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Their Wayward Bride

Page 5

by Vanessa Vale

  It didn't take long for her to cry out her pleasure. Had I sounded like that?

  "Isn't that a beautiful sound?" Mason whispered in my ear. "A woman's needs being met by her husbands? She was uncomfortable and they soothed her. Her happiness and her pleasure are their only desires." His breath was warm, his lips running over the upper curve of my ear. He kissed me there, then to my jaw, then lower to the curve of my neck. My eyes slipped closed and I reveled in the gentle feel of him.

  Ann's throaty cries of pleasure broke through the haze of my own need. I blushed realizing how I'd settled in to the unusual openness found at Bridgewater. I knew this wasn't the way of the rest of the world; Denver was a big city and I knew nothing about having more than one husband or any of the more delicate tasks within a marriage.

  A minute later, Andrew came into the room wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Dinner's warm on the stove." He spoke as if he hadn't just suckled at his wife's breasts. I was taken aback, but it seemed a common occurrence for me.

  "I'll help," Brody offered, following the man out of the room. The other men followed him, leaving Mason and me alone.

  Mason shifted me in his lap so I looked at him. His hands cupped my breasts and I gasped, knowing he could feel how hard my nipples were. "What Ann's men do for her, it arouses you."

  He stated it as fact, not a question. I felt my cheeks burn and I glanced away from his piercing dark gaze. I gave a little shake of my head.

  "Laurel, your head might be denying it, but your body doesn't lie."

  How could he know my body's desires? I was just discovering them.

  "Look," he said, glancing down at his lap. There, where I'd been sitting just a moment ago was darkened and wet. "Your pussy is dripping onto my pants."

  I gasped and stood, trying to get away, to hide somewhere in shame, but he hooked an arm about my waist and held me in front of him so I stood between his knees. His hands lowered to the backs of my thighs and slipped upward to cup my bottom. From this position, I couldn't miss seeing the spot on his pants, felt the air cooling the wetness on my pussy and thighs. I was wet. The proof couldn't be denied. I didn't want to be aroused. This meant I liked listening to others doing carnal things. This meant I wanted those same things done to me. That meant I liked having Mason touch me intimately. It shouldn't be so!

  I was holding on to a terrible lie. If they knew who I really was, they'd send me back to Father. Surely no one would want me after Mason and Brody told them what kind of woman I was. I'd be an outcast. It was better to deny the feelings, to show that I didn't like it, that I was unaffected, so when the time came they could only state that I'd been under duress. Perhaps then I'd be able to find a husband that would still be interested in me. I was being delusional. No one was interested in me. Everyone had their own needs at heart, their own gain. My father. Mr. Palmer. I was a mere pawn.

  Perhaps the reason I reveled in the sound of Andrew and Robert pleasing Ann was because they put their needs second. For the first time, I witnessed selflessness instead of selfishness.


  "Don't be ashamed, sweetheart. I love knowing having two men appeals to you." I gave her waist a gentle squeeze. "Do you know how hard my cock is?"

  Her eyes widened, clearly surprised to find I was aroused as well. I adjusted myself, my pants a strict confinement for my swollen cock. When she saw the size of me through my pants, she licked her lips. I would come in my pants if I didn't redirect my thoughts. Feeling her hot pussy against my thigh had been torture, feeling her nipples tighten beneath my palms had been delightful, but seeing her juices staining my pants was so damn hot. I couldn't resist looking at her.

  Catching my long shirt she wore on my thumbs, I worked the material upward so it slowly revealed her gorgeous pussy. Once my hands rested above her hips, she was exposed from the waist down.

  "Mason," she hissed, looking left and right.

  "You are so beautiful, all aroused like you are. Your thighs are coated with your juices. Do you know what I want to do?" Her eyes met mine. "I want to taste you there."

  "Hello!" Simon called out. I heard the front door close behind them, boots stomping off snow.

  "In here," I called. Laurel's body stiffened within my hold and her eyes widened in panic. I let my hands drop, the shirt lowering with it to cover all of her secrets. Her shoulders slumped in relief and her hands smoothed the soft fabric down over thighs, as if assuring herself she was modest.

