Fashionably Forever After The Hot Damned Series 10
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Nodding, I stood to take my leave. Tucking all of the notebooks under one arm, I raised my other. In an eerie whisper on the wind, black magic roared through my body and my wings burst from my back in all their majestic glory. Glittering black mist floated through the gardens sparkling like death. It was gorgeous. I felt free and evil and ready to deal with the asshole Fairies. It was good to be me. I was going to win. I was going to take back what was mine. I was going to have a relatively, yet unconventional and fiery, happily ever after.
There was simply no other option.
Chapter Nine
A sensual cinnamon scented wind blew through my bedroom and I smiled. Being asleep was fast becoming my favorite part of the day. Letting one eye open slightly, I saw the blast of amethyst crystals rain down from the ceiling and dance across the black onyx floor. It was gorgeous. Of course the sparkling magic didn’t hold a candle to the beauty of my Siren…
Feigning sleep, I was going to make her work for it. Her anger would only make what was destined to follow even more passionate.
“I know you’re faking,” Elle said. “Open your eyes or I’ll leave.”
“No you won’t,” I replied, refusing to obey even though there was nothing more in the world I wanted than to gaze at her… well, gaze amongst other things.
“Try me, Devil,” she purred.
“I have, Siren. And it was delightfully mind blowing,” I said with a laugh as I sat up and let the black silk sheets fall away from my naked and obscenely aroused body. “We really must stop meeting like this. I need my beauty sleep.”
Crossing her arms over her barely clad chest, she glared at me so long it was positively rude. My dick grew harder. It was excruciating. She could pout all she wanted. It was incredibly sexy. My Siren knew she would get what she came for. I could deny her nothing.
With her full lips pursed, she let her eyes roam over my body with unbridled lust. My heart raced and I let her have her fill. I was quite the specimen of beauty.
“Take off your clothes, Elle. I’m going to fuck you.”
I felt her joyous laugh all the way to my balls. I could undress her with a flick of my wrist, but it was much more fun to watch her disrobe.
“Kind of bossy this evening,” she said, raising her brow as she pulled one ribbon on the shoulder of her purple gown and it fell to the floor. The puddle of purple silk under her bare feet shimmered like water and her gloriously naked body glowed with a mystical inner light. She took my breath.
“This seems so real,” I muttered.
“In a sense it is,” Elle replied slowly walking toward my bed. “Do you remember what happened when I came to you last?”
“Every fucking second—pun intended,” I told her, my eyes riveted to hers. “And I keep reliving it in all my waking moments.”
“The line between reality and illusion is very thin, my love.”
“I want to know where you’re hiding,” I said.
“I thought you wanted to fuck,” she shot back with a wide grin.
“Well, that too,” I told her as I reached for her and pulled her down beside me. “I think you’re in danger.”
Without acknowledging my concern, she pressed her lips to mine. My brain shorted out for a second and I took what I could get. She could distract me momentarily, but not forever. A simple kiss from my Siren was somehow more intense than any sex I’d had in my long life.
As my lips captured hers, I knew I needed her more now than I did even yesterday. She was my fire in the darkness. Her name was my salvation. Adrielle meant darkness and Rinoa meant the torch of light in the darkness. I needed her fire to cleanse my sins and she needed my lust to survive, but it was far more complicated than that. And right now it was ridiculously complicated, considering she was Dream Walking and not truly here.
“You feel so good,” she mumbled against my lips, pressing her nude body against mine.
Our power and need for each other was overwhelming. It tangled and twisted causing bursts of black glitter and amethyst crystal to explode and shower down on us. Her touch kissed my skin and her fire bit at me as our lust increased. She was my addiction and I was hers. In my arms she felt like liquid molten desire.
My hands memorized her body and my lips and tongue followed. Elle’s taste was intoxicating and her scent drove me wild. Her moans of pleasure were music to my ears. I wanted to send my Siren to heights she could never come down from.
And I wanted her to fucking stay with me.
