The Dark Side of Camelot
Page 60
Orta Cordova, Juan, 205, 213
OSS: The Secret History of America's First Central Intelligence Agency (Smith), 172n Oswald, Lee Harvey, 12, 439, 451
The Other Missiles of October (Nash), 374n
Otten, Alan L., 92, 94
Paolella, Joseph, 243--246
Papich, Sam J., 289
Parade magazine, 336
Parmet, Herbert, 432
Parrott, Thomas A., 278, 279, 283n
Patterson, John M., 175--178, 179
Peace Corps, 141, 455
Pearl Harbor, 82
Pearson, Drew, 116n
Cuba and, 292, 341--342, 352, 357
General Dynamics and, 318
Vietnam War and, 426, 427, 428
Pentagon Papers, 220, 264, 415, 424
Pham Van Dong, 421
Philby, Harold (Kim), 187
Phillips, Rufus, 425--426, 428
Phoumi Nosovan, 418n
Plaut, Ed, 41, 42, 89
Pliyev, Issa, 355, 361, 362
Polgar, Thomas, 207
Pope Paul VI, 395
Post. See New York Post; Washington Post
Potocki, Jerzy, 72n
Powers, David, 10, 175n, 309
JFK's activities and, 226--230, 234, 237, 240, 394n, 396n, 442
sexual activities of, 245
Powers, Francis Gary, 162, 164, 215
Powers, Thomas, 200--201, 217n
presidential election (1960)
Democratic Party in, 132--134, 168
electoral college votes in, 133
in Illinois, 132
JFK's campaign, 4, 8, 71n, 88--94, 96, 120, 131--154, 155, 308n; and Cuban issue, 178--184; financing for, 111, 177
polling in, 178, 184
Republican Party in, 132, 168
television debates, 155, 179, 183, 184
vote fraud allegations in, 132
West Virginia primary, 90, 91, 102, 108; campaign spending in, 90--99, 100, 121, 300; election fraud in, 93
Wisconsin primary, 94, 96, 115, 300, 443
President Kennedy: Profile of Power (Reeves), 231
President's Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities, 150
Profiles in Courage (John F. Kennedy), 17, 88, 116n Profumo, John, 12, 390--391, 404
Profumo scandal, 390--398, 401
Prohibition, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51n, 62, 143, 150
Promise and Power (Shapley), 319
Proxmire, William, 32
PT-109, 14, 42
Purdom, Edmond, 112, 113--114, 119
The Quiet American (Greene), 269
Quorum Club, 388, 399, 401, 405
Raab, Maxwell, 120
Raborn, William, 447n
Radziwill, Stanislaus, 235, 236n
Raleigh Distributing Company, 53
Raskin, Frances, 91
Raskin, Hyman B., 90--91, 123, 124, 125, 126--127, 301--302
Raskin, Marcus, 20, 202, 203, 218--219
Rayburn, Sam, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128
Reagan administration, 120n
Reed, James, 13, 26, 28
Reed, Jewel, 13, 17, 26, 28--29
Reeves, Richard, 231, 350, 354n
Reflections of a Cold Warrior (Bissell), 171
Reilly, John D., 59n
Reinfeld, Joseph, 51, 54, 55
Republican National Committee, 120n
Republican Party
Cuban missile crisis and, 344, 350, 356, 359, 363
investigations by, 387, 388, 401, 402, 403
1960 election and, 132
RFK and, 406--407
Reston, James, 69, 181, 252--253, 282n, 354n
Reynolds, Donald, 401, 406, 446, 447
Ricca, Paul, 143
RN (Nixon), 133--134, 158n, 180, 183
Robert Kennedy and His Times (Schlesinger), 135, 250, 291, 417
Roberts, Emory, 240
Rockefeller, Nelson, 189, 329--330
Rockefeller Commission, 189
Roemer, William F., Jr., 140
Rogers, Warren, 394, 395
Rometsch, Ellen, 387--390, 398--406, 409, 445, 446
Rometsch, Rolf, 399
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 80--81
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR), 57, 104, 139
Churchill and, 73, 75, 77, 79
Hoover and, 83, 84--85, 148
JFK and, 255
Joseph Kennedy and, 39, 45, 61, 67, 68--73, 74--87, 148
radio and, 224
Roosevelt, James (Jimmy), 46n, 61, 62, 63
Rosenthal, Richard, 57, 58--60
Rosselli, Johnny
Castro assassination plot and, 163, 165, 167, 203, 205, 206, 209, 269, 272, 290, 291, 382
Judith Exner and, 290, 294, 307, 308, 310--314, 320, 324, 344
Rostow, Walter W., 218, 220, 257, 283
Rowan, Dan, 289
Rowley, James J., 7
Ruby, Jack, 450, 451
Rudin, Milton (Mickey), 101
Rusk, Dean, 453n
on Cuban exiles, 380
Cuban missile crisis and, 264, 341, 361, 367, 371, 373, 374