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw the men enter. "Simon, Rhys and Cross, this is Laurel."

  "We heard about your brush with death," Rhys said to Laurel. "We are glad to find you well."

  Laurel nodded, but didn't say anything.

  "I saw Kane. They'll stay at home for dinner tonight."

  I heard Simon's words, but I was focused on Laurel. The look on her face reminded me of a child who was caught with her hand in the cookie jar, for the men just missed seeing her body. The men were seeing her in my shirt alone; I wasn't about to share any more of her.

  Andrew stuck his head into the room long enough to speak. "I've ladled out the stew into bowls, so come to the table while it's hot."

  "I might just stay here and make a meal of Laurel's pussy." Laurel pulled against Brody's hold, but he wouldn't relent.

  "Come, sweetheart, you can sit beside me." Brody stood and smiled at her, relaxed, calm, almost soothing in his voice. She gave a simple nod and he led her from the room, her hips swaying as she went.

  Ann and Robert came in from the other room. Ann's appearance was slightly disheveled and she had a pink glow to her cheeks. They both peeked at the baby in the cradle, assuring themselves he was settled before leaving the room.

  Simon, Rhys, and Cross remained behind with me.

  "You're claiming her then?" Simon asked, referring to Laurel.

  I nodded. "Wouldn't you?"

  "Hell, yes."

  "Andrew told you the details?"

  All three men nodded. "A woman doesn't run off like that unless she's flighty or fearing for her life," Cross commented.

  "She's not flighty," I answered.

  "Then someone wants her, besides you," Simon finished.

  "They can try." I patted Simon on the shoulder as I walked toward the dining room. "They can try."



  I spent an uncomfortable dinner with a room full of men wearing just a shirt. It had been silly to think Ann's clothes would fit. I'd certainly try to alter them, but it was of no help at the moment. Somewhere along this journey I'd lost all control of my body. My body was literally dripping wetness! This had never happened before I met Mason and Brody. Surely this wasn't normal.

  Conversation weaved around me as I had nothing to add, nor did I wish to focus any kind of attention on myself. I felt exposed enough with my legs bare. The group was congenial and seemed to be a family in their own right. Lighthearted humor and jovial stories went around as fast as the basket of bread or the pitcher of water. Only Andrew and Robert spoke like Americans, the rest with accents. McPherson and MacDonald had much stronger burrs. When Brody leaned in and told me that McPherson and Simon were brothers, the resemblance was obvious. I wasn't sure why one went by their family name and the other the surname, but I wasn't going to ask.

  The stew was delicious, but I did not have much of an appetite. I'd saved myself from Mr. Palmer and my father's plans, but I'd fallen into an environment where it wasn't just one man, or even two, that I had to extricate myself from now. These men had a bond that, from what Mason told me, was forged in the military. I couldn't stay here on Bridgewater and lie to all of them. Mason and Brody seemed to find enjoyment in my body, but it could not be long term. I was just a loose woman, complying readily with their wishes. I'd been in bed with them naked! Even worse perhaps, I sat in just a men's shirt at a dinner table full of men. Strangers!

  I wanted to get up, run out of the house, but I had no real clothes. No shoes. Not even a coat. I would
get ten feet in the snow and have to return. That was an impossible scenario. Tears clogged my throat, making it impossible to swallow the bite of stew. I sipped from my glass and looked across the table at Ann, who sat there smiling as she talked with Robert. She seemed happy with her life with her two husbands; she didn't find the arrangement odd at all. Was I the odd one here then?

  Was this what a wife was supposed to do? Everyone seemed accustomed to these different values, these Mohamiran ways they'd taken as theirs. Everyone but me. Society dictated certain social mores and life at Bridgewater contradicted them all. I didn't fit in here. I didn't belong here.

  I didn't belong anywhere. I was too old for my school, knowing now I remained solely because my father paid generously. I'd recently discovered he'd even paid extra to ensure I did not have any suitors, knowing at some point he would need me to return to Simms. Finally, he did and within the week of arriving I'd learned I didn't belong there either.