Elle’s fire bathed my skin and I groaned in ecstasy. She fed a need in me so powerful, I could no longer live without her. I didn’t want to live without her.
Trapping her wrists over her head, I pushed at her wet entrance with my painfully hard erection.
“Yes,” she muttered, writhing beneath me like a wild animal in heat. “Yes.”
“Kismet,” I whispered as I pushed the head of my cock into her.
Her eyes went wide with shock. She tried to wiggle away, but her pleasure at my invasion was so intense she couldn’t. I wasn’t playing fair, but I was the Devil. I never played fair when something I wanted was at stake.
“Do you want this?” I asked, pushing more of myself into her body.
“You know I do,” she snapped as she tightened around me like a vise. “And you want it too.”
“More than I want to breathe,” I agreed in a husky voice. Holding back was killing me, but it was the only game I had right now. “But I also want you back. Permanently.”
“This is all we can have,” she gasped out on a scream as I jerked my hips forward and buried myself to the hilt inside her.
“Let’s agree to disagree,” I said, holding my body still with enormous effort. “Are you in Kismet?”
“Are you lying?” I demanded, grinding my body against hers.
All was fair in love and war.
“Yes,” she hissed.
“Does Fate know you and your mother are there?” I asked, holding still again.
“Fuck me,” she begged.
“Answer my question.”
Elle’s lavender eyes starred daggers at me, but her need for me overcame her reason. “Not yet.”
“Good girl,” I said, beginning a slow, lazy thrust in and out of her lust-addled body. “That’s all I needed to know.”
“You won’t be able to find Kismet. I don’t want you there. It’s too dangerous,” she said on a moan as I began to increase my speed.
“Not to worry,” I said, feeling the pressure at the base of my spine tingle.
“Promise me you won’t try to find me,” she begged.
“I promise,” I whispered in her ear and then nipped at it hard.
Her gasp and shudder almost did me in, but I wasn’t close to done with my Siren. I was going to take her all night.
“Are you lying?”
“Of course I am. I’m the Devil.”
“You’re an asshole.”
“Your point?” I inquired as I rotated my hips and plunged into her as deep as I could.
Her scream of pleasure was orgasmic. All thoughts of rational conversation were now gone.
“If you love me, then fuck me,” she hissed. “Now.”
“I love you,” I said. “And I will take you up on your offer.”
And I did.
And she came. And she came. And she came.
It was a night neither of us would ever forget.
Chapter Ten
“Those are nice notebooks,” Lizard said, eyeing my stolen booty.
“They’re mine,” I said, snatching them up and putting them into my Hermès briefcase. I shouldn’t have brought the damn notebooks with me, but I liked looking at them. “Don’t touch them. Don’t even look at them. Coveting my notebooks will result in decapitation. Do you feel me?” I informed him flatly.
“Roger that,” Lizard said with a grin.
The idiot was clearly in a good mood due to having relations—for lack of a more palatable t
erm—with the horrifying Martha and Jane. Conveniently, he was exactly where I wanted him to be. Although, unfortunately, he was wearing a beret, sandals and a tracksuit.
I’d decided to call the meeting at Astrid’s abode. The Cressida House was a neutral place to convene with the Fairies. Plus, Astrid’s mate, Ethan, had a fabulous array of office supplies.
The Kev and Gemma were expected shortly. I’d requested Tiara, Astrid and Ethan be present as well. Tiara was part Fairy and Astrid would most likely keep me from doing something that would fuck me and ruin my chances of getting the Fairies to cooperate. Ethan was simply a courtesy since he was the Vampyre Prince of the North American Dominion and this was his compound…
Lizard was in attendance because I wanted someone in the room who was completely loyal to me and me alone. I also had a few suspicions about my violent, gum-smacking, bat-wielding Demon that I wanted confirmed. Having to look at his attire would be a small price to pay if I was indeed correct.
“Will I be needing my bat for the meeting, my Liege?” Lizard asked, seating himself at the far end of the room with his back to the wall so he had an excellent view of all who entered and exited.
