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Image of Deceit

Page 2

by Rumer Raines

  “This is where you can find Nick,” Ted advises, and I glance at him knowing that I should probably buy a ticket to Chicago. After I pay Ted, I take a shower and head to the office. If I am going to Chicago, I need to let Maurice know so that he can be prepared to take care of the business while I’m gone. As I walk past Pam, I tell her good morning and ask her to tell Maurice to come to my office. I know I could call him, but that’s what I pay her for.

  A few minutes later, he knocks and, as always, walks right in. Why does he even bother to knock first? He never waits for permission to enter my damn office anyway. “You requested my presence?” Maurice asks in a low, composed voice. I sit back in my chair and wait for him to be seated.

  “I am leaving town soon and you’ll be running things until I get back,” I tell him. There are questions in his eyes. “Going on an extended vacation?” he asks, and I pinch the bridge of my nose and shake my head.

  “No. I wish I could tell you that I was. I am going to Chicago to look for Nick.”

  “You’re kidding, right? You think Chicago is an easy place to go looking for people? Nick has been gone for a year. Chances are he’s at the bottom of the damn river,” Maurice says.

  I slam both fists on my desk startling him, as I answer, “He is NOT dead! I don’t know what he’s doing, but I’ll find him and drag his ass back.”

  “Okay. If you think he’s alive, I’ll keep the faith for you. Just be realistic and watch your back in Chicago. The Mob doesn’t fuck around there. If you go sticking your nose into places it shouldn’t be, they’ll make you disappear. I don’t want to have to come looking for you.”

  “Why would you even bring up the Mob? We are talking about Nick. He wouldn’t be in the same area code as the fucking Mob. Do you remember Nick? The reliable, honest, kind-hearted Nick that everyone felt walked on water?”

  Maurice chuckles and shakes his head at me. “You always were jealous of him, weren’t you?” I narrow my eyes at him and turn away from him.

  “Get the fuck out of my office, Maurice,” I demand, and he laughs as he slowly walks out of my office.

  “Give me a call if you find yourself in trouble,” Maurice tells me, and I lean my head back against my chair and hope I can bring Nick home in one piece.

  The flight to Chicago felt like the longest plane ride I have ever been on in my entire life. It helped that the flight attendant was hot as hell, and seemed to pay extra attention to me. I only wish I could have I could have gotten her to join the mile-high club with me. I had to shake off the thought, realizing this wasn’t the time for getting my dick wet. My focus needs to be on how the hell to find Nick.

  I grab my luggage and hail a cab. I am staying at a hotel in downtown Chicago and the traffic is a bitch. Especially when the cab driver is cutting off other cars, tailgating, and yelling at the other drivers. I think it would have been better if I walked to the damn hotel. Somehow, we manage to arrive at the hotel safely. As I tip him, I send up prayers of thankfulness that I’m still alive.

  After taking a shower, I lie on the bed and read the file Ted gave me. He somehow got Nick’s credit card records. The last purchase is from over a year ago, which doesn’t sound good. Why isn’t he using it? This clearly indicates that my search for Nick will be more complicated than I thought. I wonder if he got himself into trouble and had to go underground? I’ll go to every one of these places on this damn statement and ask If they’ve seen him. Nick is constantly in Chicago and he is a creature of habit. If he went to these places once, he was likely to have been there several times.

  I put the folder aside as my stomach growls, and order myself room service. I am going to need a dinner and a good night sleep before starting the hunt for my brother tomorrow.


  Lola is opening the store this morning, so I decide to visit Frank at Deluca’s. He normally goes to the club every morning to do the books. I pull into the alley and park behind his car. No one is standing at the back door, which is unusual. It’s a rare occasion when Thomas isn’t standing out here scaring people away. I shake my head thinking about the welcome he gave Adele when I originally brought her here. I pull the door handle and it’s locked. I press the doorbell and a few seconds later I hear Frank asking, “Who is it?” It’s priceless how he sounds so scary on the damn intercom when I know he’s really a softie.