  I was truly lost with nowhere to run.

  I blinked at the tears that formed in my eyes, tried to keep them from spilling over. It was no use. They slipped down my cheeks, fell onto the fabric of Mason's shirt I wore. Quietly, I placed my fork down, looked down at the plate, although the food blurred.

  "Sweetheart, what's the matter?" Brody asked. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, his breath warm, his voice soft, concerned.

  I shook my head, but the tears continued. Glancing up into his pale eyes, I told Brody, "I...I can't do this. I don't belong here."

  The table got quiet. Tears fell faster when I knew I'd drawn the attention I didn't want. I pushed my chair back and stood. All of the men around the table stood as well, but only Mason and Brody followed me out of the room. Seeing the baby still asleep, this wasn't where I could speak freely either.

  I wiped my eyes with my fingers as I whispered, "Can we leave? Please?"

  Both men stood before me formidable and tall. So handsome, especially when they looked at me with a mixture of male dominance and concern. "Of course," Mason replied. They moved quickly. Brody returned to the dining room, Mason to get on his coat. Moments later, Brody came back and donned his own coat, taking it from the peg by the door. Mason picked up the blanket and wrapped it around me. Brody placed the blouse and skirt Ann gave me over his arm, which looked so incongruous to his large, very male frame.

  They worked quickly and efficiently as a team and in only a minute, Mason had me in his arms and out the door. As the men's boots crunched through the deep snow, I thought about what they'd said about Robert, Andrew and Ann. Ann's needs came first. They took care of her before anything else. They'd stopped in the middle of a conversation to help ease the engorgement of her breasts. Nothing, and no one else, mattered. It was a very appealing concept to me. No one, ever, saw to my needs first. No one had ever cared for me. The love I saw in the trio was heart warming and heart rending, for I knew now what I'd been missing.


  Laurel had panicked. She'd been aroused, there was no question about that but perhaps we pushed her too far, too fast. The Mohamiran customs definitely required some adjustment of thought. Perhaps something else was on her mind that had upset her. Until we stripped her bare, physically and mentally, so we knew all of her, we could not help her. Instead of putting her down in the doorway to remove his coat and boots, Mason carried her directly up the stairs and into his bedroom, placing her on the bed. Gently. Carefully.

  I followed directly, both of us shrugging out of our outerwear to sit on either side of her. We worked the blanket from around her to reveal her luscious body, Mason's shirt riding high on her thighs.

  She tugged at the material but we stilled her hands. Her green eyes flared with a mixture of anger and trepidation.

  "What has you so upset?" I asked, running my hand up and down her silky thigh.

  "I...I don't like to be seen like that," she murmured. "I've never even shown my ankle in public before and it was too much."

  "We appreciate your honesty." Mason gave her a small smile. "You enjoyed listening to Ann with her husbands. Your body never lies."

  Her cheeks turned pink at his words.

  "Perhaps, but I don't like to share that...with others." She pushed the bottom of the shirt between her legs and kept them there. It was like a shield, protecting her virtue as best she could. We'd already taken it—her virtue, not her virginity—so it was just a show of modesty. We let her keep it. For now.

  "You didn't like knowing the other men found you so beautiful?"

  She turned her head away from me at my words.

  "A woman's needs come first, sweetheart. We do not want you upset, therefore we will ensure you are more modestly covered from now on. Know this, we will not share you with the others. Ever," Mason vowed. He pried her fingers from her shirttails. "Your body will be for us alone."

  Starting at the bottom button, he worked the shirt open, revealing first her pussy, then her navel, and then the swell of her full breasts. When he parted the two sides, she sat there between us on full display.

  "So beautiful, sweetheart. Lay back," I murmured, gently pushing on her shoulders so she fell back onto the bed. She was skittish, fearful even. It was our fault she was this way, not realizing her modesty was stronger than her arousal. Therefore, it was our job to fix it. I slipped from the bed and knelt on the floor. Grabbing her behind the knees, I tugged her toward the edge of the bed. Lifting one leg, then the other, I placed them over my shoulders.