JFK and, 396
Vietnam War and, 264, 435
Ryerson, Edward L., 150n
Sagansky, Harry J. (Doc), 58n
Salinger, Pierre, 116, 128, 333, 335, 337, 338, 339
Salisbury, Harrison E., 54
San Diego Union, 183
Sanford, Terry, 408
San Román, Pepe, 376
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
on Admiral Burke, 276
on Bay of Pigs, 210, 211, 218, 219
on JFK, 60, 175, 225--226, 237, 291--292, 342; foreign policy, 195, 248, 263, 265, 266--267
JFK and, 30
on RFK, 135, 250, 288, 291--292
Vietnam War and, 415, 417, 431
Scott, Vernon, 103, 105--106
Secret Service, 309, 350n, 445, 455
behavior of, 244
JFK and, 5, 10--11, 20, 222--246, 453
White House tape-recording systems and, 7, 351n, 455
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 45, 56--57, 61
Seib, Charles, 109
Seigenthaler, John, 336, 443
Selsman, Michael, 105, 106
Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, 51n, 86
Senate Rackets Committee, 134--135, 139, 288, 319
Senate Rules Committee, 401, 402, 404, 406, 407
Senate Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor or Management Field. See Senate Rackets Committee Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities. See Church Committee Shapley, Deborah, 319
Shearer, Lloyd, 336
Sheridan, Walter, 8, 9, 451
Sherman, Tony, 10, 11, 241--243, 387
Shevlin, Thomas, 331, 332, 339, 340
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy, 93
Shriver, R. Sargent, 93, 96, 97
Sidey, Hugh, 24--25, 28, 33, 122, 223, 253--254, 334--336, 439
Sihanouk, Norodom, 434--435n
Silver, Arnold, 191
Sinatra, Dolly, 139
Sinatra, Frank, 101, 139
Judith Exner and, 297--298, 305
Giancana and, 4, 100, 137--138, 140, 142, 165, 305
JFK and, 139, 294
Joseph Kennedy and, 4, 137, 138--139, 140, 146
organized crime and, 138, 305
Rat Pack of, 142, 298, 299
Sinatra, Tina, 137, 138, 139, 165
Six Crises (Nixon), 178, 181
Smathers, Frank, 234--235
Smathers, George, 24, 27n, 153--154, 200, 301, 302
on JFK's shots, 234--235
on Marilyn Monroe, 103, 104--105
Trujillo and, 198, 433
Smith, Bernard E. (Ben), 81, 82
Smith, Bromley, 219, 380, 381
Smith, Earl, 157n
Smith, Florence, 157n
Smith, Jean Edward, 261
Smith, R. Harris, 172
Smith, Sandy, 55, 141, 142, 144, 145<
br />
Smith, Stephen, 96, 101, 177, 443
Smith, Walter Bedell (Beedle), 160--161
Smyser, Richard R., 422
Somerset Importers Ltd., 46--47, 51n, 53, 54, 55, 65, 66
Sorensen, Theodore C. (Ted), 30, 100, 175n, 195, 201n, 431
on Bay of Pigs, 210, 211, 218
on Cuban missile crisis, 353, 363, 364, 371n on JFK, 89--90, 225--226, 233n, 237
on nuclear test ban treaty, 385
Soucy, Edward A., 86
Soviet Union (USSR)
back channel to, 248--251, 254--255, 258--259, 260, 261; in missile crisis, 343, 347, 348, 349, 358--359
Bay of Pigs and, 249, 251, 252, 354
Berlin and, 251--252, 258--263
China and, 421, 441
in Congo, 194, 195
Cuba and, 161, 162, 283, 284, 293, 342, 346, 348, 380--381; exiles, 378
JFK and, 193, 382--384; assassination, 451
KGB, 77, 204, 249n, 342
in Latin America, 265
LBJ and, 453n
missile gap with, 155--156, 170, 262
nuclear testing and, 346, 383--386
RFK and, 248, 249n
spies of, 187
Vietnam War and, 253, 418
See also Cuban missile crisis Spaatz, Carl, 72
Spalding, Betty, 16, 26, 235--236, 330, 331
Spalding, Charles, 407--408
JFK and, 13, 17--18, 24, 108; first marriage, 2, 3, 326--327, 328, 329, 334; shots, 235--236
on Joseph Kennedy, 16
on Marilyn Monroe, 103, 105
West Virginia primary and, 97
Spangenberg, George A., 318
Sparkman, John, 158
Special Activities Staff (SAS), 381--382
Special Committee to Investigate Organized Crime in Interstate Commerce. See Kefauver Committee Special Group (Augmented), 279n
Special Group for Counterinsurgency (CI), 10, 278--279, 352, 453
Springer, Axel, 207
Sprouse, Clarence B., 170, 174
Spycatcher (Wright), 270
Stacher, Joseph (Doc), 52
State Department, U.S.
