened it. Zane looked over at me a spoon full of soup going into his mouth. I smiled and shut the door.

  “Your mom’s not here?” I asked, heading over to the chair beside his bed.

  “Nope, she had work. And don’t you have school?”

  I peeled off my jacket and scarf smirking at him.

  “Playing ditchie.”

  He raised an eyebrow grinning.

  “I’ve taught you well,” he said.

  I laughed and sat down pulling my long sleeves around my hands to keep warm. His room was cold.

  “Yeah, that you have.”

  He ate his soup then looked at me.

  “You really should be at school,” he said.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “And why would you care if I skipped school? You did it a million times!”

  “I didn’t do it a million times!” he said rolling his eyes.

  I raised an eyebrow.

  He sighed. “A lot.”

  I smirked.

  “My point exactly.” I sat up and sat down beside him. He put his arm around me and I leaned on his shoulder. “How’s the food?” I asked.

  “Like shit.”

  I laughed.

  “It’s a hospital. I’ll bring you something when I come next time.”

  He nodded. I looked at his arm resting on my arm. It had a white tag on it showing his name. His rough fingers lightly grazed my arm up and down. I smiled. The small TV was on in the corner but when I looked at Zane he was staring down at our feet.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  He sighed.

  “Nothing, just thinking.”

  He looked at me and smiled tiredly.

  “Are you sleepy?” I asked.

  He shrugged.

  “A little.”

  I put my hand on his cheek and it prickled from the tiny hairs on it.

  “Go to sleep.” I leaned up and kissed him lightly. But as I pulled away he pulled me back. His kisses were soft and sweet but as I got lost in it I didn’t realize I was on top of him. He pressed his good arm close to me rubbing our hips together. I moaned. I put my hands around his neck and ran my hand through his hair. Someone cleared their throat and I jumped and looked toward the door. A nurse stood there and smiled with a smirk on the edge of her lips.

  “Mr. Zane needs to take his meds,” she said.

  I got off of Zane and he sat up quickly looking pink in the cheeks. She watched as Zane swallowed his pills. “Now these will make you sleepy.” she warned. She smiled at me. “Sorry. Have a nice day,” she left and shut the door.

  I looked at Zane and he laughed. I did the same and slapped my hand to my face.

  “You need to sleep,” I said.

  “Well, I kind of want to do something else,” he said winking at me.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “We’re in a hospital and you have a broken arm. I don’t think so.”

  He grinned at me.

  “What I want to do doesn’t have to involve hands….”

  My mouth dropped and he laughed.

  “Go to sleep!” I yelled blushing.

  He smiled and settled back in the bed to take a nap.

  “Wake me up before you leave,” he whispered.

  “OK,” I said but I knew I wasn’t going to. I hugged my shoulders as I looked around the room.

  “I can’t fall asleep,” Zane said opening his eyes back up.

  I sighed.

  “Want me to read to you?” I asked.

  He looked over at me.

  “Yeah.” He said. I got out my book and showed him the cover. He grinned. I started to read and he laid back and closed his eyes, a piece of his hair falling into his eyes. 10 minutes later I stopped an
d looked up at him. His breathing was slow and soft. I smiled. I felt something rough rub against my cheek and looked behind me. Zane’s leather jacket! I pulled it off the side of the chair and down into my fingers. I smiled. I pulled it up and smelled it. It smelled like my detergent and him. I stood up and put my arms in then pulled my hair out from the back. It was big but it was warm. I smiled as I quietly went out of the room to get a soda in the cafeteria.

  When I got back I settled down in the chair and started to read to myself sipping my coffee, enjoying Zane being this close to me.

  Chapter 44

  I looked up when I heard the bed squeak and Zane sighed and looked over at me.

  “Hey sleepy,” I said quietly.

  He smiled and closed his eyes a little.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  I picked up my book.


  He nodded and opened his eyes.

  “Why are you wearing my jacket?” he asked.

  I blushed a little.

  “I was cold,” I shrugged.

  He smirked.

  “It looks good on you.”

  I rolled my eyes at him.

  “Oh good you’re awake.”

  We both looked toward the door and Jane walked in snow on her hat and a bag at her side. “Oh hello Olivia!” she smiled at me.

  “Hey,” I put my book away and stood up.

  “Here I brought you some clothes from home,” Jane said pulling out sweat pants and a t shirt.

  “Thanks mom,” Zane said sitting up.

  “Oh shit! I forgot your socks. They’re in the car. Be right back!” She rushed out and I laughed.

  “Hey, I think I’m going to head out.” I said starting to take off his jacket.

  He frowned.

  “You don’t have to,” he said.

  I smiled.

  “Yeah I do. I still didn’t finish my homework.”

  He laughed. I pulled off the jacket.

  “Why don’t you keep it for me.” Zane said.


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