  Laurel came up on her elbow to look at me. Her green eyes were wide, confused. "Brody, what are you doing?"

  "Tasting you." I didn't say more, just parted her with my fingers, lowered my head to her pussy and licked her there. Her folds were slick and she bucked at the slightest touch of my tongue. Working my way upward, I easily found her hard clit.

  "Brody!" she cried when I flicked it. Again and again. Her fingers went into my hair, tangled in it, pulled on it, pulled me into her. Mason took hold of her right knee and placed it on his lap, opening her even wider for me.

  We'd agreed to keep her pussy empty, but it didn't stop me from circling the very tip of one finger around the opening, teasing her. The combination had her thrashing on the bed.

  "Do you like having your pussy eaten? Do you like how Brody makes you feel? Oh, yes, you like your nipples tugged, don't you?" Mason had moved his hands so he plucked and worked her nipples, only adding to the level of stimulation.

  Her heel dug into my back as she screamed her release, so easily brought to climax. Her pussy clenched down on the tip of my finger as if it wanted to pull it in, desperately needing to be filled. Her juices seeped onto my hand. She was so hot as I continued to lick, to suck on her tender flesh until her muscles relaxed and she lay there panting, trying to catch her breath.

  I kissed her thigh as I sat back on my heels, taking a hold of her ankles and placing her feet on the very edge of the bed. I glanced at Mason and I nodded. He stood and went to the dresser, bringing back the hand carved butt plug and jar of ointment. We switched places, Mason moving between her spread thighs, getting a very direct view of her needy pussy.

  "See this, sweetheart?" I held up the thin plug for her to see. Her eyes were foggy still, her skin flushed a pretty pink, a hint of perspiration covered her breasts. "This is going to make you feel so good."

  A little frown formed in her brow. Dipping my fingers in the ointment, I coated the end of the plug. "Rhys makes these. Besides being an exceptional carpenter, he's very adept at making dildos and plugs. He's a master at the lathe." Her frown grew. "It's not just for spindles."

  I passed the plug to Mason.

  "This one is very small, very thin, but it has two round areas. See that?" Mason held it up for her before placing the round tip at her back entrance.

  She wasn't confused any longer. "Mason!"

  "We can't fill your pussy, we promised you that. Your arse, however, is going to be breached and this will help to stretch you."

  Laurel shook her
head in disagreement. "Why would you want to do that?" She winced when Mason pushed the plug against her ring of muscle.

  "Because arse play feels good and when a cock fills you there, you're going to love it."

  Her eyes widened as she considered my words.

  "Relax, sweetheart. Look at me. That's it. Take a deep breath, now exhale. Good girl."

  "Just like that, Laurel," Mason added as the top slipped in. The plug was long and thin, narrower even than my smallest finger. The end had a round tip so it flared slightly, then had a second round section about two inches down the length. We'd asked Rhys to create a plug that was more of a toy than something we'd leave inside her, just an introduction into arse play. "You took it so well." Mason ran a finger around the plug, touching the slightly stretched ring and letting the nerves there awaken.

  Laurel's eyes widened in surprise.

  "See?" I asked her. "It feels good, doesn't it?"

  She didn't answer, only started to breathe hard once again when Mason started moving the plug in and out, letting the round part at the tip bump her in one direction, the secondary round section nudging in the other. He continued to slowly work her arse as I lowered my head and kissed her. I couldn't resist. She was so sweet, so innocent; I could feel every intake of breath, every soft moan at every step of her awakening. Her tongue met mine, tentatively, then carnally as her mind let go and her body took over. I cupped a breast in the palm of my hand and brushed my thumb over the distended tip at the same time as Mason's own thumb circling Laurel's clit.

  She shuddered once and cried out against my mouth, her body arching and her breast filling my palm. Her orgasm went on and on and I lifted my head to watch her. So beautiful, so perfect. Mason's hands slowed, then stilled on her body. I couldn't wait any longer. My cock was angry and pressing painfully against my pants. Coming up onto my knees, I undid the buckle of my belt, opened the placket of my pants and my cock bobbed out.


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