  “Hi, Frank. It’s me,” I tell him. Frank buzzes me in and is already headed down the stairs as I approach the bar. “Is everything okay, Alexis?” he asks as he walks over and pulls out a bar stool for me.

  “Everything is fine. I just was hoping we could talk.” Frank watches me with his sharp, assessing eyes.

  “What exactly did you want to talk about?” he asks. I can’t help but glare at him while noticing how he is starting to act like Alex. When Frank was a cop, he was so trusting. Like an open book. Since he took over the club, he is more private and elusive. I just can’t understand the reason for the change.

  “I need to talk about Nick,” I say, and Frank lets out a sigh as he starts to run his hand through his hair.

  “What about Nick, Alexis?”

  “I know Nick worked for Lola’s family. Why did you ask him to protect Adele?”

  “Adele was in trouble, I knew that I could trust Nick.”

  “Right. You said that you would have had someone else protect her if you knew I was involved with him,” I remind him, and hope he just answers my questions without giving too much thought to his answers.

  “I did say that.” I realize he is going to think of every fucking answer now. Why do I feel like I am asking for classified information?

  “What were your other options?”

  “Alexis… I was a cop. I could have called in favors,” he tells me. My eyes widen with anger and the look he gives me is priceless. I think he realizes that I am pissed and might attack. He’s right because I won’t let this go.

  “You were a cop with those kinds of connections, but you asked Nick to watch her instead of calling in a favor?”

  Frank opens his mouth to answer but quickly shuts it when Alex approaches us. I narrow my eyes at him and I can almost smell the panic radiating from him.

  “What are you two up to?” Alex questions us and I glance at him, and before I can answer, Frank does.

  “Alexis was just asking me about Nick.” Frank glances at Alex and I notice a strange look between the two of them.

  “Alexis, that shit happened over a year ago. You need to move on,” Alex comments and Frank looks at me knowing that Alex just made a mistake. He wants me to move on? Is he fucking kidding me right now?

  “I don’t know how you can even say that to me?” I answered.

  “Alexis...” Alex starts to respond.

  “No, Alex. I don’t want to hear it. Nick was killed by Garth and you both act like I should just forget it and move on. I was never even given the chance to say goodbye because his family had the funeral while I was in the hospital.” I babbled and wipe the tears from my eyes.

  Strange and disquieting thoughts began to race through my mind. I realize that none of this was my brothers fault. Garth was my sister-in-law’s first husband. He was a monster who was abusive to her and when she ran, it brought her into our lives. My chest felt as if it would burst when I think about Garth finding Adele and killing Nick for protecting her.

  Frank pulls me into a hug, but I am so angry at him, I don’t hug him back. I step away from him and look to see Alex is staring at the floor. He looks up at me and sighs.

  “There is something I need to tell you, Alexis, and you won’t like it,” Alex tells me, and he takes my hand leading me to a bar stool.

  Thirty minutes later, I am sitting in my car in the alley behind Deluca’s. My head is lying against the headrest and I recall the chilling words that Alex confessed. I made a huge mistake demanding Alex and Frank give me answers about Nick’s murder. I felt like a victim too and now I know that Nick’s family blames us for everything.
/>   They felt that Frank brought Nick into a dangerous situation and the results of being involved were disastrous.

  Knowing that Nick’s family blames Frank and Alex is eye-opening for me. If I don’t move on, I will be casting blame in their direction too. Frank hired Nick because he felt he was the best option for keeping Adele safe from her abusive husband. Frank and Alex did everything they could when they paid for the funeral. How much more can they do for me or Nick’s family?


  “What’s your name?” I ask the cute little waitress as she comes to take my order.

  “Greer,” she answers, and I notice the rosiness in her cheeks as she answers. I let my gaze roam over her and notice that she is blushing even more. I’ve been in Chicago for over a week. I am lonely and need to find a good fuck.

  “What time do you get off, Greer?” I ask her, and I can practically hear her breathing increase. She wants me just as badly as I want her. I should just tell her I’m only here for a short time and looking to have a little fun while I’m here. Or, I could simply take her to my room; fuck the hell out of her and say goodbye.