British Guiana coup and, 266n
political assassinations and, 186
Ellen Rometsch and, 399, 402
Soviet back channel and, 249, 251, 254--255
Stauffenberg, Claus von, 69n
Stein, Janice, 365n
Stennis, John C., 373
Stevenson, Adlai, 88, 90, 158, 172n
JFK and, 212, 256, 370, 382
West Virginia primary and, 94--95
Stockdale, Grant, Jr., 410--411
Stockdale, Grant, Sr., 409--411
Stone, I. F., 386
Strategic Air Command (SAC), 257, 341--342, 358, 361
Strategic Services, Office of (OSS), 172, 269
Strong, George, 72
Stuart, Mark A., 51
A Study of Assassination (CIA), 186n
Suffolk Downs Race Track, 56, 57, 58
Sullivan, Daniel P., 52, 53
Sulzberger, C. L., 79
Summers, Anthony, 129, 153, 397
Sunday Times (London), 329
Sweeney, George C., 57
Symington, Stuart, 90, 117, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128
Szulc, Tad, 204, 279--280, 281, 282
Szuminski, Walter E., 165n
Tague, Peter F., 36, 38, 41, 46
Tamm, Edward A., 85n
Task Force W (CIA), 192, 272, 282n, 285--287, 343, 361, 369, 375--382
Taylor, Maxwell, 278, 279, 377, 453
Bay of Pigs and, 273, 274, 275
Cuban missile crisis and, 364, 373
Vietnam War and, 264, 417, 423, 435
Taylor Report, 274--277, 278
Teamsters Union, 8, 135, 137, 144
in 1960 campaign, 131, 141, 145, 146, 166
television, 155, 224, 263
JFK and, 88, 224--225, 372
TFX jet fighter. See F-111
Third World, 193--194, 265
See also particular countries
Thirteen Days (Robert Kennedy), 349, 352, 353, 363, 371n, 409
Thomas, Evan, 174n, 377, 379
Thompson, Bill, 388--390
Thompson, Llewellyn E., Jr., 254--255, 367
A Thousand Days (Schlesinger), 60, 195, 210, 263, 265, 276, 342, 417, 431
The Thunderbolt (newsletter), 336
Time magazine, 24, 33, 55, 78, 122, 141, 334, 335, 339, 415, 439
Times to Remember (Rose Kennedy), 70n
Timilty, Joseph, 58
Todd Shipyards, 59
Tofte, Hans, 200--201
Tolson, Clyde, 148--149
Tower, John G., 118
Trafficante, Santos, 167, 203, 204--205
Tran Van Dinh, 433--434
Travell, Janet, 231, 232, 233, 239
Tree, Marietta, 377
Trent, Curtis B., 98--99
Trohan, Walter, 71--72
Trujillo, Rafael
assassination of, 3, 185, 188, 189, 191, 196--199, 433
JFK and, 197--199, 433
Truman, Harry S., 160, 233, 369
Truman administration, 124, 351n
Tuohy, John, 137
Tuohy, Patrick, 137
Tuohy, William J., 135, 136, 137
Jupiter missiles in, 346, 348, 363, 365--368, 369n, 371, 373--374
U.S. troops in, 380
Turnure, Pamela, 107, 108, 109
Twining, Nathan, 274n
Tyler, William R., 441n
U-2 flights, 162--163, 348, 350, 353, 356, 357, 363
Ulbricht, Walter, 398
Underwood, Martin E., 4, 304--305
Joseph Kennedy and, 135, 136, 137
1960 campaign and, 4, 131, 136--138, 141, 145, 146, 166, 213
organized crime and, 8, 50, 131, 134, 136, 138, 144, 145
RFK and, 8
United Nations (UN), 353
Bay of Pigs and, 212
in Congo, 194, 195, 196
Cuba and, 182, 353, 370, 371
Vietnam and, 420
United Steelworkers of America, 213
U.S. News & World Report, 223
U Thant, 371, 420
Valdés, Ramiro, 204
Vandenbroucke, Lucien S., 203
Vander Zee, Rein, 99
Vanity Fair magazine, 323
Van Kirk, Burkett, 406--407, 446, 447
Vansittart, Sir Robert, 65
Varona, Tony (Manuel Antonio de Varona y Loredo), 205, 213, 272
Ventura, Charles, 327
The Very Best Men (Thomas), 174n, 377
Vidal, Gore, 80, 81, 235n, 409
Vienna summit meeting, 249, 251--253, 256, 262
Viet Cong, 264, 413, 414, 420, 422, 425
Vietnam, 220--221, 409