“I certainly hope not,” I said with a raised brow and a laugh. “Quite soon this room will be filled with more power than should be legally allowed. It would be a shit show of epic proportions if it degenerated to violence. It would be delightful, but probably not good form since I want something from this gathering.”
“May I be so bold as to ask what the meeting is about?”
“You may. I want information and possibly more, but that will depend on the price,” I replied perusing Ethan’s desk with delight. It was always a veritable smorgasbord of the latest in office supplies.
“Very good, my Lord.”
A lovely thing caught my eye and I froze in my tracks. “Sweet Hell in August on a sunny day. What is that?”
“I do believe that’s an onyx mesh desktop organizer with five vertical and three horizontal shelving sections,” Lizard replied.
My man definitely knew his office products. I was impressed.
“Shall I steal it for you?” he asked.
“No. I prefer to abscond with my treasures personally. I’ll steal it myself at the end of the meeting. I’ve just never seen anything quite like it. It’s fabulous.”
“It is lovely,” Lizard agreed. “However, I’m partial to that nice pencil holder cup. Looks very homemade.”
“Yes, as much as I’d like to pilfer it for you, that one is a no go. It was made by Samuel, Astrid and Ethan’s son. Might cause an explosion that I don’t have time for right now. However, I can put in an order for you and me with Samuel. The child is fucking brilliant with crayons and glue.”
“I would appreciate that,” Lizard said and then proceeded to stare at the wall.
I wasn’t quite sure what he found so fascinating about walls, but I refused to ask. Didn’t want to hear another phallus diatribe like the one he gave earlier in the week. I could live the rest of my eternal life without hearing that again.
Since everyone was late, I thought it only fair that I help myself to some of the smaller items in the room. Ethan had far too many Mont Blanc pens for one person, so I took ten. After pocketing all of his paperclips, a few highlighter markers and a lovely stainless steel stapler, I felt much better. I wasn’t looking forward to the gathering, but stealing the onyx mesh desktop organizer with five vertical and three horizontal shelving sections would definitely make the entire trip worth it.
“Lucifer,” The Kev bellowed joyously. “I’d say it’s good to see you, but I’ll reserve judgment until after our little chat.”
The Kev was the most powerful Fairy in existence. I actually enjoyed him even though I’d never admit it. His deadly fighting skills made him a feared being by the general immortal population. It was simply too bad he had such a damned friendly personality. The Fairy usually took on some hideous façade because his true face was too beautiful for most to look upon. Of course, I was prettier but that was neither here nor there at the moment.
Today he came as his true self. And as per usual, his dress sense was appalling. He made Lizard look like he’d walked off the pages of GQ. The jean shorts and sleeveless midriff top were almost enough reason for me to incinerate the Fairy, but that would be counterproductive right now. I needed him—horrible taste and all.
“Come now, The Kev,” I said with a grin. “It’s always good to see me.”
The Kev shook his head and laughed. For all his happy demeanor, I knew he was going to be a hard sell. So be it. I loved a good challenge. And I loved winning.
“Congratulations on the book. Laughed my ass off,” The Kev said, giving me a thumbs up.
It was all I could do not to sever his thumb and shove it up his ass. What the Hell was in my book that was so damned funny? Instead of dismembering him, I graced him with a tight smile and a nod. Astrid should be proud. It was not easy for me to be civil.
Ethan entered the office and scanned his desk with displeasure. The covert irritated glance he shot Astrid was proof he could tell my delightfully sticky fingers had been busy in their absence. She simply shrugged and rolled her eyes. They were an exquisitely handsome couple and Ethan was a deadly force of nature in his own right. The Vampyre Prince tolerated me because he had to. I was the Devil and his mate’s loving klepto uncle. It was so much fun to watch him try to behave.
My visits to the Cressida House usually ended in a loss of property. It was only fair since most of Astrid’s visits to Hell ended in property damage. In my opinion, I was a far better guest than my niece.