  Greer whispered that she gets off at nine and agrees to meet me then for a nightcap. Tonight, I want forbidden, sinful sex. I hope Greer is up for it. If not, I’ll have to work her up to it. I take a taxi back to the hotel and take a shower before getting dressed for my night with Greer. I glance at the folder that Ted gave me, and I wonder what the hell I could be missing. I haven’t found any leads to help me find Nick.

  At eight-thirty, I hail a taxi to go pick up Greer. The taxi pulls up in front of the restaurant and I tell him to wait for me as I collect Greer. She looks surprised to see me and I walk up to her with a sensual look. I hope she doesn’t change her mind. If she does, I’ll have to change it back.

  “Greer… Are you ready?”

  “I wasn’t expecting you to really come back,” she proclaims. I narrow my eyes at her and lift my finger to her chin.

  “Don’t tell me you’ve changed your mind?” I ask, and I realize I am seconds away with pleading with this girl.

  “I just don’t know if this is a good idea. I don’t know you and the last thing I need is to disappear.” Greer tells me and the hair on the back of my neck rises. Of all the things she could say, she’s worried she would disappear? Is this something that happens daily in Chicago?

  “How about we start out in a neutral place? We don’t have to start out in my hotel room,” I suggest, and she lifts her gaze to meet mine.

  “Your hotel room?” she questions, and I can see the suspicion on her face.

  “I’m from Boston, Greer. I’m here looking for someone.”

  “Well, I knew you weren’t from here, from your accent. Who are you looking for?”

  “How about we discuss that over a drink? Where is a good place to go in Chicago?” I ask, and Greer gives me a small smile.

  “How about we go to Deluca’s. It’s three blocks over.” She suggests and she grabs her coat. We then head to this place called Deluca’s, which sounds oddly familiar.

  Deluca’s is crazy busy for being the middle of the week. I don’t think we’ll be able to get a table, but the waitress manages to find one for us. I glance around and the place looks unreal. Everything in here is done in leather and there are booths lined along the wall. The booths themselves have higher walls so you really can’t see who is sitting in them. There are a couple of big guys by the front and back entrance, who, I assume, would be security guards. There isn’t even an empty seat at the bar.

  We are escorted to our table and I help Greer out of her coat. She smiles at me and I am starting to feel encouraged that she just may go back to my room with me tonight. I pull out her chair and place the coat on the back of the chair. The waitress looks me over as I head to my seat and I realize if Greer decides to go home alone, I may have a chance with this girl.

  The waitress takes our drink orders and Greer tells her we’ll need more time to review the menu. I can barely even glance at the damn thing as I watch Greer play with her blond hair. I just watch her, imagining myself pulling her hair as I ram into her while she is on all fours. Greer freezes and looks up at me and I realize I just got caught staring at her.

  “Did you decide what you want?” she asks me and my eyes lift. “Did you decide what you want from the menu?” Greer clarifies, and I chuckle.

  “Not yet,” I say and glance back at the menu. The menu is the typical Italian choices and I guess I shouldn’t be surprised based on the Italianate décor. I lean over to ask Greer what she decided on, and I hear laughing in the background. I try to speak louder so Greer can hear me but the laughing gets louder. Greer and I both turn toward the bar to find out what the hell is going on. I see a beautiful brunette with big bouncy curls. She is surrounded by three guys and they all seem to be vying for her attention. She is wearing tight leather pants and a black tank top that shows off just enough cleavage. I can see why they are vying for her attention. If Greer wasn’t sitting across from me, I would be over there with those guys trying to take her home myself.

  I hear someone saying. “Uh-hmm.” and I hear it a second time. I turn my head to realize that it was Greer trying to get my attention. That girl at the bar had my total attention and I forgot that I was here with Greer.

  “I’m sorry about that. Did you decide?” I ask her, and she narrows her eyes at me.

  “I did. How about you? Did you decide what you wanted for the night?” she asks, and I realize that she isn’t talking about the food.

  “Yes… I believe I have,” I tell her, and I force myself to keep my eyes on the woman sitting across from me and not the one I want at the bar.