Buddhist monks in, 414, 424
division of, 421n, 422, 423
Kennedy policy in, 256, 257, 263--265, 387
North, 412, 413, 417, 420, 421, 423, 424
reunification of, 420, 421
Saigon press corps, 413, 414, 417, 421
South, 3, 33, 412, 413, 414, 419, 420, 421, 423, 430, 431, 437
U.S.-Soviet relations and, 253
Vietnam War, 274n, 345, 346, 412
back channel in, 417, 419, 423
casualties in, 413
domino theory in, 435--436, 437
herbicides used in, 264, 414
pacification in, 426
Rural Assistance Program, 425
Strategic Hamlet Program, 425
Visoianu, Constantin, 159, 160
Waite, Sue, 339
Waldrop, Frank, 82, 84, 85
Walinsky, Adam, 408n
Wall Street Journal, 92, 93, 94, 96, 288
Walton, William, 452
Wannell, Raymond, 399
War of the Vanquished (Maneli), 422
Warren, Earl, 456
Warren Commission, 190, 451, 456
ngton Post, 182, 332, 337n, 339, 340, 423, 424
Washington Star, 108, 109, 223
Washington Times-Herald, 82, 83, 84
Wasserman, Manfred, 233
Watergate, 106, 112, 337n
We All Lost the Cold War (Lebow and Stein), 365n The Week (newsletter), 69
Weiner, Mickey, 116
Weiner, Tim, 266
Weininger, Janet, 215--216, 217n
West, J. B., 10
Whalen, Richard J., 55--56, 64n, 71n
Wheeling and Dealing (Baker), 122, 388
When the War Was Over (Becker), 435n
White, Theodore H., 92, 95
Whitehead, Phillip, 66, 67
Whitehead, T. North, 80
White House, 11, 18
tape-recording systems in, 7--8, 10, 356, 454--455
Whiting, Allen, 423
Why England Slept (John F. Kennedy), 24
Wiesner, Jerome B., 20
Williams, John, 401, 402, 403, 406, 407
Willkie, Wendell, 78, 81
Wilson, Charles E., 235n
Winchell, Walter, 49n, 83
The Winrod Letter (newsletter), 336
Wisner, Frank, 160
With Kennedy (Salinger), 128
Wohltat, Helmut, 68
Wolfe, Sidney, 231--232
Woodfield, Bill, 142
Wright, Peter, 270, 271
Wrightsman, Charles B., 173, 197
Wszelaki, Jan, 73n
Wyatt, Oscar, 152, 216
Wyden, Peter, 166, 182
Zhukov, Georgi, 248
Zinchuk, Aleksandr, 347
ZR/RIFLE (executive action), 185--201
Zwillman, Abner (Longy), 47, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
In the five years I worked on this book, I was constantly amazed by the number of former Kennedy administration officials who agreed to be interviewed, and agreed to have their interviews put on the record. Many of Kennedy's personal friends and associates also talked openly and honestly to me. Their purpose in talking was merely to try to set the record straight. I hope I've done them justice.
This book owes its being to Jim Silberman, senior editor at Little, Brown and Company, who began urging me a decade ago to write about the presidency and the Cold War. His sense of what may be out there is uncanny, and his constant support and encouragement were essential to getting it done. My editor, Corby Kummer, of Boston, has his fingerprints on every page, every paragraph, every comma. His unyielding standards and sense of how to tell a story, and how to tell it grammatically, were crucial to this book. Peggy Leith Anderson, developmental editor at Little, Brown, was relentless in the search for facts and readability; her sensible queries were a delight (usually). Sarah Crichton, the publisher of Little, Brown, was formidable in her enthusiasm and support for this project. My agent, Heather Schroder of International Creative Management, provided expert counsel at the right time.