Although one could argue that I’d been a bit destructive here last Christmas… Whatever. Life sized nutcrackers deserved boners. I’d stand by my tasteless decisions always. Besides, aroused nutcrackers were hilarious.
Tiara joined the group and everyone took seats on the array of sumptuous leather couches. If I thought I could get away with pilfering a few of the couches, I would. They were very much my style—black and expensive.
“Where is Gemma?” I asked. I wanted both her and The Kev here. As Gemma was the reincarnated, and soon to be reinstated Queen of the Fairies, it was to my advantage to have the power of both.
“She’ll be with us momentarily,” The Kev said, watching me with interest. “You called us at an opportune time. We plan to go back to Zanthia soon.”
With a glance to Lizard to see if he reacted to the news, I sighed. He didn’t. My guess was incorrect. Too bad. I despised being wrong.
“Will Gemma have to retake her position by force?” I asked, pulling my gaze from my Demon and back to The Kev. It was so damned ridiculous that I wasn’t allowed in Zanthia. I’d love to personally witness a bloody Fairy war.
“Remains to be seen,” The Kev replied darkly. “I’m cautiously optimistic until I have to choose a new route.”
In the blink of an eye the air in the room changed and bursts of glittering silver, pink and gold Fairy dust arrived just before the woman in question did. It was far too happy for my mood, but I knew beforehand that meeting with Fairies was going to be a teeth-grinding experience. I wanted something so I had no choice except to play nice.
“Gemma,” Astrid squealed as she literally flew off the couch and tackled her friend in a hug that would have crushed a mere mortal.
“Dude!” Gemma shouted, punching Astrid in the arm and laughing. “I’ve missed your sorry undead ass. So what’s the scoop? Why are we here?”
Gemma was as stunning as The Kev, if not more so. They were both blonde, but The Kev’s eyes were a bright blue while Gemma’s were a sparkling silver and her skin had an otherworldly glow. Apparently none of the idiots in the room had seen each other in a while if all the kissy-faced endearments were anything to go by. All the hugging and backslapping were starting to make me itchy. I had business to accomplish—no time to watch ridiculous overtures of affection.
And then it got weird.
“I am n
ot worthy,” Lizard shouted and dropped to his knees causing the entire room to stop and stare at him.
Crawling over to Gemma on all fours while smacking his gum like his immortal life depended on it, the Demon prostrated himself at her feet. His body trembled and if I wasn’t mistaken the dumbass was crying.
What the Hell? He’d never cried for me…
Bending down and raising his chin, Gemma eyed the bizarre man. The smile she bestowed upon him caused bursts of silver magic to explode around her head, giving her a halo look. Lizard grasped her hand and kissed it reverently.
“My Queen,” he whispered. “I am not worthy.”
“Of course, you are,” Gemma replied with a giggle and patted the top of his beret kindly. “You’re a mix aren’t you?”
“I am, my Queen,” he said. “I’m not worthy.”
“I call bullshit on that,” Gemma chastised Lizard. “I’m just a person who leaves glitter everywhere. Are you good?”
“Define good,” Lizard said, sheepishly.
Gemma considered him for a long moment and then winked at him. “Well, your aura is pretty dang dusty around the edges, but I can see you have caretaker and a sense of justice inside you. Your methods might need a bit of polishing up, but you are not bad. What’s your name?”
“Lizard, my Queen,” he said, staring at Gemma with such adoration I thought I might heave.
Damn, I loved being right. However, I didn’t like potentially losing one of my own to another species. Well, at least I’d been proven correct. Fairies could morph into other creatures—or monsters, if you will.
Lizard’s transformation had reminded me of other Fairies I’d seen over the centuries. However, a Fairy-Demon was indeed rare, but not as rare as one might think, considering Demons weren’t allowed in Zanthia.
Two anomalies were in the room right now. Both Tiara and Lizard had Fairy and Demon blood running through their veins—a fearsome combination and one that I was counting on to come in handy.
“Shall we get down to business?” I inquired before Lizard could pledge his life to the woman and make me look bad. I brought him because he was supposed to me loyal to me.