  After thirty minutes of Greer’s narrowed, hostile eyes and the shameless show at the bar, our dinner finally arrives. I can feel the hostility coming from Greer.

  “So… who are you looking for in Chicago?” Greer asks and I take my eyes away from the girl at the bar.

  “I am looking for my brother. He’s been missing for over a year,” I tell her and when I glance away from her, my eyes meet the girl’s at the bar and for some reason, she stops laughing.


  I changed into the most tantalizing outfit I could find in my closet and head out to Deluca’s. I am going out to forget about Nick. It’s time to move on, damn it, and maybe even get laid. I park in the alley behind Alex’s car and I climb out to meet Thomas’ suspicious eyes. He watches me as I strut over to the back door and he steps in front of me to stop me from going in.

  “What the hell are you doing, Alexis?” Thomas barks.

  “What do you think I am doing? I am going in to have a few drinks,” I tell him as I try to unsuccessfully walk around him, and he starts to laugh.

  “There is no way in hell, you’re going to hang around Deluca’s dressed like that.”

  “What’s wrong with the way I am dressed?” I ask him as I narrow my eyes. I think I look damn hot.

  “Alexis… You’re basically screaming that you’re ready to be fucked. The minute Alex sees you, he will throw your ass out or he’ll drag you out himself and take you home,” Thomas tells me, and I shake my head at him.

  “I am a fucking adult Thomas. Now, will you please move your barbaric ass out of my way?” I give him a slight shove and he doesn’t even budge. “Thomas… MOVE!” I yell, and he shakes his head as he moves from the door, and I continue my way into the club. The minute I walk inside, several sets of eyes move in my direction. Thankfully, all those eyes belong to men with penises. I take a deep breathe realizing that I still have my damn sway. On my drive here, I started to worry if I even still had it in me. It has been a while since I was officially on the market.

  When I walk up to the bar, a blond guy with brown eyes approaches me. He leans against the bar and turns towards me. “Can I buy you a drink, beautiful?” he asks, and I glance him over and decide why not? I open my mouth to answer him and before the words are spoken, I am yanked around to find an angry Al
ex who has a chilling look on his face.

  “What in the hell are you doing Alexis?” he practically growls.

  “Excuse me… The lady and I were talking,” the blond guy says, as he takes my arm to pull me away from Alex. I glance away from the blond guy and see that Alex has started rubbing his chin, which is never a good sign.

  “I don’t know who you are, but if you touch my sister again I will break your fucking neck,” Alex threatens, and I turn to see the blond guy starting to change colors.

  “This is your sister?” he asks Alex, who doesn’t respond.

  “I only want to buy her a drink. My name is Dan.” He offers his hand out to Alex, who ignores it. Alex has a frightening look on his face and he moves closer to Dan.

  “I am Alex Fucking Deluca. Do you recognize the name?” he asks and Dan nods his head as he trembles.

  “Get the fuck away from my sister or tomorrow morning you’ll be trying to determine how much fucking disability you’ll be able to collect,” Alex threatens, and Dan practically knocks others over to get away from me.

  “Did you really have to do that Alex?” I whisper not wanting to attract any other attention.

  “Alexis. Do you even realize how you're dressed?”

  “I am dressed like a grown ass woman Alex. I came here for a few drinks, and yes, to meet a few guys. If you’re going to scare them all away, then I’ll leave. If I do leave Alex, I am not going home. I’ll go to some other a club. Is that what you want? Is it better for me to be drinking at a different club, where you can’t help me if I need you?” I realize that I just stooped low with that last point, but damn, I think low is what Alex knows best.

  Alex runs his hands through his hair and stomps away. I turn back to Teddy, the bartender, who gives me a mischievous smile and I place my order. An hour and several drinks later, I am back in the game and surrounded by several guys all wanting my attention. I have no idea what any of their names are, and honestly, I don’t really care. At this point, the only thing I need to do is choose whose dick I want tonight. I am not interested in a relationship. I just have one need that I want to fulfill.


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